
How To Use Jonah In A Sentence

  • Ishmael would speak for them at midcentury in Moby Dick, as he dismissed learned commentary on cetology, called on Jonah and seamen with callused hands for support and declared the whale a spouting fish with a horizontal tail. Thar She Blows! 19th-Century Court Case Harpoons a Whale of a Story
  • Testament the story of Jonah misquoted, and and by a small transposition a la mode de Surenhusius, representing that “Jonah swallowed the whale! The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
  • Except the gangster is also forcing money from Jonah and Olaf, forcing the timid men to contemplate killing him to protect Stella and themselves. Night Flights: March 2010 Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Jonah was a good batsman, which made up for his lack of ability with the bat, preferring to field at mid-off.
  • Jonah Jameson is constantly on his case about being there for the trial but something about the boy is keeping Ben to his original story. Back-Issue: Daredevil Wake Up « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
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  • The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
  • JONAH BOKAER'S new "Anchises," which features an intriguing set of collaborators; the design group Harrison Atelier, a commissioned score by Loren Dempster, and the former Cunningham dancer Valda Setterfield, who should never be missed. NYT > Home Page
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • I found the post at "dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos" on the Sign of Jonah to be particularly interesting. Christian Carnival CVI
  • Jonah is a talent but should really think twice about losing some weight or he is going to be another John Candy or John Belushi. blog comments powered by Disqus Jonah Hill and Director David Gordon Green to Pair Up for THE SITTER –
  • The texts were taken from the Vulgate and elaborated with original material, while the stories were essentially dramatic - Jonah and the Whale, the Judgment of Solomon, and so on.
  • In a review for New Humanist of two recent books written by political bloggers - Liberal Fascism by National Review Online blogger Jonah Goldberg, and The Liberal Defence of Murder by Lenin's Tomb author Richard Seymour - he finds that in the transition to the printed page all the faults of those with 'blogorrhea' are starkly revealed: sloppy research, cheap name-calling, historical immaturity, overstatement, distortion, factual errors and near-endless repetition. New Humanist Blog
  • Perhaps I should get a complex about the Jonah joke.
  • She recognized the deep windows, the faded tapestries of Abraham cutting Isaac's throat with a butcher's knife, and Jonah being shot into the very gateway of a castle where his family awaited him, from the mouth of a gigantic carp with goggle eyes, for the simple artist had found his whale's model in a stewpond. The Lady of Blossholme
  • Gas drilling projects, such as Jonah Field, impede pronghorn migration, and new homes restrict corridors to no more than a few hundred yards wide in places.
  • diversity," we view the peaceable people of God under the category of "catholicity" - a more traditional theological term - we, along with Jonah and the Ninevites, have to acknowledge that the diversity, the catholicity of the Kingdom derives not from our determination, our legislation, our schism-atation to include or exclude anyone, but from the wisdom of God alone. Akma
  • The only problem was that Jonah wasn't very important at all, at least in his humble opinion, and he was terrible at making plans of any sort.
  • Although at present, there is no evidence of anyone receiving a blowjob from a portly intern, so Chris Matthews is having a hard time understanding how any Republican elected official could be implicated and Jonah Goldberg's mother hasn't yet figured out how to peddle books on the subject and land a member of her nuclear family an unearned writing gig. 01/06/2006
  • A cowardly Jonah fled from God's commission to preach to the Ninevites.
  • Hammond launched one more shot at Jonah, and Todd gave my brother a world-class noogie as we walked out. She’s So Dead to Us
  • A helmetless biker named Jonah / Was marked on his form as a donah RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • Don's most popular poem during his lifetime was "Noah an 'Jonah an' Cap'n John Smith," a rambling farce, told in backwoods dialect, about three fishing buddies with unique knowledge of the subject at hand. Maxims and Light Verse
  • This is gonna be friggin awsome. i love both the games and the books thank you whoever is making this movie gonna watch it and buy it even if it is shit jonah on Mar 29, 2009 Early Halo: Fall of Reach Concept Art Revealed?! «
  • Opposite, a humbler twelfth-century ambo has a paired mosaic motif, showing Jonah being eaten and then regurgitated by a twirly-tailed whale.
