How To Use Johnny In A Sentence

  • He gave the address of his hotel, making sure that Johnny, talking to another salesgirl a foot or two away, would have heard it. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Carson's voice on the phone was preceded by that of a lawyer who asked if I would mind listening to Johnny while he spoke his piece, which sounds like even daffier a concept now than it did then. Nights with Johnny Carson: As long as it's been, we still long for them
  • - Are you codding me,  I says,  and the neck of the army Johnny Jameson half way already into his glass. Cyclops
  • One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • The frontier has been an active source for American folktales dealing with characters such as Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, John Henry, and Mike Fink.
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  • There is songwriter, lead vocalist, and flutist, Johnny Burkemeister, and his brother Arlo Burkemeister who plays a Gibson EDS-1275 double neck guitar. Albatross Antics
  • Someone like Johnny would approach a fellow with a claim and offer him 10 cents on the dollar, cash on the barrelhead. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless. Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
  • The alleged victim, Johnny Jean, and his mother, Rose Marie Jean, told Haitian radio stations he had been raped by Uruguayan marines and provided testimony to a judge in the southern town of Port-Salut, where the incident allegedly took place on July 28. Uruguay apologizes over alleged rape by U.N. peacekeepers
  • Johnny was refusing to eat his Cheerios and was squirming in his chair as his mother tried to feed him.
  • Among other old boys: Johnny Giles writes a regular football column in the Daily Mail.
  • He stared into Johnny's face for several seconds, turned abruptly on his heel and strode away without looking back.
  • Johnny was a lovely man and his warm smile will not be forgotten or his great outlook on life in general.
  • Now, it's not like Johnny had some former great glory with The Swing Orchestra, but at least they had a shtick, something to work with.
  • Alicia continues on at a brisk pace-leaving Johnny behind at a slow walk, cursing himself.
  • Cllr Johnny O'Malley said the second-hand unit could be accepted as a stop-gap.
  • One day Johnny Appleseed came upon a wolf that had been caught in a trap.
  • In 1964, two killers enter a school for the blind and gun down an unresisting mechanics instructor, Johnny North.
  • Johnny helped Scott up and, with an arm around his waist, guided him to the room Sam indicated.
  • Johnny, for one, wishes for a better life: college, a loving relationship, a true bond of friendship with his fellows.
  • One fella on the bus seemed particularly pleased with himself and not unjustly the crowd called him a johnny.
  • The realization that others did not love Father as his family and retainers clearly did was a slow one coming to Johnny.
  • Johnny had a warm and affable personality and was renowned as a hard worker.
  • It really could have been a lot worse and Johnny and Cipriano did an excellent job in splinting that arm right away.
  • Always remember, Johnny - American lives and American tragedies (and American movies, yay!) are better, brighter and more vital than anyone else's.
  • Oh, and not as well known anymore but how about the original tarzan- Johnny Weissmuller kemp richardson Alex Rodriguez gets a movie role: Who is the best athlete-turned-actor? |
  • Johnny awoke to those words the next morning and opened his eyes to see Tom standing over him, already dressed and dangerous-looking, prodding the hound pup with the toe of his boot.
  • Johnny was extremely bright, scarily so; he was just so intelligent.
  • Four Million Dollar Quartet" brings audiences to Sun Records in Memphis to witness the collaboration of Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley before they became famous.
  • As Italian American clubs, all the recent anthologies can't help but look a bit johnny-come-lately.
  • Why once at a byker rally I had Cindy rub herself with burgers while the bykers licked her, I was really excited by all the greasy, burgers, but the onions and dill pickle is what really got me going …. ooops, speaking of going, I just went …. diaper change isle Johnny. Think Progress » McCain falsely claims no American servicemembers have been killed or wounded in Iraq in the past three months.
  • One of the best loved is the old-fashioned Johnny-jump-up (V. tricolor), a viola with dark purple upper petals and lower petals in shades of lavender-blue, yellow or white, often with dark purple markings, Plants are short-lived but readily self-seed, providing pleasurable discoveries of new plants in unexpected places each year. > News
  • Johnny Bonner is one of the broken people of the world but he's kept alive by being part of a river of song, and he needs to share it.
