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How To Use Joel In A Sentence

  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • As the light streams through the windows of the minivan and reflects off Joni's earrings, Joel remembers the way the late-afternoon sun used to glint on the river as he made his way back from class to his off-campus apartment…the way his heart used to pound whenever he caught a glimpse of his downstairs neighbor, a balalaika player named Clarisse. The Search
  • The permanent solution is not technology, but what we call ecological separation - or no movement of live organisms between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River via the canals," said Alliance President Joel Brammeier, who co-authored a study on the subject in 2008. ENS
  • The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale. Cheers & Jeers: My Boys to Men?
  • Regard­ing our recent dis­cus­sion on sub­urbs and cities, here’s an inter­est­ing arti­cle from Joel Kotkin debunk­ing many of the “cre­ative cities” ideas that have been so pop­u­lar in the wake of Richard Florida. The Myth of the Creative Class? « Snarkmarket
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  • ( "Tonight I'm going to put it to the supreme test!" says an inventor in "Aztec Mummy," and a silhouetted Joel replies, "The Cosmo sex quiz?") 'Cinematic Titanic' re-creates 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' in Washington
  • Well, Joel tells me Hillier has been selected as the honouree -- Man of the Year -- for the lodge's 57th. annual gentlemen's dinner at Beth Tzedec Synagogue on Dec. 5. Money, meet mouth
  • This entry was written by Martin Langeveld, posted on February 5, 2009 at 10:47 am, and tagged audience, chris brogan, Mitch Joel, social media, social networking. A café-shaped conversation » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • The dictionary prompted real estate consultant Joel Ascetto to design a three-hour course to help Rhode Island real estate agents.
  • Bittersweet is this journey to the wooden boatyards of Maine and the glorious work of ‘contemporary genius’ Joel White as he undertook what he knew would be his last wooden boat project.
  • Here, we have hard facts, culled from the Joel Whitburn book I keep handy for just such occasions. A break from politics: back to the oldies charts
  • Version but four times in all, always in poetical passages; the first in (Exodus 15: 14) and Isai 14: 29 The second (Joel 3: 4) In each case the Hebrew is Pelesheth, a word found, besides the above, only in (Psalms 60: 8; 83: 7; 87: 4) and Psal 108: 9 In all which our translators have rendered it by "Philistia" or Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • Afficionados and adepts will recognize the last item as the words of Joel Beinin, the antepenultimate item as the words of Mahatma Gandhi, and the penultimate item as the motto of Faber College in Animal House.
  • Next time was joanne and i grabbing onto each other's hands and trying to outskate joel and michael together. Yanxious Diary Entry
  • The only eatable substances left were Joel's spices, that were great when you had food to go along with them.
  • The drawer, by drawing the instrument, admits the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse; and engages that on due presentment the in - strument will be accepted or paid, or both, according to its tenor, and that if it is dishonored, and the necessary proceedings on dishonor are duly taken, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder, or to any subsequent in - dorser who may be comjoelled to pay it. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Also, I had the recent experience of reading Joel Shepherd's C Kresnov novels which are largely the same ideas but much better executed and thus put The Quiet War in diminished light. REVIEW: The Quiet War by Paul McAuley
  • JOEL HEFLEY: I thought well, Joel, it's a very big honor that your colleagues would like you to be on there, but it really, really, really puts the pressure on you. CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2006
  • The latest Jacques Brossard was awarded on May 10 to Joël Champetier for his fantasy novel Le Voleur des steppes. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
  • Finally Jentilisa reports that young reservists of the army who fought by Rajoelina's side early in the crisis are now demanding that Rajoelina keep his promises (mg):. .ny rezervista tanora, nitolona tamin'ny andron'ny TGV, hidina an-dalambe izy ireo hitondra sora-baventy satria tsy tanteraka ny fampanantenana natao tamin'izy ireo, toy ny hanomezana asa ho azy ireo tahaka ny hoe fampidirana azy ho miaramila ary hotsinjovina manokana ny rezervista nanohana ny tolona. Madagascar Delegation Barred from UN General Assembly Stage
  • Joel Katz played the buffo Sacristan with humour, and the required nervous tics so meticulously notated in Puccini's score.
