How To Use Jiggery-pokery In A Sentence
It was a mark of the Scottish Executive's desperation to get off the Holyrood hook that the First Minister had to rely on fiscal jiggery-pokery.
This presidential and congressional jiggery-pokery is the height of public dishonesty.
With the clarity of hindsight, this sort of jiggery-pokery now seems worryingly typical of WorldCom's way of doing business.
Underscoring their eccentricity and quirky jiggery-pokery is an ability to crack out a memorable pop melody.
However, they only managed to conjure this up by jiggery-pokery.

He began to suspect that some jiggery-pokery had been going on.
How long can I do this sort of jiggery-pokery?
Why does that require ‘work’, unless there's some jiggery-pokery going on to ensure that the chart doesn't actually reflect the real numbers?
The fix is quite tricky, because Madame's people seem to've anticipated some kind of jiggery-pokery among the philoprogenitive.
The Golden Torc
Sceptics, and there are always a few, suspect a bit of jiggery-pokery and claim that nothing is ever quite what it seems.
There's more technical jiggery-pokery in his next movie, a cartoon/live action version of the old Looney Tunes cartoons.
It is sad that the taint of financial jiggery-pokery should besmirch Salmond's image as he leaves office, and very unfair.
Banks of electrical jiggery-pokery burst into life.
It isn't that spacious inside but, with a bit of jiggery-pokery I was able to fit a pushbike in the boot with the rear seats folded down.
But here we're making predictions based on certain assumptions, just like Gartner is, and using similar mathematical jiggery-pokery.
But this bit of scientific jiggery-pokery leaves my mind in an even more boggled state than usual.
Despite such digital jiggery-pokery, Deupree and Willits don't let their software get the better of them.
With a bit of digital jiggery-pokery on the laptop I was able to turn the interviews into a half decent radio package.
He began to suspect that some jiggery-pokery was going on.
You're saying there's some jiggery-pokery involved?
Human contacts increasingly are not human at all, but electronic jiggery-pokery - even voices are made redundant by text and e-mail.
Labour will not come clean with its figures, so it is bound to describe ours as jiggery-pokery.
So we headed into nearby Soho for some late-night jiggery-pokery.
It seems astonishing that Bond got away with so much jiggery-pokery for as long as he did.
First Saskia admitted sleeping with Maxwell, and now Makosi and Anthony have been getting up to some suspect jiggery-pokery in the pool.
Labour will not come clean with its figures, so it is bound to describe ours as jiggery-pokery.
Therefore there was all this jiggery-pokery so that no one actually had to consider whether he had broken the law.
It's a cover of ‘Diamonds Are Forever’, with some sort of gritty electro jiggery-pokery.