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How To Use John paul i In A Sentence

  • Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar.
  • Last night, in an address to bishops in Nigeria, Pope John Paul II insisted that priests must live celibate lives and avoid scandalous behaviour.
  • Tonight, as the body of Pope John Paul II lies in state, the world continues to mourn this remarkable man, a torch-bearer of peace and a bridge-builder between faiths, someone who inspired so many.
  • He defied Pope John Paul II by consecrating four bishops without his approval.
  • A frail Pope John Paul II yesterday added 30 names to the list of his possible successors, installing a diverse collection of cardinals in a consistory some say may be his last.
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  • Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared seven days of official national mourning for the death of Pope John Paul II.
  • Those who write about sex and sexuality from an ecclesial perspective are usually intellectuals, academicians and professors who approach the subject so abstractly in convoluted, scholastic language; a prime example of this would be John Paul II himself in his Wednesday talks on the Theology of the Body. David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Minsk by Pope John Paul II.
  • Pope John Paul II is kissed by an unidentified nun during a weekly general audience at the Vatican on Wednesday.
  • As Pope John Paul II said, ecumenism, or the promotion of Christian cooperation and unity, must be the concern of every faithful Catholic.
  • As the church was trying to [reinvent] him," he said, mentioning the efforts of Pope John Paul II in the early 1990s to clear Galileo's reputation as a heretic, "[scholars] were trying to reconvict him. The Rebel Yell
  • Pope John Paul II has said that divine revelation reveals not only God to man but man to himself.
  • In the Homily of Pope John Paul II Sunday 24 September 2000 at the closing of the 20th International Mariological Marian Conference, he said: If Mary is the Theotokos, the Mother of the Only-begotten Son of God, how can we be surprised that she enjoys a quite unique relationship also with the Father and the Holy Spirit? A Most Sublime Prayer
  • Meantime, EBay has moved to stop the auction of a Eucharist wafer said to have been blessed by Pope John Paul II.
  • O'BRIEN: We're taking a look at Vatican City, which is now filling up with tourists, Monsignor, and pilgrims who have come out, obviously, to pay their last respects to Pope John Paul II, who is in dire, dire shape, as reports from the Vatican come to us. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • Pope John Paul is said to be alert and writing up messages just a day after throat surgery.
  • Later this month the church's 184 cardinals will gather at the Vatican for the sixth consistory of Pope John Paul II's pontificate.
  • Just a day after the enclave gathered to choose the successor to John Paul II, white smoke plumed from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel and the bells pealed across Rome.
  • Though the award is at his discretion, John Paul II will come to his decision aided by the advice of Archbishop Pablo Puente, the Vatican's papal nuncio - or diplomatic envoy - to the United Kingdom, who is based in London.
  • Billy Graham was drawing capacity crowds around the world when John Paul II was still a junior professor in Poland.
  • In the first place, I refer to the reform of ecclesiastical studies of philosophy, a project which has now reached the last stages of its elaboration, in which the metaphysical and sapiential dimensions of philosophy, mentioned by John Paul II in his Encyclical Fides et Ratio cf. n. 81, will certainly be emphasized. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Monsignor Walter Rossi met John Paul in 1997 and brought back his zucchetto or skullcap. Roman Catholic Church Set to Beatify Pope John Paul II
  • Images of John Paul II have shown him gaunt, pained and ravaged by Parkinson's disease and arthritis.
  • He received a "Medal of Peace" from Pope John Paul I, that guy who was pope for about ten minutes, but found time to give a peace award to a man who invented a filthy weapon of mass-death. Tallulah Morehead: Dead Folks 2010: Everyone's Pushing Up Roses
  • Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar.
  • Since then, Prince has converted to Roman Catholicism - and may be a member or associate of Opus Dei, a very conservative cult now described as a prelature that is a strong ally of the current pope, Benedict XVI, who - when he was a Cardinal - paved the way for the beatification and canonization of the cult's founder, St. Josemaria Escriva by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.
  • Third, he explains how the recommendation came to John Paul II, who was quite obviously positively disposed to the proclamation.