  • I have been trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to pay our annual premium, but Joel has disappeared (??), and "Edgardo" is always about to come back to the office! Help please ! seguros monterrey/NY Life
  • If you’ve been following the nation’s growing “real food” movement, you may know of Joel Salatin, who features in megahit The Omnivore’s Dilemma and upcoming food documentary FRESH. Decriminalization vs. Legalization « PubliCola
  • “Dimanche dernier, au milieu de toute la splendeur de leur clairvoyance, Andry Rajoelina et Gilbert Raharizatovo ont fait un copier-coller de la décision ridicule de réduire Viva TV au silence, et ont tenté de fermer Radio-Mada et Radio Fahazavana.” Global Voices in English » Madagascar : Transitional government is trampling on freedom of speech
  • E-mail is and hastily called symposia are ripples, says physicist Joel Primack of the University of California, Santa Cruz, are no less than "the handwriting of God. 'The Handwriting Of God'
  • Taking a step back, Joel felt a cold fear clutch at his chest as he forced himself to breathe.
  • David Leathley pretended to be Joel Bennathan QC in what he described as a "ruse of war" to prove his accuser was lying. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Replacement keeper Matt Sargeant was brought on and striker Joel Rogers sacrificed, but that did not stop Epsom from being on the wrong end of a real hiding.
  • The front door banged open and soon, Joel was at my side.
  • Jamil Sheriff is the pianist with Joel's band and he will be taking his own octet to Leeds College of Music on Wednesday.
  • Jeff (Joel McHale) and his study-group pals participate in a flight-simulation competition with another local college; the gang gets stranded on board when the shuttle is towed from the school parking lot. Community First Look: Lost in Space
  • For the three months he'd spent there, he'd worked as a cowhand for Joel Diamond, the richest rancher in the territory.
  • At the same time, one of his attorneys, Joel Brodsky, said he hoped that Lifetime, which is making the movie, would not rely on Hosey's book, which he characterized as biased and inaccurate. Drew Peterson tries to stop movie about him
  • With eyes as tear-filled as hers, Joel looked at her, eternal gratitude written all over his face.
  • “Why do I recognize the name Joel Etheridge?” she asked. Unspeakable
  • The project hailed from Joel Surnow -- an outspoken conservative who hobnobs with Rush Limbaugh -- though you may know him as the creator of the Fox series "24," which made headlines back in the day for all those interesting torture scenes. Reelz offers glimpse at Kennedy miniseries
  • The dictionary prompted real estate consultant Joel Ascetto to design a three-hour course to help Rhode Island real estate agents.
  • Adele clicked off the phone and flumped on the couch next to Joel.
  • Joel had just finished an entire carafe of unsugared espresso when he was told of what happened.
  • While I'm mentioning crewmembers, you'll see Joel Coen listed in the credits as Assistant Film Editor.
  • When Joel and I, together, month after month guide these chemistries to completion, and when - O climax outcrying the seven thunders! Explorations
  • Joel looked slightly affronted by that question but smiled.
  • : 00AM 'Twas the fifth day 'fore Christmas and all through the towns Recalling the past year brought smiles and frowns The readers were anxious, and so we will show 'em It's time once again for the Action Line poem Recession, economy, job loss and more Were issues that really should come to the fore Reality's something we don't reconcile When everyone lives in a state of denial For instance, the Realtors push ritzy condos On people with pickups all covered with Bondo The city spends fortunes to make Chapman snow While staffers and programs are told they must go And what's the surprise of a fierce winter storm We live in the mountains and it's just the norm You'd think that the city would figure by now When flakes are a'falling, you go out and plow The county commission, its head in the sand, Can't seem to come up with the zones for the land With gas money dwindling and going away The budgeting process will lead us astray Joelle switches parties, the Dems she did ditch Progressives were angry and cried "bait and switch
  • Though Joel could have afforded an apartment, his uncle said, he chose to live in a tent wherever he went because he enjoyed the simplicity and the abilityto save for future travels. SplicedFeed
  • French chef Joel Robuchon insists that chips ought to be salted twice: once lightly with finely ground salt, which is absorbed into the surface, and again with sea-salt flakes to add a tangy saltiness.
