
How To Use Jat In A Sentence

  • After churning out some of Bollywood's most melodious tunes, music directors and partners Jatin-Lalit are all set to go.
  • Bab dia nih, aku tatau aaa jatuh hukum harus ke tak. tp dr satu segi ade benefictnye sbb kes buang bayi semakin hari makin kejam … tensen tol aku tgk berita … apa daaaa … tau buat tahu branak tanggung le … ank tu rezeki, yg haram tu hubungan mak bapak bukannya baby yg haram, ank dia tetap suci disisi Allah. Planet Malaysia
  • This is the granulated root of the Macacheira plant, the _Jatropha manihot_, which to our palates would seem like desiccated sawdust, although it appears to be a necessity for the In the Amazon Jungle Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians
  • Varieties like jungle jalebi and jatropha are ideal for wastelands while sadabhar, saijjan, kadambh, maulshree and sweet neem all germinate on their own and don't need maintenance. "
  • The Ministry for CHT Affairs (MoCHTA) also issued a memo instructing district-level officials to not use the terms "Adivasi" or "indigenous" in any government documents, and instead to use the word "upajati. Drishtipat Writers' Collective
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  • Although upbeat about the response, Ms. Sujatha looked chary of the financial soundness of the association.
  • Notable are Tabebuia angustata (roble de yugo), Fraxinus cubensis (búfano), Annona glabra, Gueltarda combiri, Sabal parviflora, Bucida palustris, Hibiscus elatus, H. tiliaceus (majagua), Jatropha integerrima, Copernicia spp. Cuban wetlands
  • Kaki used double miri Lijjat Papad (pepper) but you could use any. When I Went Home...& Papad Rolls
  • Dr Jatinder Singh from Medicine Department said that every section of the society has to play collective role in checking female foeticide which is a punishable crime. Medical Terrorism -7800 girls are being killed before birth every year in J&K
  • Buddhistic variant has been overlooked by them, -- the "Takkala-jataka, Filipino Popular Tales
  • The following points further reinforce by believe that Sujatha was murdered rather then mishap: a. How commercially available weed killer "paraquat" enter cough syrup bottle and finally reach Sujatha's apartment? Planet Malaysia
  • • Use coconut hair oil or a coconut hair oil containing herbs such as amla, bhringraj, jatamanasi, hibiscus and almond. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Poems of other genre are replete with allusions to incidents and personalities drawn from jataka stories.
  • Rajko Vujatovic - chessboxing chess arbiter for the night ChessBase News
  • In what follows, I explore the ambivalent nature of cannibalistic images in the Pitjantjatjara and other Australian Aboriginal life-worlds in light of its significance for the psychogenesis of the self.
  • Asif is a Muslim married to his classmate Seema a Jat. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Tejat and Dirah are both located in the left foot of Pollux, so traditionally share the Mercurial / Venus nature.
  • Sanjit Das/The Wall Street Journal 'What's the big benefit?' said Gopal Ram Jat, a 40-year-old farmer in Nakrasar who says he has earned enough money through the program to buy some extra food for his family, but not much else. India's Flawed 'New Deal' Program
  • Speaking to The Hindu, the Medak SP, B.L. Sujatha Rao, said all the three Rakshak vehicles would hereafter have a breath analyser each and a Dragon searchlight in working condition.
  • Their jhuggi, just next to the Malibu Towers, is built on a plot of land owned by a Jat -- a member of the predominant, land-owning caste in Haryana, the state of which Gurgaon is a part -- whom they call Pehelvan ( "wrestler") and pay 600 Rupees a month for the right to live there illegally. Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
  • The Perumbur plant makes the bio-fuel from jatropha and pungum plants.
