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How To Use Jihadi In A Sentence

  • They do have long term goals and the ideology is very clear, but what prompted that mutation, is what I call the jihadi debate of the early 1990s in Khartoum. Political Mavens
  • Imagine a nation where individuals listed as leading "counterterror" organizations come from the Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood and view Israeli children to be legitimate targets of Jihadists. Spero News
  • Email a copy of 'From Gitmo Jihadist to Immigrant on Obama's Welcome Wagon ' to a friend E-Mail 'From Gitmo Jihadist to Immigrant on Obama's Welcome Wagon ' To A Friend
  • Enfin, la dernière hypothèse viserait à dépêcher des troupes à l'Est, autre zone «chaude» de l'Afghanistan, proche des régions tribales du Waziristan où les djihadistes évoluent comme des poissons dans l'eau. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The External Affairs Minister also made it clear that anti-India tirade by Hafeez Saeed and other Jihadi leaders would not not "smoothen" Indo-Pak ties. Top Headlines
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  • Does Robert Spencer really expect us to pay attention to his deliberations of whether Christians are more of a threat to free societies than so-called 'Islamic jihadists', whether the Bible and the Q'ran contain violence, to consider whether the history of Christianity or Islam is more 'bloodstained', and why he believes Christianity is a religion of peace, but Islam is not. British Blogs
  • I can tell because the rightwing jihadists are blowing a hooty. President Obama heads back to familiar city
  • NEFA Foundation: Jihad Website Financing 101 has obtained and translated a new post from online jihadi discussion forums about how to finance jihad-related websites without being "ensnared" in a trap by law enforcement Counterterrorism Blog
  • As David Gardner, veteran Middle East correspondent for that communist rag the Financial Times: "If we continue to connive in the survival of tyranny, we abet the onward march of the jihadis for whom Western policy is their most consistently reliable ally. Johann Hari: We All Helped Suppress the Egyptians -- With Our Taxes. So How Do We Change?
  • And enough of that peacekeeping argle-bargle... let's take it to these jihadi donkeyheads. Archive 2008-02-01
  • They plan to dole out our information like giros to jihadists in Bradford, they must be joking. NO to ID Cards.
  • It was bequeathed this tribal duty by the upheaval in the lands of the Arab-Islamic world [what upheaval? neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were 'upheaving' until we attacked them.] and by the guile and cunning of a generation of jihadists [today's jihadists were yesterday's freedom fighters, I guess it depends on your perspective] and their enablers, who deflected the wrath of their people onto distant American power. Obama's Afghan Struggle
  • Although many are ready to leap to the conclusion that Awlaki helped to "brainwash" and "indoctrinate" these jihadi wannabes, it is much more likely that they sought out the popular Internet preacher because they already self-radicalized to the point of wanting reassurance and further guidance. Scott Atran: Understanding How the Privileged Become Violent Fanatics
  • After Dutch film maker and Islam criticaster Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Jihadist in the streets of Amsterdam, he was of the opinion that blasphemy should no longer be a dead letter, and a few years later he even said the Netherlands should introduce Sharia law if a two third majority would support it. RenewAmerica
  • The trial began of a man who admitted firing on a military recruiting station, in what he calls a "jihadi operation. What's News: World-Wide
  • The non-Mehsud areas of South Waziristan are controlled by Maulvi Nazir, a rugged jihadi veteran from the rival Wazir tribe.
  • Today there are new costs, in the form of a new generation of jihadists angry about America's massive bootprint in Arab lands. William Bradley: Afghan War at 10, 9/11 at 10+: Did Osama bin Laden Win After All?
  • Back in the 1970s and 1980s, he was already a student of Jihadism.
  • And by that standard it was a failure, giving the jihadist movement around the world a new battlefront and a new lease on life. The Longest War
  • Are they all just sitting on their hands in tacit alliance with the Jihadist ideas? The Volokh Conspiracy » Another European Prosecution for Insulting Religion
  • And by terror affecting lives of others in travel, heavy debt they must eventually pay off, and over 300,000 troops put in harms way at some time sacrificing some of their own "blessings of liberty" - overconcern for terrorist rights is at odds with the goals of the Preamble in our struggle to one day restore the "blessings of liberty" to troops risking their lives in the field against Jihadis. Axelrod: Obama "thought very long and hard about" about opening up the CIA interrogation memos.
  • The jihadi was a typical Mohanese—barely more than five foot three, probably a buck and a quarter soaking wet. Gideon’s war
  • Even his critics within the jihadist movement describe a humble man who leads by example and has abjured every material comfort for a life dedicated to defending his conception of Islam. The Longest War
  • Q: You talked with journalists and jihadists and found some odd things, such as maladroit bombers ... SFGate: Top News Stories
  • It's madness that we are allowing mainstream media to lead the way in absorbing and coopting the principal elements of Jihadi propaganda and shoving them down our throats constantly - the only result of which is not the vaguest hint of the furthering of the purported ideals of, say, human rights, egalite and fraternite or the rights of the downtrodden masses. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Or maybe, for an eleutherophobic jihadist, the true torture occurs during those soccer matches outside in the Gitmo courtyard. Pajamas Media
  • They must be equipped with an appropriate synthetic ideology of the type which Mutallab evidently acquired during his years in that immense school for patsies which is the MI-6's artificially cultivated milieu of the Londonistan jihadis, the trendy Islamist radicals of the British capital. Infowars
  • In my speech I did not name anyone as a criminal, nor did I use the word jihadi or even mujahideen—but the Afghan people knew exactly whom I was talking about. A Woman Among Warlords
  • This is a tall order. A key problem is to identify the jihadi networks inside Libya and measure their strength within the broader rebel coalition.
