How To Use Jim crow In A Sentence

  • Although the Jim Crow character as a feature of minstrel shows became popular in the generation before the Civil War, early photographic images of people in blackface are quite rare.
  • This was known as the ' Jim Crow ' system, named after earlier caricature portrayals of blacks.
  • When Jim Crow laws ruled the roost, a Temple janitor pecked away at racism with pen and paper, his sword whetted by iambic pentameter. Temple Daily Telegram News Feed
  • As Michelle Alexander has pointed out in her brilliant book, The New Jim Crow, the mass incarceration of African-American men today is but the reinstitution of a racial caste system under the rubric of being "tough on crime. Janet Langhart Cohen: Dr. King, a Monumental Man
  • The Koch brothers' plan to resegregate schools hit a roadblock when students, parents, teachers, and civil rights leaders united to stop the return to Jim Crow. Robert Greenwald: There Are Many More Koch Brother Secret Sins (VIDEO)
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  • The more than three hundred treaties with Native Americans broken by the U.S. government, the "Indian schools" and the reservation system to "Americanize" them and keep them out of sight, the Jim Crow laws, lynchings, legal discrimination, still-existing racist judicial system with its disproportionate numbers of African-American and Hispanic males incarcerated or executed, all resulted. Marginalizing MLK: Ignoring Dr. King's Still-Relevant Speech
  • But in America, he suffered under the oppressiveness of Jim Crow, which forced his oversized personality into a more humble version for his white colleagues.
  • It took a brutal civil war to end slavery and federal troops to topple Jim Crow.
  • I think that the war on certain drugs is a continuation of slavery and Jim Crow, but its effect of disenfranching voters is merely a collateral benefit to its supporters. Is That Legal?: Coincidence? I Think Not.
  • For example, in Latin America neither Jim Crow laws nor the octoroon designation existed.
  • The problem of Jim Crow in the South was a direct product of slavery – indeed it was a deliberate and concerted effort by Southerners to reimpose slavery in everything but name. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • Ferguson Supreme Court decision, which ushered in the "separate but equal" Jim Crow laws), who was "one-eighth Negro" also called "octaroon") would find that out when he was expelled from a Whites Only car of a train, and because he dared to sue for his rights, we got legal segregation for his efforts. "All That Yellow Wasted"
  • Slavery was abolished at the price of a great national trauma, only to be replaced by a system of segregation called Jim Crow.
  • I'm here to tell you, down here in Jim Crow Heaven, the notion of hanky panky with a black woman worked like a charm. Linda Hansen: A Thousand Points of Blight: Lindsey Graham and the McSmear Campaign
  • He fulminates against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, best known for forcing restaurants and bus stations in the Jim Crow South to integrate, and against Brown v. Board of Education.
  • We hope that looking at Ugly laws, anti-Okie laws, and Jim Crow laws will give us the distance and perspective we need to illumine our own blind spots and democratic failings. Paul Boden: The Quality of Whose Life? Part 2
  • The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
  • We cannot analogize a 21st century society that permits private discrimination and prohibits government discrimination with the Jim Crow south because the later was institutionalized by government discrimination. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • It took a brutal civil war to end slavery and federal troops to topple Jim Crow.
  • Quite right - but that's because there's no history of discrimination against left-handers, whereas the practice of using peremptory challenges and other devices to keep blacks off juries is older than Jim Crow and a continuing problem. Balkinization
  • Widespread racial prejudice inhibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights.
  • The difference in our Parties is that Democrats fought to keep slavery, fought to enforce Jim Crow, You guys gave us Vietnam. My Thoughts on Bob McDonnell's Kickoff
  • I really feel that jim crow is alive and well. charles pettway Heckler Wilson 'a decent guy' with lock on district, observers say
  • In a country built on slavery, Jim Crow and lynching, as well as one which to this day has a significant statistical difference in economic stability between races (as evidenced by the article at top), white people whining about unfairness is about as gauche as it gets. Think Progress » National Review ‘symposium’ on black unemployment has no black participants.
  • Widespread racial prejudice inhibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights.
  • What’s impracticable is simply the idea of getting a law passed such that someone in the position of Helen Aberson and Harold Perl, for example, the writer and illustrator of the children’s book that DUMBO is based on, might take Disney to court for, say, introducing a racist character like Jim Crow or throwing in some right wing anti-union propaganda in the form of evil clowns. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I bet Jim Crow is flipping over in hie miserable grave. Sessions to 'withhold...consent' on Sotomayor
  • Viewing the evolution of civil rights through the lens of legal history, Tsesis considers laws that have restricted civil rights (such as Jim Crow regulations and prohibitions against intermarriage) and laws that have expanded rights (including antisegregation legislation and other legal advances of the civil rights era). Tsesis on the History of Civil Rights
  • Given the reality of the Jim Crow South, however, majoritarian democracy could hardly have been said to be in play.
  • Everywhere in the city the tension is papable, we have always had the sense that the jim crow mentality was beneath the surface but with all the racially devisive inuendo being put out by Mccain/Palin the rippling currents of animosities that haven’t been felt here covertly for a very long time are boilng beneath the surface. Evening Buzz: 18 days to go
  • To then make it sound as if it weren't "diddly" takes an even more foolish stance because of the huge problems with racism and Jim Crow in this nation after 1865. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'

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