  • SG Biofuels Wins New Backers SG Biofuels Inc., which develops and produces seeds of the jatropha plant for use in biofuel, raised $9.4 million from new and returning investors. Electric-Car Offshoots Pick Up Momentum
  • Jatropha has long been prized for its medicinal qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pean silmas, et ajalugu ja tuntud tegelased ja huumor... aga kui pseudoajaloolistes pajatustes olid tuntud sündmuste tundmatud taustad, siis käesolevas jutus oli tuntud isiku teistsugune elu. Randall Garrett «Gentlemen: Please Note»
  • The good luck coming to the hero from the exchange of dead animals suggests a distant basic connection between our story and the "Jataka," although it must be admitted that the idea could occur independently to many different peoples. Filipino Popular Tales
  • Animated discussions with Abhijat Joshi, our friend, philosopher, guide and co-member of our theatre group - these days he is better known as the screenplay writer of '3 Idiots' - and his younger brother Saumya, a talented writer-actor, would often end inconclusive. The Times of India
  • Bathing then in _Jatismara_, with pure mind and subdued senses, one acquireth, without doubt, the recollections of his former life. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • The jathis were in perfect harmony, and executed with energy and verve.
  • Jatropha could be the answer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In India, however, where interrogations like genethlialogy were introduced in the second century by the Yavanajātaka, the relationship of the art to the second type of divination (familiar through the versions of Babylonian omen literature in the saṃhitās) was not ignored; from the earliest times the need for ritual purity and preparation is stressed. ASTROLOGY
  • Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Body mass index and degree of villous atrophy correlate with bone mineral content deficits in children at time of diagnosis with celiac disease. Research
  • ‘There is no room even for a mouse,’ shrilled the wife of a well-to-do cultivator — a Hindu Jat from the rich Jullundur, district. Kim
  • The main advantage of using jatropha is that during a preparation process called ' esterification ', it generates a by-product, glycerine, that fetches Rs 40 per kg.
  • Achmatova and Zamjatin - interred alive throughout their lives - are condemned to create in silence until they die, never hearing the echo of their written words, then that is not only their personal tragedy, but a sorrow to the whole nation, a danger to the whole nation. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • Where a will is made be - tween the making tenant to a praecipe and fuffering a recovery thereon, or between the furrender and admittance to a copyhold, it is good, as the fub - fequent a&s rejate to the prior, SeL nvyn v, Selwjn, 2 Bur. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common pleas and Exchequer, alphabetically digest under proper heads;
  • Neeku last time UK velleppudu 8 jathala pogulu, 4 nalla poosala golusuloo, 3 chinna pendants vunde sets, 2 gaajulu, 2 ungaraalu ichaanu … avannee lekka petti jagrathaga theesukuraa News
  • It has taken up jatropha cultivation in a major way.
  • ‘For villagers who can not afford to purchase a mosquito net or coils, Jatrohpa is the answer to their cry,’ said Munengu.
  • But with oil prices surging, the lowly jatropha is experiencing a renaissance of sorts - as a potential source for fuel for trucks and power stations. Asia Looking Hard at Biofuels
  • My new friend Sujata Thakur, regional director of Incredible India, told me, We are immensely pleased to be showcasing the talents of sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan and his sons in New York City. Jim Luce: Indian Legend Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and Sons Perform in NYC
  • Her involvement will include our new on-line "Friends of Jatai" program and our upcoming social media efforts for the rapidly growing number of stylists embracing razor-cutting. Press Releases
  • The entire surface of the gateways is covered with bas-reliefs representing scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha, stories from the Jatakas, along with decorative elements.
  • Jatuhnya pesawat milik TNI yang terjadi beberapa kali belakangan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai indikasi bahwa kualitas Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) perlu dipertanyakan. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Deteriorating Primary Defense Weapon System
  • The Jat is a typical son of the soil, strong and sturdy, hardworking and brave, a fine soldier and an excellent farmer, but slow-witted and grasping. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • First he approached Prince Ajatasattu, son and heir of King Bimbisara and commander-in-chief of the Magadhan army. Buddha
  • Anybody want to come out with me while I set jato units? ' The Rolling Stones
  • The jatropha grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manoj Baruah of the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad said the term sovereignty should not be the hurdle for peace talks and the process should start soon. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • Two very early forms of this tale are the "Vanarinda-jataka," No. 57, which tells how the crocodile lay on a rock to catch the monkey, and how the latter outwitted the crocodile; and the "Sumsumara-jataka," No. 208, in which a crocodile wanted the heart of a monkey, and the monkey pretended that it was hanging on a fig-tree. Filipino Popular Tales
  • This collection of Indian folklore, retold for younger readers ‘of all ages’, includes many stories from the Jataka, a Buddhist compilation of fables.
