How To Use Iud In A Sentence

  • Se si dà quell'inno ad un maestro di cappella per metterlo in musica concertata ed in _battuta sensibile_, verrà subito distrutto il _ritmo_, e se la cantilena della cappella pontif. si scrive in battuta, si vedranno cadere nel _battere_ alcune sillabe brevi, senza pregiudizio della loro quantità". The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • The altitiude sickness and diamox can suppository alkalinization of the urine, decreased melt excretion, and unsafe hypercalciuria. Wii-volution
  • That which seemeth to me most likelie, I haue noted, beseeching the learned (as I trust they will) in such points of doubtfull antiquities to beare with my skill: sith for ought I know, the matter is not yet decided among the learned, but still they are in controuersie about it, and as yet Sub iudice lis est. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • Lawes written thei occupy none, but iudge accordyng to reason and conscience. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
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  • For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • And she that is by them iudged to haue borne her self beste in that behaulfe, and to haue bene dierest to her husbonde: she in the beste maner and moste gorgeous that she can deuise, triumphing and reioysinge, getteth her vp vpon the funeralle pyle wher her housebandes corps lieth ready to be brente, and ther kissinge and embrasinge the deade body, is burned together with her housebande. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Mandatum decimum haec verba exhibent [Non concupisces proximi tui domum, non concupisces proximi tui uxorem, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum, neque aliud denique quicquam quod est proximi tui]. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Iudexque cum post aderis rimari facta pectoris, reddens vicem pro abditis iustisque regnum pro bonis Verbum Supernum Prodiens
  • Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
  • Antonio de Ciudad Real happily notes the day, in Tratado curioso, when he realized that he was finally free from quartan fever (cuartanas), which had plagued him for more than three years. 64 Intermittent fevers like these were probably malarial, and these two cases could very well have originated in Spain, as their carriers had only recently arrived from the Peninsula. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • She has written, testified, and lectured widely on subjects such as obstetrical malpractice, IUDs, hormone therapy, and product liability. Personal Information for Sybil Shainwald
  • Pelo menos os miudos rebentam de energia, o que nos contagia um bocadinho mas só um bocadinho. Névoas de um segundo dia
  • And first of all he reformed such things as his brother had left verie preiudiciall to the estate of the church, setting the same frée which before was sore oppressed. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • I do make my complainte, and whether you geue me cause to aduaunce my cries vp into the heauens, your selfe shall be the iudge: for, if like a iudge in deede you doe geue ouer your disordinate affection, I then appeale to the iudgement of your inuincible minde, of late accomplished with all curtesie and gentlenesse. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • * Non ob aliud dicit, non vos me elegistis, sed ego vos elegi, nisi quia non elegerunt eum, ut eligeret eos; sed ut eligerent eum, elegit eos. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Phytoplankton biomass can become extremely high during these spring blooms, which is why overall phytoplankton biomass is very high in temperate latitiudes. Lorenz et al 2006: "Tropical Cooling" « Climate Audit
  • The pro-life representatives make a distinction between the lives lost to direct abortion, and the "hardly determinable number of victims" of "diverse contraceptives capable of killing human beings in their first days of life," such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), the "morning after" pill, systemic use contraceptive pills, injectable or subdermal implants, and the chemical abortifacient drug misoprostol. Pro-Life With Christ
  • Sobrij quoque sunt, quapropter et longo tempore viuunt: et si quis ab eorum moribus degenerat, proscribitur perpetuò sine mora, omnibus nulla posita differentia personarum, vnde et in iusto Dei iudicio, quòd naturalem exercere iustitiam contendunt, Elementa eis naturaliter obsequuntur, et rarò eos tangit tempestas, aut fames, pestilentia aut gladius. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • That nothyng in my booke conceaued Is, or can be preiudiciall to your graces iust regiment prouided that ye be not found vngrate unto GOD. The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.
  • The saimiri, or titi of the Orinoco, the atele, the sajou, and other quadrumanous animals long known in Europe, form a striking contrast, both in their gait and habits, with the macavahu, called by the missionaries viudita, or widow in mourning. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For instance, some black women may be unable to afford the most effective birth control methods, such as the IUD, which is highly effective over the long-term but has high up-front costs. Sharon L. Camp: Black History Month: Addressing Health Disparities
  • A native we spoke with referred to it as a "ciudad," but in everything but name it was a dead, mud-and-straw Indian village, all but its main street a collection of mud, rags, pigs, and sunshine, and no evidence of what Prescott describes as splendid ruins. Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras — Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond
  • Outland Trophy (Miglior Lineman): Mike Iupati di Idaho il nome nuovo, capitano dei Vandals ha giocato una stagione ad altissimo livello, dimostrando di vouch for recuperato ottimamente dallinfortunio alla spalla della passata stagione che lo aveva costretto the chiuderla in via anticipata; left guard, ormai titolare indiscusso da tre anni e dovrebbe presentarsi al breeze di questanno. Archive 2009-12-01
  • They hold, there shalbe a resurrection, and all shall come to iudgement, but the account shalbe most streight, insomuch that but one of 10000 shalbe receiued to fauor, and those shall liue againe in this world in great happinesse: the rest shalbe tormented. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The UN envoy for the freedom of expression deplored the use of the media by Mexico's violent drug gangs during a visit to Ciudad Juarez on Tuesday. MyWire: MyWire Top Stories
  • From the Guttmacher Institute on IUDs intrauterine devices--they're put in the uterine lining to "irritate" it to prevent implantation of an embryo: A First Pregnancy May Be Difficult to Achieve After Long-Term Use of an IUD
  • Wellington at once resumed the offensive; Ciudad Rodrigo fell before him on January twelfth, 1812, and on April eighth, after one of the bravest and bloodiest assaults recorded in English annals, Badajoz also was carried. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. III. (of IV.)
