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How To Use Jingo In A Sentence

  • There was a Malay steward behind each chair, and over in the corner, silent but missing nothing, the squint-faced Jingo; even he had exchanged his loin-cloth for a silver sarong, with hornbill feathers in his hair and decorating the shaft of his sumpitan* (* Blowpipe.) standing handy against the wall. Flashman's Lady
  • When are Orwells sheep ever going to figure out the jingoist crap, mere words, are being used to make rubes of them? Think Progress » Minnesota Attorney General Denies Pawlenty’s Request To Challenge Constitutionality Of Health Reform
  • While, as Steve pointed out, patriotism can easily slip into jingoism, that is simply a way for some people to channel their personal idiocies. Planet Atheism
  • The rest of the speech consisted largely of jingoistic bluster and attempts at political intimidation.
  • Over and over, the new American jingoes depict the U.S. as somehow a victim in the international economy.
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  • In his recent annual address to the clergy the Bish. lamented bitterly that the American "jingo" was provoking dear patient Christian England to put on her war-paint. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • You can be patriotic without being jingoistic.
  • Only the jingoes think they can do whatever they like because ‘they’ have nukes and the largest military in the world. Think Progress » Bush Administration Developing Plans To Keep 50,000 U.S. Troops In Iraq For Decades
  • Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.
  • There are the jingoists, the nationalists who just would want the Australian cricket side to win anything they ever enter.
  • A jingo is a jingo wherever we meet him, and as far as we are concerned there is no close season for jingoes.
  • As opposed to the jingoist neocons who want to export the wonders of American capitalism, abortion, liberalism, and Starbucks all over the face of the earth. Matthew Yglesias » All Presidents Engage With Tyrants
  • We've been talking about the law and prosecutors with you jingoes. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
  • As the world prospered behind their backs, this insular strain of American metastasized into swaggering jingoes full of Cold War machismo, content to wave the flag and "Go for the gold. Mike Farrell: The Ugly America
  • If he has ever seen the word scuttle it has been in the Jingo Press, where the "policy of scuttle" is used whenever we give up something to a small Power like Liberals, instead of giving up everything to a great Power, like Imperialists. Tremendous Trifles
  • But the police and a jingoistic public ensure that such effrontery is suitably decried and the witnesses end up regretting having spoken the truth.
  • The military, masochism, bullyism, a persecution complex, mindless jingoism ... hey, that sounds like somebody else we know! Goliath was faking
  • I see a strong push across the planet toward several self-destructive avenues: racism, jingoism, religious fanaticism and monopolism are all roads to separation and alienation. Archive 2005-06-01
  • She dispatched a naval task-force to the islands amidst a revival of popular jingoism, and refused to allow mediation efforts to stand between her and a complete military victory.
  • By jingo, there are some good stoushes between media and governments at the moment.
  • The press continued its jingoistic display.
  • The jingoistic script is hard to take at times.
  • We cannot afford misrepresentation of the facts, jingoism and warmongering in the media.
  • I believe I'm more of a patriot and more jingoistic than these people who see me as a radical.
  • The Irish way is the difference between patriotism and jingoism.
  • The message spoken in this election reflects a nation less concerned with morality and compassion than past generations, and far more content to wallow in its bigotry and jingoism.
  • And even in terms of depicting war, this movie is path-breaking in terms of using minimal jingoism.
  • During World War I he wrote a jingoist poem “Hymn of Hate against England” that swept Germany. Bloodlust
  • And even in terms of depicting war, this movie is path-breaking in terms of using minimal jingoism.
  • You know me – I'm no jingoistic America-first chowderhead, and proved it during the last Olympics, but this, my friends, is a load of crap. General tso's checkin'
  • The British jingo, the pious Christian pacifist, the member of an exclusive club, the mere "Labourite"; all these he had been (or imagined he had been), and all these he attacked in turn. Sidney Percival Bunting
  • The word jingoism originated from a music hall ditty of the Boer War: "We don't want to fight", it ran, "but by jingo if we do, we have got the men, we've got the guns, we've got the money too. The Unreasonable Man
  • He was disgusted by the jingoism that the war provoked, with its assumption that all who did not join were against. Ford Madox Ford
  • Left-wingers, rather than jingoes, should be the ones least willing to forgive "Hanoi Jane"; although her characteristically vainglorious, self-dramatizing decision to publicly oppose the war was the most morally justified one of her life, her judgment of how to put it into practice was disastrous. Calamity Jane
  • The whole glib tone of this, the truly jingoistic and arrogant belligerence would be totally unacceptable.
