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  1. (Norse mythology) one of a group of giants often in conflict with the Aesir

How To Use Jotun In A Sentence

  • It ends a little too abruptly, though - I would have liked to see a panel of misty-eyed Ulik hugging his horn and remembering better times when he frolicked in the spring meadows of Jotunheim with Waggy. MARVEL KNIGHTS #3 Marvel Comics, 2000
  • According to, Loki is the son of Laufey, king of the frost giants of Jotunheim, one of the Nine Worlds of the Asgardian cosmology. Tom Hiddleston is Loki in Marvel’s Thor | /Film
  • I take out Jotun and then you turn your back on me?!?! EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best and worst reviewed movies of 07
  • In addition to children being major influencers in the family, we would be able to reach our target - the end-user market - while creating a strong foundation of brand loyalty among the children who will grow to associate the name Jotun with vibrant coloured paints, "said Ashish Vasudev, Marketing Manager, Jotun Paints - UAE. Latest News
  • I wasn't loved enough in my childhood, because we were Scandinavian, and according to ancient Scandinavian lore, if you hug your family more than six times in the entire course of your life together, a troll will come and drag you to Jotunheim. Christine O'Donnell's 30-minute ad would have worked!
  • Well - known br , quality product, high efficiency team - Jotun : Let's join h inh today achieve success together!
  • And when I had told her of Niflheim and Muspell, of the birth of the giant Ymir from the snowflakes, of the cow Andhumbla, and of Fenrir and Loki and the frozen Jotuns -- as I say, when I had told her of all this, and of Thor and Odin and our own Valhalla, she clapped her hands and cried out, with sparkling eyes: Chapter 17
  • From its sloping internal form it might have been called the spittoon of the Jotuns. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • An eight book ominbus thanks to Baen, mostly of old-school space opera, but with some entertaining fantasy like 'A Yank at Valhalla (The Monsters of Jotunheim) 'thrown in. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: King Of Stars - Edmond Hamilton
  • The partnership has resulted in the creation of 'Jotun's House Painting', which is one of several building-themed activities within KidZania where kids can role-play as professional painters and engage in tasks of varying degrees of difficulty for either interior or exterior applications. Latest News
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