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[ US /ˈdʒɑɡ/ ]
[ UK /d‍ʒˈɒɡ/ ]
  1. run at a moderately swift pace
  2. run for exercise
    jog along the canal
  3. stimulate to remember
    jog my memory
  4. continue talking or writing in a desultory manner
    This novel rambles on and jogs
  5. give a slight push to
  6. even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing
  1. a slight push or shake
  2. a sharp change in direction
    there was a jog in the road
  3. a slow pace of running

How To Use jog In A Sentence

  • John deBrun had been muttering about Joginstead and a bath under his breath, while every once in a while Oaxyctl caught the long-off look of mourning in the man's eyes. Crystal Rain
  • Sjogren's syndrome "targets and destroys over time the exocrine glands responsible for tear production and saliva -- and is characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes," said Dr. Michael Belmont, an associate professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and medical director for Hospital for Joint Diseases. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • A man rushed past and jogged her elbow, making her drop the bag.
  • After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.
  • Horses Wednesday mainly galloped, jogged, or walked, but the first official workouts are most likely to occur on Thursday.
  • He was walking at a very quick pace and I had to jog to keep up with him.
  • Still breathing heavy from her brisk, morning jog, she sauntered into the kitchen for a bottle of water.
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • He jogged his horse back over to the class as Zeya walked Feoi out of the ring and headed toward the other group.
  • And he took off jogging in the direction of the kennels.
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