  • Other airlines have already tested algae and oil from the jatropha plant and the babassu nut. CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2009
  • The advanced trainees shoot off a jato at top speed. Space Platform
  • Other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and several African states, have begun to sow jatropha for future use in biodiesel.
  • Dalam suratnya, Ban Ki-moon menyatakan harapannya bahwa PBB akan melanjutkan berbagai usaha untuk membantu tercapainya gencatan senjata yang tetap dan memberi kontribusi untuk tercapainya tujuan utama mengakhiri pendudukan yang dimulai tahun 1967 dan pendirian negara Palestina. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • The discovery of the children working in filthy conditions in the Shahpur Jat area of Delhi has renewed concerns about the outsourcing by large retail chains of their garment production to India, recognised by the United Nations as the world's capital for child labour. Archive 2007-10-01
  • There are no exact figures for the amount of land already under jatropha cultivation, but the area is expanding fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hinduism recognises four varnas based on occupation (jati or jat) and ancestry.
  • The latest crop getting attention is 'jatropha' - a weed that many see as an answer to India's growing energy needs. - Articles related to Resentment in Maharashtra Congress over Anand Sharma's Rajya Sabha nomination
  • In parts of rural India and Africa this provides much-needed jobs - about 200,000 people worldwide now find employment through jatropha.
  • Noh, esialgu veel nii, et emaplaat lesib korpuse kõrval maas, sest mul ei ole kõiki vajalikke kruvisid asjatoimetuste juures säilinud, aga ta töötab!!! Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • The stuff was oxygen tanks, loaded, and aluminum mirrors to shield them, panels of outer skin-sandwich stuff of titanium alloy sheet with foamed glass filling-and cases of jato units to spin the living quarters. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • The chief difference between our Pampango variant and the "Jataka," it will be seen, is in the prominent rôle played by the wife in the latter. Filipino Popular Tales
  • A few hours later she is in a safe house with Prashant, the boy she loves, the boy she was barred from marrying on pain of death because he is from the lowly Meena caste while she is a more exalted Jat. Honour killings: Saved from India's caste system by the Love Commandos
  • Samas, tuleb tunnistada, et päris minu rida see üritus polnud, sest suur hulk neid nn kõige olulisemaid filme olid sellised, mida ma juba eelinfo põhjal vaatamata jätan. Kolmas päev HÕFF-il
  • In the lower classes, students would stage skits in which they played the part of upper-caste Jats.
  • After several turns, we finally came to the main street, Jl. Jatibaru. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • Iranis Beunaz Hossayoni and wife Behjat, with his mother Pejman, travel to Dubai regularly from Teheran, calling Dubai a 'playhouse' - a good shopping hub where they can find everything they need. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • Jatla M, Zemel B, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Symptomatology, anthropometry and laboratory correlation with histologic damage at pediatric celiac disease diagnosis; differences in diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • Then you should think about growing tall Mexican bluebells, ever blooming dianthus, sweet alyssums, multicolored pink and purple pentas, red jatropha, and yellow cassias for decor.
  • Oil-importing countries are considering the production of biodiesel from physic nut or jatropha grown on degraded land.
  • January 17th, 2009 at 3: 08 pm this is good, me personally, if daniel sunjata believes 9 / 11 was an inside job he's believed it long before it was a storyline for rescue me, i think rescue me wants everybody to argue and get angry over this to hopefully get more people watching, and why not? i'll be watching to see where tolan and leary take the plot and because sunjata actually believes what he's acting, it adds an extra depth of sorts to the storyline and the show. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Kindygartin, an ''tis a good thing f'r Germany, because all a German knows is what some wan tells him, an' his grajation papers is a certy - ficate that he don't need to think anny more. Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
  • The entire surface of the gateways is covered with bas-reliefs representing scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha, stories from the Jatakas, along with decorative elements.