  • There he is blathering away in old concert footage, as narrator Johnny Depp explains that Mr. Morrison picked out all his own stage clothes, "from the concho belts to the leather pants seemingly designed to accentuate his crotch. Does He Still Light Your Fire?
  • But, Jeez, we wouldn't want to bring Johnny back to Managua in a plastic bag. DESPERADOES
  • My boys played with their daughter while we woodshedded tunes by Chuck Berry and Johnny Cash. - Highschool
  • Little Johnny was in his kindergarten class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living.
  • It was a nearly perfect set that ended with "Johnny Come Lately," which began with the rousing melody rearranged into a contrapuntal, pointillistic pattern with bass support from Peter Washington, and centering around a percussion solo by Dana Hall. Classic Sounds
  • But the forum has outpaced the other, stodgier gay listservs by drawing in members with rollicking discussions about figure skater Johnny Weir's performances at the Winter Olympics. 'Pink Hill Mafia' injects color into Capitol Hill's dull listserv culture
  • So Johnny Appleseed lay down on the front porch and went to sleep.
  • In the Tea Party's case, both of these have now happened to some extent (groups like the Tea Party Express, or spokespeople like Sarah Palin), but both of these were Johnny-come-latelies (Sarah-come-lately?) to the party, and not originators of the movement itself. Chris Weigant: Tea Partying's First Anniversary
  • So arose Johnny-jump-up for the Viola tricolor, and basswood for the common European linden or lime-tree (Tilia), and locust for the Robinia pseudacacia and its allies. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 3. New Words of English Material
  • Images of Brando in character now are emblems for the era he dominated: Stanley Kowalski with his ripped t-shirt and pent-up rage; Terry Malloy, making a defiant stand against the mob on the waterfront; Johnny the Biker in "The Wild One," sneering at all authority.
  • Johnny would show up at the Sigman apartment most nights around dinnertime to enjoy generous helpings of kreplach, blintzes and chopped liver on rye bread, courtesy of my grandmother. Field Notes From a Songwriter's Centennial
  • Johnny Canuck would never be corrupted, and would fight to his last breath to defend our nation against evil and villainy.
  • Johnny and Harry straggled along, trying to keep up with Hugh's furious pace on the walk home.
  • Gotta love these Johnny-come-latelies to fiscal responsibility. McConnell tells GOP: Vote no on Wall Street bill
  • Then, with a lucky stab, Johnny speared the snake with the frog gig, just behind its neck.
  • Johnny grabbed onto the side and pulled himself up, his boot skimming the surface of the fire.
  • Of course Johnny is naturally left-handed, so his left arm is strong.
  • With Johnny "two shags" Prescott being dobbed in for having an affair with his secretary, you would have to have a heart of stone not to giggle inanely at the misfortune that has befallen his former boss, ex-leader of the Labour Party Neil Kinnock. One shouldn't gloat, but…
  • After initially taking the moral ground, Johnny finds the tables turning, and his own sense of self being rocked as he is forced to confront his past.
  • Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
  • ging gang goolie" - style ditties lead singer Johnny Rotten and doomed bassist Sid Vicious enjoyed when they were in the Scouts. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • Johnny Moroney, who played on the left wing, scored 14 points, kicking goals as well as scoring a try.
  • Recalls Johnny Cash's visit to Starkville, Mississippi long ago ( "Just pickin 'daisies"). The mystery tramp (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Some of Johnny's friends saw in this promptitude a high mark of respect and affection; others felt a haste, almost undue, to turn the new erection into a bulletin of "actualities"; and a few surmised that had the work not been done with promptitude it might have come to be done in a leisurely fashion that spelled neglect: if it were to be done, 't were well it were done quickly -- a formal token of regard checked off and disposed of. On the Stairs
  • Johnny, in fact, had been born to the noise, moist air and flying lint of the mill, and had coughed from the day of his birth, afflicted with the lung disease that has invalided his mother. “I ain't never goin' to work again. . . . I'm plum tired out.”