  • England, and the worthy progenitors of our L. the K. that now is, and by himself also vnder a certain form confirmed: euen so he is determined (without the preiudice of forren lawes) vpon iust mature, and sober deliberation, by his royall authorise to withstand such priuiledges, as by reason of the abuse thereof, haue bene infinitely preiudiciall vnto himselfe and his subiects. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Thus much adoo there was in this parlement, speciallie about them that were thought to be guiltie of the duke of Glocesters death, and of the condemning of the other lords that were adiudged traitors in the forsaid late parlement holden in the said one and twentith yeare of king Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • He was outkicked at the '03 worlds by Kenya's Eliud Kipchoge and at the' 04 Olympics by Morocco's Hicham El Guerrouj. Bekele gets twofer with gold in 5,000
  • Está masa electoral está integrada por 9 millones 111 mil 162 ciudadanos, 715 mil 972 analfabetos y, cuatro sectores que, por primera vez sufragan por así disponerlo la Constitución: 55 mil 066 militares, 39 mil 501 policías, 507 mil 534 adolescentes entre 13 a 18 años, y 86 mil 426 extranjeros con cinco o más años de residencia en el país. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: President Correa Wins Reelection
  • There's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the city I was born in. People who can't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here.
  • Cecilia viuda is highly charged emotionally and tears flow freely.
  • Mexican President Felipe Calderon faced public anger during a visit to his country's most violent city, Ciudad Juarez, on the border with the US.
  • MEXICO CITY - Gunmen stormed a birthday party in embattled Ciudad Juarez and killed 13 young people, the latest outrage in a city crippled by warring drug gangs. 13 killed in violence at party in Mexico
  • And truely this rage of loue was the only meane to dulcorate and make swete the bitter gal of griefe whiche those twoo louers felte, defatigated almoste with tedious trauaile, iudging their wearinesse a pastime and pleasure, being guided by that vnconstante captaine, whiche maketh dolts and fooles wyse men, emboldeneth the weake hearted and cowardes, fortifieth the feeble, and to be shorte, vntieth the pursses and bagges of couetous Carles and miserable Misers. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • La Ciudadela es una ruptura de energía eficiente del agua, un nuevo proyecto que cuenta con 60 apartamentos de lujo, un aparcamiento, una carretera flotante para acceder al complejo, así como muelles de barco. Tetris Apartments
  • Madrid has never been officially granted the title ciudad or city. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • En los alrededores se conserva mucho sus características originales como áreas boscosas y lugares de interés como la antigua planta de luz eléctrica que abastecía de este servicio a la ciudad de Morelia a principios del siglo pasado. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • En Almansa se levantó un monumento en memoria de la batalla y se creó todo un regimiento con el nombre de la misma ciudad para conmemorar el triunfo borbónico. Archive 2008-05-11
  • In civilate qu¾ vocatur Narnia tam diri ac tetri, ut nihil aliud credatur, quam de infernalibus locis deducti essent. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • Patricia Hayes Franklin, who died yesterday in Odessa, Texas, like so many of us first came to Mexico on a whim ... as a college girl in 1953, visiting her sister in Del Rio and crossing into Ciudad Acuña to watch a bull fight. Model expat, matadora Patricia Hayes, dies at 78
  • Omnem terrae ambitum, sicuti astrologicis demonstrationibus accepisti, ad caeli spatium puncti constat obtinere rationem, id est ut, si ad caelestis globi magnitudinem conferatur, nihil spatii prorsus habere iudicetur. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • The IUD is a T-shaped plastic sperm-killer that a doctor inserts into a woman's uterus. 'The Pill' Most Popular Birth Control Worldwide
  • Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
  • Note 83: VW 1.14, p. 40: "… de amicis quempiam me nouiter contingeret per iudeos amittere, quem plurimum pre ceteris me constaret dilexisse! A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • The IUD is inserted through the cervix and into the womb, while the vagina is held open as in a cervical smear test.
  • The whole distance from Ciudad Rodrigo is only forty-four miles. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Come giudichi questo tardo horse opera criminal il suo attore simbolo, Franco Nero? Archive 2009-11-01
  • He must have been known for his knowledge of law as well as for his fairness in order to be selected as arbitrator in private cases: 'res quoque priuatas statui sine crimine iudex,/deque mea fassa est pars quoque uicta fide' (_Tr_ II 95-96). The Last Poems of Ovid
  • I viewed the same course Spanish telecourse tonight and a Puerto Rican (actor) pronounced "ayuda" as "adgiuda" while a Mexican (actor) pronounced it as ayuda. Differences in prononciation of certain consonants...
