How To Use Jerk In A Sentence

  • With a lot of prodding and poking and pushing and cajoling, it set off with a spasmodic jerk.
  • Like all the meals, the jerk comes with red peas (kidney beans) and rice, as well as plantains that are puffy, soft, and sweet like caramel.
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • Now, next time I'm sitting next to someone on the bus, or sleeping next to someone who has a full-body spasm while dozing off, I fully reserve the right to call them a hypnic jerk. Ilene Kleinbaum: The Great Wake Up Program: My Sleep Education
  • When her character (played by Winona Ryder) leaves the psychiatric institution never to return, the film takes a turn toward the tear-jerker.
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  • So if he turns out to be a jerk you can just drag me away and I won't have to talk to him again!
  • Of course, she stepped on it, it made the dreaded 'crinkly' noise and she jerked-- her head catching in the loop of the bag. Poursuivre - French Word-A-Day
  • What we all know is those who live on knee-jerk reaction will either absolutely love or hate her. Palin, Bachmann rally conservatives
  • But, whatever harm Macscruby thinks our flag might do to his beef jerky, McDonald's had no misgivings on its effect on the Big Mac.
  • Her dreamy, cinematic songs were bewitching, her jerky dance moves beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which, fittingly, is called the “jerk,” regardless of sign. Matthew Yglesias » Trying to Remember High School Physics
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
  • I was being jerked around in my seat like a rag doll and in fear I reached for the dash to provide some form of meagre support.
  • The grass plains have long been home to the rhea, whose eggs are thought a delicacy, as well as the flesh, which is either jerked or eaten fresh.
  • He turns me around, jerking my chin up to look into his dead, black eyes.
  • You all wanna wake up and face certain realities or do you all wanna continue to jerk around? Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • Directed by Aroona Irani who also acts in it, its hour long-episodes have of late been hitting enough of an emotional pitch to delight those who love a well-made tear-jerker.
  • If you go to their site, they seem to be interested not so much in flying stuff to the moon but in selling beef jerky.
  • At the sound he snorted with a sudden start that jerked him through the air from water to meadow, and his feet sank into the young velvet, while he pricked his ears and again scented the air. All Gold Cañon
  • OK, it's just a dopey article about some numbnuts, muttonheaded celebrity campaigning for today's top liberal jerk. Latest Articles
  • Someone makes a heartfelt, tear-jerking appeal on behalf of the charity, and then up pops some sweaty, half-cut minor-league celebrity who's a mate of someone on the committee.
  • Eleanor jerked her wrist free.
  • But the stiff-necked jerk never called, and cricket has gone doolally as a result.
  • The train stopped with a violent jerk , nearly tipping me out of my bunk.
  • With a gasp, his head jerked left as a metallic sound echoed through the room.
  • The $5,000 also has gone toward buying things like beef jerky, anti-fungal foot cream and DVDs.
  • She winced painfully as a burning sensation spread across her cheek, and jerked her hand away from her face.
  • Reef managers mediate between the values of developers and the values of conservationists in an ongoing herky-jerky process in which it seems to both sides that they are taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  • The puppets are slightly skew whiff, their movements endearingly jerky, but this only serves to add to the quirky appeal of the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives. State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
  • The rest of the movie is a lot like that: moody and unpredictable, using lots of close-ups and jerky documentary-style zooms and fast cuts.
  • Jerky recipe sounds great. someone just gave me some deer peperoni and they must have flubbed somewhere because it was so salty, even after cooking some with cabbage, I threw the rest away. what a waste of good meat. gotta have jerky for the kids, young and old Deer Candy: Phil Bourjaily's Favorite Venison Jerky Recipe
  • “Poets As Bad Guy, then and now:” I like to enter small jerkwater towns/with engine roaring, then rock to a stop/and park before a group of local clowns/to make a cigarette-dangling entrance. Ron offen | 2 poems and more about… « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • That's journalese for ‘these rich jerks have so much money they can just do whatever they want.’
  • Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
  • A pize on it! send it off to those who have their legs swathed with a hay-wisp, their heads thatched with a felt bonnet, their jerkin as thin as a cobweb, and their pouch without ever a cross to keep the fiend Melancholy from dancing in it. Kenilworth
  • Rebecca jerked her head towards him, as he fastened his own gaze on the road.