  • I had contacted Joel with my own squirrel story, asking about a tailless squirrel I see from time to time in my back yard. In the urban game park, nut-gatherers rule
  • Joel Schumacher is a director best-known for his vicious crimes against Batman, including putting nipples on the batsuit. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Take That, Joel Schumacher!
  • Joel Johnson details in vivid detail the sexual molestation he was a victim of. Alice in Wonderland by Olly Moss (link roundup)
  • According to Richard Freeman and Joel Rogers, forty-two million non-union workers want a union.
  • She spotted Joel propped up against the wall, reading a thick, leather bound book.
  • Update #2: The author Joel Epstein emailed me a response to this post. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Timeless Appeal of Triumphalism
  • Joel, earphone should be interchangeable with earbud, I think. Paid beats free downloads to iPods
  • Felix looked back to Joel, waving a good bye as they disappeared into their different classrooms.
  • Joel has overset her, altogether.’
  • Final report on the evaluation of four toxic chemicals in an In Vivo/In Vitro toxicological screen -- acrylamide, chlordecone, cyclophosphamide, and diethylstilbestrol by Joellen Lewtas Melamine Infant Formula (comic)
  • Additions or corrections can be sent to joel at danwei dot org.
  • “Most recently we filed an * amicus curiae* brief in the case of * Sony BMG Music Entertainment, et al.v. Joel Tenenbaum* showing the RIAA ` s theory of statutory damage awards to be unconstitutional.” Bar FSF brief in Tenenbaum, demands RIAA
  • Golf had fewer admirers than had the other sport, but what there were were fully as enthusiastic, and the coming tournament was discussed until Joel's head whirled with such apparently outlandish terms as "Bogey," "baffy, The Half-Back
  • LYCEUM CHAMBER CONCERT Local musicians Jay Chadwick, Joel Ang, Cesse Ip, Paul Marshall, Stephen Bertino, Sarah Strauss Himmelfarb and Susan Brockman perform music by Bach, Fauré and Dunhill. 3 p.m. The Lyceum, 201 S. Washington St., Going Out Guide for Alexandria and Arlington, Aug. 5-11
  • Joel -- _Joel_!" she cried, peering into every corner, and looking into the potato bag and behind some boxes that the storekeeper had given the boys to make things out of, and that were kept as great treasures. The Adventures of Joel Pepper
  • Yesterday on Boing Boing Gadget, it was review Thursday and we flushed our systems clear: Joel posted a thoughtful review of the Android G1 and horrible hair review of an iPod dock while Beschizza reviewed the self-moving chess set he always wanted as a youth. Boing Boing
  • He's the guy, in American parlance, who cracks heads, makes it happen, says Joel Rubin, deputy director of the National Security Network, a Washington, D.C., foreign policy think tank. Suleiman's reputation holds dread for some in Egypt
  • Needless to say, Billy Joel, The Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley are hardly the only pop stars with devoted followings.
  • Joel often hears from people who have a tailless squirrel in their neighborhood, usually nicknamed Stub, he said. In the urban game park, nut-gatherers rule
  • Joel's idea was that if you spent one cent per e-mail then spamming would become uncommercial.
  • Teams want to help keep Joel's memory alive by continuing his work, and the response really has been something else.
  • Davidson's paper, "Gene regulatory network subcircuit controlling a dynamic spatial pattern of signaling in the sea urchin embryo," coauthored with Caltech postdoctoral scholar Joel Smith, was funded by the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Institute of Child Health and Development and General Medical Sciences Institute and a California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) fellowship to Smith. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Teams want to help keep Joel's memory alive by continuing his work, and the response really has been something else.
  • Callaghan told Joel Barnett that he had never felt so depressed, and the news spread.