  • And hauing pronounced this fatall iudgement, he sent one to seeke for a greate naile of a Carte, which he caused to be fastened to the beame of the chamber, and a ladder to be fetched, and then made her to tie a Coller of the order belonginge to theeues and malefactours, about the necke of her sorowfull louer. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • For besides the persecuting of the foresaid Thomas archbishop of Canturburie, he would not suffer the legats sent from the pope, to enter within the bounds of his dominion, till they had sworne that they should doo nothing preiudiciall to the customes of his kingdome, neither by prescribing orders, nor any other maner of act or meanes. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • The matter is theirs most part, and yet mine, apparet unde sumptum sit (which Seneca approves), aliud tamen quam unde sumptum sit apparet, which nature doth with the aliment of our bodies incorporate, digest, assimilate, I do concoquere quod hausi, dispose of what I take. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • St Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermo 47 in Cantica Canticorum, PL 183, wrote: Pure vero vos moneo divinis officiis interesse, ut nil aliud dum psallitis, quam quod psallitis cogitetis.... The singing of Psalms and the Divine Office
  • IUDs, diaphragms, and cervical caps are just plain disgusting.
  • Mérida también tiene mucho más que hacer por la noche (muchos eventos gratis) que en casi cualquiera ciudad. Spanish Teaching in M�rida
  • Pero señor, ¿sabe acaso usted que tener 5 gramos de plomo por decilitro en la sangre es altamente peligroso y que, según el estudio “Niveles de plomo sanguíneo en recién nacidos de La Oroya” [1], el 75,3% de los niños recién nacidos en la ciudad tienen entre 6 y 10 gramos de plomo en cada decilitro de sangre. Global Voices in English » Peru: Contamination in Mining Town La Oroya
  • Non pauci se cruciant, et excarnificant in tantum, ut non parum absint ab insania; neque tamen aliud hac mentis anxietate efficiunt, quam ut diabolo potestatem faciant ipsos per desperationem ad infernos producendi. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • IUD insertion or mifepristone administration following ovulation may cause endometrial changes that could impede implantation of the conceptus in the endometrium.
  • For first my booke tuchheht not your graces person in especiall, neyther yit is it preiudiciall till any libertie of the realme yf the tyme and my Writing be indifferently considered. The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.
  • The Zealots obliterated a reinforced legion (Legio XII Fulminata) from Syria, which was heavily garrisoned until the moment the Romans were wiped out at Yarmuk, at the very beginning of the war, and for a time, were in near complete control of Iudaea. Matthew Yglesias » Toy Drives Checking Immigration Status of Children
  • Furthermore, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora may affect progenitive birds when it decreased insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands.
  • The execution of the Bull was confided to the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, by whom (4 June, 1876) the entire province of Ciudad Real was made a bishopric-priorate of the Military Orders, and for all canonical purposes constituted a territory vere et proprie nullius di cesis, i.e. exempt from all neighbouring jurisdiction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Hic ad iactum lapidis in meridie orauit [‘oraiit’ in source text — KTH] ad suum patrem, et pro vehementi orationis intentione sanguineum exudauit sudorem: atque ibi non remotè videtur tumba regis Iudeæ Iosaphat, á quo et vallis sibi nomen assumpsit: et credimus in hanc vallem Christum venturum ad nouissimum, et generalissimum iudicium, vbi (Iohele propheta testante) disceptabit de omni actione mortalium. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Nec non Salomon inter multa hoc quoque munus a Deo accepit ut sciret violentias spirituum; non aliud in hoc se accepisse demonstrans, quam scire rapidos ventorum flatus, et quibus causis eorum natura subsistat. Pneumatologia
  • Federal police patrol near a brush fire after a shootout with officials in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
  • Francesca Bortolotto Possati Venice Venetian hotelier, vintner and philanthropist Francesca Bortolotto Possati , a third generation owner of the Bauer hotel, has just opened her newest property, the Villa F., a luxuriously restored 16th-century villa on the Giudecca. Lunch, Italian Style
  • Terreno de riego ubicado en: La Ex Hacienda de Tirio, perteneciente a la tenencia de Santiago Undameo, Municipio de Morelia, Mich., a menos de 20 minutos de la ciudad de Morelia, entre Santiago Undameo y la presa de Umécuaro, saliendo de la comunidad de Tirio, a 260 m. de la carretera. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • The IUD is a small, plastic and copper device that used to be known as the coil.