  • But in most parts of it, the red carpet so eagerly unrolled for me is swiftly jerked out from under his feet.
  • The cab stopped with a jerk that justified Wolfe’s attitude toward machinery, and the hackie stuck his head out and objected. The Black Mountain
  • Part of the reason why this series works so well is that it is based in character and craft, not the instant joke or the jerky punchline.
  • Would they be as quick to label our resourceful young law student a jerk (or much worse) if he were black? The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
  • Led by the nose I become inquisitive and jerky in movement. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Look at all these knee jerk reactions which criticize the U. S. for "imposing" its values on China.
  • Does anyone find it odd that the former ‘jerk’ is now a respectable choice to host Hollywood's biggest bash?
  • There is a strange, herky-jerky character to her assault, almost as if we were watching an old, speeded-up silent film, that at once distances us from the action and yet makes it more horrible.
  • He merely jerked her forward so that she was much closer to him than she would ever like to be.
  • Some people seem hell-bent on misinterpreting you, even people you thought weren't inclined to having jerky knees.
  • She wore a leather jerkin over a green tunic and cowhide boots.
  • A contestant from Taiwan lifted 112 kilograms to take the lead in the clean-and-jerk round. A Golden Olympics, According to Beijing
  • From the pouch tied to his jerkin, he pulled forth a small gem.
  • Andy called out, jerking his chin upward in the direction of the tall, slender, much sought-after brunette.
  • Note to editor: If I can't say the word 'jackass' substitute the word 'jerk', but I really do mean 'jackass'. Front Page
  • In fact, drawing is prominent in the paintings, whether jerkily outlining colored patches or visible as the pentimenti of earlier, barely erased marks.
  • I rolled my eyes jerking my chin from Tunes hands.
  • Shareholder suits are designed to be a final, desperation remedy, not a knee-jerk reaction.
  • I'm getting the hell out of this jerkwater town!
  • His spoken word bit about being on a plane bound for Manila and asking for curried chicken as the pilots lose control is delivered in a series of herky-jerky inflections and with enormous relish.
  • I honestly feel bad for writing this, because maybe, just maybe, Walker and his band of happy-go-lucky good-time pals are actually the nicest people in the world and I'm being a jerk.
  • At times, the book is reminiscent of a Victorian tear-jerker.
  • The concluding episode was a total tearjerker and had brilliant writing and acting. The Sun
  • I've groaned through leaders' speeches tight with tearjerking vacuities, faux-human anecdotage and coy phrasemaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cars jerked and yawed so much that we were constantly bumping our heads or smashing our elbows.
  • My favourite thing is the smell of jerk chicken.
  • Jerking about in his chair, Kirk endeavored to assume what he hoped was an expression of cultured confidence the Klingons might not be able to see him, but the monitoring officers certainly could. The Kobayashi Maru
  • He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.
  • The knee-jerk reaction is to dismiss such training as faddish and of dubious value.
  • What starts out as a formulaic high school love story of opposites attracting abruptly changes into a maudlin tear-jerker.
  • Only Clive and Kenna talked racily, but in jerks, of cattle, fruit-blight, mules, and white ants. Blue Aloes Stories of South Africa
  • Jack roughly broke her grip with a jerk of his wrist.
  • Before I could reply, the shuttle jerked into motion, and I grabbed onto the handrail for support.
  • His great weight almost jerked her off the bridge, but she pulled him up from the hungry flames as her own strength faded.
  • There are other delights around each and every corner of this film… if you like a good romp that has elements of tear-jerking romance.
  • Such tendon jerks are tested as part of a routine neurological examination, to assess the state of synaptic connections.
  • On the game-creation side, you can play in ranked or unranked games, and you can specify a disconnection or "did not finish" percentage, letting you manually weed out jerks.
  • So we are crawling through traffic on Bedford Avenue, passing jerk chicken shops, coiffeurs advertising braiding and corn rows, music shops blaring reggae, salsa, zouk, RocB, hip-hop, fusion music of all kinds.
  • I can barely hear Greg over the over-woofed amplifiers, but the bride, groom and their guests don't seem to notice as they herky-jerky bust their moves on the dance floor. What Remains II
  • Most of the cutscenes are handled with the in-game engine but character movements are often jerky.
