How To Use Jitter In A Sentence
By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
The image jitters, there is a thump as the sound comes on, and a haggard, hair-covered face fills the frame.
Arsenal, where he can look forward to becoming instantly gripped with a crazed case of the cartwheeling jitters, learning to flap wildly at any kind of cross and generally buying into the idea of goalkeeping as a business of leaping about athletically saving penalties in between diving over the top of toe-poked 40-yard back passes.
The Guardian World News
Caffeine makes me jittery, so I prefer decaffeinated tea.
The show opened as a surreal oasis of calm and culture in a tense and jittery city.
Times, Sunday Times

These polls have caused some jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
Although markets were jittery during the day as votes in the key state of Ohio were counted, stocks were buoyed after Mr Kerry conceded defeat.
My nerves are almost completely balanced by the relief I'm feeling at soon being free of her, but as it is I'm jittering and barely worth talking to.
Stage 1: thermogenic intensifiers to burn fat, suppress appetite and give intense jitter-free energy.
There I was sitting in my chair, jittery with adrenaline and close to peeing my pants, fearful of the imposing figure in the center of the room.
Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate.
The 10-millisecond case, including all jitter effects, is highlighted, which results in a 2-dB degradation in loss-of-lock threshold.
It is important to note that repeaters cannot eliminate all jitter from the incoming signal.
The jitters sent through the government by recent protests are leading to the implementation of even more intrusive and innovative censorship and control tools.
I tried switching between progressive and interlaced modes, and saw the TV do its reconfiguration flash, but the text jittered in both modes.
I did the jitterbug with him to a couple of Glenn Miller songs.
The war was, in a sense, the latest fad, a topic to be exploited in the same way as other fads like bicycles, automobiles, or the jitterbug.
She jittered nervously as she waited for it to show up.
But it provides zero-speed detection capabilities without the associated running jitter inherent in classical digital solutions.
They were waltzing when they should have been jitterbugging.
The answer was to make the jitterbug a slotted dance.
I guess I liked the more modern stuff more; though the jitterbugging was equally interesting.
‘To me a table is a bowl of Jello,’ he says, a reference to the constant jitters that occur on the atomic level.
We waltzed and foxtrotted and ‘jitter-bugged’; the ‘twist’ and ‘rock and roll’ were to be the dances of our kid sisters and brothers and our children.
There was also a case of the jitters ahead of a big bond auction this week.
Times, Sunday Times
I get really jittery if I drink too much coffee.
Both girls ceased their jitters and tried to stand at ease, gnawing away at their lips.
If there were any title jitters around the Bridge, they were quickly banished as the hosts took control.
The Times of India
The rest will be moved on to a perfectly adequate out-of-town portal site with ads that flash and jitter.
I always get the jitters the morning before an exam.
At the shallow end, with their hair in caps, the girls from Typing did the jitterbug in twos.
The writing jitters with 21st-century anxieties.
Times, Sunday Times
In the opening quarter they spilled ball after ball, kicked away possession and missed a succession of scoring chances, as they seemed to have the big day jitters.
The Kings could surrender a Game 1 to Jersey from sheer jitters.
If it dallies, it might set off market jitters about rising prices.
Houston Chronicle
The mage was jittering nervously as Lushya simply stood there dumbfounded.
Traders are not the only ones suffering an attack of the jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
It was probably due to nervous jitters or exhaustion, but the boys almost seemed uncomfortable to be up on stage.
It was probably the tension that made him jittery.
Heavy, blackout material, I noted, and glanced around, no less jittery now that I could see.
But overdo it and you may end up with frayed nerves, a short attention span and the jitters.
The Sun
I was just a little girl but I used to love peeking around the corner and watching them doing the jitterbug and throwing the girls over their shoulders.
The missive was enough to calm investor jitters that peaked the week before.
Times, Sunday Times
Warp speed, back to the sounds of 80's pop and those jittery keyboard blips!
In the end, Charles' robotic moonwalk was overcome by Anthony's jiggy jittering.
At the same time, he'll build up his confidence, his charm, and eventually squash the jitters and shakes caused by scary girls.
Rocket Man makes an appearance, and even attempts the jitterbug.
The board, no less afflicted than the fans, become jittery.
Times, Sunday Times
He has succeeding in "seeling" his moral vision — sewing his eyelids shut, as falconers did to tame their jittery birds — so that even the most spectacular signs and wonders leave him indifferent.