  • Pope John Paul II has controversially beatified both a German mystic whose gory visions of Christ's suffering helped inspire Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ, and an Austrian emperor whose troops used poison gas.
  • May 1, 2011 Pope beatifies John Paul II before 1M faithful AP Breaking News: CBS News
  • However, a rueful subordinate describes him as "bloodless" - and, certainly, his fame as the late John Paul II's "enforcer" was not unearned. The Guardian World News
  • Pope John Paul II's simple coffin of blond cypress wood, with its only decoration a cross and the letter M for Mary, symbolised his unostentatious lifestyle.
  • Yesterday's elevation of new cardinals by Pope John Paul II increases the number of men who will vote on his eventual successor.
  • John Voight plays the late pontiff in a CBS miniseries, ‘Pope John Paul II.’
  • Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar.
  • Pier Giorgio Frassati was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1990.
  • Now, four years into Benedicts's pontificate and nearly 100 days into Kirill's patriarchate, nearly all Vatican observers agree that, as Pope John Paul II was driven by the desire to end the scourge of atheist Communism, so Pope Benedict XVI still hopes passionately to see the restoration of a unified Church. Ecumenism
  • What we cannot say is that Pope John Paul II dogmatized error. Tissier de Mallerais speaks The details of the doctrinal talks
  • Last month, Benedict met with the head of the Society of St Pius X, the schismatic traditionalist movement whose leaders were excommunicated under Pope John Paul II.
  • Pope Benedict XVI attributed a medical miracle to the intercession of the late Pope John Paul II and announced plans to beatify his predecessor during a Vatican ceremony on May 1. World Watch
  • Pope John Paul II was widely beloved, and I think you’d find many who’d describe him as the epit­ome of wise moral lead­er­ship, but then you can’t really over­look that thin col­lec­tive that con­sid­ers him one of the 20th Century’s worst moral tyrants, canyou? On Leadership « Snarkmarket
  • ANKARA (Reuters) - The man who tried to kill Pope John Paul II, Mehmet Ali Agca, was released from prison in the Turkish capital Ankara on Monday, nearly 30 years after the assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Tailor holds the "zucchetto," or white silk skullcap, that late Pope John Paul II never had the chance to wear, in the window of the tiny shop that served the pontiff. - John Paul's longtime tailor pays tribute to the pontiff
  • GERARD O'CONNELL, VATICAN ANALYST: Normally when John Paul II was pope, every speech he made on Islam was vetted, looked over by the experts on Islam in the Vatican. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
  • Likewise, the quick rush to canonize the great Pope John Paul II is another example of a beautiful human life declared not sufficiently inspiring unless it is coated in veneration and sainthood. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Royal Weddings and Human Idols
  • On the cover was a picture familiar to Mulcahy, a head-and-shoulders shot of Pope John Paul II, resplendent in vestments of green, white, and gold, holding aloft his crozier. The Priest
  • VATICAN CITY Evidence is mounting that the pope will soon approve the miracle needed to beatify Pope John Paul II, setting the stage for a major celebration this year for a Catholic Church trying to recover from the clerical sex abuse scandal. John Paul II moves closer to first step toward sainthood
  • Ironically Pope Paul's affirmation of the unitive and procreative goals of marriage set the scene for Pope John Paul II's theology of the body which speaks so powerfully to young adults today.
  • Later this month the church's 184 cardinals will gather at the Vatican for the sixth consistory of Pope John Paul II's pontificate.
  • I dedicate my monthly links list to the memory of Pope John Paul II, a holy man with attitude.
  • The body of Pope John XXIII, who died in 1963 and like John Paul is also one step away from sainthood, was placed in a glass coffin and moved upstairs in 2001; his intact embalmed body was found to be "incorrupt," or free from decay. There's A Good Reason Why Benedict's Not An Organ Donor
  • The date chosen for her beatification, Mission Sunday, is the Sunday closest to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the pontificate of John Paul II and to the end of the Year of the Rosary.