  • Mina tahaksin meid näha kultuurrahvana, kes mõtestab oma tegevusi, ka neid tillukesi nagu söömine või prügi sorteerimine, kes ei vaja valitsejat, et ütelda, mismoodi käituda on hea või milline tulevik ihaldatav. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • Before the strike in the Hallelujah the group calling themselves Rock City had been working Kaiser Wilhelm node behind Ceres in orbit; at the good news they moved, speeding up a trifle and passing in-orbit of Ceres, a ragtag caravan nudged through the sky by scooters, chemical rocket engines, jato units, and faith. The Rolling Stones
  • Jatla M, Bokhari A, Bierly P, Russo P, Verma R. Serologic, anthropometric, and laboratory correlation with degree of intestinal damage at diagnosis in pediatric celiac disease; comparing diabetics versus non-diabetics. Research
  • Although some countries have embraced jatropha, others are more cautious. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Oh, I imagine you could move that hulk with a few jato units, if you were gentle about it and weren't in any hurry. The Rolling Stones
  • In the Jatakas (Birth Stories, Khuddaka Nikaya) we find many examples of people who committed the same deeds again and again in successive lives.
  • Studies show that planting arid or wastelands that are unsuitable for food production with inedible biofuel crops such as jatropha could provide a way out.
  • Jatuhnya pesawat Spain Air MD-80 menyisakan duka yang mendalam bagi keluarga yang di tinggalkannya. Seorang Warga Indonesia Menjadi Korban
  • His Holiness gives parting advice to the audience of ordained and lay Buddhists from Tibet and around the world and then concludes the oral transmission of the Jataka Dhammapada and the Jataka Tales
  • The "Mahisa-jataka," No. 278, tells how an impudent monkey voids his excrement on a patient buffalo (the Bodhisatta) under Filipino Popular Tales
  • Shloka's rhythmic grasp was in full flow in Jatrikattu in Maand with the khanda jati combinations crisply highlighted. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The Jataka collections were transmitted orally for centuries, and when written down they took a form combined of verse, story, and moral commentary.
  • Brumby further claimed that the story in the daily 'The Age' that said that Indian High commissioner Sujatha Singh complained over the attacks issue to Governor General Quentin Bryce in Sydney was "unattributed" and "entirely unsubstantiated". Times Now
  • Samas, tuleb tunnistada, et päris minu rida see üritus polnud, sest suur hulk neid nn kõige olulisemaid filme olid sellised, mida ma juba eelinfo põhjal vaatamata jätan. Kolmas päev HÕFF-il
  • Ja ma olin õnnelik, kui Fantozzi viskas kivi aknasse - temas oli ju ka mingi varjatud jõud, mis ei luanud tal näha oma naise pisaraid mehe alandamisel piljardimängus, see jõud, mis pani ta tookord võitma, pani ta ka selle kivi haarama. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • But, as already stated, the goldsmith was a village menial in the Maratha villages, and Sir D. Ibbetson thinks that the Jat really considers the Sunar to be distinctly inferior to himself. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • Poisiklutt räägib küll vanematele vendadele, et jätame asja katki, et liiga imelik värk ja puha. The People Under the Stairs (1991)
  • That figure sounds way too low if caste is defined as jati, at least for Bombay. India fact of the day
  • Ti, Duna melléki vérrokonaink, szintén meghallottátok csatakürtjeink távoli hangját és több ezer éves távollét után a magyar kard ismét ütésre emelkedett a finn testvérek védelmében. Archive 2010-01-01
  • There's really no evidence that feeding with one bottle over another will make a difference" for better nutrition or any health issues, says Jatinder Bhatia , professor and chief of neonatology at Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta, Ga., and chairman of the American Academy of Pediatric's nutrition committee. Building a Better Bottle By Going Back to Nature
  • His Holiness continues to read from the Jataka tales that cite incidents in the former lives of the Buddha, when he was still a bodhisattva, that retain a moral for today. Dhammapada and the Jataka Tales
  • Rajko Vujatovic gives his inside account as chess arbiter on the night, whilst Tim Woolgar offers a unique first hand report of his debut chessboxing bout. ChessBase News
  • Jatropha requires no pesticides, Mr. Samake said, little water other than rain and no fertilizer beyond the nutrient-rich seed cake left after oil is pressed from its nuts.
