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How To Use Iterative In A Sentence

  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
  • On behalf of tiny snipers, we are delighted to invite you to join an iterative process of hematoid symposia to be held at the hinges of daily life. Dear Carl
  • Adaptive passband equalization filtering comprises in addition to a non-iterative portion, an iterative filtering portion to suppress longer-delayed post-ghosts.
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  • Genocchio subdivides the book by a series of alliterative section headings and short preambles but it is generally less than apparent why pieces are included in
  • But if I don't at least attempt to get a solid five and a half hours of sleep tonight, I will become the Gorgon Journalist of Georgia -- which, although it has its alliterative merits (is "alliterative" a word, by the way? Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • The crosses in figure 2 display the results of the iterative method.
  • The reiterative locution of the CV is simple, the grammatical meaning is single, but the grammatical feature changes.
  • Of course, being the first story arc after the One More Day silliness, this arc is going to have to live up to some stringent standards, like whether this story's quality was contingent upon it being a single Spider-Man (which is questionable, as the best aspects of this comic were the old-fashioned superhero stuff and the return of the supporting cast - neither of which hinged on Peter being married) and forcing the new potential love interest to be compared instantly to Mary Jane, which is a tough comparison for a new character, although Carlie Cooper hold up pretty well, I think (she even has an alliterative name!) as the nerdy, yet attractive, police scientist roommate/best friend of Harry Osborn's new girlfriend. The Amazing Spider-Man #546-548 Review | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The development of the model was an iterative process that involved testing and refinement.
  • All the existing Methods : Utilize quaternion algebra to iteratively compute M - sets'boundaries.
  • Over time that had been corrupted to the affectionate and alliterative Wheezy. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • The fitting of a sum of exponentials convoluted to an instrument response to experimental data is traditionally done by iterative convolution.
  • The stately and complex narrative is composed in the alliterative metre common to most early Germanic poetry, and is enhanced by rich description, decorous speeches, and moral reflection.
  • The phrase itself is both alliterative and euphonious, and it's certainly not a random adjective-noun combination like we've become used to with band names; furnaces have flames in them, and thus they are fiery.
  • The website TheyWorkForYou reveals that he "has used three-word alliterative phrases eg 'she sells seashells' 381 times in debates – well above average amongst Lords," it says. Diary
  • I was a little unfair summarizing my contact with Time Inc.; the company has not "crowed" about its iPad bridge software, and in fact has plans to iteratively improve its iPad product. "MAIN" via Steve in Google Reader
  • Firstly the bits and corresponding power are allocated to the sub-carriers in better channel condition, and then the transmit power is minimized with an iterative procedure.
  • In software development, this is called the Agile approach where developers code in short, iterative loops, constantly processing the feedback to refine the end product. New: All Things O'Reilly
  • That approach, most recently stressed in the America's Climate Choices reports from the National Academies, is now called "iterative risk management. NYT > Home Page
  • To reassign out-of-focus light to its point of origin, the data was processed using an iterative constrained deconvolution algorithm.
  • A few passages of Irish heroic poetry that survive from the prehistoric period employ an alliterative line very much like the one used by Old English poets.
  • As Gunderson alliteratively put it, there were other better explanations of a more pronounced class identification in this period than ‘Nash's cumbersome contrivance of class consciousness arising in poverty.’
  • Gawain is written in a newer form for the time, known as the ‘bob and wheel,’ in which each strophe of verse ends with a five line rhymed tag, which is also alliterative in its structure.
  • Moreover, computational docking suggested that the substrate-binding channel binds a polyene substrate that contains a single cis double bond at the C4 / C5 position, raising the possibility that the C4 = C5 double bond in the enediyne moiety could be generated by the iterative polyketide synthase. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • The solution method for liquid and ice growth is unconditionally stable, mass conserving between the gas and multiple aerosol bins and multiple hydrometeor bins, and is noniterative. Climate Models – the Next Generation « Climate Audit
  • Chasing the elusive fun factor implies a much more iterative approach to development.