  • So on the one hand, you have these jihadist fighters with that jihadist intensity of Hezbollah and guerrilla campaign, and yet they are well funned, well armed and well trained, Wolf. CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2006
  • These men were radicalised and turned to jihadism here in Britain.
  • And as the international community pressures the Gadhafi regime, it should avoid policies that increase the likelihood that jihadi groups can capitalize on the chaos in Libya.
  • Bush, and soon either John McCain or Barack Obama, might be tempted to again back figures in Pakistan that promise quick suppression of jihadi extremists that thrive in the tribal, mountainous areas.
  • As crises go, the Clinton-Lewinsky imbroglio is now an absurdist, bathetic footnote to what was in fact significant about that era: the evolution of finance in a culture of deregulation and the evolution of jihadism against the United States. Time For A Slow-Word Movement
  • The statement is often described as a narcissistic rant, and it may be, but it is also an excellent summary of jihadist logic. William Langewiesche on Mouloud Sihali
  • How would Christian students feel if they attended a Muslim-affiliated school whose mascot was the "Jihadists" even though this term doesn't necessarily mean "terrorists" or "indiscriminate killers of non-Muslims"? Tobias Winright: What's In A School Name And Mascot?
  • Londres: el Autobus se retrasa nuevamente porque el conductor tiéne que rezar Un islamista radical puede encontrar exactamente lo que necesita en Londres - ex-jihadistas, los yihadistas actuales, "Wannabe" yihadistas: todos están allí y viven abiertamente Gaza: Hamas apadrinó un casamiento colectivo de 450 niñas no mayores de 10 años. NUEVA EUROPA- Nueva Eurabia
  • The Indians have gotten along for decades with the term jihadi, since it expresses very simply and concretely what these people are on about: waging jihad. The Volokh Conspiracy » Islamofascism:
  • Tribal chiefs no longer had the respect they once had – and were easy victims for aggressive young leaders for whom extremist jihadi ideology was a useful way of legitimising brutality and theft.
  • Police guard Naqeeb says that distance between Dara Adam Khel and Paracha Town Kohat is only four miles, the militants had conversation with him in local dialect of Pushto language, and were local militants of a Jihadi organization existing within Kohat district, huge number of strange bearded people are staying in religious seminary located in Paracha Town Kohat and are having no identity cards, but they claim that they are student of seminary. Police guard survivor of militants attack
  • Many new al-Qaida members say, unconvincingly, that they decided to become a jihadist after reading an extreme, anti-American blog, or after converting to Islam, sometimes just a few weeks before.
  • Al-Suri opened a giftshop but found his true vocation as a jihadi author. Laptop Jihadi « Isegoria
  • Every captured Jihadist knows the form by now; Allege the most hideous crimes of torture and humiliation against US armed forces and a BBC reporter wanting to believe such pigswill will appear, microphone in hand, prepared to provide an echo chamber for the enemy. LEADING THE JIHAD
  • Coercing Muslim women into BHS cardies will merely galvanisejihadists into blowing me out of my cardie and into a Keffiyeh. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • The fusillade of 7.62mm rounds chewed the three jihadis to pieces. Gideon’s war
  • If he was some jihadist, she would call the feds on his crazy ass in a New York second. Surrender the Dark
  • And al-Qaeda also realized that in jihadi chat rooms it could find precisely what it most needed to maintain its ranks of recruits and suicide bombers: impressionable young Muslim men (and some women), many of them second-generation immigrants living in the United States and Europe. Jihad 2.0
  • To the bewilderment of observers, however, the side of the political spectrum that prides itself on its supposed history of "antifascism" has spent its time since 9 / 11 defending jihadists and other militant Muslims. Newsmax - Inside Cover
  • As with jihadi ideology, it is precisely the non-rational elements of fascism that give it emotive, and hence political, power.
  • The most attention-grabbing child of this revolution has been jihadism.
  • Dan McLaughlin: Matt Damon: propagandist for bitter-ender jihadists in Iraq RedState
  • Each case is different, theformer intelligenceofficer says, butany foreigner who wants to sign up needs to haveamostconvincing story, backed up withverifiable jihadistcontacts, andshould expect to spend some hard timeas a virtual prisonerliving underprimitive conditionsin the Waziristan mountains. How Jihadist Recruiters Check for Spies
  • The general situation ( and perceived plight ) of China's Muslims has resonated amongst the global jihadist community.
  • Jihadist ideology has also been facing what may prove to be bigger threats than those posed by military setbacks or defections.
