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  1. meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)

How To Use jambon In A Sentence

  • Jambalaya is often made with ham, so the word "jambalaya" may be an amalgamation of the French words "jambon" and "a la," and an African word, "yaya," which means rice, reflective of both cultural influences from people in the Louisiana area. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Sure "jambon" makes the ingredient list of their quintessential sandwich, the accidental creation of 19th-century workers who left their ham-and-cheese lunches by a radiator. Beth Perry: Croque Notes: Stalking the Best Croque-Monsieur in Paris
  • also, Jabon looks a lot like the french word "jambon" meaning ham. A Teaching Moment
  • I don't think so, Max", I pointed out, amused at the thought of asking the caissière whether she might "throw in" one more pack of jambon and then she'd have herself a buyer! Brocante / Antiques
  • There is apparently plenty of conjecture over the origin of the word jambalaya; some hold that it is a corruption of the French word for ham, jambon. Archive 2007-01-01
  • I was at the charcuterie yesterday to buy a few slices of jambon de Bayonne, an air-dried cured ham from the French Basque country.
  • There's a large all-you-can-eat breakfast bar with fresh fruit for the slimmers and jambon de Bayonne for the bingers.
  • The Julie/Julia Project was an entry-by-entry accounting of her offsetting her workaday life by cooking her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1, which is comprised of 500+ often idiosyncratic recipes like poulet poele a l'estragon (page 249), veau sylvie (page 357), and jambon farci et braise (page 394). Elissa Altman: Julia, Julie, Judith, and Me
  • Jambalaya is often made with ham, so the word "jambalaya" may be an amalgamation of the French words "jambon" and "a la," and an African word, "yaya," which means rice, reflective of both cultural influences from people in the Louisiana area. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Instead, I walked up the street to Le Pichet for their Oeufs plats, jambon et fromage which is -- as I've said before -- one of my favorite egg dishes in the city. EoMEoTE#7: No limerick, only eggs
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