  • Studying people who are often maligned as racist, jingoistic troglodytes, she portrays a lively and diverse group brought together by common interests in history, mechanics, and liberty.
  • No S A - the word you are looking for is "jingoist". Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • A jingo is a war hawk, somebody who is very strong for war or for imperial control. First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power
  • I did not intend to sound like a flag-waving jingoist, and I certainly regret it if I did.
  • While there was some good, or at least restrained, reporting by U.S. media as the tragedy unfolded, the main sources of news for most Americans maintain what I can only call a cocked trigger of jingoism, which often goes off before the screams subside and the blood and debris are hosed into the gutter. Pseudo-Reporting
  • The phrase "fleet in being," having within recent years gained much currency in naval writing, demands -- like the word "jingo" -- preciseness of definition; and this, in general acceptance, it has not yet attained. Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles
  • Will belligerency and jingoism solve the issues and problems the two countries face?
  • They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play, by showing war in its true horror.
  • Rather it is all about the chauvinism and political jingoism that go with such sports these days.
  • I'm sure the illustration below went down like a Steve Bell cartoon with the jingoes.
  • A negotiating victory ‘over Europe’ would provide referendum fodder for the most jingoistic elements of the media.
  • In contrast to this, recall the jingoism of Bush led Administration, US media and people of America on the occasion of 9/11. Latest Stories
  • In England, if one simply considers the number of people involved, it is probable that the dominant form of nationalism is old-fashioned British jingoism.
  • It is a festival of the most strident and often ghastly jingoism and a celebration of multinationalism, multiculturalism and human diversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fair play, it wasn't his fault he died, and by jingo he'd suffered on the way. PROSPECT HILL
  • How would he differentiate between patriotism and jingoism; internationalism and xenophobia?
  • The English are here and they have announced their arrival in the Portuguese capital with typically jingoistic aplomb.
  • This reductive, brainless jingoism is just too weirdly, sadly topical.
  • For example, the perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Our sense of national pride has been turned into plain old jingoistic nationalism by people who just want to sell us fermented grain juice.
  • Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.
  • Let managers and shareholders make their own choices, based on sound business judgment, not on fear, jingoism or just bad economics.
  • He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.
  • It should not be confused, as it so often is, with jingoism, which is a blind, flag-waving nationalism that refuses to acknowledge any failings whatsoever of our society. The Wright Stuff and Senator Obama
  • Some will, Shawcross has been called up the England squad which affords a player a certain amount of protection from the most jingoistic and snide journalists.
  • There is very little jingoism or synthetic patriotism in the letters and diaries of unknown soldiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • American cinema has, for years, worked its magic to manipulate popular opinion, machinating to fortify racial stereotypes, prejudice, jingoism, and hegemonic control - especially during times of political change.
  • JACK: 'Tis a delicate age, by jingo, when the rake is the fine gentleman and the fine gentleman is the lady's favourite, egad. The Beau Defeated: or, The Lucky Younger Brother
  • The Parliamentary majority owes its seats to a great extent to the unbridling of the jingo instinct.
  • Mohan Lal reported that on being funneled out of the Gomal Pass to the daman, Lohani caravans arrived in Majingorah, a place: Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Normally I run a mile from 'jingoism' - one reason I've never been to a Last Night of the Proms except for 2001. Archive 2005-09-01
  • If Americans acted this way, we'd be called boorish or jingoistic. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.
  • Nuclear weapons research went on, but beyond the public gaze and without any open attempt to foment jingoism or gain political mileage.
  • I remember the jingoist phrase that ‘We cant switch leaders in the time of war’ Think Progress » Confused Palin: It is ‘mistaken’ to call GOP the ‘Party of No,’ but GOP is right to be ‘Party of No’ to Obama.
  • MR: Well they've got the lingo jingo, they've got people like Luntz. Mike Ragogna: Government and Go-Go: Conversations with Stone Sour and Slipknot's Corey Taylor, and Chuck Brown
  • The War threatened to sweep away such fears in the uninhibited jingoism that greeted the outbreak of hostilities.
  • They said it was nationalistic, jingoistic, imperialistic and represented a bad and unjust past.
  • The Olympic Games is a festival of nationalism, a gourmandising 17-day feast of jingo.
  • TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran de facto President Roberto Micheletti met on Friday with a delegation of U.S. lawmakers who have called on the Obama administration to stop supporting the return of ousted The blaze of jingoism is short-lived. - Articles related to Trading to start on China's new small stock index
  • John Yoo is a jingoist lawyer at the unfortunate cross-hairs of a very bad decision. Think Progress » Yoo: Congress Cannot Stop the President From Using Nukes
  • Genuine patriotism is a tough commodity to come by in these more jaded, jingoistic times.
  • Letting this Luntizian jingoist crap frame your brains. Think Progress » Minnesota Attorney General Denies Pawlenty’s Request To Challenge Constitutionality Of Health Reform
  • It is not jingoism or knee-jerk flag-waving; it's real and true and good.
  • But do any American governors actually believe in this sort of jingoism, or do they just affect to do so for political purposes?
  • They would have stayed in their offices, and let other men (whom they called "jingoes") do the fighting for them. Theodore Roosevelt
  • Additionally, the law reaches back to revoke legal visas already obtained: “… the period of authorized admission as such a nonimmigrant shall terminate 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, …” … Rather than have a serious discussion on how security processes can actually be improved in reasonable and cost effective ways, we have jingoistic and “one size fits all” approaches to get at such issues. Think Progress » Right Wing Mounts Witch Hunt To Smear TSA Nominee With Flailing, Off-Target Attacks
  • Mindless jingoism is often mistaken for patriotism in this country and that's wrong.
  • And yet, her perspective is not one of romantic jingoism about tradition either.
  • It is a day which recalls where jingoism and nationalism can lead when placed in the wrong hands.
  • Since when is celebrating an Olympic victory jingoism?
  • Palin resorted to Jingoisim (if you dont know what that means look it up, sorry for the Elitist terms), Racisim, Nationalisim etc. A Shaved Butt for Obama?
  • Teaching American history - our common story - as opposed to group-identity history, is rejected as ethnocentric and jingoistic.
  • Apparently Looney Luntzs rotational resistors had a short and the same old folks as before didnt have knobs not of their own, to twist when some jingoist thought echoed about the sheeply tiny pink globs existing within their cavernous cephalic Think Progress » Conservatives Falsely Claim New Obama Nuke Policy Prevents Nuclear Retaliation Against Chem/Bio Attack
  • The woman is trying to cover up her failing marriage by uttering jingoistic exultations in the midst of other people.
  • It's jingoism, which is something none of us should aspire to nor should we celebrate. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • It is not jingoism or knee-jerk flag-waving; it's real and true and good.
  • Will belligerency and jingoism solve the issues and problems the two countries face?
  • He uses jingoism as a blatant vote catcher, and much to disgrace of the Australian electorate, it's working.
  • It has sparked debate in the US over whether the highly patriotic tone crossed the line into jingoism.
  • Granted, the right has been right snappy with their jingoes. Talking Right: A Guide to Neo-Con Doubletalk in Double Time
  • So it would be a dire mistake to allow, by default, jingoism to become synonymous with patriotism and the American spirit.
  • The United States is still at war, and if New Yorkers were jingoists, the flags would still be omnipresent - and their meaning would have changed.
  • The film functions best in its role as a critique of militarism, jingoism and fundamentalism.
  • Behind the crude market-value jingoism, there was a second argument as to the role of the media.
  • You will remember that in 1846 the war with Mexico was just beginning, and many people were opposed to it as the work of "jingo" politicians, controlled in some degree by the slavery power. Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor A Book for Young Americans
  • Your frightened jingoism is especially unappealing when it comes out in support of the burning death of civilians. Think Progress » The Truth About ThinkProgress’ White Phosphorus Coverage
  • As one who has taught college students for the past 41 years, the only task worthy of a teacher is that of teaching our kids how to think for themselves, critical thinking skills that might perhaps enable them to counter the outrageous mendacity of those in power, chauvinistic jingoes who would, through the use of propaganda, have our children believe a lie rather than that which is true. Why I am Ashamed to be an American
  • As the war looms closer warmongering propagandists will step up their flag-waving jingoism and attacks on so called ‘traitors’.
  • It was the SRC's attempts to eliminate the Afrikaans character of the university and its championing the ANC which gave the university a "jingo" image among right-thinking Afrikaners, he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If rational arguments are available for increasing the aggression on the net taxpayer via immigration; why would ad hominem smear terms, such as jingo and chauvinist appear? Are Immigrants "Ordinary People"?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Indeed, TV agitprop from the period shows how backing for the war was won ideologically - through the fear of the evils of Communism during the Cold War, and through the jingoism towards a ‘people who live out there’.