  • Does the listener take offense if the remark is a knee-jerk one? Jennie Nash: The Making of a Novel: My Characters' Religion
  • Ruby had taken the relic piece -- more relative to the harquebus than to the current fashion in rifles -- and hunted wild turkey and deer through the winter, jerking the venison by the fire like an Indian. Cold Mountain
  • This was the line pursued at the time by the body politic and large sections of the media to justify a knee-jerk reaction and savage state repression.
  • The incident calls for a measured response, avoiding knee-jerk reactions.
  • The only people who usually benefit from a knee-jerk emotional reaction to a security event are the vendors.
  • Here in Mazatlan shrimp capital of Mexico, huge dried shrimp are sold year round by the seafood changeras and are munched on whole con cascara y todo like popcorn or shrimp jerky by the local beer drinking crowd for about 50 weeks as a botana. What to do with dried shrimp??
  • But the johns0 guide for this also puts the audio at a higher and unnatural pitch: playing NTSC discs on PAL equipment often results in jerky / juddery artifacts, Forum
  • He continued to keep up the cuckoo sound, trying to laugh, and yet totally unable to accomplish even a cackle, as if some internal force clutched the diaphragm and mocked him, so that his efforts were reduced to a gurgling as in cynanche -- like a dog choking with a rope round his craig, the sounds coming jerking out in barks, and dying away again in yelps and whines. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXII
  • Film titles, like Andy Kaufman's record, jerking backwards and forwards awkwardly, move between fact and fantasy, real and imagined worlds.
  • The knee jerk reaction is to jump into line but this time forget it.
  • Behind her, Tian stumbled forward with a neck-snapping jerk and barked his shin on another rock, one he hadn't seen and the plow had, for a wonder, missed.
  • She didn't slide up into the saddle, she jerked the cinch and used her spurs before I'd even pitched.
  • Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.
  • Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
  • The lying French press is critical in the iron sports, including the jerk in weightlifting and the bench press in power-lifting.
  • I like to have my tears jerked as much as the next sloppy sentimentalist.
  • Baffles me that these good-for-nothing jerks actually get away with all this nonsense. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » A Compensation Philosophy that is Coming Soon to Doctors
  • I should perhaps slightly downgrade my kneejerk reaction to the word Kraut? Kraut
  • She was curled into a foetal position, her body jerking as fresh spasms of pain hit her.
  • Wayside food is typical of the Caribbean; callaloo is to Trinidad what jerk chicken is to Jamaica, flying fish to Barbados and casareep to Guyana.
  • Stephen jerked awake from a nightmare.
  • There are various theories about what causes myoclonic jerks, as they're known - one is poor circulation.
  • But at the same time, it is NOT “pointless” to be enthusiastically, tear-jerkingly, unwaveringly “proud” of the “land of your birth” — to the point where people are actually STILL SURPRISED — or even scandalized — when yet another of “our” scandals come to light. US in Police State Top 10
  • Now for the two: The Field of Dreams clip is a tear-jerker, and from one of the two or three best baseball pictures ever; the Psycho Shower Scene is a true watershed in American filmmaking — the younger horror film watchers today, with their virtual immersion in sex and gore, simply have no true idea of the impact this scene had when it was first released. Quick Hits – Incredible Hercules #126, Hulk #10, Star Trek: Countdown #2, and More
  • What disease is characterized by sudden jerky movements called chorea? NYT > Home Page
  • MAHER: See what the callers say, I don't think -- I think Americans remember their high school and remember the jocks were a bunch of jerks. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Bill Maher Discusses the Republican National Convention - August 4, 2000
  • I think I may give the Victorian tear-jerkers a miss from now on, though, and turn to some good, sigh-raising Torch Songs.
  • Andris jerked back from the sudden thrust of the blade, but he'd been just a little slow.
  • The slices of deep red sausage had the pungent flavour of barbecued pork, quite similar to a sweet beef jerky.
  • You might remember when knee-jerk members of the local press corps called for his head not six weeks after his debut
  • If you jerk it forward quickly you can throw yourself into a dive - and you're on your own as the G-force kicks in.