  • Joel jumped to his feet and went out the door with Marc following close behind him.
  • Quickly she told him the story of the day when Joel Mazarine had almost surprised her in Orlando's room; how Li Choo had saved the situation by falling down the staircase with the priceless porcelain, and how Mazarine had kicked him -- "manhandled" him, as they say in the West. Wild Youth, Volume 2.
  • Joel, Dr. Marks says, on account of your falling behind in your lessons, without reason -- understand this, Joel, _without reason_ -- you are not to go to Five Little Peppers at School
  • Joel eavesdropped on Dubiddy's conversation -- I had been marked out as a troublemaker. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • In an essay last month, Director of Research and Reconstructionist American Vision and son-in-law of Gary North Joel McDurmon drew lines between "traditional dominion theology" and that which the NAR embraces, basically arguing that Reconstructionists' view of dominion is a "bottom-up" transformation preceded by a postmillennial transformation of the world through evangelism. Julie Ingersoll: C. Peter Wagner: Dominion Theology And Postmillennialism On NPR
  • Every month the lice are still there, with their sticky white nits glued to Joelle's hair like rice burned to the side of a saucepan.
  • Joel Kotkin is fellow at the New America Foundation.
  • From deep within the recesses of his brain, Joel attempts to escape the procedure.
  • Joel isn't Catholic (though The Ironic Catholic is a frequent contributor of sign photos), but he likes comic books, so I feel justified in anointing him a Sci Fi Christian (I've been working with my bishop to design an appropriate ritual for that, but so far he is cold to the idea). Blog: Crummy Church Signs
  • Joel has already won the West Yorkshire race series with three successive wins.
  • Joel was the very picture of chess professionalism - balding, bespectacled, gentle.
  • It is found repeatedly in the Old Testament, being translated "Javan" in the parallel passage of 1Ch 1: 5,7, as also in Isa 66: 19; Eze 27: 13, 19, but translated as "Greece" or "Greecia" in Da 3: 21; 10: 20; 11: 2; Zec 9: 13; and Joel 3: 6 (plural). Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Joel Riev nos propone utilizar hoy, cinco de agosto, este video, junto a las siguientes palabras, que hacemos también nuestras: Global Voices in English » Cuba: The Maleconazo
  • We had a wire from a woman in Simpkinsville, saying she’d seen Keith and that he was using the name Joel Shiloh. MEMORY’S EMBRACE
  • Joel, earphone should be interchangeable with earbud, I think. Paid beats free downloads to iPods
  • It is compromise that led everyone to go along with the actions of Andry Rajoelina, before suddenly realizing that the TGV might be a high speed train without brakes or a reverse gear. Global Voices Online
  • Meanwhile, Joel Connelly, the contumelious liberal columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is crying foul because the two highly qualified and judicially restrained challengers, Stephen Johnson and John Groen, are receiving campaign contributions from folks whom Connelly doesn't approve of: "Outside interests influencing court races". Sound Politics: Chief Justice Alexander is "Very Well Qualified" to legislate from the bench
  • Joel Connelly, the contumelious liberal columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, writes today: "Sexism's alive and well on the right". Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • Too weird a game to go unchronicled by the Fix, so here's the New York Post's Joel Sherman Yankees Keep Winter at Bay
  • Joel's prophecy that the valley of Jehoshaphat is to be the scene of the overthrow of the Antichristian foes. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Joel Riev nos propone utilizar hoy, cinco de agosto, este video, junto a las siguientes palabras, que hacemos también nuestras: Global Voices in English » Cuba: The Maleconazo
  • ‘Hello, Joel,’ he heard her say as the ball bounced off the metal rim with a twang.
