- a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan
How To Use Jordan River In A Sentence
- When the people of Israel cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land the manna stops coming.
- Several key spots for viewing the lesser kestrel are at ancient monasteries built into cliffs along narrow dry streambeds that wind down to the Jordan River.
- In this example, passage was used to describe a ford of the Jordan River.
- The Cedar Surf is about surf shacks, back roads, bushwhackers, hitchhikers and squatters in the rainforest isolation in and around Tofino, Ucluelet and Jordan River, where surfing beaches are crowded with sea lions, not people.
- The feeling of separation should be achieved within the framework of four constraints: a united Jerusalem; no return under whatever circumstances to the borders of 1967; no armed forces west of the Jordan River, and lots of settlements under our sov-ereignty that would include most of the settlers. Personal Politics
- A disputed territory of southwest Asia between Israel and Jordan west of the Jordan River.
- When Israel under Joshua arrived at the Jordan River, they were commanded by the Lord to "sanctify" themselves and prepare to cross over. Adventures in the Land of Canaan
- When Jesus first encountered John the Baptizer at the Jordan River, the gospel of John informs us, four individuals who end up being part of Jesus’ inner Council of Twelve—namely Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, Philip, and Nathanael—were already disciples of John the Baptizer John 1:35–49. The Jesus Dynasty
- Snow and rain have raised the normally placid Jordan River to unfordable levels.
- Known as the King Hussein Bridge to Jordanians, the Allenby was the biggest of three bridges over the Jordan River connecting the country of Jordan to the Palestinian territories of the Israeli-controlled West Bank. THE PROMISED WAR