How To Use Jobholder In A Sentence
This arrangement makes the jobholder dependent on all the people who make those products, who advertise them, who sell them, who distribute them, and so forth.
Power and Influence
The school could not have her trained by the previous jobholder because they could not have two people with the same job at the same time.
Reactions to the Record II
I got one and sometimes more than one, but my track record in the survival department is far less admirable than my performance as a jobholder.
Nickel and Dimed
So all in all, with some demerits for screwups and gold stars for effort, I think it's fair to say that as a worker, a jobholder, I deserve a B or maybe B+.
Nickel and Dimed
Economists should have a similar adage: a job is whatever the jobholder says it is.
Labor Market Surveys Diverge, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

Moreover, property company itself some jobholder's ideology some lags, does not have the long term plan, to market economy understanding insufficiency.
The president's wife, unlike an agency head or a regular White House jobholder, does not have to answer to any boss.
Clinton's Accountability
Coping effectively with this type of situation requires that the jobholder bring considerable assets to the job.
Power and Influence
If the jobholder is an Ambassador to the Children and is going to be going on a million school visits and encouraging reading programs and inspiring librarians -- then it may as well be someone like Rick Reardon, fairly new but high profile.
In the footsteps of giants
They can limit the scope of activities of the jobholder, reducing organizational flexibility.
The jobholder should be a graduate microbiologist or similar and have experience in a production support environment with detailed microbiological and advanced food hygiene knowledge.
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