  • The children — Joëlle, 12, Marc-Ange, 7, and Louis-Philippe, 4 — were poisoned by a mix of Gravol anti-nausea medication and a tranquillizer. ProWomanProLife » Life sentence for mother convicted of killing her three children
  • Sometimes the wastebasket is exposed," said Joel Joves, a designer with offices in Rancho Santa Fe and Beverly Hills. Boing Boing: October 6, 2002 - October 12, 2002 Archives
  • It helps that most of the supporting roles are played with lip-smacking gusto: Mr. Godley is in colossal form as Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, a Bertie Wooster-type boob who turns out to be one hell of a dancer, and Joel Grey is sweet and charming as Moonface Martin, the dimwitted gangster who prides himself on being Public Enemy Number 13. Sutton Foster's Got the Zowie
  • As investigative journalist, Joel Bleifuss, warned in a 1995 In These Times article, "Bristol-Myers Squibb sells Taxol to the public for $4.87 per milligram, which is more than 20 times what it costs to produce. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • When Joely went missing, we were practically climbing the walls.
  • Joel was wearing a pair of loose, light blue jeans, a blue on white striped button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a nice pair of black shoes.
  • MIT researchers coaxed tiny, chainlike molecules to arrange themselves into complex patterns, like this one, on a silicon chip (Image: Yeon Sik Jung and Joel Yang) Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Of course by now you know that Joel was a tall, muscular, athlete who had trained for these sorts of events.
  • Joel, who isn't racing, is wise enough to stay out of the quagmire and cruise the scene at the top of the mountain.
  • Joel steered Don and Louise towards the backyard.
  • The script from Bruce Joel Rubin ("Ghost") forgoes any effort to analyze Henry's condition, save for a ridiculous discussion of Henry's condition as "Chrono-Displacement Disorder.
  • ‘Hey’ Joel says walking over to her and hugging her tightly then kissing her forehead.
  • Joel Nilsson is an editorial writer for the Arizona Republic.
  • Joel Sawyer, Mark Sanford's former spokesman, is seen here behind the governor in June. Former Sanford spokesman starts communications firm
  • In the meantime I took a very short-term postdoctoral position working with Joel Parks at the Rowland Institute, helping him design and build a Paul trap for ionized atomic clusters. Eric A. Cornell - Autobiography
  • Attempting to make sense of what happened, Joel finds a letter from her but refuses to open it for fear of shattering his ideal of the perfect life they shared.
  • Hayley Joel Osment designs the ultimate good Samaritan pyramid scheme, doing good deeds for people and asking them to in turn perform three good deeds.
  • This week, three-term New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg goggled the imagination when he announced that Cathleen Black would be replacing Joel Klein as chancellor ... Cathleen Black Crams For Her Test As NYC Schools Chancellor
  • This throws Carrey's character, Joel, into a pit of despair.
  • Joel got himself a jetpack, John wired up an Atom-powere WiBrain handheld PC, and Rob welcomed Sylvania to the cheapo subnote party. Boing Boing
  • JOEL LARSON: drums A veteran of numerous L.A. bands, Joel was a member of the Grass Roots in 1964-5 when the band had only recorded a few singles. The Dawn Patrol
  • Let Me Down Easy" is a phrase that comforted Joel Siegel, the ABC film critic who died of cancer in 2007. Erika Milvy: Anna Deavere Smith, Human Tape-Recorder Extraordinaire
  • Joel Schwartzberg is a rabid horror movie fan, occasional shusher, and author of "The 40-Year-Old Version Joel Schwartzberg: Who Thinks It's Okay to Text & Tweet During Movies?
  • Joel has a couple of tables of figures showing stock comparisons, one from last week, and one from two years ago.
  • Jesse gentled his grip but his eyes remained hard as they scanned over Joel's injuries.
  • Joel dreams of escape from his Alaskan bondage when a couple Japanese businessmen / yakuza weighing whether to build a resort in Alaska or Hawaii arrive in Cicely to be wined and dined by Maurice.
  • Joel nodded numbly, taking a seat in the back of the shuttlecraft that would transport them to the main ship.
  • Joel gave her a wicked grin.
  • Alexa Ray Joel writes on her Facebook page that she was suffering from what she called heartbreak-related depression. CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010
  • The blistering heat and intense flash made Joel look away for a second.
  • Joel was chosen in recognition of his work as an author, educator, curator, and promoter of mineral collecting.