  • Rich -- a combination of Jimi Hendrix and Keith Richards -- jerks and shreds the guitar so hard you can almost see the electricity running through his body, while Dan knocks over drums, aerobically pounds on symbols, and behind his swooping bangs you can see his closed eyes and meditative expression. Mihal Freinquel: When Style Meets Music: Aja Volkman of Nico Vega
  • That's pretty good for what some critics considered a mere "potboiler" or "tearjerker" -- but had it been just that, it wouldn't have had the impact that it had. Thomas Gladysz: A Lost Girl, a Fake Diary, and a Forgotten Author
  • Startled, I jerked my hand away, smacking my head on one of the upper deck's support beams in the process.
  • Cardiac syncope often causes immediate loss of consciousness, tonic stiffening of body and limbs, and often myoclonic jerking.
  • The sudden prick in his arm wasn't enough to shake his thoughts and he jerked away from it.
  • Most do too much while Ejiofor just purses his lips minimally to make you realise He Knows that his verbose, pencil-fetishising line manager is a jerk, that the hack who doorstepped his wife is scum, that justice must be done even in the case of a murdered unlamented drug baron etc. TV review: The Shadow Line and Psychoville
  • A large, disapproving looking woman of mature years accompanied by a lugubrious Schnauzer - both clad in sleeveless knitted jerkins - had materialised on the lawn.
  • When they post this garbage it's a 'twofer' - they assert some outrageous claim about Obama and engender a knee-jerk shot back at Hillary. Full Text Of Obama's Big Race Speech: A Big Break With Political Precedent
  • Naida suddenly jerked her doll upright and the long-lashed blue eyes of the wax bride opened with a snapping sound, and stared, meltingly, coquettishly, at the sister.
  • From fiery jerk dishes to sublimely sweet mangoes, the foods of Jamaica are exciting and comforting.
  • The emotional drive behind the anti-chain crusade is an understandable mistrust of big corporations allied with the knee-jerk snobbery that is never far from the surface in American cultural life. Two—Make That Three—Cheers for the Chain Bookstores
  • Even before the overture starts, there is a silent ballet, characterised by odd tics and jerks: the eight dancers appear to be convulsed by supernatural forces greater than themselves.
  • She jerked her head in the direction of the door.
  • Your subordinates are jerks and I think you should hire me to fire them.
  • March 25th, 2010 at 11: 53 am tombaker says: jerkwater jihadis are not real patriots. Think Progress » McCain refuses to condemn Palin’s ‘reload’ rhetoric.
  • Along the brink of the bog, picking their road among crumbling rocks and green spongy springs, a company of English soldiers are pushing fast, clad cap-a-pie in helmet and quilted jerkin, with arquebus on shoulder, and pikes trailing behind them; stern steadfast men, who, two years since, were working the guns at Westward Ho!
  • Lifted from their debut EP, this minimalistic yet charmingly whimsical slice of lo-fi alt-folk opens with nought but a lone slappy bass riff and jerky surreal prose, before blossoming out into a cacophony of wondrous twangy noises, and ends up sounding like Badly Drawn Boy, Sufjan Stevens and a parliament of owls caught up in a weird feathery, beardy group hug, happily tumbling down an upwards escalator in slow motion. This week's new singles
  • Greer grunted again, accompanying the sound with a short shrug and a jerk of the head.
  • But I found myself asking, as I often do when my opinions garner the kind of spittle-flecked crazy talk that my end-of-year 'Worst' list did, what is it specifically about the internet that makes people jerks? James Rocchi: The Moviegoer: Manufactured Perspectives
  • His thigh muscle gave a sudden jerk.
  • Grab the tissues, because this is a tearjerker all too close to home. The Sun
  • The sound of the phone jerked me awake .
  • The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.
  • And next, the courser-man, in secrecy, unscrewed one of the bullion buttons on his buff jerkin, and taking from it a scrap of paper, handed this also to the watchful feodary. Historic girls; stories of girls who have influenced the history of their times,
  • Most specialise in such Caribbean favourites as chicken jerky, spicy meat patties and sweetened fried banana.
  • Rico should encourage Rico to mellow out and then tell Rico that this is a blog. ditto ditto ditto to Hoss's reply ... this guy is a jerk who thinks the girl is a 'nutbag' Most Popular
  • Oofty-Oofty took a turn on a bitt, the rope tautened, and the Ghost, lunging onward, jerked the cook to the surface. Chapter 21
  • Jake's head jerked up at the throb of the engine.