  • There is no need for racism, jingoism, fanaticism or monopolism. Archive 2005-06-01
  • The entire manner in which the heavily criticized act was passed into law is enough to give even the most jingoistic jarhead reason to pause.
  • Made during the Second World War, it’s packed with jingoistic Americanism, but this ties in with Cohan’s own attitudes and the unself-conscious sentimentality of his songs, and Cagney’s stiff-backed hoofing is so spirited that the moldly plot turns hardly bother one. 2009 July 04 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Flag-waving, jingoism and professional sports go hand in hand.
  • Accordingly, I then did some editing to correct them, but in response you reverted my edits, with a note "Constant re-insertion of jingoistic words and phrasing." when in fact i did not reinsert any but instead was removing such, including the term homosex, with Andy had not edited. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • Fair play, it wasn't his fault he died, and by jingo he'd suffered on the way. PROSPECT HILL
  • Certainly, the leadership of the violent jingo crowds was middle-class.
  • It is not mere jingoism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isn't this about the potential compatibility or incompatibility of paganism and jingoism, not patriotism at all?
  • The intervening time has seen a remarkable amount of rumormongering, jingoism, blind adherence to rumor, and armchair patriotism.
  • The term "jingoist;" or its equivalent, was applied to Washington and Henry, to Jefferson and Jackson. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • Fair play, it wasn't his fault he died, and by jingo he'd suffered on the way. PROSPECT HILL
  • Gross points to two “key moments” in the twentieth century American history of racial and gender identity occurring initially when “racial identity trials shifted from more routine adjudications of ancestry to intense contests about science and performance, ” and subsequently when jingoist and nativist movements ignited “efforts to define the boundaries of citizenship racially. SSRN: Legal Studies Research Paper Series University Of Miami School Of Law Vol. 3, No. 7
  • The jingoes exulted. gotcha! screamed the New York Post, showing a blowup of Zarqawi's face, bruised and puffy (the tabloid couldn't resist a cartoon bubble from the dead terrorist's mouth uttering the command "Warm up the virgins"). Death of a Terrorist
  • I proudly inject mindless, jingoistic patriotism into my feature films.
  • Indeed, other than a primitive anticommunism which is but the obverse sign of a verbally truculent hometown jingoism, he has no foreign policy. Know Thy President
  • As the war looms closer warmongering propagandists will step up their flag-waving jingoism and attacks on so called ‘traitors’.
  • Oooo is that egg on your chin sir …? on June 5, 2009 at 8: 45 pm Jingo399 Motorcycle Daydream « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The most disturbing aspect of this article isn't anything that appears in the article itself, but rather the collection bigoted, jingoistic, and willfully ignorant remarks that followed.
  • All generals, war-secretaries, and jingo-leaders in the two countries died on that day; and that day two vast armies, undirected, like strayed sheep, walked over each other's frontiers and fraternized. Goliah
  • Only the crazy jingoes believe that their Apocalypse is an idea whose time has come. Think Progress » Bush Administration Developing Plans To Keep 50,000 U.S. Troops In Iraq For Decades
  • Advani's personal stamp on Hindutva is the shift he engineered in its strategy from cultural nationalism to religious jingoism.
  • Aren't there young men who are swayed by nothing more than the stirring music of a military brass band, or the sight of fine-looking uniforms, or the rabble-rousing rhetoric of a jingoistic politician while the flag waves in the wind?
  • On a nightly basis, vastly overpaid news anchors appear to vie with one another to see who can emerge the most jingoistic or lachrymose.
  • And others applauding ironic jingoism as a good point, bravely made. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not, nor ever should be, a jingoistic patriotic stab at defining a nation's identity through theatre.
  • Perhaps the mawkishness and jingoism of the popular culture prevailing in those days is as distasteful as the shallowness of our own.
  • That would benefit everyone except Chirac and the other jingoists.
  • This is your average jingoistic space-program flick.
  • And it was Disraeli who grasped that 'jingoism' - a potent cocktail of popular patriotism and imperial expansionism - could win new voters among newly enfranchised groups such as artisans, skilled workers and shopkeepers: the Essex Men of the Victorian era. Home | Mail Online
  • It's easy to dismiss the jingoists, the English-only paranoiacs, the self-appointed culture police.
  • It could be construed as proof of the decline of society into simple jingoism.
  • The exuberant audience, in an elixir of patriotism, rejoicing in jingoism and flourishing Union Jacks, swells to the strains of Jerusalem, the other national anthem.

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