  • One of the most famous artists to ground their work in the phoneme is the Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, whose "Ur Sonata" demilitarized language after World War I by softening and subtilizing phonemes through the performance of a score. Schwitters 'work coincides with the Russian Futurists', whose made-up language "Zaum" used phonemics to tap language's universal source, and thereby its glossolalic, transliterative potentials. Undefined
  • The attempt to place Thomas in the Welsh bardic tradition because of his alliterative style largely fails since the poet himself disputed it.
  • alliterative verse
  • With such an iterative loop going, energy reinforcement and possible noise help decide the competition among stored possibilities.
  • They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.
  • Both of these poems contain alliterative sequences of unrelated words.
  • The iterative construction interpolating space is discussed by K - method and it is characterized by linear operator.
  • The second, with its mixture of monosyllables and disyllables - listen, walking, chamber - sustains the alliterative flourish of Melting melodious words.
  • Anyway, someone whose main talents seem to be self-promotion and coining alliterative phrases should not be calling others trolls. Meeting at the fringes « BuzzMachine
  • Eve, representing our subconscious desires, wanted to have godship immediately, without going through the necessary cycles of reiterative cause-effect input-output relational feedback mechanisms, without which no person will see godship.
  • It means if we want to keep eating mussels marinara, clams casino, or other alliterative seafood dishes, we'd better kick our carbon-emitting fossil fuels habit right quick.
  • Repeating the word ‘field’ in the second clause, however, Warner balances it with form, alliteratively cinching together the natural ‘field’ with its scientific meanings.
  • Turbo codes are so-called iterative codes, which means that the decoder makes a series of guesses about what the encoded message is supposed to be. - latest science and technology news stories
  • As such, Hamburger is equal parts myth debunker and modernization theorizer; Pizza traces transatlantic classism, corporate global­ization, and methodology-as-variety; and Pancake offers an iterative look at comfort food, cultural controversy, and appellative breadth. Cover to Cover
  • They wouldn't get past its lacily alliterative first line — "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins" — with its carefully balanced pairings ( "light/fire," "life/loins"). Lolita At 50, And Forever Young
  • This progressive detailing of the project management plan is often called "rolling wave planning, "indicating that planning is an iterative and ongoing process(see Figure 3-7).
  • What my arguments are intended to suggest is that ethnohistory, of the rich sort embraced by O'Brien, is an iterative process enriched by many voices and perspectives.
  • Subsequently, iterative profile refinement was used to make the profile searches more sensitive.
  • Do they manage to translate the names of the Endless into other languages alliteratively?
  • Through an iterative process of coding and revision, we developed a taxonomy of 69 generic types.
  • I also share Rob's push for a serious discussion of risks and tradeoffs, though the term "iterative risk management" isn't poised to take the public by storm. NYT > Home Page
  • Nelson and Napoleon were celebrated - and appropriately alliterative - antagonists, though they never confronted each other directly in battle.
  • Thus the only appropriate deconvolution method that can be used is the iterative convolution.
  • Barry Boehm uses the analogy of stud poker 2 to illustrate the sponsors perspective on an iterative and incremental development project.
  • The reiterative adjusting method is introduced in the paper to solve the problem of empty wagon distribution on large scale railway network.
  • Stanley Cavell sees (hears) Poe's prose as "a parody's of philosophy's" (111) in just this respect, its iterative paranoia and "impish" wordplay as the mad antithesis of any overcome skepticism about the credited and signified world. Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • The processing required to convert the typesetting format to a usable format was essentially iterative and needed to be performed with care.
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • (Old Play), ‘hoddy-doddy’ (Ben Jonson); while of alliterative might be instanced these: ‘skimble-skamble’, ‘bibble-babble’ (both in English Past and Present
  • Proper iterative program management dictates that the practitioners doing the work should be the ones deciding how much they can accomplish in a given amount of time.
  • An offshoot of this characteristic is doing things piecemeal, so that completion is not a one-shot execution but an iterative process.