  • Basically what I am saying, sir, is that there were terrorists who attacked us -- they were Islamic jihadists. Renee Ellmers, North Carolina Congressional Candidate, Defends Controversial Anti-Mosque Ad (VIDEO)
  • March 25th, 2010 at 11: 53 am tombaker says: jerkwater jihadis are not real patriots. Think Progress » McCain refuses to condemn Palin’s ‘reload’ rhetoric.
  • Three days before Mr. Mubarak left office, al Qaeda in Iraq, an affiliate group, released a statement that highlighted the gulf between the protesters in Tahrir Square and the jihadis on the sidelines: "Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism," it said. Uprisings Put al Qaeda on Sidelines
  • This, then, is what Tom Friedman — in antiseptic language designed to leave elite consciences undisturbed — would like to portray as successful American policy: Using the Iraqi people as bait to attract jihadists from around the region and distract them from attacking the American homeland. Wonk Room » Friedman: America Successfully Used Iraqis As Bait
  • She was the true "jihadi" - every time her patients heard Fox News talk about Moozlums and - Home Page
  • In 2007, the U.S. released him to Saudi Arabia, where he underwent a much-trumpeted religious "deradicalization" program for jihadists that clearly didn't take.
  • Coercing Muslim women into BHS cardies will merely galvanisejihadists into blowing me out of my cardie and into a Keffiyeh. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • How would Christian students feel if they attended a Muslim-affiliated school whose mascot was the "Jihadists" even though this term doesn't necessarily mean "terrorists" or "indiscriminate killers of non-Muslims"? Tobias Winright: What's In A School Name And Mascot?
  • From the very site of 9/11 comes this onomastic mockery of the "Big Apple," inscribed on a traditional Islamic jihadist weapon, no less. Archive 2009-08-01
  • A brilliant and remarkable analysis and exposé of how Western society has succumbed corruptively to intimidation and appeasement and the demands of radical Islam" the definitive book on radical jihadists. Jihad Watch
  • The Iraqis 'War yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' The Iraqis\ 'War'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Despite the NIE\'s revelation that the Iraq War is a "cause c�l�bre" for jihadists, foreign fighters still represent a small proportion of the insurgency in Iraq. The Iraqis' War
  • The only way that societies can fight the Jihadist menace succesfully is by proposing their own ideological or religious answers that controvert Jihadism on its own ground. Matthew Yglesias » The Gaza Tunnels
  • Jihadist violence had grown exponentially, insurgent attacks had increased nearly 800 percent since 2005, and suicide attacks had increased twentyfold. The Longest War
  • Jihadism” is a possible alternative, but raises its own problems, especially given that the term “jihad” may in some situations have nonmilitant meanings. The Volokh Conspiracy » Islamofascism:
  • Of course invading, conquering, and occupying an Islamic state would substantially increase jihadism.
  • But if half of the electorate wanted this bloodthirsty jihadi annihilationist, then what led to all the unrest? Post-American Presidency
  • This book is the most balanced account of the phenomenon of contemporary jihadism to date.
  • (SNIPPET: "The NEFA Foundation has obtained and translated a new post from online jihadi discussion forums about how to finance jihad-related websites without being" ensnared "in a trap by law enforcement ...") (April 9, 2009, 1: 10 pm) (Read More ...) Latest Articles
  • Tobias Grey on How to Win a Cosmic War by Reza Aslan: Aslan's new book -- his second, after the bestselling No god but God, about the origins and evolution of Islam -- provides more than just historical precedent; it also offers a very persuasive argument for the best way to counter jihadism and its many splinter groups, such as al-Qaeda. Old Media Monday: Reviewing the Reviewers
  • In the process, they helped create what Miss Bhutto called a "Frankenstein's monster"—of jihadist groups with sympathisers in the army and intelligence services.
  • No, any more than Bill O'Reilly and Rupert Murdock caused the jihadist attack on a physician who had violated a terrorist's religious sensibilities -- or, for that matter, any more than jihadist websites that publicize the "blasphemies" perpetrated by the United States cause alienated young men to become suicide bombers against us or our allies. Drew Westen: Gun Violence and the Lessons of Tucson: Will the Chambers Once Again Be Loaded Against the American People?
  • Gingrich may simply be the most vocal, granted, but he's hardly alone, and that toxicity is trickling straight down to the Republican rank-and-file, a scary number of whom seem to be functioning under the impression that every Muslim in America is a "stealth jihadist" waiting to flip the switch from "good" to "evil" like the Clone Troopers in Star Wars. Zaki Hasan: The Right Wing's Sharia Shenanigans
  • The fear that the country will become a hive of "jihadi training camps" after a withdrawal is based on a basic fallacy.
  • Supriyadi, a student at state-run Diponegoro University in Semarang, works with Noor Huda on a program that provides employment to former jihadis. As Indonesia Dismantles Terror Groups, Successors Pose New Risks
  • While analysts are reluctant to suggest that extremism is on the rise in the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, Sunday's attack, he says, is likely to be the work of splinter jihadists.

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