  • It's not that the movie was sappy or even a tear-jerker.
  • She urged the public to avoid kneejerk opposition to solar energy farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • A nifty tear-jerker featuring extortionists, some fine Robin solo work, the backfiring of Bruce's playboy pose, and (I have to admit) some questionable family-law procedure. Happy anniversary, you old bat | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Efforts to clamp down on discomfiting material result not in frustrated acquiescence but in renewed assaults on the self-importance that lies behind knee-jerk censorial action. Saints, censors and satire
  • On the mound, Willis relied on a windmill windup with a herky-jerky motion and a puzzling assortment of pitches to set National League hitters on their ears for a couple of months until he ran into a slump in mid-August.
  • The turn of a key in the lock makes me jerk away from my heavenly memory and into my brutal reality.
  • I've had many of these this year and am now actually looking forward to the beginning of another challenging, rewarding, mind-boggling, tear-jerking year.
  • The same goes for any bully: A racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a transphobe, a disablist, a fat-hater, a xenophobe, a privileged jerk of any stripe who belligerently wields hir privilege like a weapon. Shakesville
  • Such knee-jerk flag-waving is anathema to Banville, a writer who despises nationalism in all forms.
  • Her body jerked once and rigid spasms shook her.
  • The trade-off for a short running length is a herky-jerky narrative that rarely moves smoothly.
  • The saddle is fastened by pliant ropes, or broad belts of leather, called in the West "cinches," to fasten which securely requires some skill, as they pass through a circular ring and are secured by a hitch or peculiar knot that holds well and can be unfastened with a quick jerk. Healthful Sports for Boys
  • With a jerk of her thumb she gestured to where boxes upon boxes stood stacked.
  • The jerky flight of the pipistrelle gave rise to the ancient name for bats - the flittermouse.
  • I say this although I did not especially like the film, which I found a tear-jerker of the old school.
  • Then with a jerk, she turned the whole upper part of her body toward her husband, the attorney; her hands resting in her lap, she stared clinchingly and suckingly into his face, while she herself became visibly whiter. Loulou
  • Wilcox jerked his head to indicate that they should move on.
  • This announcement seems to be more of a knee-jerk reaction than a considered response to a terrible problem.
  • My guide is mainly for pal-ntsc where the pal video almost always have that higher and unnatural pitch due to being speeded. most people dont notice or care about 4\% speeded up sound for ntsc-pal anyways. playing NTSC discs on PAL equipment often results in jerky / juddery artifacts, Forum
  • Even though love is the ultimate nonzero-sum game -- a potential win for all involved -- some people choose to be jerks. Dr. Ali Binazir: Are You 'Muggable' in Your Relationships?
  • The knee-jerk reaction as expected from a right-wing extremist like Inhofe to focus on a non-issue like gays in the military. Inhofe comes out against Kagan
  • In particular, the latter is a blues-rock tear-jerker with a gentle, memorable chorus.
  • The direction of these beating, jerking, movements of the eye called nystagmus can actually tell a doctor which part of the inner ear has a problem.
  • Although Tuesday's interest rate hike spooked global markets, they quickly recovered from what analysts described as a kneejerk reaction by traders. China's economy slows in Q3
  • Del had come into the world with lungs of leather and larynx of brass, and when he thus jerked out the stops the Scotsman quailed and shrank down. CHAPTER 24
  • Most of those executive types - pah, they're jerks, it's like they think they're entitled to do whatever they want.
  • There are jerks on both side of the gender gap and Diana doesn't seem to fit in anywhere except in the boxing ring.
  • KURTZ: I remember in 1993, when Bill Clinton was grumbling about what he called the knee-jerk liberal press not being fair to him, a Democrat. CNN Transcript Jan 18, 2009
  • The shock of losing his job jerked him out of his settled lifestyle.
  • Sue jerked her thumb toward the garage.
  • The rest of what was put on was mostly farce; light comedies, very often French, sentimental tear-jerkers and vaudeville.