  • Virgine, et per eius conuersationem humillimam in eadem, ac per dolorosam mortis suæ consummationem ibidem, átque indè per eius admirandam resurrectionem, ac ascensionem in coelum, et postremò quia creditur illic in fine seculi reuersurus, et omnia iudicaturus: certum est, quòd ab omnibus qui Christiano nomine à The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Called La Ciudad Blanca for the white stone used to build the stunning homes and palaces of Yucatan's hennequin barons, Mirada is filled with churches and temples, each with its own small plaza, where people congregate to enjoy salbutes, panuchos, and other corn dough based street snacks. The cuisine of the Yucatan: a gastronomical tour of the Maya heartland
  • Quod opus caritate in patriam ftimulante vigind trium annorum iu venis fcripferat, atque poft lon - gum temporis intervallum valde locupietatum hac infcriptione vulgavit: fhfloria eclejiajlica, principios y progrejfot de la Ciudad y religion catolica de Granada. Bibliotheca historica. A.I.G. Meuselio ita digesta ut pæne novum opus videri possit
  • Item aliud psalterium glosatum inpignoratum penes Isabellam Siccadona. Notes and Queries, Number 02, November 10, 1849
  • In 1633 the Court of Assistants, thinking "the keepeing of lectures att the ordinary howres nowe obserued in the forenoone, to be dyvers wayes preiudiciall to the common good, both in the losse of a whole day, & bringing other charges & troubles to the place where the lecture is kept," ordered that they should not begin before one o'clock. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • Non concupisces proximi tui domum, non concupisces proximi tui uxorem, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum neque aliud denique quicquam quod est proximi tui. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Idque omnium uidebitur iniquissimum quod nunc aequissimum iudicatur uel puniri improbos uel remunerari probos quos ad alterutrum non propria mittit uoluntas, sed futuri cogit certa necessitas. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Poictou subdued the strong fortresse of Tailbourg, which was iudged before that time, inexpugnable: but earle Richard oppressed them that kept it so sore with streight siege, that first in a desperate mood they issued foorth, and assailed his people verie valiantlie, but yet neuerthelesse they were beaten backe, and forced to retire into their fortresse, which finallie they surrendred into the hands of earle Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • Ad h鎐 itaque imperium nostrum vbi malum superabundabat, reputans secum oportunum iudicabat retr� expectare, atque illos qui illic erant adiuuare, expectando vtiqu� contra infinita illa Persarum agmina bellum sustinuit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Objective To evaluate most effectively and least side - effect IUD after the caesarean birth.
  • El gobierno peruano a comienzos de abril firmó varios contratos con diversas empresas 1, entre ellas Talisman, aquí, sin consenso alguno con los ciudadanos que viven en los territorios afectados por esos contratos, que están amparados por diversas leyes, sin ningún esquema de consulta o compensación. Global Voices in English » Peru: Indigenous Communities Continue Protests
  • If they do obtain their suit, which with such cost and solicitude they have sought, they are not so freed, their anxiety is anew to begin, for they are never satisfied, nihil aliud nisi imperium spirant, their thoughts, actions, endeavours are all for sovereignty and honour, like [1819] Lues Sforza that huffing Duke of Anatomy of Melancholy
  • At Ciudad Juárez, the mercury drops to -23 degrees C; Ahumada records minus 29 degrees C. 12, 1571 On this black day, King Phillip II of Spain establishes the Inquisition in New Spain, to investigate and punish those with "incorrect" beliefs and customs. Mexico this month - January
  • Nam si omne cuiusque bonum eo cuius est constat esse pretiosius, cum uilissima rerum uestra bona esse iudicatis, eisdem uosmet ipsos uestra existimatione submittitis; quod quidem haud inmerito cadit. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • In de Corona militis, 4, after instancing Rebecca, he goes on to say of Susanna: “si et Susanna in iudicio revelata argumentum velandi præstat, possum dicere: et hic velamen arbitrii fuit,” etc. The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study.
  • But Buck's new position in favor of birth control methods that kill zygotes (like IUDs or the Pill) is inconsistent and makes him look awfully hard-hearted toward the raped 14-year-old girl. Jason Salzman: Schieffer Lets Buck Slide on Face the Nation
  • But within a while after, at the suit and supplication of the prior and couent of Canturburie (who liked nothing of the former partition) the pope sent letters of prohibition to the said archbishop, that he should ceasse from building of the fore mentioned church, bicause the building thereof would be preiudiciall to the church of Canturburie. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • Probatur AfTerdo, quia diuergeiites a*b Axe, & abinuicera mtiuDenfius, inegremiobliquius incidunt fuperficiei couexej Rariotis immediarefubfequentis ad Cauurn Denfioris, quam fuperriciei pianse quae confequatur ad Denfius Cauo-planum; obliquatur enim ipfumconuexumrefpedu plani, cuiputetur contingens inpun&o incidentiae eiufdem radij: per maiorem igitur refra&ionem in egrefiu e facie Caua Denfioris intra conuexum Rarius, plus recedent a ccepto prpgreffu inrra Beiifms; &: pariter ab Axe, &: a fe inuicem plus diuergent;. quam ii egrederentur e Cauo-plano Denfious ad planum Rarius. Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a fundamentis constituta, Nicolai ...
  • Español · China: Ciudadanos de la red con hambre, no pueden "comer arroz Global Voices in English » China: Netizens starving, no more rice talk!
