How To Use Jespersen In A Sentence
- 'midship-house, and Charles Davis lies about him nursing a marlin - spike, and Christian Jespersen, miles astern, is deep sunk in the sea with a sack of coal at his feet. Chapter 16
- 'midship-house, and Charles Davis lies about him nursing a marlin-spike, and Christian Jespersen, miles astern, is deep sunk in the sea with a sack of coal at his feet. CHAPTER XVI
- Besides a certain ungainliness [Dr. Jespersens masculine quality], said a recent writer in English, 12 English labors under other grave disadvantages. Chapter 12. The Future of the Language. 1. English as a World Language
- “Dutch, the closest living relative of English, lost the d of what is etymologically the same word en centuries ago,” replied the foremost modern interpreter of Denmark’s grammarian and phoneticist Otto Jespersen, “and it gets along fine without it.” No Uncertain Terms
- Laurence Urdang The phenomenon for which D.S. Bland proposes the term subjective onomatopoeia [XII, 2] has been examined and discussed for decades by a number of linguists and critics, including Otto Jespersen (with examples such as those of the - ump family cited by Bland), Edward S.pir (the ici and lá vowel contrast that Bland picks up from French), R.ssell Ultan (size and distance symbolism in general), J.R. Firth, Fred W. Householder, Jr., VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
- And for hypocoristics, or diminutives of endearment, Jespersen makes the observation ‘that children will often add an i at the end of words.’