How To Use Jamestown In A Sentence
Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland.
The Buffalo News: Home
I had to stop in Jamestown for gas and that is where I realized I didn't have my house keys.
Standing in the way of these imperial ambitions were the Native inhabitants, who resisted in a prolonged anticolonial war, beginning with the first day of the first permanent English settlers at Jamestown.
Between War and Peace
In the first episode, you play the part of British colonial settlers and establish Jamestown.
Obtaining there a good supply of food from the Indians, they returned to the Jamestown settlement, about forty miles up the river, then called Powhatan, now known as the James.
The end of an era,

Yetman, who was born in Jamestown, N.L., was best known as the mandolinist from the York County Boys, Canada's first bluegrass group.
CBC | Top Stories News
A few examples of maiolica found at Jamestown are believed to have been made in Lisbon, and these usually have designs in blues and dark purples against a white background.
New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
And historically, some of the first settlers to America -- Christian separatist pilgrims -- were indeed seeking religious liberty, but they arrived at Plymouth 13 years after European bullionist policies had already sent the Virginia Company to settle Jamestown.
Stuart Whatley: 'War on Christmas' Comes to the Fore
There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
We climbed over the craggy outcrops of Cambro-Ordovician age Fort Burnside Formation and Jamestown Formation, crazily tilted beds of phyllite and slate and siltstone and stark white veins of calcite.
"Into a light that lingers."
Archaeologists found the shells in a Jamestown trash dump where the colonists threw out their kitchen trash.
County Legislator Wally Huckno, D-Jamestown, called Mueller's proposal '' odorous '' and
The first permanent English community was established in North America at Jamestown , Virginia , in 1607.
Fort Monroe, Va., a fishhook-shaped spit of land near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, had been a military post since the time of the first Jamestown settlers.
Here, rocks of the Cambro-Ordovician Conanicut Group, specifically interstratified beds of the Fort Burnside Formation and the older Jamestown Formation form great flat tables of phyllite and siltstone, metamorphosed to varying degrees.
"Don't let the Earth in me subside..."
Local lore is that the "Angel Trumpet" flower, also known as jimsonweed, devil's trumpet, jamestown weed, loco weed, moonflower, and thorn-apple and which grows practically as a weed in this area, is used to make the drug.
Panama Guide
There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
During the American Revolutionary War, although the Battle of Green Spring was fought nearby at the site of former Governor Berkeley's plantation, Jamestown was apparently inconsequential.
He presided over the Powhatan empire at the time the English established the Jamestown Colony (1607).
The Jamestown Foundation Jamestown is a unique organization founded in the early eighties to assist asylees and defectors from the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries.
Orion's boyhood was spent in that wee little log hamlet of Jamestown up there among the "knobs" -- so called -- of East Tennessee.
Chapters from My Autobiography
The most important spoon in the Jamestown collection, and one of the most significant objects excavated, is an incomplete pewter spoon -- a variant of the trifid, or split-end, type common during the 1650-90 period.
New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
Camden society what the old church at Jamestown probably was, may be seen the tomb of a Tazewell, who died in 1706, on which is engraved the coat of arms of the family, -- a lion rampant, bearing a helmet with a vizor closed on his back; an escutcheon, which is evidently of Norman origin, and won by some daring feat of arms, and which could only have been held by one of the conquering race.
Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell
One day I walked into the local Chamber of Commerce in Jamestown , Tennessee.
Candlesticks unearthed at Jamestown include a large brass pricket holder, one made of
New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
I'm thinking, somewhat critically, it sure has been a long time since she began talking about opening this community centre to serve the scads of immigrant kids in St. Jamestown, when she pulls me out of the dank reverie.
The settlers of Jamestown brought cottonseed to the New World, but they were unable to produce the fiber in significant quantities.
There had been twelve of the chairs originally, made in 1750 for an ancestor of ours in Jamestown.
I again heartily commend to your favorable consideration the tercentennial celebration at Jamestown, Va.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Broken oyster shells are distinguishable in the decorated plasterwork, indicating that the pargeting was done at Jamestown.
New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
I read somewhere, years ago, that the name "jimson weed" may have come from "Jamestown.
Beware the Deadly Palinflower
It was three times the size of the Jamestown colony that was founded in 1607.
The 17th-century Italian maiolica-ware found at Jamestown is a red-body earthenware with scratched or incised designs -- a true sgraffito-ware.
New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
The handle of a spoon bearing the hallmark of this earliest American pewterer, of whom there is a record, is extant and may be seen at the museum at Jamestown.
Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century