In the Night Kitchen
Jitter is one of the biggest concerns for designers of optical networks, which include optical components such as transmitters, receivers, and transponders.
Emerging - market bonds and shares, for instance, may jitter further.
He was close to a breakdown by January 1943, and his weak performance briefing the Com bined Chiefs of Staff at the Casablanca conference — Roosevelt thought him "jittery" — nearly led to his resignation.
Eisenhower's Pit Bull
Central Office at the moment is a nervous, jittery, uneasy place.
When darkness fell, searchlight beams swept over dancing crowds, in serious holiday mood, jitterbugging, foxtrotting, in hats and long coats, to the sounds of a full orchestra in evening dress.
The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
The image looks blurry, and the image jitters unnaturally sometimes as though pan and scan is in effect.
‘In my little pink-white body back in Aberdeen, Washington, doing the jitterbug - I thought such dancing came out of the air,’ says Brown.
But she did get to jitterbug with Rob Marshall - and ended up with a broken finger.
He looked increasingly jittery as the series went on.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the bands back then typically played in elegant ballrooms with an audience full of dancers who waltzed, foxtrotted and jitterbugged the evening away, and their music was the vernacular of the day.
Not Your Grandpa's Big Bands
Yes | No | Report from dwaynez wrote 44 weeks 4 days ago shane good call on the jitterbugs, I always keep them on hand when I go after Bass.
What is your favorite lure?
He had the jitters and the heebie-jeebies, a feeling deep in his stomach that something was entirely wrong.
It is true that as we age we may no longer be able to jitterbug or engage in a fast mambo.
The technology was so named because it transmits stolen data in jittery chunks — by adding nearly imperceptible processing delays after a keystroke, and for the jitters such a bug could inspire in anyone with secure data to safeguard.
JitterBugs: A New Computer Threat | Impact Lab
I attribute that to jitters, which is certainly understandable, given the anticipation that surrounded this showdown.
Michael Smerconish: The Debate is Over: Santorum for Pennsylvania
Following straight on from the Pilates class above will be an introduction to jiving and jitterbugging.
This made me jittery, fidgety, wired, and slightly more insane than usual.
Somebody might break out a ‘jug,’ and there would be jitterbugging in the aisles.
I bounced and jittered to the music, knocking into the guy next to me a few times.
Kletzki's symphony is an unsettling work, written in German fugal modes and sonata form that stretch back to Bach and Haydn yet rippling with refugee jitters, the rhythms of dispossession.
But the pack showed up well enough in the scrums and recovered from a couple of early lineout jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
You might jitter with anxiety yourself as he steadfastly refuses to shift angles during a maddening and calamitous traffic jam.
He had that nice, crisp pen-and-ink style, but we found the ink lines kind of jittered when you were panning.
Archive 2006-09-01
The old girl stopped doing the jitterbug and picked up a lively waltz instead.
The election campaign got off to a jittery start.
Investors are increasingly jittery as a period of volatility is likely, regardless of the outcome.
Times, Sunday Times
She takes herself off to visit a nervous and jittery Sally, who is beginning to feel like a prisoner in her own home.
But these percussive jitters are anchored by MIA's engaging, half-rapped, half-chanted vocal melodies.
Red light from the neon BURN sign jittered against all the black like electric blood.
Etched in Bone
Video system processing performance is improved by its increased output timing margins and reduced jitter.
Traders are not the only ones suffering an attack of the jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
One jittery grunt comes close to bayoneting a prisoner before being stopped by fellow Marines.
On the same aircrew, the guy who limited himself to coffee became a jittering mass of jelly.
When foreigners start to get really jittery about the war, they'll be trading in their euros, yen, rubles, and rupees and whatnots for solid, US dollars.
The less-than-panicky call it jittery response by world markets on Monday to debt-talk failures has strengthened the right-wing argument that a default is no catastrophe.
Craig Crawford: Y2K Syndrome Infects Debt Debate
Yes | No | Report from jmcctheboss23 wrote 33 weeks 6 days ago jitterbug is my all time favorite lure and as far as bait goes id have to say leeches
Favorite fishing bait all time.
