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[ US /ˈdʒækət, ˈdʒækɪt/ ]
[ UK /d‍ʒˈækɪt/ ]
  1. (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth
    tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
  2. the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition
  3. a short coat
  4. the outer skin of a potato
  5. an outer wrapping or casing
    phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets
  1. put a jacket on
    The men were jacketed
  2. provide with a thermally non-conducting cover
    The tubing needs to be jacketed

How To Use jacket In A Sentence

  • The battery-operated doll comes complete with walkie-talkie and a wardrobe choice of military fatigues or bolero jacket and gold trousers.
  • Small, hardcovered, complete with a beautifully illustrated dust jacket. Narnia Fans
  • Tweed sports jackets are all the rage, and the best part is that you don't need to worry about matching patterns when it comes to blazers and button-down shirts.
  • I instantly grew a floppy fringe, bought a combat jacket and started shuffling.
  • I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture. The Return (With Butterflies) - A Dress A Day
  • What's more it was delivered to subscribers wrapped in a natty waterproof jacket.
  • As the match flared in his hands, something needle-sharp sliced through his jacket to touch his spine. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Instructions the life jacket are given on the card the pocket in front of your seat.
  • Do you think I need to bring a jacket?
  • Back then, you could get a denim jacket and jeans for a fiver. The Sun
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