  • The title Aoxomoxoa (explored later), is very possibly pronounced with the 'x' as an alliterative 'z', and thus "... zoa"; or Latin, for "life" ... as in Larbear's Aoxomoxoa Thesis
  • The processing required to convert the typesetting format to a usable format was essentially iterative and needed to be performed with care.
  • We solved the fluid-solid interaction eigenvalue problem for the axial wavenumber, fluid pressure, and the vibratory relative motions of the cochlear partition as a function of frequency using an iterative algorithm.
  • Playful iterative processes are likely to fit the bill.
  • Southwell appears to have chosen a vernacular, alliterative style not only as a repudiation of contemporary poetic practice but also because such a style makes a statement about continuity and patriotism.
  • But here, interspersed as they are between the episodes, the iterative passages tend again to remove both narrator and reader from the particularity and immediacy of those individual episodes.
  • Other iterative heuristic rules that have been commonly used include the prioritization of sites by the rarity of the surrogates present in them.
  • Estimation of the length for photoperiodically sensitive and insensitive phases of each genotype on the basis of equation involves an iterative regression procedure.
  • Such investigations may simply involve iterative selective alterations to the tagset used with monitoring of any improvement or degradation in performance.
  • Back from the optometrist, eyes dilated, and things closer or farther away than the fixed focus are fuzzy, he said alliteratively. A Quiet Night in the Recliner ...
  • By using a series-based approximation approach, we transform the solution of a LQR problem into an iterative solution of a linear two-point-boundary-value problem without time-delay.
  • Research shows that iterative methods reduce the risk of failure, compared to traditional models of development.
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • All of the verbs in this excerpt are polysyllabic, strategically alliterative, and speak to various kinds of action that jolt the reader.
  • In the Heliand, a ninth-century Old Saxon alliterative verse retelling of the gospel, Christ teaches his disciples the secret runes that God spoke in the beginning when he called the world into being.
  • The enhanced capability of this antenna is approximately equal to adaptive antenna, but need not iterative procedure, has fast response and good robustness.
  • Mumblix Grumph, as much as I’d like to see Bush and Cheyney in chains, (appealingly alliterative is it not) I do not think that Hillary is the answer to the countries problems. It’s about trust « BuzzMachine
  • Many mathematical models in physics, mechanics, biology and astronomy are given in such forms. Many problems of dynamical systems can be reduced to an iterative functional equation.
  • An iterative best-fit curve computational program is used to determine k.
  • Tooth-ache, tragedy and top notes share a mask of facial palsy in this alliterative world.
  • This iterative process, through a series of 'Crew Station Reviews', established the common module/node architecture based on modularized standard racks (later they were called the International Standard Payload Rack or ISPR), ESA and NASDA (later JAXA) worked with us and adopted the configuation at this time. Name Node 3 - NASA Watch
  • Such methods went on to form the basis of the first written English poetry, Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.
  • In this it contrasts with the accentual four-stress line of Old English and Middle English alliterative verse, in which the caesura is expected to fall in the middle of the line.
  • Two questions spring to mind in this context: firstly, is the effect of these spells of unpopularity iterative, or cumulative? The US and the Nation Brand Index
  • In Chinese classical poetry, the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods.
  • Science is often described as an iterative and cumulative process, a puzzle solved piece by piece, with each piece contributing a few hazy pixels of a much larger picture. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Okay, you will now program it iteratively, not recursively.
  • The processing required to convert the typesetting format to a usable format was essentially iterative and needed to be performed with care.
  • The attempt to place Thomas in the Welsh bardic tradition because of his alliterative style largely fails since the poet himself disputed it.
  • E's pumpkin poem (first they "brainstormed" the alliterative words, she told me) (she did not say alliterative) In Which I Unabashedly Show Off My Daughter
  • Much of this poetry fell squarely in the northern European tradition, and the literary revival of the north-west and the Midlands in the fourteenth century was mainly of alliterative, unrhymed verse.