  • The clicking of the sheaves in the blocks as the sails ran down, head - sails first, was music to her; and she detected on the instant the jamming of a jib-downhaul, and almost saw the impatient jerk with which the sailor must have cleared it. Chapter 15
  • The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.
  • Mechanically he ran the rope under the sleeve of his life-jacket; a mighty jerk seemed likely to pull him in halves as the smack sheered; then a heavy, dragging pain came -- he was being torn, torn, _torn_. A Dream of the North Sea
  • Maybe you'll even have some change left over for a candy bar or a pack of beef jerky.
  • Personally, I thought the guy was a total jerk.
  • Our car thuds over the worn grass and hills alongside the road, jerking us up and down.
  • But people with class don't talk about it in public, and they certainly don't do it in a two-part tear-jerker with the AP. Too Much Information
  • He waved and grinned at her and jerked a thumb upwards.
  • ‘You didn't answer my question,’ Reid hissed jerking her in his direction.
  • With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared — more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade. LOVE OF LIFE
  • Opiate drugs can help relieve pain, and the drugs clonazepam and sodium valproate may help relieve involuntary muscle jerks.
  • But if we want more Americans to get out and vote on election day, then we have overcome the sort of kneejerk negativism that turns so many Americans off to electoral politics.
  • The tunic, jerkin and pleated skirt she was wearing were in shades of red: from almost brownish ochre to bright red trim.
  • Nonetheless, this is another indication of the unintended consequences of knee-jerk legislation.
  • Husky Jerk in clear glass minnow is the lure that has caught me the most smallmouth and walleyes. What is the best model and color of rapala
  • The sound of the phone jerked me awake .
  • It's a herky-jerky journey - some of it fascinating, much of it dizzyingly random - as eccentric and chaotic as a lost-and-found bin. Undone by a house of dreams
  • Or have deranged boosters and desperate civic organizations hellbent on reviving the local economy threatened to break journalists' legs if they leave some jerkwater dump off the list of the 10 Best Places to Spend Your Golden Years? Ten Best Places to Read About Silly Lists
  • I'll tell you what bothers me is someday there's gonna be some legitimate Burkina Faso-an entrepreneur who's simply in need of a small cash infusion to start-up a philanthropical venture, but jerks like Mr. Kajome are going to cause him to not be taken seriously. The Irrelevancy of Time: Bicycle Products Don't Spoil
  • She lit a cigarette with quick , jerky movement.
  • No transfer is good enough to mask the soft effects shots and jerky stop-motion clips.
  • Equipped with "a good Queen Anne's musket, plenty of ammunition, a tomahawk, a large cuttoe knife [French, couteau], a Dutch blanket, and no small quantity of jerked beef, The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790
  • For those not in on Britspeak, to wank is to jerk off. Archive 2006-05-01
  • He jerked his head out of her grip, and regarded her again with that emotionless gaze of his.
  • The whole boat jerked sternwards abruptly with the recoil, as though when underway she had struck a rock, and the smoke came back round them in a sullen pall. Hornblower And The Hotspur
  • What did shock me was that the hip-hop press, perhaps in a guilty, knee-jerk response to the bacchanal hip-hop that essentially gave rise to the genre in the first place, chose to ride along.
  • The train stopped and she jerked awake.
  • Â In this, the post-Infinite Crisis era, I thought we were supposed to have a kinder, gentler Batman, but this Bruce Wayne is kind of a high-handed jerk from the get-go. Batman and The Outsiders #4 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The chocks were jerked out, the rail torn off, and the very covering-board splintered, and still the anchor held. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • After President Obama forgave Lieberman for attacking his character and good intentions during 2008 presidential campaign, especially in light of Democratic Legislatures preference to terminate Lieberman's political career, the embarrassment is solely on "Joe the Jerk" Lieberman. MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
  • He blurts some knee-jerk retort about his music always being authentic and soulful then pauses and thinks about it a bit.
  • The danger being that while the audience accepts when is on stage, his offensiveness is a parody of other people's prejudices (made more piquant by our worry that, at some level, we battle with equally unattractive knee-jerk reactions), that comic tension doesn't always come across in interviews. Ricky Gervais in His Most 'Postmodern' Interview Ever
  • I suggest we duz teh Jerk for teh firsty-braggers. Self-conscious pole dancer kitty - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

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