  • “Heeeere’s Johnny!” he announces dementedly when he manages to whack a sizeable hole in the bathroom door, now aligning himself with the comedic king of American late-night television who, it should not go unnoted, is well known for being unable to cultivate a successful marriage. 2009 August
  • Johnny loves Mary," carved into a tree trunk by a love-struck teen might be considered an arborglyph or graffiti, depending on your view. Ottaway Online Editors
  • Then all four started running through the tunnel as Anthony, Mike, and Johnny took off in three different directions, trying to outrun their pursuers.
  • Johnny Appleseed planting apple trees across America with his discarded apple cores is another legend.
  • It proved as he anticipated, for Wakatta, who must have received a highly flattering account of us from Eiulo, was not satisfied until he had bestowed upon each one of us, Johnny included, similar tokens of his regard, Max rushing forward, with an air of "empressement," and taking the initiative, as he had promised. The Island Home
  • The second saw his ashes blasted from a cannon, paid for by Johnny Depp, into the canyon behind his ranch. The gonzo guide to Aspen
  • PENSACOLA (BP) - Ted Traylor, pastor of Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola, announced May 6 he will nominate Johnny M. Undefined
  • Johnny is a complex man, working to come to terms with the haunting gift that has been bestowed upon him.
  • The movie will co-star Johnny Depp as a Scotland Yard detective, his second outing with a magnifying glass after last year's Sleepy Hollow.
  • Johnny was a small-time pool room hustler.
  • After just three minutes, Johnny McClung's clever pass sent him over unopposed.
  • Wallace subbed for Johnny Benson, Nadeau's teammate, at Daytona last July when Benson was hurt.
  • Today I've planted a tray each of curly parsley, plain parsley and chive seeds and pricked out all the rudbekia and most of the Viola (Johnny Jump Up) seedlings into modules.
  • Better broke in Amsterdam than a millionaire in Paris—or so warbled Johnny Jordaan, a Dutch folk singer who was a national icon in the 1950s. Amsterdam: Double Dutch
  • Johnny Cooper thought it almost impossible that three men carrying only sixty small bombs between them had created such havoc and destruction.
  • Although New Zealand First is a johnny-come-lately, at least it has finally got it right.
  • The threat comes not from some Whitehall johnny-come-lately, nor some politically correct illiterate chair of a focus group, seeking his day in the Sun.
  • Rab offers Johnny his outgrown linen ruffled shirt and a corduroy jacket.
  • Johnny will keep his own brand of order over guest panellists drawn from those who write about, broadcast on and participate in sport who will compete for points.
  • Having reverted to man form and put on his pants, Johnny glowered at the invaders. Arcane Circle
  • In a stage career that began at the tender age of 9, the multilingual crooner has duetted with everyone from today's rap artists to Frank Sinatra and, of course, Johnny Hallyday. The Formidable Nouveautés of Fall
  • They backed a singer called Johnny Gentle in 1960 at Alloa town hall, the Shea stadium of the northeast.
  • Fool Moon - The mutilated corpse of mobster Johnny Marcone's bodyguard is discovered by the police, only the murder weapon appears to be fangs and claws. REVIEW: Wizard For Hire by Jim Butcher (SFBC Omnibus Collection)
  • The monarch is smitten with Johnny, which could be a bit icky since (1) he is a minor and (2) an insect-human relationship based on physical attraction runs the risk of being classified as bestiality. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • A shadowy figure has appeared on the horizon to put these democratically unaccountable Johnny Come Latelys in their place.
  • Johnny can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as he dances around the fire and refuses any tribal talk about why it is turbulently raging.
  • Johnny is going to have to do a hell of a lot more than put on a ski cap in order to get you off, you know!
  • The central anti-hero, Johnny, embodies all that is charming and despicable in a man.
  • In Chapter Six, Johnny meets Belladonna and loses her again, in tragical circumstances.
  • Served with cooked grits and johnny cake (a type of bread), they are a popular breakfast food.
  • Seeing Johnny had grabbed a towel from the linen closet, I twirled the shower handle and the water rained out. Arcane Circle
  • So, should he risk being called a cholo and ask his cousin, Johnny to bring his low-rider to school for his part of the Project? Archive 2008-03-01
  • Joey's management company, afraid that the film was slighting their dead client for Johnny, demanded that the film-makers find more interview footage of Joey before okaying the final cut.
  • Johnny had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.