  • And there is a marveylouse custom in that contree, (but is profitable) that zif ony contrarious thing, that scholde ben preiudice or grevance to the Emperour, in ony kynde, anon the The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Idem quoque 芼garus 4000. naues congregauit, ex quibus omni anno, post festum Paschale, 1000. naues ad quamlibet Angli� partem statuit, sic, 鎠tate Insulam circumnauigauit: hyeme ver�, iudicia in Prouincia exercuit: & h鎐 omnia ad sui exercitium & ad hostium fecit terrorem. 39 The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Before entering the Senate, he held (as stated in the chief inscription, given below) the decemvirate _litibus iudicandis_, the military tribunate in the third Gallic legion, and the title of Sevir in the Roman knighthood. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • I have lived in Ciudad de Acuña for the past three years and the crossing is always an easy one. Border Crossing
  • Categories Aristotle says that the being associated with relatives is being-toward-something-else (ad aliud se habere). Medieval Theories of Relations
  • Estaba en la ceja de la ciudad de El Alto esperando a unos amigos para ir a pasear por alguna extraña razón llegue temprano, y como era domingo no había mucha gente. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Warnings of Scams in El Alto
  • Français · Colombie: Hiperbarrio, projet de jeunes Colombiens, en vedette sur Periodismo Ciudadano Global Voices in English » Colombia: Hiperbarrio Featured at Periodismo Ciudadano
  • Come è già stato affermato nel Decreto del 21 gennaio 2009, la Santa Sede non mancherà, nei modi giudicati opportuni, di approfondire con gli interessati le questioni ancora aperte, così da poter giungere ad una piena e soddisfacente soluzione dei problemi che hanno dato origine a questa dolorosa frattura. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Vatinius reus et exclamaret: Rogo vos, iudices, num si iste disertus est, ideo me damnari oportet? The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • A. frondibus pinnatis, pinnis subrotundis crena - tis basi tnincatis.liuds. angl. Species plantarum : exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas
  • So if anyone is looking for a battle scene, let him pick a quarrel: if he gets a good strong opponent, I promise him a glimpse of a battle scene so unpleasant that hereafter he will hate the very sight of one.abeo. valete, iudices iustissimi domi duellique duellatores optumi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures.
  • Inter haec uero popularem gratiam ne commemoratione quidem dignam puto, quae nec iudicio prouenit nec umquam firma perdurat. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Isti nihil rapiunt, domos non comburunt, bestias non occidunt: Sed tamen homines vulnerant et mortificant, et si non possunt aliud mittunt in fugam; multo libentius tamen occidunt, quam fugant, post istos sequitur exertitus, qui cuncta qu� inuenit accipit, et homines etiam, si inueniri possunt, accipiunt et occidunt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It smacks of Ciudad Trujillo, Stalingrad, and Ronald Reagan National Airport. The New Yorker
  • The ulemas issued their edict in reference to the work of scholars such as Murtadla Az Zabidi in the book Syarah Ihya and Taqiuddin Al Husaini in the book Kifayat Al Akhyar.
  • Taking Pharr bridge route down Hwy 97 and then around Ciudad Victoria via corto San Luis Potosi is scenic and only one small toll at SLP parador. Experience crossing border from SE (Fl)
  • Now they commended him for it; but St. Paul teacheth otherwise, Better marry than burn, and as St. Hierome gravely delivers it, Aliae, sunt leges Caesarum, aliae Christi, aliud Papinianus, aliud Paulus noster praecipit, there's a difference betwixt Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Verba Poetae non atiud figiiificant» quam fe cu - iufque infulae figuram, calamo, vel rubrica delineafle; quae figurac fubindc ah artifice ligno infculptae». libro ipfi aptatae fuere*. Specimen historico criticum editionum italicarum saeculi XV
  • Absolve, Domine, animas omnium fidelium defunctorum ab omni vinculo delictorum et gratia tua illis succurente mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis, et lucis æterne beatitudine perfrui. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The first were the scabini, officials with specific juridical competence, the second were the iudices, responsible for reproducing and emending juridical texts, and finally the custodians of the lay archives.
  • The two forms of birth control mentioned, IUDs and anovulatory pill, are both potentially abortifacient. "[B]irth control ... messes with God’s will, God’s will to permanently relieve me from cat litter duty. Because God has nothing better to do."
  • Qui autem cognoscere volunt quid catholica et apostolica ecclesia de investitura senserit, quid docuerit, quid iudicaverit et constituerit, legat in primo capitulo illius concilii quod temporibus Hamilton: "A Liturgy of Reform"
  • Idque omnium uidebitur iniquissimum quod nunc aequissimum iudicatur uel puniri improbos uel remunerari probos quos ad alterutrum non propria mittit uoluntas, sed futuri cogit certa necessitas. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Have you ever... "She cut off the sentence and covered the newspaper with an IUD catalogue, just as a door swung open next to her booth. TALES OF THE CITY
  • There's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the city I was born in. People who can't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here.