  • Simple and neat choreography seemed to be Sushmita's motto for the jatis and the dancers executed her vision with clarity.
  • Its Director, Arja Srikanth, in a release said that the month-long campaign was planned following the success of folk art festivals ‘Samskruthika kala jatara and Girijana kala yatra’ in May last year.
  • JAT is the first factory who is chosen to manufacture the batch aluminum vessel in China.
  • Though all of them have done justice to their songs, the ones rendered by Sujatha 'Thirunadayil …,' Gayatri 'Bhashakal pora, bhavan pora …,' and Ganesh 'Mokshapadam …' stand out. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Air New Zealand has tested a passenger jet powered partially with oil from a plum-sized fruit known as jatropha, in efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and cut its fuel bill.
  • Our Pampango variant appears to me to represent a form even older than the "Jataka," but at the same time Filipino Popular Tales
  • Past life accounts (skyes-pa’i rabs, Skt. jataka) are accounts of the difficult ascetic practices that Buddha performed in his previous lives while engaging in the conduct of the bodhisattvas. The Twelve Scriptural Categories
  • The Sikh, Muhammadan and Hindu Jats, the Kashmírís and the Rájputs all belong to the tall, fair, leptorrhine The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • Ellen Babbit's retelling of Jataka tales (Appanna Jataka, or Appanaka Jataka, tale no. UUpdates - All updates
  • At present, Jatropha curcas L. meal protein has become a hot issue in study of Jatropha curcas L... The content of the seed meal protein after degreasing and detoxification can be up to 60%.
  • Their jhuggi, just next to the Malibu Towers, is built on a plot of land owned by a Jat -- a member of the predominant, land-owning caste in Haryana, the state of which Gurgaon is a part -- whom they call Pehelvan ( "wrestler") and pay 600 Rupees a month for the right to live there illegally. Parvez Sharma: Delhi's Servant Crisis and the Commonweath Games
  • Predsjednik Mesić je kazao kako se »isplata ratne štete za Konavle rješava« te kako »ima samo još nekoliko lako rješivih problema«. je da će Crna Gora referendum o nezavisnosti i održati u ožujku ili travnju sljedeće godine, nastavi li Srbija odbijati razgovor o crnogorskome prij dlogu preustroja SCG u savez neovisnih država. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • The great Indian collection of symbolic stories known as Jataka Children's Literature A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes
  • Alternative names for Aktjira in other Australian languages include Alchera (Arrernte), Alcheringa, Mura-mura (Dieri), and Tjukurpa (Pitjantjatjara).
  • Kuna filmi DVD viibis meie kodus vaid paar veebruaripäeva ning kuna tegu on n-ö tudengifilmiga, siis rohkem ma tegijatest ei teagi. Rändaja (2010)
  • Every jatropha plant currently produces about 3kg of seed per year, which translates roughly into seven tonnes per hectare. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airline has talked about buying the Polish and Serbian carriers, LOT and Jat, though a company statement says the board has yet to make a decision. Turkish Air Charts Growth Path
  • The "Vanarinda-jataka," No. 57, contains what I believe is the original of the "house-answering owner" droll episode in our Pampangan variant. Filipino Popular Tales
  • That meant we didn't dare put on spin by violent means-which is where jato units come in. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Last month, Cultural Survival and International Accountability Project joined with Jatiya Adivasi Parishad, Bangladesh's National Indigenous Union, to launch an international campaign to stop the open-pit mine and raise awareness of on-going Big Coal human rights and environmental violations in Bangladesh. Jeff Biggers: Big Coal WikiLeaks Emergency in Bangladesh: Does Obama Support Removal of 100,000 Villagers?