  • While her parents shopped, Kate can remember sitting outside with Johnny and Alice, their feet in the gutter of the unpaved street.
  • Johnny-B's paternal grandfather had staked out a stout chunk of the Olympic Peninsula and the timberlands around Lake Chelan to become one of the earliest lumber barons of the Pacific Northwest.
  • Frankie and Johnny was deep-sixed by an unlikable heroine and a rather boring screenplay.
  • Johnny's shrill harmonica joined the whang of the guitar to make a sound powerful enough to bring the walls down.
  • At no time during the impartation or tutoring to the requisite response on the test is it the job of any teacher to tell little Johnny that his beliefs that God created it all are "wrong. A View: The Science=Atheism Meme
  • The vocal arrangement on "Satin Doll" from a Johnny Mercer tribute called Dream was fun, aided nicely by the hoofing, including an appealing Drew Humphrey. Michael Giltz: Theater: Broadway By The Year -- 1997 Not Vintage But Fun
  • Memorable X Factor auditionee Johnny Rocco has reportedly decided to give up singing after decades as a performer. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Once again, the cuppa tea and sandwiches and brack provided by Johnny and Mary Flaherty at half-time was very welcome.
  • Before I get into anything approaching the news of the day, it's sad to report that crooner Al Martino, a k a Johnny Fontane, has died at the age of 82. Free Tom Waits and a ton of fun news
  • Of course, quite a few members of her family already live there (Clodagh and Cathal, Muirrin and Evan, Johnny, Gareth, Cormack.) Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Take Five Interview: Juliet Marillier and Heir to Sevenwaters
  • Last year, Johnny Depp played a pirate sailing the high seas.
  • World Series MVP Hideki Matsui as well as left fielder Johnny Damon became giveaway agents Monday as well as 37-year-old left-hander Andy Pettitte additionally is eligible for file. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Lead singer / guitarist Johnny Siera owned the stage and the front of the dance floor, hopping to and fro, up and down and onto the sound equipment like some kind of coked-out, hyper-agile primate. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • How does this johnny-come-lately who is more ‘pay-per-view’ than ‘free to air’ concern us people?
  • The priest's hombre won't say if it's Johnny or not, but he can get us in there to see him. DESPERADOES
  • Johnny's broad smile changed slowly to a frown.
  • To fill time, Johnny started doing a mock striptease, taking off his jacket, tie, shoes, socks and shirt.
  • Then Johnny "Rooster" Byron Mr. Rylance emerges from the trailer, does a line of coke, smokes a joint, downs more alcohol than any mortal could ever consume; you get the picture of one unsavory dude who will and does imbibe anything. Regina Weinreich: Jerusalem on Broadway: No Trip to the Holy Land
  • Johnny obediently waited; but he wanted to _see_, so he sat up on his hind legs with eyes agog and ears acock. Johnny Bear And Other Stories from Lives of the Hunted
  • Matt was now quickly walking over to her and Johnny with a set expression on his face.
  • One afternoon I left Johnny working underneath the jeep and wandered out of sight to an open meadow where the silence was absolute.
  • On the face of it, the ad for Belvita breakfast biscuits seems pretty elementary, with two vaguely faded celebs – Lisa Snowdon and Johnny Vaughan, palpably wondering where those halcyon Big Breakfast days went – bantering about the product, in this case an oaty, grainy biscuitty thing. The Hard Sell: Belvita Breakfast Biscuits
  • The losers launched one last attack but who was there to balk them, none other than Johnny Nevin, who ventured from his own left wing to cover the right wing raid.
  • Being a PD film, “Johnny the Giant Killer” has only been seen in crummy bootlegged dupes (most seem to come from well-worn 16mm prints). Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The word 'reive' in the second verse, not to be confused with 'reef', means to draw cord through eyelet holes; implying perhaps that Johnny will be doing a new kind of sewing. My Johnny Was a Shoemaker
  • Johnny, Sliabh na mBan 'Mountain of the Women', as you may know is 'anglicised' as Slievenamon which is the title of a song the first verse of which is... The Big Philosophical Question
  • Those familiar with the original "murder ballad" will recall that "Frankie and Johnny" has always had three characters — the title couple and an interloping Nellie Bly. Moving to the Music of the Duke
  • Both Mr.T and Johnny passed their junior year of College.