  • Quando ergo ingressi sumus inter illos barbaros, visum fuit mihi, vt dixi superius, quod ingrederer aliud seculum. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Polypodium {iiudum) frondibus bipinnatis, fo - liolis pinnatis, pinnis rhombeis inciso-crena - tis, stipite scabro nudo. Species plantarum : exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas
  • (Editor's Note -- While Castro gave no details, Ciudad Trujillo and Caracas broadcasts asserted that Cuba is now the most powerfully armed nation in the world for its size, with tanks, artillery, and jets from the USSR and GRADUATION CEREMONY OIF CADET SCHOOL
  • GIUDICE: As wife, she is the trustee, the administratrix of the estate. CNN Transcript Jun 29, 2006
  • This is also why personhood would outlaw all contraceptives that interfere with the implantation of fertilized eggs -- including intrauterine devices IUDs, some forms of the birth control pill, and the "morning-after pill," which YesOn26 proponents call "human pesticide. Sarika Bansal: Personhood: Why Beginning Life at Conception Carries Risks, Even for Anti-Abortion Activists
  • But after he was come into Normandie, & had forraied part of the countrie once or twice, he fell to a parle with his brother duke Robert, & in the end condescended to put the matter in compromise to the arbitrement of certeine graue persons, whose iudgement the king reiected, bicause they gaue not sentence on his side. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) William Rufus
  • More than 20 flat screens showered in neon green lights blanketed Ciudad, as a handful of journalists got their hands on 5-on-5 multiplayer and new mode Horde. E3 '08: Fenix rising again
  • Es un elemento distractor, sobre todo, en un país donde si hay algo que no varía es la pésima impresión que tienen los ciudadanos paraguayos del Congreso Nacional. Global Voices in English » Paraguay: Referendum on Performance of Congress
  • He won his first thirteen fights by stoppage before losing to Jesus "Kiri" Rodriguez in Ciudad Obregon in 1995. East Side Boxing
  • _, 'Ob quod puerili mutato in senatorium cultum et in notitiam Caesaris Neronis facile pervenit et honore vixdum aetati debito dignus iudicatus est. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Quid aliud ambitiosus sibi parat quam ut probra ejus pateant? nemo vivens qui non habet in vita plura vitoperatione quam laude digna; his malis non melius occurritur, quam si bene latueris. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Cecilia viuda is highly charged emotionally and tears flow freely.
  • And forasmuche as we are fallen into mencion of their iudgementes, it shall not be vnfyttyng with myne enterprise, to write also the aunciente Lawes of the Egiptians, that it maie be knowen how muche they passe, bothe in ordre of thynges, and profite. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • No creatures can create because as a creature it has a non-creative being which is different from God's being, an aliud esse. Dietrich of Freiberg
  • The Queenes foreland, being an Island as we iudge, lying neere the supposed continent with America: and on the other side, opposite to the same, one other Island called Halles Isle, after the name of the Master of the ship, neere adiacent to the firme land, supposed continent with Asia. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
  • Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru and is known as the ciudad blanca (the white city) because of the white volcanic rock sillar used in the construction of many of the city's colonial buildings ... TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Outland Trophy (Miglior Lineman): Mike Iupati di Idaho il nome nuovo, capitano dei Vandals ha giocato una stagione ad altissimo livello, dimostrando di vouch for recuperato ottimamente dallinfortunio alla spalla della passata stagione che lo aveva costretto the chiuderla in via anticipata; left guard, ormai titolare indiscusso da tre anni e dovrebbe presentarsi al breeze di questanno. Archive 2009-12-01
  • He renamed the capital city Ciudad Trujillo, and the country's highest mountain Pico Trujillo. BBC News - Home
  • Terreno de riego ubicado en: La Ex Hacienda de Tirio, perteneciente a la tenencia de Santiago Undameo, Municipio de Morelia, Mich., a menos de 20 minutos de la ciudad de Morelia, entre Santiago Undameo y la presa de Umécuaro, saliendo de la comunidad de Tirio, a 260 m. de la carretera. Land for sale / Terreno en venta Tirio, Michoac�n
  • “This is probably the beginning of an upward trend in IUD use,” Finer says. Women in the U.S. Prefer the Pill and Sterilization as Methods of Birth Control | Impact Lab
  • Sed propositum salutis et eos amplectitur, qui Creatorem agnoscunt, inter quos imprimis Musulmanos, qui fidem Abrahae se tenere profitentes, nobiscum Deum adorant unicum, misericordem, homines die novissimo iudicaturum." from Lumen Gentium §16. CONFIRMED
  • He also spent some time in Sicily, and returned to Rome probably at the age of 23 or 24, where he allowed himself to be nominated _triumvir capitalis, decemvir litibus iudicandis_, and _centumvir_, in quick succession. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • Taking Pharr bridge route down Hwy 97 and then around Ciudad Victoria via corto San Luis Potosi is scenic and only one small toll at SLP parador. Experience crossing border from SE (Fl)
  • Q buena entrevista y que gusto que el lado grandioso y fascinante que tiene tijuana tambien se de a conocer, asi como las personas que promueven la cultura y el arte, como Rafa Saavedra, un imparable al escribir sobre todo lo relacionado con la ciudad y su transformación a travez de las ultimas dos décadas. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Telling Secrets on Twitter
  • Licet igitur etiam illis, vt coeteris omnibus Christianis, vbi hoc ad pietatem magis facere iudicauerint, pro suo arbitratu matrimonium contrahere. by Gods lawe eyther to vowe the estate of single lyfe, or to abstayne from mariage. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Wherefore vpon good aduice taken in the matter with his father and other of his especiall fréends, iudging himselfe insufficient for the one, he was contented to part with the other; and therevpon wrote letters vnto the said archbishop of Canturburie, in forme as followeth. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • IUD is a great method, by the way, and under-utilized here in the US. How to Pay Less for Birth Control
  • Gunmen in the Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez attacked a group of students, killing at least 2 adults and 11 teenagers.