  • The author roundly silenced his critics when the densely illustrated, alliterative animal alphabet book sold 1.3 million copies worldwide.
  • They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.
  • Data analysis was carried out using a nonlinear, least-squares iterative convolution method based on the Marquardt algorithm.
  • Within the unfolding of Aoxomoxoa, (a title alliteratively and reflexively evoking the very word "axis" itself!), the flora-like tendrils of childhood experience are anchored, and then extended spoke-like through the flights and journeys of life's passage. Larbear's Aoxomoxoa Thesis
  • When manual design calculation must undergo many times the iterative computation, very troublesome time-consuming, but using computer time, the design calculation is very convenient effectively.
  • The iterative computation of the system simulation is carried out based on the equations of energy conservation, momentum conservation, and mass conservation.
  • This paper presents an iterative chain code tracing method with parallel hierarchy for line segment detection.
  • • Store JT data in a variety of formats the original JT file to provide • Allow for an iterative design process associativity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • An iterative inverse method has been also applied to multiphase tectonics to separate several superimposed tectonic events.
  • David Myers' novel The Bohemian Bourgeois is the true inheritor of that line, his protagonist's name appropriately alliterative, his behaviour equally roguish.
  • The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps and their borders and flags.
  • Spenser begins the stanza with an alliterative play upon ‘joyous’ and ‘just’ which lightens the atmosphere after the sober and tense portrayal of the knight's penance, while emphasising the worth of Charissa's lesson.
  • The starting values required for the iterative procedure were estimated graphically.
  • The spirited romance generally known as the alliterative _Morte Arthure_ must also belong here, though the MS. itself is of later date. English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
  • This progressive detailing of the project management plan is often called "rolling wave planning, "indicating that planning is an iterative and ongoing process(see Figure 3-7).
  • The two-man chorus is lent an alliterative, Anglo-Saxon form reminiscent of Heaney's Beowulf.
  • Adaptive neural network iterative learning control is proposed considering repetitive action, uncertainty and nonlinearity system.
  • Finally, we investigated the performance of the iterative procedure.
  • However, the biasing potential still cannot be easily determined without rather a tedious iterative procedure.
  • Thus, we cannot use the same iterative approach as detailed in this paper.
  • The estimated channel frequency response can improve the performance of the iterative receiver.
  • bewildered by the old go-as-you-please liberty of alliterative rhythm
  • White's lyricism, sometimes reminiscent of Jean Toomer's sentence fragments and poetic repetition, and her metaphorical and alliterative use of language make her fiction almost indistinguishable from her poetry.
  • Often various iterative algorithms are tested by using them to compute the digits of familiar numbers like [pi].
  • Coco has alliterative and assonantal qualities that also make it memorable from an aural standpoint.
  • Indicating a constant testing of the consciousness of survival, this reiterative process of deferral is what paradoxically shapes and undermines the narrative.
  • In 1881 Gyula Farkas published a paper on Farkas Bolyai's iterative solution to the trinomial equation, making a careful study of the convergence of the algorithm.
  • Or you can start with the whole system/painting with low details, and refactor it completly with every step (what he calls iterative), adding more detail. Scrum Log Jeff Sutherland
  • Or any one of several other alliteratively animalian avenues? Globe and Mail
  • For the latter taxa, an alternative hypothesis would imply the iterative invasion of shelf habitats by morphologically conservative populations from shallow refugia.
  • But her assuming of this identity, here, is intended as an interruption in that reiterative homophobia that promotes and produces certain socially acceptable versions of self, whilst condemning others.
  • Her campaign slogan, "a president for the people", was pleasantly alliterative but empty.
  • `Parsifal" became alliterative in his self-condemnation, the words `treachery", `treason", `turncoat" and `traitor" frequently on his lips. LOHENGRIN
  • Rehabilitation is a reiterative, active, educational, problem solving process focused on a patient's behaviour, with the following components.
