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How To Use Jeffersonian In A Sentence

  • And this, coming from a Jeffersonian, is a big deal. — Being John Adams - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Van Buren coquetted with the Adams forces for a year, and the old-line Republicans, strong in the Jeffersonian faith, brought themselves to the support of the Tenneseean with difficulty; but eventually both northern and southern wings of the Crawford contingent alined themselves against the Administration. The Reign of Andrew Jackson
  • A superstitious belief in "Jeffersonian" property rights could serve as a useful commitment device regardless of its metaphysical merits. Normal Criticism of the New Deal, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He that is not a Democrat is an aristocrat or a monocrat," one Jeffersonian declared.
  • Note 37: Howard B. Rock, "A Woman's Place in Jeffersonian New York: The View from the Independent Mechanic, Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
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  • Restoring the people's ‘unalienable rights’ may well lie in Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws.
  • It is a utopia of human beings living together in Jeffersonian freedom. The Volokh Conspiracy » Charles Murray on Ayn Rand:
  • That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China's normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session.
  • That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China's normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session.
  • This in turn produced a liberal theological reaction where in some Christian quarters a "Jeffersonian"-type de-supernaturalizing of Jesus was in full swing. Matt J. Rossano: Creationism: That (Not So) Old Time Religion
  • Yet when one looks at the actual world of intellectual property policy discourse, and the difficulty of enunciating even the simple Jeffersonian antimonopolist ideas I lay out here, it is hard to imagine the nuanced Lockean view flourishing. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • In the remainder of this article, therefore, I want to illustrate the epistemic difficulties of understanding what a practice means through illustrations from three quite distinctive political periods that preceded the American Civil War: the Federalist period from the founding through John Adams' presidency, the Jeffersonian period from 1801 until Andrew Jackson's inauguration, and the so-called Jacksonian era from 1830 until Lincoln's administration. Mashaw on Antebellum Lessons on Government Practice and Presidential Direction
  • The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • It fits with their neo-Jeffersonian view of things — and their disdain for the soft-money me-tooism they see stifling the party in Washington. Outside the Beltway
  • Republicans, strong in the Jeffersonian faith, brought themselves to the support of the Tenneseean with difficulty; but eventually both northern and southern wings of the Crawford contingent alined themselves against the Administration. The Reign of Andrew Jackson
  • The scandal of newspaperdom in Georgia is, of course, Tom Watson, who publishes the "Jeffersonian" -- a misnamed paper if there ever was one -- in the town of Thomson. American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
  • Thus Jefferson's conception of the ward system eventually evolved into the institutional preservation of Jeffersonian republicanism.
  • The fear that the former would lead to the destruction of the latter did much to hasten the South in its repudiation of Jeffersonian equalitarian doctrines.
  • Brennan wants the contents of the apartment moved to the Jeffersonian for further analysis.
  • Rock, Howard B., ed. "A Woman's Place in Jeffersonian New York: The View from the Independent Mechanic. Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • After a few seasons of increasingly wild explanations, the show doesn't even try to rationalize why the Jeffersonian is CSI. Mrissa: TV main characters: why do they suck so?
  • Randolph failed: the South supported the war anyway, enthusiastically, and there was no renascence of Jeffersonian decentralism.
  • Please refer all complaints, communist manifestos, Jeffersonian agitprop, and bills to this address.
  • The people who afterwards became known as Jeffersonian Republicans numbered in their ranks the extremists who had been active as the founders of The Winning of the West, Volume 4 Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807
  • Jeffersonian democracy
  • He was taught by George With, who had taught Thomas Jefferson, and a great many other luminaries of Virginia, so his whole background was what we call Jeffersonian Republicanism. Henry Clay: Statesman for the Union
  • 1804 - The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • Little remains for it but to wail as it passes into oblivion, as it has already begun to wail in accents Populistic and Jeffersonian-Democratic. Revolution

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