  • The ambushed was a Mexican Army patrol in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, just across the border from El Paso Texas. American Chronicle
  • Si ex tristitia aut alio affectu caeperit, speciem considera, aut aliud qui eorum, quae subitam alterationem facere possunt. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Tysjatcha dush" (A Thousand Souls), a gloomy but faithful picture of the corruption of Russian society, which is portrayed also in his novel "Vzgalamutchennoe More" (Tempestuous Sea); his novel "Liudi sokorovykh godoff" (Men of Forty Years) deals with the agrarian question. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Yf any be proued to haue liued euyll, the iudges geue sentence that the bodye shall not be buried. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Dominus, qui non ad iudicandum _venerat_, sed _ad salvandum_, &c. ... increpat eos _quod non meminerint doctrinae suae et bonitatis Evangelicae_, &c. (i. 857 b, c, d.) The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Being the Sequel to The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels
  • The IUD is easy, but I would make sure you do your research first. How to Pay Less for Birth Control
  • He asserts that two contraceptives - one of which, the IUD, is not much used in the United States - may on occasion have abortifacient properties.
  • Note 99: "Cogitatio semper vago motu de uno ad aliud transit. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The military leader of the people , res , basileus, thiudans -- becomes an indispensable, permanent official.
  • I viewed the same course Spanish telecourse tonight and a Puerto Rican (actor) pronounced "ayuda" as "adgiuda" while a Mexican (actor) pronounced it as ayuda. Differences in prononciation of certain consonants...
  • A girl dressed as an angel on the day of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception celebrations in Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala.
  • Tempo prima che l’asfalto ricoprisse la terra, i corvi e le rocce racchiudevano visioni e segni. No Fat Clips!!! : SIMON ROUBY – Le presage
  • But the archbishop would none of that, alleging how it should be a derogation to the sée apostolike and his metropoliticall dignitie, to stand before the king in iudgement, or anie other temporall magistrate. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • Incolis scripta reliquerant, quæque ab illis alij, tanquam Dijs prodentibus, acceperunt, vnde sua in gentem nostram ludibria depromi aiunt, quantum fidei mereantur, iudicet. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Si forasse nostri legati in eadem sinodo contra apostolicam preceptionem egerint, nos nec recipimus nec iudicamus alicuius existere firmitatis. Archive 2007-05-01
  • In the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, business leaders are so concerned about spiraling drug cartel-related violence that they have asked the United Nations to send in peacekeeping soldiers to restore calm. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 13, 2009
  • Outland Trophy (Miglior Lineman): Mike Iupati di Idaho il nome nuovo, capitano dei Vandals ha giocato una stagione ad altissimo livello, dimostrando di vouch for recuperato ottimamente dallinfortunio alla spalla della passata stagione che lo aveva costretto the chiuderla in via anticipata; left guard, ormai titolare indiscusso da tre anni e dovrebbe presentarsi al breeze di questanno. Archive 2009-12-01
  • A growing percentage of U.S. women are using intrauterine devices, or IUDs, but the pill and female sterilization still lead the contraceptive pack, as they have for nearly a quarter of a century, government researchers reported Wednesday. Women in the U.S. Prefer the Pill and Sterilization as Methods of Birth Control | Impact Lab
  • One of the worst oil spills to impact the Gulf was also a well blowout, in the Bay of Campeche off Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, in June 1979.
  • WBO super flyweight champion Jorge Arce (53-6-1, 40 KOs) stopped Cecilio Santos (24-13-3, 14 KOs) in the seventh round of a non-title bantamweight fight in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
  • * [150] Quoties diem ilium considero, toto corpore contremisco, sive enim comedo, sive bibo, sive aliquid aliud facio, semper videtur illa tuba terribilis sonare in auribus meis, Surgite, mortui, venite ad judicum. The Hymns of Methodism in their Literary Relations
  • Si enim omnia demonstrarentur, cum idem per seipsum non demonstretur, sed per aliud, oporteret esse circulum in demonstrationibus. June 18th, 2009
  • Eastangles, the Essex men submit themselues, he inuadeth Mercia, and maketh great wast, the Kentishmens disobedience preiudiciall to themselues, they and the Danes haue a great conflict, king Edward concludeth a truce with them, he maketh a great slaughter of them by his Westsaxons and Mercians, what lands came to king Edward by the death of Edred duke of Mercia, he recouereth diuers places out of the Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England
  • Christi annis solaribus 612. in die Iouis feria quinta Hebdomad� promulgauit pr鎓atum detestand� legis su� librum, plenum perfidi� et erroris, et � subditis tempore vit� su� seruari coegit, qui et vsque hodie in tanto 鎢o, et tot populis non sine iusto Dei iudicio colitur et seruatur, quamuis miserabile, et miserandum videtur, quod tot anim� in illo perduntur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The researchers found that women who had used IUDs had a 44 per cent lower risk of developing squamous-cell carcinoma and a 54 per cent lower risk of suffering from adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Sed propositum salutis et eos amplectitur, qui Creatorem agnoscunt, inter quos imprimis Musulmanos, qui fidem Abrahae se tenere profitentes, nobiscum Deum adorant unicum, misericordem, homines die novissimo iudicaturum." from Lumen Gentium §16. CONFIRMED
  • Conference in Honduras; the Guatemalan Teaching Conference in Guatemala; the Dominican Teaching Conference in Ciudad Trujillo; the Jamaican Messages to the Bahá’í World: 1950–1957
  • In ipsa quóque rupe ostendebatur mihi figura impressæ manus ad digitorum extensionem, quo artificiosius humanano studio sculpi non posset, quam referunt Christum sua venerabili manu inclinando ad rupem efficisse dum Iudæi impuras manus ad capiendum iniecerunt in eum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • When the iudges haue giuen sentence of life, or of deathe, the sentence is brought to the headborough of the Citie (whom we call the Mayour) and they Licomegia: he supplieth the place of the King. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Et sic de singulis factis singula mysteria confingentes decipiunt audientes: horum itaque fraudulento ingenio, iste Grand Can festiuatus, non nisi ad talium iudicium parari permittit cibaria, aut fieri indumenta pro suo corpore. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The most common adverse effects of IUDs are cramping, abnormal uterine bleeding, and expulsion.