  • Pope John Paul II was a trailblazer in many areas.
  • In April 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized a Polish nun whose life and witness he called ‘a gift of God for our time.’
  • I think whoever follows him can build on that wonder rapport that Pope John Paul II had with youth.
  • Your com­ment about Pope John Paul II gets to the heart of my prob­lem: I feel like a lot of other peo­ple in the world have some­body to whom they can give this kind of alle­giance, whether it’s Bush or the Pope. On Leadership « Snarkmarket
  • These priests are strong papalists who have taken to heart John Paul II's critique of modern society as the ‘culture of death.’
  • Pope John Paul II has awarded a medal of distinction to a Sutton woman who has given her life to the service of the church, the young and the needy.
  • On June 5, 1979, The New York Times concluded an editorial in these terms: "As much as the visit of John Paul II must reinvigorate and reinspire the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, it does not threaten the political order of the [Polish] nation or of Eastern Europe. How Benedict XVI Will Make History
  • Church leaders protest it is unfair to pillory Benedict, who has acted far more vigorously than Pope John Paul II to stamp out sex abuse.
  • As with the recent death of Pope John Paul II, a reign that had come to seem unchangeable was finally coming to an end.
  • Who better demonstrates this reality than John Paul II, the pope about to beatify Pius?
  • To me he doesn't have the fame John Paul did, or maybe he just hasn't been 'propagandized' — to use that infamous word — as much as John Paul II had been. The Orthodox View
  • John Paul II is unlikely to come among us again, and it would be a pity if he had left behind no image so vivid as of his homesickness and his beleaguerment. Cheer Up, John Paul II
  • He said: ‘Pope John Paul II was a leader of manifest holiness and a faithful and prayerful friend of the Anglican Church.’
  • John Paul is one of the Woodfield area candidates taking part in the mayoral event and he will give his blessings to all who support this venture.
  • The frail nun, who died in 1997 after spending more than six decades caring for the destitute and homeless, was beatified yesterday by Pope John Paul II at a two-hour long ceremony in Rome.
  • This movie was made by a devoted Roman Catholic with the advice of papist theologians, and is endorsed by Pope John Paul II.
  • In order to beatify John Paul II, Benedict must officially sign off on the miraculous nature of the case. John Paul II Moves Closer To First Step Toward Sainthood
  • To put it another way, the infinite sea of quantum potential is a kind of exteriorized mirror image of God's interior. this article, noting that the Vatican maintains that the theory of evolution is fully compatible with the Bible: "In 1950, Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans, a view that was reiterated by Pope John Paul II in One Cʘsmos
  • The plans to beatify John Paul II have also generated some criticism from victims of sexual abuse by priests. Pope John Paul II Gets Closer to Sainthood
  • Junipero Serra was beatified for sainthood by Pope John Paul II in 1984, at his grave in the sanctuary of Mission San Carlos Borromeo in Carmel, California.
  • Just a day after the enclave gathered to choose the successor to John Paul II, white smoke plumed from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel and the bells pealed across Rome.
  • When he was a student in Maynooth he sang for Pope John Paul II on his visit to The Phoenix Park, as well as reading the gospel.
  • And finally, that the canonization process of Pope John Paul II be halted until there is a full independent investigation of whether the late pope was involved in cover-ups of Catholic clergy. Vatican Celebrations Overshadowed By Scandals
  • The instruction I received as a child force-fed me the notion that the Pope is infallible, yet perhaps John Paul II's legacy will show us the humanity, the fallibility of the human condition.
  • P.S. - I set up that foot-tall figure of Pope John Paul II, and it's a tad disconcerting at first to be engaged in deviant sexual practices while he stares blithely on, but then you figure it's cool that he's watching and still just blessing it, and that's pretty cool. July 13th, 2006
  • A change in the papacy following the death of Pope John Paul II is unlikely to repair the strained relations between the Vatican and China in the near future, Catholic academics said Friday.
  • For years, Pope John Paul II has rejected this kind of absurd divorce between political morality and individual moral growth.