Using sophisticated examinations, the researchers found that the obese individuals exhibited several distinct modifications in voice feature, including hoarseness, murmuring, vocal instability, altered jitter and shimmer, and reduced maximum phonation times as well the presence of voice strangulation at the end of emission.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » The Voice of Obesity
He wrote, Might you have sway with legislators against the Salvation Army male duo that park about 4 p.m. on 50th street near the rink, set up a boom box and start jitterbugging doing Michael Jackson -style whoops and yells every 20 seconds, that disturb workers in the building.
Salvation Army Swings
And I remember I did the jitterbug on stage, the opening of the third act.
‘The passing of King Fahd is obviously going to put some jitters into the market overall,’ said Kim Iskyan, head of research at MDM Bank.
Ewing and Davis fluctuate between nervous jitters and cautious optimism, with the first day of the inaugural event only a few days away.
‘Maybe its Camera jitters, maybe she's having second thoughts about the Harry Potter movie ’, James suggested as Tash shook her head.
Now, if I could just stop jittering enough to do my work.
When it crossed over to white audiences, swing's dances were all lumped together by the media under the name "jitterbug".
The Guardian World News
Jittery investors dumped it as a result, sending its shares down 5.6 per cent.
That can make people feel more jittery when they smoke it.
Times, Sunday Times
· Adjust size, shift gaps between elements, increase "jitter" -- each pattern has its own set of controls, all accessible through one simple palette.
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They were jittery now and reacted nervously to any movement around their dugouts.
On a day when the higher-yielding euro was already under pressure from Portugal's mounting economic problems and jitters that European Union leaders would underwhelm markets with a proposal to address the euro-zone's sovereign-debt travails, the news boosted the dollar across the board.
Dollar Advances On GDP, Fed Talk
Understandably, the next lot to qualify felt very jittery so they looked elsewhere before we advertised our jobs.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be more jitters on the government benches in the coming months.
Times, Sunday Times
The shy dater can open up and get to know a person without having to deal with first-date jitters that often come from fear of the unknown.
Couples waltzing, then jitterbugging, then frugging, while the sounds of artillery fire from different wars all but drown out the music.
London Theater Journal: A Dance to the Music of Time, Establishment-Style - ArtsBeat Blog -
In addition, he has repeatedly made threats to shoot so that the Bremen goal jittery.
We definitely had a few nervous jitters brought on by the unknown of what or who was down there waiting for us to fly overhead.
The phase jitter of output signal of the PLL ( phase locked loop ) frequency doubler is analyzed.
The Scope Central community will cover areas such as oscilloscope fundamentals, probing, signal integrity, jitter, power, high-speed buses, mainstream buses, and memory.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Points, jittered to reduce overplotting geom_linerange
But she's a girl...
If you're truly sensitive to the jitters, herbal blends are caffeine-free, and some black teas are decaffeinated.
This ensures Fibre Channel compliance at the output of the retimer regardless of the amount of jitter on the incoming signal.
Jitter and flicker are two different phenomena, but both can drive you to distraction when you're trying to get work done.
Traders are not the only ones suffering an attack of the jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
This mix makes for a short term jittery market and certainly a flexible approach will remain.
SYDNEY—A magnitude 6.5 earthquake has struck the sea floor northwest of the Vanuatu capital of Port Vila, according to a notice from the U.S. Geological Survey, adding to jitters over tremors in the region following the quake that has devastated parts of Japan.
6.5 Quake Strikes Sea Floor NW of Vanuatu
PC Dunn suggested that the appellant's demeanour was jittery and very uneasy.
Meanwhile, the wide aisle bisecting the Terrace Room at Newark's Symphony Hall filled with jitterbugging, jiving and boogalooing dancers.
His nerves jittered a little to see the massive beast pounding straight at him, but Dervek kept his hand steady and aimed.
Jitterbugs on August 2, 16 and 30 provides jive and boogie 1940s'-style classes for all the family.
Being aboard a ship was drastically more boring than dancing the jitterbug in England.
The heavier guitar riff which underlies this jittery paced indie rock track makes it one of the band's strongest releases in a while.
The Sun
They were jitterbugging, swinging to the tunes of big bands, or singing hymns.
I always get the jitters the morning before an exam.
Traffic jitters and frustration turned nice people into bullies and brutes.
But corporates are nervous and Wall Street has the jitters.
Dancing happened everywhere, even overhead in a technician's glassed-in booth, often with a jittery intensity that turned the simplest movement phrases into gibberish.