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • In Part 4, Jonah Weiland even notes that these are going to be some of the more "fannish" questions, and as is the case for most "fannish" questions, they're mostly anal-retentive continuity wanking. One More Day Brings More One More Day Talk! | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Eugene, Oregon's Jonah Owen was oozing steez, Johnnie Paxson was twisting 270 on the hard way to 270 out, Celeste Rhoads was front-boarding smooth as anything, someone did a backie on the mini kicker ... and then my paring meter ran out and it was time to peace! ESPNsoccernet
  • Get his glasses steamed, and he'll punt you into the next time zone, as Jonah Goldberg has just learned to his bruised chagrin.
  • When the submersible descended to 60,000 km above Jupiter†™ s core, the pilot, Jonah Grumby activated the antigrav thrusters and gradually slowed their decent, eventually leveling off at 50,000 km. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Jonah rigged up a narrow plywood sheet with screws threaded in at various points; it's now our camera mount and steadicam in one.
  • A spiderweb of long vines covered the mouth of the cave, drooping down into the water, but Jonah passed between the vines easily and darkness fell around him.
  • In his book mentioned previously, J.S.M. Ward tells of a Roman sarcophagus in the Bardo Museum, Tunis, showing the emergence of Jonah from the whale that swallowed him for three days, and making the Sign of Preservation – in effect, indicating that his life was saved. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Jonah was part of the New Zealand rugby sevens team which struck gold at the last Commonwealth Games.
  • New Zealanders get righteously upset when foreigners talk about the likes of Tana Umaga and Jonah Lomu as ‘islanders’ when both were born in New Zealand, albeit to parents from Samoa and Tonga respectively.
  • Jonah may always be mean to you, but that's still attention.
  • So tempting is this conflation, in fact, that in a later discussion of this very point, Jonah accidentally refers to “life” when he means “personhood.” So Far, I Have Not Found the Science
  • That of Jonah ii. 8 is concerning such as forsake the true The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • I know that this politics as religion isn’t anything new, Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism gives clear examples dating back at least to the 1930s, but I feel that some confluence of the internet, current events, and President Bush really spread the faith among the left (and I’m sure there are politically religious conservatives as well, but where I see the pervasiveness is the left). Happy New Year! « Tai-Chi Policy
  • In the book of Jonah, which most scholars consider post-exilic, God showers compassionate forgiveness on sinners in the faraway city of Nineveh. One World, Under God
  • Out of the window, I could see Jonah jogging ungracefully towards our block, all elbows and knees in a tragically unhip white vest, and I realised I'd had a lucky escape.
  • Everyone knows that Jonah and Carl are druggies.
  • The carpenter was the Finn, the Jonah, the warlock who played tricks with the winds and despitefully used poor sailormen. CHAPTER XXXIX
  • Jonah advanced on her, his expression furious enough to make Sorcha cringe. My Soul to Keep
  • Jonah Hill (of Superbad and Knocked Up fame) has been tapped by Sony to write and produce a film adaptation of the “classic” Fox TV show which put Johnny Depp in heartthrob territory.! » Movie News Reel: May 25th – 29th, 2009! Rounding Up The Week’s Notable Movie News Items!
  • Jonah only threatened wrath and ruin; we do not find that he gave them any calls to repentance or directions how to repent, much less any encouragements to hope that they should find mercy if they did repent, and yet they repented; but Israel persisted in impenitence, though the prophets sent to them drew them with cords of a man, and with bands of love, and assured them of great things which God would do for them if they did repent and reform. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • When the prophet Jonah hears an inner voice calling him to teach in the Assyrian city of Nineveh, he books immediate passage on a boat - going in the other direction.
  • As it happens in this utter jumble of a plot, their conversation takes place nearby exactly the sort of man Jonah likes to interrogate, that is, a dead one. PopMatters
  • Jonah dashed along the path, his bare feet sending up little puffs of dust with every step.
  • Reference was made to the historical story of Jonah and the whale in the preceding chapter. Moby Dick
  • Sally grabbed Jonah's arm and pulled him back from the railing, her fingernails digging white furrows in his forearm.