  • Joel sat there with a bored look, his glasses slipping off his button nose.
  • Joel had to bite back the caustic remark that burned on the tip of his tongue.
  • Breakfast over, I grabbed my kit while Joel grabbed the ice chest; it was just a short walk to the skiff with its fifty horse power motor.
  • Joel Kangha is Search for Common Ground's Program Coordinator in Abidjan. Joel Kangha: Ivory Coast at a Crossroads
  • According to Richard Freeman and Joel Rogers, forty-two million non-union workers want a union.
  • So where does Joel Silver come into the picture? jamie you never "NEED" a remake perhaps it should be directed by judd apatow and star paul rudd as the robot from the poster, then slashfilm would love the idea J. Michael Straczynski to Write Forbidden Planet Remake | /Film
  • For two weeks they try to survive, until Emily is the unwitting instrument in Joel’s demise. Deadlock by Iris Johansen: Book summary
  • Much as Joel has prospered from his ability to play children, he seeks to diversify his roles.
  • From the room across the hall she brought Celia, a chrysalid child, sleeping heavily, closely wrapped in an old plaid shawl, and laid her on Joel's bed. Other People's Business The Romantic Career of the Practical Miss Dale
  • i am starting a band with gifford and joel and i am going to be playing the drums. i already have the name "meg" going for me, so i think that i'll be okay. Longest entry south of hyrum!
  • The concentration of poverty in Kiryas Joel, pronounced KIR-yas Jo-EL is not a deliberate strategy by the leaders of the Satmar sect, said Joel Oberlander, 30, a title examiner who lives in Williamsburg. NYT > Home Page
  • For the unpretentious, self-effacing actor he was, Joel McCrea had a remarkably varied career.
  • More pairs of hands joined the first and Jace was finally pulled off of Joel, who's nose was bleeding badly.
  • Rose's face turns hard and stony at the mention of Joelle.
  • After perhaps five minutes, Joel slugged Benji in the face, knocking him down.
  • Joel Burns was 'mated' as well as 'married;' and when his wife died, he did not really lose her. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • What it made me realize is that people like Joel and like me, I suppose were drawn to this unentertaining show because we felt like we knew what was going to happen next. Chuck Klosterman on Film and Television
  • JOEL BENNETT, PROSECUTOR: The fact that Robert Durst bought the Green Thumb (ph) bowsaw, 21-inch, at least five days prior to Morris Black being shot, convinces you beyond a reasonable doubt that Robert Durst murdered Morris Black. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2005
  • Joel slummed inside the insidious bowels of some Chinese gadget sweatshops, scheduled a voyage on the world's largest cruise liner and looked at some faux skylights capable of programmable lighting. Boing Boing
  • There is no way to re-educate consumers within the age-old culture of abundancy, the Siamese twin of the culture of waste," writes financial columnist Joelmir Beting. The Perils Of Abundance
  • Joel's brown eyebrows were knitted in a small frown.
  • Chocolatier Joël Durand flavors his confections with home-grown rosemary and thyme, almond praline, bitter honey - even black olives.
  • When I opened the double doors, the first thing I saw was Benji, strumming his guitar, singing along with Joel.
  • The film's director, Joel Schumacher, who discovered Ireland's newest film star, Colin Farrell, said the Dublin-born actor would play a cameo role in the film.
  • The conversations were a testament to Joel's pipeline of information and the esteem in which he was held.
  • She was exchanging private glances with Joel and beaming from the audience like a proud mother (and looking a lot like Mrs. Miller from “Almost Famous”) every time the brothers were onstage. Top 10 Best/Worst Oscar Moments of 2008 » Scene-Stealers
  • I first met Joel Moxey sometime ago during one of the World invitational bonefishing championships.
  • But Joel was Shasta Llamas' resident naturalist mountaineer and survival specialist.