Though the songs have all the jittery energy and dance beats that make bank these days, hooks are absent, replaced by trebly guitar screech and electronic howls.
Jitter severe operating table, the doctor performed the command Ying calm: " to continue the operation.
The ensembles of bopping and jitterbugging are done with real swing.
His natural demeanor can seem a tad tepid, but at least he's not trying to be a jittery homespun Hepburn like his famous co-star.
Not once did I experience any sort of mouse jitter or discrepancies in movement.
Priya's wedding jitters mount at her hen party.
The Sun
And even when we're not literally getting taped on an I-phone or video, we've by now internalized the wary, jittery, self-censoring instincts that the panoptical of our age promotes, and that cripple our bullshit capacities.
Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: The Bullshit Paradox
m. don't announce aerotrain arriving; people got eyes and they don't want to be reminded they have to take a jerky train after decanting from a jittery flight through turbulence.
Planet Malaysia
Tonight, terror jitters are spreading throughout the world.
Priya's wedding jitters mount at her hen party.
The Sun
There is a strong temptation for jittery investors to cash in their chips.
Times, Sunday Times
Conveniently perhaps ominously Selenas blueblood employers are nowhere to be found, and their estates jittery caretaker raises hackles.
Bones by Jonathan Kellerman: Book summary
Adding to our jitters will be a TV bombardment of such time-worn horror films as Frankenstein, Dracula and Night of the Living Dead.
Dan Dorfman: More Than Those Autumn Leaves Could Fall
His natural demeanor can seem a tad tepid, but at least he's not trying to be a jittery homespun Hepburn like his famous co-star.
Mitchell's voice has been transformed by age and cigarettes from the flutey, jittery soprano of her youth, to a weary, grainy alto.
Although every living thing eventually goes extinct in the face of changes ranging from ice ages to interspecific competition, the fossil record shows that while some species debut and are booed off the stage, there are others -- cockroaches and sharks come to mind -- whose dance with time is more waltz than jitterbug.
Arthur Rosenfeld: Must Humans Go the Way of the Dinosaurs?
We use the packets themselves to clock each end of the signal because we can't have jitter.
There was also a blitz ball, a jitterbug jive dance night, a mock 1940s wedding, a remembrance service and a parade.
UK Government bonds tracked their German counterparts higher as jittery investors sought safer homes for their money.
Times, Sunday Times
‘It's always stressful,’ she confirms of the opening-night jitters.
Like Jitters, she had knocked around the world a bit and wound up in Dead Rat.
Feeling jittery all the time?
The Sun
So the fear of recession in the world's largest economy is sending jitters around the globe.
I did the jitterbug with him to a couple of Glenn Miller songs.
Still, there are occasional signs that our jitters, our fears, and our suppressed anger could grow into something like a political force.
Blood trickled hot from his nose as white light jittered like Times Square neon across his vision.
Etched in Bone
There was also a blitz ball, a jitterbug jive dance night, a mock 1940s wedding, a remembrance service and a parade.
It misjudged how jittery insurance shareholders already were.
Times, Sunday Times
He is an unsettled, jittery man who mostly speaks in fragmented sentences because his mind is like a chess board, it is always working on several things at a time and it is most often a few steps ahead of his conscious ability to recognize what his mind is doing.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » “How can I make a character with mental disorders work?”
Traders are not the only ones suffering an attack of the jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
Collapsing with a fit of the jitters, she was marked down as a choker, not to be bothered with.
I would feel depressed and jittery.
The Sun
The crowd instantly recognised Idioteque from the first few jittering beats and the sound of Greenwood randomly shoving jacks in and out of his analogue sequencer like a frantic telephone exchange operator.
But jitters about the deteriorating budget talks have driven yields steadily higher.
Barack Obama, our next likely president -- disregarding morbid Doris Lessing-esque poo-pooers, or a jittery electorate overcome with a necrophilic hunger only a bespotted failed war "hero" can slake -- is full of it.
David Matthews: Obama is full of it. Hope, I mean.
The jitters are worst in the capital, where 61% of people are fearful of a terrorist attack.
But the pack showed up well enough in the scrums and recovered from a couple of early lineout jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
The panels had stopped jittering and a screen display in the center went alight.
The archbishop of Toledo refused to let her premarital jitters ruin a useful alliance.
Show dances and jitterbugs are stylized and often meshed with whatever Mr. Varone favors.