  • And there were too many flowers for Johnny to take in all at once. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • A man of the right temperament gains greatly by a temporary estival transplantation; and if Johnny always contrived to seem dominant and prosperous at home, he now seemed lordly and triumphant abroad. On the Stairs
  • Other songs, notably Long Shadow, intended for Johnny Cash, are untypically personal.
  • Working by lamplight, Johnny finishes the mold, though he is not fully satisfied with it.
  • Nick Sandler and Johnny Acton are here to promote their very timely new book, Preserved, and to teach me the new and fashionable relevance of pickling, bottling and salting.
  • Usually, Johnny Roventini, the famous Philip Morris "bellhop", ended their "soft-sell" with his famous clarion call, "Call For Philip Mor-Aiss!", followed by the closing credits, featuring a Philip Morris pack in the background [it was the sponsor's custom to feature their product or logo during these credits, which were later refilmed for daytime and off-network repeats, minus the sponsor's product - Articles related to Uruguay weakens smoking laws
  • Johnny Ramone's guitar never screeched, but it sure did growl.
  • Johnny Cash was an American icon, a man who stood apart, a natural leader.
  • Johnny doesn't wear toques, and it's not even that cold out anyway.
  • The two boys take pleasure in ordering Johnny around.
  • Johnny shut his eyes and waited, paralysed, for the teeth to bite into him. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Hill is working on a film called St. Vincent that will reunite him with his Johnny Handsome star Mickey Rourke. Walter Hill’s St. Vincent Moves Forward; Gong Li, Ray Winstone and Forest Whitaker Join Mickey Rourke | /Film
  • Grace rests at the side of the small ballroom as she watches Carey dance a polka with Johnny Pritchett.
  • But his left leg had begun to fidget up and down, up and down, and this made Johnny nervous. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • C A S E - N O T E S: Johnny Anderson, September 9. Seventeenth session. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • He called Johnny Fletcher a loudmouth, a weisenheimer and a few other names and wound up with: "Now, let's get down to business. The Laughing Fox
  • Johnny will take a little ride to rehabilitate, not brutally punish, his quarry, who is, as usual, a fellow Italian-American.
  • Instead of threatening to fine Peyton Manning for wanting to wear black high-tops to honor Johnny Unitas, the NFL should have applauded him.
  • In a very short time a butterfly was brought out, and harnessed to a first-class Johnny-jump-up. Ting-a-ling
  • Because what, after all, was Johnny Mascia himself but the same kind of lowlife drug dealer he murdered - and much worse? Book Chase
  • I remembered picking up a rubber johnny (presumably used) as it drifted past me and holding it up to the other volunteers, who all recoiled in horror.
  • Among the unlikely Winona titbits treasured by her fans are the facts that she suffers from both insomnia and aquaphobia, that she really has blond hair, that her godfather was drugs evangelist Timothy Leary, that her brother Uri was named after the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, that her father knew Allen Ginsberg and that Johnny Depp had to have his tattoo altered from "Winona Forever" to "Wino Forever" when they split up. Film |
  • To the younger aviators, he was a “JCL” Johnny Come Lately or a “synthetic.” Sea of Thunder
  • After 1872 (presented by Johnny Walker Red) the (Presented by Ford, The name in motorsports!) Archive 2003-06-01
  • The Eskimo looked at Johnny's regulation army shoes as he said the word comrade, but made no comment. Triple Spies
  • I had a couple more shirts now - hand-me-downs from Ray and Johnny - but I still had the same four pairs of basketball shorts.
  • Coleus, bougainvillea, snow-on-the-mountain, wandering Jew, violets, agapanthus, Johnny-jump-ups, poor-man's-orchid, spider. They trade cuttings, smuggling them over state lines, to propagate at home.