  • Think Progress » Lieberman Says Phased Withdrawal Would Be ‘Road To Disaster,’ Iraqis Disagree It’s amazing that Lieberman says we shouldn’t leave, but the Iraqis think we should. tags: @politics politics bluesignpostidea joe_leiberman hannity_and_colmes joeLeiberman HannityAndColmes iraq withdraw ... Think Progress » Lieberman Says Phased Withdrawal Would Be ‘Road To Disaster,’ Iraqis Disagree
  • I just wonder what is the Mrs. getting out of this? joel palmer Sanford to return to SC on Sunday
  • Joel loved a 64K intro by a Hungarian demoscene group, puttered a 3D printed car around his desk while making puttering noises with his mouth, put a paper plate made out of leaves through the dish washer and the old Lemonaid Loaders his grandfather used to make. Boing Boing
  • By the way, Joel, feel free to move me into the "Prods" section of your blogroll! Keeping tabs on the blogosphere II - BatesLine
  • Biotech analyst Joel Sendek said the label revision for recently approved Cubicin, a treatment for a certain type of staph infection, is "not as good as it appears to be," in a report sent to clients on Wednesday. Cubist Takeout Seen Unlikely
  • Joel himself popped in a few moments after, but I hardly noticed.
  • Joel Martin, managing partner with F.B.T. Productions, says the digital relationship is really no different, and artists should have a far larger share of the profits because the label incurs little extra costs. news
  • Joel Connelly, the P-I's contumelious liberal columnist, is troubled by Astroturf PACs which "hide the identities of people" paying for political campaigns. Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • Joel, were you hurt by the left hook that floored you?
  • Moochin has a decisive Latin American feel, with rich ensembles, intricate horn and rhythm lines and a feisty alto solo from Joel Purnell.
  • Now that Joel was no longer her patient she could have talked to Eugene about him, described the horror she had felt when this poor man with his dyed yellow hair talked of himself as an angel or a god, and described too the pathetic mother, pared down now to a raw, skinless creature who had grown, in so short a time, from absurd girlishness into her true age. Portobello
  • Whitfield, who taped 'Sing Like Kreek' to his bike handlebars after watching men's eight rower Adam Kreek bellow out the national anthem during his gold medal ceremony, had run a strategically brilliant race, helped significantly in the bike leg by "domestique" Colin Jenkins, who had been controversially named to the team at the urging of Whitfield and his coach Joel Filliol. Top Stories
  • In the watercolor and gouache of Joel with Roses, a spray of ripe blooms nearly fills the picture.
  • Joel Shapiro is best known for humanizing the cold, impersonal forms of Minimalism.
  • Tears streamed down my face as Joel made his final attempt to ward the cat off before I picked up Joel's gun, only feet away from my toes, and shot the cat in its haunches.
  • Joel cut the motor, the only sound was the water lapping the side of the skiff.
  • As she was climbing the stairs, Joel came bounding down, dressed in khaki pants and a blue button down shirt that practically made his eyes, which were the exact same color, pop out of his head.
  • Hi! cartoon cartoonist editorial joel pitts cavo atx at biografia turner artista inglese influenza avaria panca massaggio cervicale department health human louisiana resource STORIA DEI LED ZEPPELIN taglia xxl corrispondenza Blog boot heel high sore area industriale obiettivo 2 Midterm Roundup
  • I remember being in Electricity and Magnetism class at college, when we were talking about ferromagnetism," says Joel Bonasera, Program Specialist at Boing Boing
  • Facing (Joel) Zumaya, you want to make sure you don't try to overswing," Eckstein told the Associated Press. Cards take advantage and take Series lead
  • OK, so maybe the fact that I didn't spellcheck my letter before I emailed it to you undermines my point a tad, but my dad can still beat up Joel's dad.
  • After the game, Bulldogs forward Joel Cornette said that his team was "making up for lost time" after being snubbed from the tournament last year with a 25-5 record. NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - Butler vs. Louisville
  • Miller's Crossing, No Country is the first official literary adaptation realized by the filmmakers), Joel Coen noted that the book was "pulpier" than anything they'd read by McCarthy before … "and then, it wasn't. In The Company Of Glenn
  • (Bonus points to Joel for swiping en passant at airport book titan Thomas Friedman and his cartographic ironing board.) Anil Dash
  • Then teammate Joel Zide of Northridge quickened the pace to reach the five-fish plateau first.