Carlo Ancelotti said his side are not suffering from title jitters after
The Guardian World News
It was a time of Bill Haley and the Comets, Elvis and the jitterbug.
In this way, we teenagers picked up ballroom, jazz, jive and the frowned upon jitter bugging.
The trio treats their jittery dance-punk like a mad science experiment, haphazardly fusing club-ready basslines with uncomely electronic raucousness.
Beyond this, short-term jitters about the direction of government policy have taken hold in Shanghai's sentiment-driven market, bringing down the average A-to-H-share premium.
China Bulls Run (Away)
Enter the burglars, led by the scary, skeevy Ben Mendelsohn Animal Kingdom, a group that also includes the growly Dash Mihok and the jittery Cam Gigandet.
Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Trespass
In addition his is always jittery, nervous and panicky, always worried, always tense, never able to relax.
Automatic jitter compensation fuzzy identification system. Quick two - dot type eccentric compensation.
I confronted him and he said he'd been having wedding jitters and it was a one-off.
The Sun
Since you'll be jitterbugging all night, there's a free swing lesson with Tom and Debra of gottaswing. com between 8 and 9, followed by dancing until midnight.
Nightlife Agenda: Pool parties, rooftop parties and Black Pride
If I turn on the advanced graphic options such as Anti Aliasing I have to bump the resolution down just one notch so that it does not jitter.
The centre of defence is a case in point: John Terry and Branislav Ivanovic looked slow, weak and jittery as Grant Holt outmuscled and even outmanoeuvred them at Stamford Bridge, just as Alex had been bullied off the ball by Shane Long for West Bromwich's goal the previous week.
Chelsea in need of rejuvenation despite flattering defeat of Norwich
I always get the jitters the morning before an exam.
He tried to calm jitters about Iran's threat to close a vital shipping route for global oil and gas supplies.
Times, Sunday Times
Investors were getting jittery, and some were downright panicky.
MRRLEST8 www. While some world stock and commodity markets show signs of calming down, jitters remain despite -- or perhaps because o ... davianletter Oh man, there just might be a few #commodity markets that keep me up this morning.
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Once everybody got over the pregame jitters, both teams really settled in well.
You're jittery, and shaky, and always seem slightly nervous about something.
Tom exclaimed, coming out of his usual postshow jitters and speaking for the first time that night.
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone
Her skin reacted to the small touches, goose bumps jittering across her flesh as her face flushed hot.
I knew I had to lunge to her body, I did about 25 seconds of dancing around, and attacked her arm a few times to get her jittered and then lunged, half fleche, half falling toward her body.
Battle of Seattle Sunday I: Women's Epee; hitting the pools
Thankfully, pre-exam jitters are manageable by taking a few practical steps.
In the jittery start both sides were guilty of handling errors but Keighley had the best of the early play.
The half is when the jitters and fears you've been dealing with during rehearsal must be exorcised.
International investors have become jittery about the country's economy.
He tried to calm jitters about Iran's threat to close a vital shipping route for global oil and gas supplies.
Times, Sunday Times
Repeaters should be used everywhere else, since any jitter transferring through the repeater is low frequency and benign to downstream devices.
Another form of delay is jitter, which refers to variations in delay caused by fluctuating signal strengths.
While buffers can help mitigate the impact of jitter and wander, they also serve to increase one-way latency, which may stint a conversation.
If the source was 25i, why changefps (23.976)? changefps will add / delete frames, so you are bound to get choppiness (maybe what you described as jitter?) it might help to post an unprocessed source sample, the ghosting might be blending frames or something else - hard to say without seeing it. Forum
They both scream then, arching and jittering as if convulsed by electric current.
Markets got the jitters on Monday after Standard & Poor's said, for the first time in 70 years of US bond watching, that it could soon cease to regard the sovereign IOUs of the world's sole superpower as copper-bottomed guarantees.
US fiscal policy: In place of prudence | Editorial
Crowded around the bar, we caught our breath and ordered the drafts that never quite quenched our thirsts, but Tom and Betty kept dancing, jitterbugs and twists, the new steps they whipped up on the spot that were as sharp as any on Bandstand.
In the Jukebox Light
The uncertainty surrounding the global economy following the collapse in stock markets has sent jitters through all boardrooms.
Now things are looking jittery.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be more jitters on the government benches in the coming months.
Times, Sunday Times