  • D1 has 110,000 hectares planted, and expects its first meaningful production of diesel from jatropha in 2008. Times, Sunday Times
  • The twins as well as Meade went out with him; they made quick work of setting jato units, the young people locking them in place and the Captain seeing to the wiring personally. The Rolling Stones
  • Hunter M, Mujat C, McLaughlin-Drubin M, Munger K, et al. (2007) Diagnostic cellular organization features extracted from autofluorescence images. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • No obstant, fa pocs dies vaig decidir recuperar-lo, i demanar una transferència cap a Dreamhost. com, on tinc allotjat domini i blog. El meu web professional, | [bauen]
  • Aviation biofuel is made from plants such as jatropha, halophytes and camelina, or from waste material such as used cooking oil or animal fat, whereas normal jet fuel is made from non-renewable fossil fuel. Lufthansa Makes Biofuel-Powered Commercial Flight
  • Jatropha can grow on virtually barren land with relatively little rainfall, so it can be planted in places where food does not grow well.
  • Sujatha, in his preface, reminds us that science fiction need not necessarily be concerned with rockets and space odysseys.
  • Tysjatcha dush" (A Thousand Souls), a gloomy but faithful picture of the corruption of Russian society, which is portrayed also in his novel "Vzgalamutchennoe More" (Tempestuous Sea); his novel "Liudi sokorovykh godoff" (Men of Forty Years) deals with the agrarian question. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Those who live in the Barotse valley cultivate in addition the sugar-cane, sweet potato, and manioc (‘Jatropha manihot’). Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • Hujjat, another champion of conspicuous audacity, of unsubduable will, of remarkable originality and vehement zeal, was being, swiftly and inevitably, drawn into the fiery furnace whose flames had already enveloped Zanján and its environs. God Passes By
  • With this story compare the "Palasa-jataka," No. 370, which tells how a Filipino Popular Tales
  • Apabila Sharib dol jatuh dia mengambil segenggam pasir lalu buang ke muka Ramlee. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In January, we received a letter from the Jatiya Adivasi Parishad in Bangladesh the National Indigenous Union, asking us to support their opposition to the Phulbari coal project. Jeff Biggers: Big Coal WikiLeaks Emergency in Bangladesh: Does Obama Support Removal of 100,000 Villagers?
  • Peshawar, (ANTARA News) - Satu benda yang diduga pesawat mata-mata tak berawak AS, jatuh pada hari Selasa di daerah suku Pakistan yang merupakan sarang al Qaeda dan Taliban, kata pejabat. ANTARA - Berita Terkini
  • Mr Sharma said the farmers were apprised about the cultivation of different medicinal plants like jatropha, guarpatha and amla and also how to rotate their cycle.
  • And who can forget Jatayu in his film Sonar Kella brandishing a kukri?
  • Tidaklah mungkin dua manusia yang berbeda iman akan dapat membangun tali kasih sayang yang sejati. Komunitas Blogger Muslim
  • In his preface to the anthology of short stories written by Sujatha Rangarajan, a major Tamil writer, the author admits that as a subgenre, science fiction has not been widely practised by Tamil writers.
  • The Jataka tales have much educational value and were used to teach youngsters the important morals and goals of life.
  • General Abdul Raziq, embraced by ISAF for routing the Taliban out of the difficult Malajat and Arghandab, a subdistrict and district of Kandahar, and now its police chief, and Mattulah Khan, a self Vanda Felbab-Brown: Implications of the Assassinations of Prominent Politicians in Afghanistan
  • It expects its first jatropha oil, which is derived from plant seeds, to be available for refining next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jatamansi is an effective sedative and brain tonic, enhancing concentration and memory.
  • Most of the windmill units have started planting jatropha with drip irrigation facility.