  • Our “cry” is indefinite as to aspect, “be crying” is durative, “cry out” is momentaneous, “burst into tears” is inceptive, “keep crying” is continuative, “start in crying” is durative-inceptive, “cry now and again” is iterative, “cry out every now and then” or “cry in fits and starts” is momentaneous-iterative. Chapter 5. Form in Language: Grammatical Concepts
  • I'm just back from a blog break (after taking courses in alliterative prose ... just kidding). Still here ...
  • This book is the result of an iterative process of consulting with experts in the field of computer and network security.
  • D model reconstruction is investigated from orthographic engineering drawings using an iterative - tree method based on neighborhood - topology.
  • In fact, the original policy can be improved as the organization undergoes an iterative process of interpretation, conflict, and refinement.
  • I asked them to write two sentences of alliterative art criticism.
  • The iterative time of the future is a becoming-space where the ‘in-between’ becomes utterable, and can return and be reiterated in the interstices of the present.
  • But at times I found the exposition a bit overextended and reiterative and the family clashes underdramatized.
  • From semantic perspective. word reiterative brings increase. decrease and weakening to meanings.
  • In the course of an hour this guy must have spoken 42,000 words, many thousand being Shakespeare quotes and alliterative adjectives describing his philosophy, his past as an actor and his experiences as a WWII British navy man.
  • Moving - coordinate reiterative method is used for non - linear finite analysis of BHA.
  • The poems are alliterative, disjunctive, unpunctuated, fabular, and also political, based as they are on maps (thus, ‘Legend’) and their borders and flags.
  • They are also narrated in the present tense, but in an iterative present.
  • He may get curious about other instances of iterative processes and their general theory.
  • It is based on an iterative subdivision of arcs on the scalp starting from four craniometric reference points: nasion Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Typically such instructions are combined and used in an iterative block cipher, a cryptosystem that operates on a block of data and sequentially repeats a set of primitives; each repetition is a round of the function.
  • It presents a one-point iterative technique for calculating the sine of a given angle.
  • The method of blocking matrix is used to derive the obvious iterative formula of the steady-state probability vectors.
  • Instead, a weighted summation of successive estimates of transmitted symbols is converted to VSB signal to supply the feedback signal for the iterative filtering.
  • For solving the linear system with the iterative method, it is very important to estimate the spectral radius of the iterative matrices and give the convergence analysis.
  • An iterative characteristic is one that can be concatenated with itself.
  • Of course, being the first story arc after the One More Day silliness, this arc is going to have to live up to some stringent standards, like whether this story's quality was contingent upon it being a single Spider-Man (which is questionable, as the best aspects of this comic were the old-fashioned superhero stuff and the return of the supporting cast - neither of which hinged on Peter being married) and forcing the new potential love interest to be compared instantly to Mary Jane, which is a tough comparison for a new character, although Carlie Cooper hold up pretty well, I think (she even has an alliterative name!) as the nerdy, yet attractive, police scientist roommate/best friend of Harry Osborn's new girlfriend. The Amazing Spider-Man #546-548 Review | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Planning will be iterative and collaborative rather than sequential and linear, more a framework for learning and action than a rigid template.
  • According to the equivalent circuit model of non-linear load, a detecting approach of harmonic current in single-phase circuit based on fast iterative algorithm in active power filter is proposed.
  • Other favorite words in shampoo promotion were the shimmering and alliterative shine and sheen, which along with silky reminded consumers that hair mucked up by soap scum was now a thing of the past. The English Is Coming!
  • Once I chased the rainbow's end on horseback" he writes in another alliteratively-titled poem, "Exercise in Excess" and there is something of that quest in many pieces of work, the rainbow being poetry itself. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The phase distribution of DOE is optimization result of iterative phase retrieval algorithm.
  • Consider, for instance, the iterative geometric process of creating flaky pastry dough.
  • I am, of course, talking about the new More 4 show, the alliteratively catchy, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Razzle dazzle 'em
  • the early Norse poets wrote alliteratively
  • And that was the first peace of illiterative porthery in all the flamend floody flatuous world. Finnegans Wake
  • When manual design calculation must undergo many times the iterative computation, very troublesome time-consuming, but using computer time, the design calculation is very convenient effectively.