  • Winston Churchill and Johnny Cash were fans – damn it, even the Hoff has dabbled in diesel-hydraulic miniatures – so ignore the sniggers, and embrace a weekend devoted to the oft-misunderstood pursuit of model railways. This week's new events
  • Investors were overoptimistic on BYD's performance, and I expect some downward earnings revisions going forward to reflect its margin squeeze amid intensifying competition for its battery division and slower growth of its auto business," said Johnny Wong, an analyst at Yuanta Research. BYD's Profit Report Disappoints
  • Dick -- he's my friend, a _cawker_ to be sure, but must not _stand Sam_ to an _Oxford raff_, or a Yorkshire _Johnny Raw_. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • Lodwick, Demong, normal hill silver medalist Johnny Spillane and Brett Camerota took silver on Tuesday, putting themselves in terrific position with strong ski jumps in the morning and battling through a tough 4x5-kilometer relay as snow fell in Whistler Olympic Park. U.S. men's team pockets first medal in Nordic combined
  • Johnny is as sure it is his father as if he could see his face close beside him he has apperceived him. Applied Psychology for Nurses
  • Earlier this month, Johnny was among a galaxy of stars who manned the phones at a televised tsunami telethon to raise money for victims of the Asian disaster..
  • However while the others played together Johnny played by himself with toy airplanes and matchbox cars.
  • Fairlane’s misadventures begin when heavy-metal scuzzbag Bobby Black (Vince Neil) dies mysteriously and shock jock Johnny Crunch (Gilbert Gottfried) hires Fairlane to find his space-cadet groupie daughter Zuzu Petals (the charmingly out-of-it Maddie Corman). My Year of Flops
  • Yes, very pleased for Johnny Damon and all them - they're my favourite team in baseball now.
  • At the same time, Parlon is something of a johnny-come-lately to the party, and suspicion abounds that he could just as happily represent another party.
  • Johnny seemed to be fully asleep, but his mother knew that he was playing possum.
  • Johnny had to repeat a year/class at school.
  • In Bird of Paradise, McCrea plays Johnny, a happy-go-lucky guy out yachting with his friends in the South Seas.
  • Johnny, wishing to relieve the ache in his feet, longed for the beautiful palfrey that had once been his to ride whenever he wished.
  • The "spouter" was a spray through which Sarah Ann blew coolness on my head, and Johnny had heard of it with interest. The Speaker, No. 5: Volume II, Issue 1 December, 1906.
  • Johnny cries whenever he must say hello to an adult; he is afraid of his own shadow.
  • Monday morning, however, Johnny found a new bolero jacket with bright red, green and yellow embroidery on the chair in his room.
  • Reprising a healthy number of New York Film Festival selections, as well as premieres of new entertainments like the Duplass brothers' "Jeff, Who Lives at Home" and the Johnny Depp vehicle "The Rum Diary," the 19th annual edition of this Long Island festival brings cinephilia to the suburbs. Repertory Film: A Final Festival Feast
  • The Seamen's Bethel is a chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts, located at 15 Johnny Cake Hill.
  • The electoral college makes it likely that Harney - rather than a membership stuffed with johnny-come-latelies - will herself choose the next leader.
  • That's when Johnny hears the ice shift; the cannonball sound makes his ears ring, and cracks run through the ice by his boots.
  • Her uniquely American recipes used corn meal for dishes like Indian pudding, Johnny-cake and slapjacks.
  • Johnny raised his eyebrows and shrugged, ‘I suppose I could fit you into my extremely busy schedule.’
  • I though they made a glorious noise, they were very energetic (with two posey guitarists), and - the real clincher for me - the lead singer was the spitting image of dear ol’ Johnny Vegas!
  • For one brief, shining three-quarters of an hour in 1981, Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and even Marky rode that much-needed bridge between the "gabba" and the "hey" with this, the closest duh brudders ever did get to building a pure pop-rock paragon. The Rock and Roll Report
  • The putative author is indeed Cheeta, the superannuated chimpanzee star of just short of a dozen Tarzan movies and the sidekick of American beefcake Johnny Weissmuller.
  • Oh, johnny-come-lately, the new boy on the block, says that this is a Budget policy debate.
  • Flanked by cowriter, singer and guitar player Ryan Dunn, whose confident bluesy licks add a natural Johnny Cash resonance to McCoy's June Carter, and talented fiddler Ryan Guerra, 2/3 Goat's new CD was recorded by famed Gin Blossoms producer Chris Mara at the Welcome to 1979 Studios in Nashville. Jeff Biggers: Metrobilly Band Rocks Charts With Song on Mountaintop Removal (VIDEO)
  • It could be due to all the Johnny Cash songs I have heard since childhood but I tend to associate the railway with romance and adventure.
