How To Use jawbreaker In A Sentence
- He bought a giant jawbreaker and a tiny bag of jellybeans. Ruby Lu Star of the Star of the Show
- That night, alone in the house with its electric hum, the dragon slept on his mildewed blanket in the media room, dreaming of virgin foliage and jawbreaker planets shiny in the onyx sky. Dragon Candy Green
- A bag of suckers, chocolate cupcakes, caramels, jawbreakers and licorice all went into the bag first.
- A bag of suckers, chocolate cupcakes, caramels, jawbreakers and licorice all went into the bag first.
- She was last seen on the big screen in the comedy 'Jawbreaker'.
- She was last seen on the big screen in the comedy 'Jawbreaker'.
- But when Sally brought out the trove of products Nora had ordered the time before, Bobby expected the same look of glee he got on his face whenever he bought something new, even something as small as a jawbreaker from the candy shelf at the grocery store. Go to Jesus
- Panchito worked on his jawbreaker until his tongue and lips and teeth were blue, blue, blue. Ruby Lu Star of the Star of the Show
- Ms. Greer jumped into the movie scene as the frump turned vixen in the otherwise unmemorable Jawbreaker in 1999.
- Then, they may be safe, but a Senate aide notes: "Don't try to bite directly into any whole jawbreaker, gobstopper, jolly rancher, or for that matter, atomic fireball, before you soften it up, as it can damage your teeth. Atomic Fireball threat contained on the Hill