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Joseph Smith

  1. religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 (1805-1844)

How To Use Joseph Smith In A Sentence

  • The prosecutor described in her opening statement that Joseph Smith had what she called rough sex with this little girl. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2005
  • As Brigham Young explained, the Father in the godhead is the archangel Michael-Adam; he is the father of the spirits of those individuals who are born on this earth; he is the Father of Jesus 'mortal body; he is the Father to whom Jesus prays when Jesus is on earth; he is the angel / Father who appeared with Jesus to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove. Mormon Stories Podcast Archive
  • Belief in a religion is belief in an idea and in particular historical figures whether Muhammad, Christ or Joseph Smith.
  • The best evidence shows he never went to trial, but was given a tongue-lashing by the Justice, then the case was dismissed because Josiah Stowell, the defendant in the case, refused to admit that Joseph Smith "juggled" him. Latest Articles
  • Considered part of the early 19th century Restorationism movement, Joseph Smith attested that he was chosen by God to restore the Church of Christ to a world that had fallen away, resulting in the Great Apostasy.
  • Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector.
  • In most of the cases the crime only came to light slowly, as the result of careful investigations which started off with the suspicions of neighbours or relatives; and in nearly every case there was some dramatic coincidence, in which the finger of Providence could be clearly seen, or one of those episodes that no novelist would dare to make up, such as Crippen’s flight across the Atlantic with his mistress dressed as a boy, or Joseph Smith playing “Nearer, my God, to Thee” on the harmonium while one of his wives was drowning in the next room. Decline of the English Murder
  • Founder Joseph Smith took the title "prophet" and claimed divine messages, but also urged members to think for themselves and to ask God directly about the truth of various pronouncements. Mormon president can do no wrong to religion's members
  • Bob:They were in a mysterious language. Joseph Smith translated those tablets into The Book of Mormon in 1830.
  • Mormons believe the angel handed Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism , golden tablets.
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