  • Their first mistake, obviously, is not calling it football - alliteratively, 'football' and 'fighting' go together rather nicely. The Sun
  • At each load increment, an iterative method is adopted to predict the displacement.
  • AH image restoration method of directly solving the image formation equation by iterative procedure is presented in this paper.
  • Such investigations may simply involve iterative selective alterations to the tagset used with monitoring of any improvement or degradation in performance.
  • A bilinear model was fitted to the relationship between N AL and N IL, using the iterative optimization technique of TBL Curve.
  • A planter of about thirty years of age, clad in buckskin shortclothes, sat smoking his pipe, after his noonday meal, in the wide entry that ran through his double log house from the south side to the north, the house being of the sort called alliteratively "two pens and a passage. Duffels
  • Much of this poetry fell squarely in the northern European tradition, and the literary revival of the north-west and the Midlands in the fourteenth century was mainly of alliterative, unrhymed verse.
  • They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre.
  • Hometowns are often used by sports writers in creating alliterative nicknames.
  • On December 12th, everyone should have short, terse, back-and-forth conversations that go nowhere in iterative loops. When Photoshop Is Used For Evil
  • The novel begins with Warner Williams, an alliteratively named stringer for Esquire debating with editor Harold Hayes about the reporter's article on a B-movie adaptation of "The Raven. Brian Joseph Davis: A Horrifying Satire of Hollywood Returns
  • A new iterative learning controller with state estimation is developed for tracking different trajectories in a finite interval. A nonlinear system with uncertainties can be controlled by this scheme.
  • The most accessible (and alliterative) source of finer-grained parallelism in mainstream server applications is sorting, searching, selection, and summarizing of data sets.
  • ‘The prejudicial effect would far outweigh the probative value,’ he added alliteratively.
  • A magnificent performer on the page, she can flip, mid-paragraph, into alliterative mode to underline a point: ‘The world is flux, flow and fruitfully fermenting doubt.’
  • All of the verbs in this excerpt are polysyllabic, strategically alliterative, and speak to various kinds of action that jolt the reader.
  • In a paper published three years later, Farkas examined the convergence of more general iterative methods.
  • We argue this examination needs to take into account the status of Maori under the Treaty, and to recognise the reiterative and regulatory role of media discourses.
  • I myself was named alliteratively because my father always wanted to be able to step outside on a warm summer night and holler through cupped hands, ‘Come hither Heather Hamilton.’
  • Gabbling alliteratively over speeded-up footage of dramatic night skies? Times, Sunday Times
  • We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains, choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.
  • Tween is very obviously an artificial, consumer-culture-created construct (he said alliteratively), but since we're living the years here, I always thought it was more like 10-12. MIND MELD: Is Young Adult SF/F Too Explicit?
  • The fact that Trumpeldor and his associates have no problems whatsoever in talking about Gentiles amongst themselves, on this site, in the very same way that a Southern gentleman might refer to Jews and others at the yearly (think alliteratively forward and backward at this moment) Klan gathering is, in my opinion, highly offensive. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Just as the symposium presenter described it, the tight, iterative loop illustrates the natural way in which developers work on iterative and incremental projects.
  • So Patton has the right idea, but his use of the term iterative development is wrong. Scrum Log Jeff Sutherland
  • To sum up alliteratively: expletives extended endurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the development process was based on iterative development and improvement of source code.
  • Also, for each of these you will find a "driver" class in the default package which simply calls the recursive and iterative implementations and then displays the measurements returned by the SimpleMeasurement interface that each such implementation will have to offer. Hottest News Articles
  • This is a general definition of an iterative process that works for any function f.
  • Each new translation of Gawain's travails places the translator in conflict with the original text - how to recreate the narrative's pace, the alliterative swatches of language, the tale's uncanny aura?

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