  • I've been what they call a Jonah, don't you think, Mr. Gage? The Sagebrusher A Story of the West
  • Whilst Jacob's grief to me belongs and Jonah's dreariment, Ay, and Job's torment and despite and Adam's plight of bane. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • He flashed an apologetic look at Jonah and Sally, his face a mixture of guilt and fear.
  • Jonah sees this; but in vain he tries to look all ease and confidence; in vain essays his wretched smile. Moby Dick
  • Instead the Macedonians took the shorter path down the coast past Mount Carmel, then on to Joppa, where Jonah reportedly took ship before being swallowed by a great fish. Alexander the Great
  • It encourages people to mail or email white feathers to Jonah to remind him that he is a lily-livered poltroon.
  • Jonah, the prophet of the Lord, had not had a decent meal in days, excepting some sea scallops that he had eaten in the Japanese style while inside the fish, and he was hoping to have some Chinese food, or perhaps a curry, anything but seafood.
  • Â Jonah is relentless, even dragging one of the bounties from the church where he has set up a life as a priest. Review: Jonah Hex #50 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Everyone knows that Jonah and Carl are druggies.
  • Jonah : Wow, you're not kidding. OK, OK, steady boy , steady!
  • Not being on very good terms with the Lord just then, Jonah offered an alternative: throw me overboard as a sacrifice to appease God, and you will be spared.
  • The book of Jonah is a leitmotif in this novel for illustrating this idea.
  • Jonah desperately thumbed the lighter's switch one last time, and he was rewarded with a sudden flare of light.
  • If true, I have complete and utter faith in Jonah. moviefan its been stated its a reboot and routh is no way going to be back. More Crazy Rumors: Jonah Nolan to Direct Superman? | /Film
  • But I do recall the story, and the term Jonah, and now can't find it anywhere. AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth
  • But this objection likewise falls to the ground, because a German exegetist supposes that Jonah must have taken refuge in the floating body of a Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • Even the water park, which will be part of an Olympic-size aquatic centre, will have a Christian theme, with laser shows depicting Bible stories such as Jonah and the whale and David and Goliath.
  • Then Father Mapple begins his sermon based upon the biblical account of Jonah and the whale.
  • As they looped around the tennis course Jake and Ryan threw in a planned surge abandoning Jonah.
  • New Democrat Jonah Schein, a social worker and community organizer, won in Davenport, a former Liberal bastion which was vacated by three-term MPP Tony Ruprecht. - Home Page
  • Jonah : Wow, you're not kidding. OK, OK, steady boy , steady!
  • Jonah and Sally lingered behind, holding dishrags over their noses to block the horrid smell of brimstone.
  • “Brother Jonah said, ‘They are not going to send a dogface on a mission to extract this Ivan …’” Let The Dead Lie
  • Then Nahum denounced the city and was slain by the populace, who proclaimed him and Jonah to be false prophets, since the doom the latter foretold does not come to pass, See Schwarz, _Das Heilige Land_, 1852, p. 259, identifying Kefar Tanchum near Tiberias with Nahum's burialplace] [Footnote 121: As to Jewish seats of learning in Babylon refer to Dr. Krauss's Article "Babylonia" in the _Jewish The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela
  • Improbable as it may seem — the tide of serial-killer dramas that TV writers churn out has been unrelenting — the L & O episode about the killer of 19 young women managed a raw suspensefulness, thanks to nimble plot complications involving DNA evidence and a mesmerizing performance by Terrence Howard in the role of Deputy DA Jonah Dekker. The Perps Keep Coming
  • Â Before exiting town, Jonah is offered a bounty (by a man dressed in the classic garb of the Lone Ranger, a funny little bit of business) on various remaining vaqueros. Review: Jonah Hex #50 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Here's a poem which I wrote a year or so ago: the title compares Jonah to Phlebas the Reading the Maps
  • KURTZ: If we're going to talk about CBS, Frank Rich, as part of the liberal media, certainly Jonah seems to enthusiastically endorse that description, do you think the same standards aren't being applied, for example, to Fox News, which in your column last week you called, kind of dismissively, just GOP TV? CNN Transcript Sep 26, 2004
  • A foul mouthed Jonah Hill rehashing the same, tired quips and sarcasms from previous movies. Jonah Hill Cast in Transformers 2 as Shia's Sidekick?! Updated - Nope! «
  • Jonah saw several of the creatures pawing at the air and shaking their heads.