  • We can identify with Marjatta's chagrin at his insensitivity, but, hey, he didn't invent it, and he's trying, and it's sad that Marjatta can never love him as she loved Emil, even though Isak tries his darnedest. Ingrid Hill - An interview with author
  • In the "Ucchanga-jataka" (Fausböll, No. 67, of uncertain date, but possibly going back to the third century B.C.) we are told -- Filipino Popular Tales
  • Thanks!!! angel l romero burst angel guitar tabs concert band mp3 canvas hark the herald angels sing techno jathakam flags of the world amidala philippine love ina 26 christian fellowship kansas city star people who died in 2003 depeche mode martyr for love lyrics live at the beacon theater sacred heart heywood wakefield st charles mo furniture forever in love by kenny g gift ares vase - 2006-08-16 08: 30: 32 PLEASE give me a break... just a little one
  • Eks osaliselt ole siin tegu ka isikuliste vajakajäämistega, sest hindan ka filmides eelkõige lugu ja selle esituse oskust ning seetõttu jätavad n-ö õuduse uuemad lained mind suhteliselt loksutamata. Kolmas päev HÕFF-il
  • I had known all about Parijat and by knowing such things also that I had tried to take myself near to her. kamala is specializes in in-depth reporting and writing on peace, anti-war, women, terrorism, democracy, and development. My Meeting With A Nepali Woman Writer Parijat
  • Kembali Pesawat TNI jatuh padahal belum lama tragedi Hercules berlalu. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Deteriorating Primary Defense Weapon System
  • For instance, the Jataka tales of Buddhism are depicted in the Ajanta and Ellora frescoes while the biographies of the Mughal emperors, such as the Akbarnama and Jehangirnama, were illuminated by miniatures.
  • Just before lunch on the third day Captain Stone slowed his ship still more and corrected her vector by firing a jato unit; City Hall and several other shapes could be seen ahead. The Rolling Stones
  • In the "Kapi-jataka," No. 404, a bad monkey drops his excrement first on the head and then into the mouth of a priest, who later takes revenge on the monkey by having him and all his following of five hundred destroyed. Filipino Popular Tales
  • In April, we acquired a 50 percent stake in a company that grows and processes a plant called jatropha.
  • But the company says it plans to start making biodiesel from a tree-like weed called jatropha.
  • Vaatan, et blogipuu on viimasel ajal üsna rammusat saaki andnud... pean silmas neid filmiblogijate alko-tiiraseid memuaare esimesest filmiblogijate kokkutulekust. Stalkerid lillepeenral
  • Under the new Constitution the President, elected by the Jatiya Sangsad, assumed a largely ceremonial role.
  • The whole of the Sikh army had been divided into bands, which were headed by a leader who was known as Jathedar.
  • Exotic equatorial hardwood: Favorites are ipe (Brazilian walnut), cumaru (Brazilian teak), garapa (Brazilian oak), jatoba (Brazilian cherry), massaranduba (Brazilian redwood) and tigerwood. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The hardy jatropha, resilient to pests and resistant to drought, produces seeds with up to 40 per cent oil content. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he recounted the Jataka tale that follows the story told in 2006. Jataka Tales - March 2007
  • The minister said the Government was ready to help farmers with acquisition of the jatropha seeds and information on how to grow the plant.
  • They are spurred on by big oil companies like BP and the British biofuel giant D1 Oils, which are investing millions of dollars in jatropha cultivation.
  • He said tobacco farmers could explore the cultivation of the jatropha plant, whose seed contains edible oil.
  • JAT is the first factory who is chosen to manufacture the batch aluminum vessel in China.
  • Latukika-jataka," No. 357, which tells how a quail brought about the destruction of an elephant that had killed her young ones. Filipino Popular Tales
  • I, too, was up at the crack o’ Dawn (and can tell you she really should wax more often) o’er the past “festive” season, dragging my sorry ass through miles and miles of slimey sludge in barefoot with nothing more than a whif of self-righteousness and a square of Jatz cracker to keep me going. Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
  • However the desperation of the Ulema in face of the "white" assault brings the formation of "penal battalions" led by former officers and we first meet Captain Rosencreuntz supervising a bridge demolition in face of relentless enemy attack, when he is arrested by religious commissary aka "Hojatoleslam" Nikita, beaten and thrown in a car trunk to be led to Ayatollah Commissar Barko for summary judgment. "Escape From Byzantium" by Mark Mellon (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu and Mihir Wanchoo)
  • Ara és el teu moment … Sempre has desitjat tenir una biblioteca personal en condicions? Neix | [bauen]
  • They are a typical Jat family that enjoys treating the guest to a hearty punjabi meal. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The combine strength of these Jathas was enough to persuade Zakriya Khan, who, on the transfer of his father to Multan, had become governor of Lahore, to try to conciliate the Sikhs.