  • Xavier University was founded by Katharine Drexel, someone who is now Saint Katharine Drexel, because Pope John Paul II canonized her.
  • We studied the texts of similar homilies by Popes John Paul I and II and by English Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.
  • If "humanism" is what you are looking for, only Christ is the revelation of what humanity is (18), a passage indebted to Pope John Paul II's 1979 letter Redemptor Hominis Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • During the Jubilee Year 2000, the dear Servant of God John Paul II established that in the whole Church the Sunday after Easter, besides being the Sunday "in albis" would be designated Divine Mercy Sunday. Archive 2008-03-30
  • Back in October 1978 they weren't predicting the eventual geopolitical influence of John Paul II.
  • What were several conspiracy theories that arose at the time of Pope John Paul I's death?
  • The Church has always and irreformably taught that "evil may never be done so that good might come of it" or a greater evil avoided; that principle was explicitly reiterated by Paul VI in Humanae Vitae (§14) and by John Paul II in Veritatis Splendor (§78-§83), to which latter LG alludes. The Catholic condom debate II
  • During their lifetimes, cults grew up around figures like Padre Pio, the 20th-century stigmatic from Italy, as well as more recent holy persons like Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: St. Steve Jobs? Probably Not, But….
  • Pope John Paul II dedicated his weekly general audience at the Vatican to commemorate the attacks.
  • In 1979, however, two things happened almost simultaneously – a Polish Pope was elected: John Paul II, whose Polish family name included the barred l – Wojtyła, and the Solidarity movement was constantly in the news, led by a man whose name not only included a barred l, but also an ogonek reverse cedilla under a vowel letter, indicating that it is a nasalised vowel: Lech Wałęsa. English Polish | Linguism
  • John Paul II appointed Arinze to be the pontifical legate to other faiths, and to remind us that God is a God of joy.
  • Many Catholics look to Rome for direction on how to evaluate the shroud, as Pope John Paul II discovered en route to Africa in 1989, when he called the shroud a "relic. Latest Articles
  • On a sweltering hot day, May 31, 1982, Pope John Paul II arrived at the racecourse to be welcomed by a sea of pilgrims.
  • If that's what John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been trying to do, well, I'll just say that quoting previous councils and popes and Church Fathers and Doctors and Holy Scripture is NOT a very smart way to go about it. Landmark Address on the Responsibilities of Universities Freedom has a purpose
  • Pope John Paul II has already explained that the theory of evolution is not irreconcilable with the creation doctrine.
  • But critics point out that John Paul II was not killed by the attempt on his life, as the text foretold.
  • ZAHN (voice over): Now that Pope John Paul II has died and official process, know as interregnum, or between the reigns, has begun. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • Under John Paul II, the Congregation for Divine Worship in 1988 stated that "the Roman tradition of the 'stational' churches can be recommended as a model for gathering the faithful in one place … at the tombs of the saints, or in the principle churches of the city or sanctuaries, or some place of pilgrimage which has a special significance for the diocese". Latest Articles
  • Pope John Paul II has enjoyed one of the longer Papal reigns, and his canonization is a near certainty. Eastern Europe
  • Weigel's ultramontane effusions about John Paul II are warmly endorsed.
  • John Paul II will rightly be praised for his unbending opposition to communism and his support for Lech Walesa.
  • But what Councils do not deal with, and therefore neglect, is also of great significance: thus Vatican II was deafeningly silent about what was to become the main preoccupation of the pontificate of John Paul II: evangelisation. Newman, Continuity and Vatican II according to Fr. Ian Ker
  • A special Mass for the repose of the soul of Pope John Paul II was celebrated at Carlow Cathedral on Monday night at 7.30 pm.
  • Among the many achievements of the pontificate of John Paul II, some would say the most important achievement, was to secure the hermeneutic for the interpretation of that great council.
  • We on the left must learn to make sectional alliances and commemorate those areas of agreement we have with people like John Paul II.
  • This quick millennial tour ends with more of a whimper than a bang, with Abraham Lincoln and John Paul II being chosen to represent the last two centuries.

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