  • JOEL AND JACKIE BRENDE differ on many things.
  • It was not the scantily clad woman that disgusted Joel, but the effect his own hormones had on him.
  • James Everest and Joel Pickard's original score includes pedal steel guitar in a style the musicians describe as "deconstructed country. Chronicle
  • In his early work, geographer Joel Bonnemaison stressed place and permanence over mobility, but later, it is the image of reticulated space, or networks that feature prominently.
  • In the University of Toronto Mississauga laboratory, Professor Joel Levine's team genetically tweaked fruit flies so that they didn't produce certain pheromones, called cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • A "few thousand" people opted out of RapLeaf's services on Monday, causing some delays in sending confirmation emails, said Joel Jewitt, RapLeaf's vice president of business development. Thousands of Web Users Delete Profiles From RapLeaf
  • At Joel's silent answer, Jesse sighed a sigh of regret and anger.
  • Now ladies, this one's for your fuller figures, says Joel, owner of the Mon Amie Studios, a ladieswear emporium in Prestwich, Manchester. Strictly Kosher: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Almost as he spoke, Rajoelina was parading triumphantly through the capital surrounded by armed soldiers and an adoring crowd after seizing control of one of the city's presidential palaces and taking the oath of office there as president of what he called a transitional authority. Undefined
  • As the light streams through the windows of the minivan and reflects off Joni's earrings, Joel remembers the way the late-afternoon sun used to glint on the river as he made his way back from class to his off-campus apartment…the way his heart used to pound whenever he caught a glimpse of his downstairs neighbor, a balalaika player named Clarisse. The Search
  • Joel skipped out on his wife when she was 8 months pregnant.
  • How to accomplish the same in executor, with multiple words, in Executor? hakujin1 joelena Integrate Everything Search Tool And Launchy | Lifehacker Australia
  • Whaaaa? michaelsnewyork in the house: irwin winkler, joel schumacher! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • It's all relative, in the end, and when Amy Grech is amassing compliments from the likes of Joel Sutherland and Nate Kenyon -- two accomplished authors of dark fiction -- she's certainly on the right path. Rabid Reads: "Blanket of White" by Amy Grech
  • Joel yelled, making Lacey cower in fear of his sudden burst of anger.
  • This one," she said, holding up the pudgiest bundle, "because this is the china cat, and I want Joel to have that. Five Little Peppers Abroad
  • Illustration by Joel Holland (Melville House) A diagrammed sentence (in this case, from an essay by Joyce Carol Oates) branches out like a growing tree, showing the balance and flow among the various elements. A Diagram for Graceful Prose
  • Dad had sat there quietly watching Dan take on Brendan and then Joel, but he just couldn't help himself - he had to repeat last year's triumph.
  • Michael Gray, a leading immunologist in Benson, Ariz., examined Joel Shipp, then 16, and found symptoms similar to those seen in "patients exposed to petrochemicals, organochlorine pesticide and organophosphate pesticides," according to Gray's report. Ex-CIA staffer alleges agency coverup in toxin exposure case
  • JOEL: Funny and a fitness fanatic. The Sun
  • Keanu Reeves, Sting and singer Billy Joel - who both performed at the reception - were among those invited to the nuptials..
  • Joel carefully weighs two metal washtubs full of stewing hens, then rinses his hands.
  • Now Nolan needs to keep the rest of face under wraps, but I suspect there will be a poster with it in full glory. mICHAEL jOHNSON on May 4, 2008 good catch joel …. .and the dark knight coaster is gonna be trash … if your near the one in jackson, NJ it is just a rehash of skull mountain … lol Must Watch: Second Full Trailer for The Dark Knight! «
  • Joel noted that the ship's computers did not seem to be in a useable condition.
  • Joel puttered around the Las Vegas Convention Center, snapping shots of blinged out iPod boomboxes and television mounting kits for idiots. Boing Boing

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