  • The coble got out today and Johnny is dancing attendance on Captain Hunter, so I have his share too. Morgan’s Run
  • And his granddad was a Johnny, as perhaps you might surmise; Poems of American Patriotism
  • Anyway, on one particular occasion that's floated unbidden into my memory today, I was allowed to go off over the park and up to the main road with Johnny-next-door, just so long as I behaved myself.
  • He drew the cover defence to pass to Johnny McGahan who ran half the pitch to score near the posts.
  • The next day Ginny awoke with a jump: Johnny was in her room fiddling with her radio and had turned on Radio Two at full volume.
  • Sharon's bass and breathily intoned vocals are often the crux of a song, and sparseness and restraint always the watchwords, with even guest Johnny Marr reining himself in so his guitar sinuously entwines with the bass and synth lines on Can't Put it Down Until it Ends. Pajama Club: Pajama Club – review
  • John Barry returned to York earlier this year to receive the Freedom of the City and recalled with affection the bandleader and trumpeter Johnny Sutton.
  • There was hard-faced Jill, who thought Johnny was a loose cannon, and Johnny's angry daughter, who asked him: "Do you have any honest relationships at all? Rewind TV: Page Eight; The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 Ten Years On; The Field of Blood
  • Johnny sees his pyrotechnic gifts as a heaven-sent babe magnet and acts accordingly; Ben understandably hates his new look, especially because it costs him a fiancée.
  • Unq Johnny si LastActionHero, vor fi adaugate si acele seriale, dar doar dupa ce se intorc sefii din vacanta. Seriale tv - TvBlog
  • Johnny will keep his own brand of order over guest panellists drawn from those who write about, broadcast on and participate in sport who will compete for points.
  • In addition to Johnny Cupcakes, the nonedible-cupcake retail industry includes cupcake greeting cards, decorative wrappers (not suitable for baking, they're meant to enrobe your cupcake once it's frosted), cupcake-shaped candles, and knitted cupcakes. Let Them Eat Cupcakes
  • Fourteen years later, while serving in the Union army, Gilmore took “Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye,” an Irish antiwar song of a soldier returning from war blind and limbless, added elements of a Negro spiritual he had heard sung by a black street urchin, “dressed it up, gave it a name, and rhymed it into usefulness for a special purpose suited to the times.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Johnny is said to claim £94.25 a week for a serious back problem known as spondylitis, an inflammation of the vertebrae that is linked to arthritis. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The yummy chili, burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, and onion rings in Johnny Rockets are free, but there is a charge for the shakes, malts, and other beverages.
  • He added that his greatest concern was about how they would be able to persuade Johnny to drink liquids after his procedure.
  • Johnny tells me that pulque is used in many recipes here in central Mexico and that his Mexican wife Estela considers it part of the culinary experience of the country. Just One And I Have To Go - The Joys Of Pulque
  • These early American corn breads, including the hoe cakes and johnny cake which attracted praise from Benjamin Franklin were griddle or hearth baked.
  • They're the newest johnny-come-lately to blogging and they don't stand a chance against Blogger, MT, Wordpress and everything else that came before.
  • There were great scenes as the party boarded for Dublin on their bus outside Johnny Finn's and spirits were high as the team looked forward to spending a relaxing week strolling the beach and building sandcastles together.
  • Fans from Melbourne, Australia, to Venlo, Netherlands, have visited The Johnny Cash Project Web site, where they choose one frame of the music video and sketch their portrait of the singer right on to the computer. ♪♫ Johnny Cash sings from beyond the grave with the help of a few friends
  • The "forefather" of these boats was Johnny Morris with his Bass Pro Tracker package models. Tracker Pro team 175
  • He can also whisper the gauziest ballad like Paul Desmond and Johnny Hodges, two of his biggest influences as a player. Jazz in the Age of the iPod
  • Johnny began as a slightly offbeat freewheeler, with a habit of tossing silver dollars around as tips.

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