  • The Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez girl killed more than 400 unsolved true adaptation.
  • Nihil ergo aliud restat, quam ut dicamus Europam esse irregulare aliquod Conventus et monstro simile ... A Short History Of Empire (I Hope)
  • Hic ad iactum lapidis in meridie orauit [‘oraiit’ in source text — KTH] ad suum patrem, et pro vehementi orationis intentione sanguineum exudauit sudorem: atque ibi non remot� videtur tumba regis Iude� Iosaphat, � quo et vallis sibi nomen assumpsit: et credimus in hanc vallem Christum venturum ad nouissimum, et generalissimum iudicium, vbi (Iohele propheta testante) disceptabit de omni actione mortalium. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Viendo este video me doy cuenta que es importante y debe ser cuantiosa este tipo de registros de nuestras ciudades en manos de los turistas que alguna vez nos visitaron. Global Voices in English » Peru: Recovering Memories of the Amazon
  • Manchester in the British Isles; of Ciudad Trujillo in the Dominican Messages to the Bahá’í World: 1950–1957
  • Paolo: Sive manducatis, sive bibitis, sive aliud quid facitis, omnia in gloriane. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The blue flange should be aligned with the IUD arms and set at the distance the uterus was sounded.
  • After ten minutes of fruitless mental effort I gradually come to realize that the main topic under discussion by my coworkers is that of artesian water wells that spew forth hot mineral water with alleged curative properties, and that these wells are to be found not only in Ciudad Juárez but also in Torreón. After All, This Is Mexico
  • If this method is unsuccessful, radiography or ultrasonography may be used to locate the IUD.
  • Nihil ergo aliud restat, quam ut dicamus Europam esse irregulare aliquod Conventus et monstro simile ... A Short History Of Empire (I Hope)
  • When I reflected on this worldwide death-toll late into last year, while Mexico was heading the list, I focused on the anguishing case of El Diario de Juarez, the leading city newspaper on the Mexican side of the cross-border conurbation, Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas. David Tereshchuk: Pakistan Now Worst Killing-Field for Journalists
  • Anti-choice nurse removes women's IUDs "accidently" - Feministing Anti-choice nurse removes women's IUDs "accidently" - Feministing
  • Si qua leccionem tempore statuto non preuiderit: uel aliud legere, uel cantare presumpserit quam quod ordinatum est. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • In ipsa qu髊ue rupe ostendebatur mihi figura impress� manus ad digitorum extensionem, quo artificiosius humanano studio sculpi non posset, quam referunt Christum sua venerabili manu inclinando ad rupem efficisse dum Iud鎖 impuras manus ad capiendum iniecerunt in eum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Ibu Nurul, 25, the mother of a five-year-old boy, extols the virtues of the IUD.
  • Mobile teams were created to back up the village outreach system, providing sterilization and IUDs.
  • '—. „ — hinc frodiM galeae In - fiftens 9 iude clipeus; - Pallade in mcdio ftaste. n. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm cvm observationibvs antiqvariis geographicis chronologicis historicis criticis et passim cvm explicatione monogrammatvm edidit Io. Christophorvs Rasche
  • I currently rent a home in ciudad Madero, Tam. the tri cities of Altamira, Tampico and Madero is one of the dirtiest places (cities) I have seen. Looking for a Home to Buy in San Juan del Rio
  • Right now I have an IUD, which is long lasting and no-oopsing, but it's reversible, if, someday, I change my mind. The Future By Thirds
  • Bo* naventurae. loio cum dicat, bona sterna aliud esse nihil 9 quam Dt* Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
  • And they don't use the term "birth control" for IUDs and some forms of the pill that do destroy fertilized eggs, or have the potential to do so. Jason Salzman: Media Omission: Romney Supported Personhood Four Years Ago
  • Ever since the war between Ignus and Iudicium ended, one enigmatic question continued to eat at many people's minds: where did these two terrifying tyrants amass such numbers for their armies?
  • Nam ipsi communiter reputant tam Christianos qu鄊 Iudaeos pro canibus, et quando despectiu� eos volunt appellare, dicunt Kylp, id est, canis. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Sicut enim alias manus Templum cxpcOiat, quibus abfbluatur: fic, vt digno defcribarur characlere, longe aliud expofcit ingenium. Theatrum temporaneum aeternitati Caesaris Montii S.R.E. cardinalis et archiep. Mediolanen. sacrum
  • Furthermore, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora may affect progenitive birds when it decreased insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands.

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