  • Instead the Macedonians took the shorter path down the coast past Mount Carmel, then on to Joppa, where Jonah reportedly took ship before being swallowed by a great fish. Alexander the Great
  • Jonah thought in fleeing from the land of Israel, where Jehovah was peculiarly present, that he should escape from Jehovah's prophecy-inspiring influence. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • “We kind of changed courses on Jonah and decided that being a man who could pinch a nickel until it bleeds is actually maybe not the worst thing for New York right now,” Waid says. The next mayor of (Marvel’s) New York City is … | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of YHWH .
  • Many a worthy clergyman, who passes his life in admirable works of kindly charity, lives and dies unnoticed and unknown; but it is sufficient for some shallow uneducated passman out of either University to get up in his pulpit and express his doubts about Noah's ark, or Balaam's ass, or Jonah and the whale, for half of London to flock to hear him, and to sit open-mouthed in rapt admiration at his superb intellect. Intentions
  • Cf. the last line of Jonah: “And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?” Nths of a sending
  • Jonah sees this; but in vain he tries to look all ease and confidence; in vain essays his wretched smile. Moby Dick
  • Jonah, who was in transports of joy when the gourd flourished, is in pangs of grief when the gourd has withered. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The man in the grey turtleneck eviscerates poor Jonah - or would have, if Jonah possessed viscera.
  • But this objection likewise falls to the ground, because a German exegetist supposes that Jonah must have taken refuge in the floating body of a dead whale — even as the French soldiers in the Russian campaign turned their dead horses into tents, and crawled into them. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Out of the window, I could see Jonah jogging ungracefully towards our block, all elbows and knees in a tragically unhip white vest, and I realised I'd had a lucky escape.
  • But this objection likewise falls to the ground, because a German exegetist supposes that Jonah must have taken refuge in the floating body of a dead whale -- even as the French soldiers in the Russian campaign turned their dead horses into tents, and crawled into them. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • Finnish carpenter, hove overside as a Jonah by his fellows who believed that Finns control the winds; and Mike Cipriani and Bill CHAPTER XLVIII
  • Ishmael now argues with himself about the biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by the whale.
  • For the story of Jonah (who was commanded, however, not to go to Tarshish) see _Jonah_ i. Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
  • The nameless gunslinger motif is taken to a very grizzly place as Jonah Hex is shown as a remorseless bounty hunter with a notoriety that instills fear and anger among the folks he meets. Getting Graphic: Jonah Hex: Face Full of Violence by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
  • A 70-minute video, 114-page book, iron-on transfer trifold timeline of Jonah's story, and 10 life application cards with a magnetic holder help you practice compassion, share God's love, offer second chances, and more.
  • Jonah spent several restless hours pacing in circles around his room, waiting for Yap to wake up.
  • And in early drafts there were long first-person monologues from Jonah's point of view.
  • Jonah opened his eyes and the voice in his mind instantly became a squeal of static that hissed and crackled.
  • Israel against the incursions of foreign invaders was a fulfillment of the "word of the Lord the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah the son of Amathi, the prophet, who was of Geth, which is in Opher". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Â Jonah is relentless, even dragging one of the bounties from the church where he has set up a life as a priest. Review: Jonah Hex #50 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Staring down at the scrawny man, Jonah wondered what he had ever been afraid of.
  • A veritable witness have you hitherto been, Ishmael; but have a care how you seize the privilege of Jonah alone; the privilege of discoursing upon the joists and beams; the rafters, ridge-pole, sleepers, and under-pinnings, making up the frame-work of leviathan; and belike of the tallow-vats, dairy-rooms, butteries, and cheeseries in his bowels. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • My friend and meme-making kingpin Jonah Peretti, who is featured at length in Wasik's book, responded with some cogent points on Facebook. And Then There's Us - Anil Dash

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