  • According to these last mentioned passages the name Kirjath-arba was prevalent at the time of the conquest under Joshua, but the propriety of restoring the more ancient name, which apparently had never been forgotten by Israel, seemed to appeal to all. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Kacchapa-jataka," No. 273, which narrates how a monkey insulted a tortoise by thrusting his penis down the sleeping tortoise's throat, and how the monkey was punished. Filipino Popular Tales
  • Neos will process and sell other nonedible crops, such as pongamia, neem and castor, as well as jatropha. Times, Sunday Times
  • On December 3rd, they plan to take off from Auckland using biodiesel from a new source, the seeds of the plant Jatropha curcas. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Jet Powered by Biodiesel derrived from “Weeds”
  • Said: this is just bakamfuse guff of the maoists. there is no solid ground to prove their projected target. jungle bata aayeka aba jungli byabahar (features) haru bhayeka haru. their first form of reform can be seen through the indrajatra festival where they have cut the budget of the festival. how have they projected the future of nepal? United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal
  • It produces Indian corn and other cereals and potatoes in the colder regions, and tropical fruits, sweet potatoes and mandioca (_Jatropha manihot_, L.) in the low tropical valleys. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Except for one fast trip to Chemisant City -- when he had neither the time nor the excuse to buy a jato rocket -- Karpin had spent all of his time since McCann's death right here on this planetoid. The Risk Profession
  • In the Cambridge translation of this "Jataka," the verse reply of the woman is rendered thus: -- Filipino Popular Tales
  • JATAS will provide rotary-wing assault aircraft with an integrated infrared-based missile warning, laser warning and hostile fire indication defensive suite.
  • A research conducted by the agricultural engineering college and research institute of TNAU showed that 30-35 % of oil can be extracted from the seed of the jatropha.
  • The comparison with Seurat's Grande Jatte, intended to aggrandize Signac's work, has the opposite effect.
  • European biofuels developers are buying large tracts of what they call "marginal land" in Africa with the aim of cultivating biofuel crops, particularly the woody bush known as jatropha. NYT > Home Page
  • According to the Energy and Resources Institute in New Delhi, a hectare of jatropha can produce four times as much fuel as a hectare of soybeans.
  • What's the big benefit?" said Gopal Ram Jat, a 40-year-old farmer in a white cotton head scarf. India's Boom Bypasses Rural Poor
  • Dotar Sojat: Well, RPT, they each came out of a public university med school about $150K or so down, got paid peanuts for their internship and residencies, started actually earning money in heir mid thirties, worked hard in private practice, paid it all off, and lived wisely. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
  • Later in the afternoon he fired one more jato unit, leaving the Stone dead in space relative to City Hall and less than an eighth of a mile from it He turned to the phone and called the Mayor. The Rolling Stones
  • Bozo Baird should know a JATO [rocket-assisted] takeoff is not kind to the environment - what a maroon! Brian Baird led junket to South Pole on taxpayers' dime (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Jatrohpa curcas L. , a multipurpose plant, can be used for medicine, industrial oil, disease and insect pest control and feed exploitation.
  • A corporation that accepts itself as a subcaste in a great divine hierarchy is different from the more pugnacious ganas and sanghas of the Pali Canon, Kautilya or even the Jataka stories.
  • Kui jätta kõrvale austusavaldus stuudiole Amicus, siis muid seoseid ma ei täheldanud. Cradle of Fear (2001)
  • Over 11.85 lakh hectares, roughly 20 per cent of the wasteland in Madhya Pradesh, has been acquired for jatropha cultivation.

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