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How To Use Italian renaissance In A Sentence

  • The memory of Julius Lange was associated in my mind with every picture of Hobbema, Dubbels or Ruysdael, Rembrandt or Rubens, every reproduction of Italian Renaissance art, every photograph of church or castle. Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • English painters had relatively little contact with Italy, and were decidedly not working in the Italian Renaissance tradition of perspective and chiaroscuro.
  • Decameron is a world - famous literary work in the Italian Renaissance period.
  • One of the greatest sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, and probably of all time, was Michelangelo.
  • Orientalism inspired him in his adulthood the way Italian renaissance and Greek paganism inspired him as a youth.
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  • Faced with his manically inventive and elaborate use of his material, at times recalling the marginalia of illuminated manuscripts and the ornamentation of Italian Renaissance book design; and his endless depictions of George Washington—as angel, bellhop, businessman, clockwork, cowboy, founding father, topiary, traffic cop and window washer continually outfoxing his nemesis the Gingerbread man—is to give in freely to his fantastic voyage. Of a Decade and a Dollar
  • Spring in Tuscany means clouds of golden mimosa and an instinct to head south over the Ponte Vecchio to see Italian renaissance landscaping at its best in the Boboli Gardens.
  • The techniques with which the hand reproduces what the eye sees are old ones, and explained with wonderful perspicuity in the British Museum's big new show "Fra Angelico to Leonardo -- Italian Renaissance Drawings. Drawing on a Renaissance Treasure Trove
  • You are in an Italian Renaissance paved courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is based upon the sestina, the poetic form broadly practiced in the Italian Renaissance, involving the regular permutation of six rhymes.
  • What isn't widely known is that there is another Italian renaissance going on, a renaissance in dance music.
  • The Italian Renaissance's idealisation of classical culture had entered Britain during the 16th century; by the early 18th century, not to be a classicist was almost an act of blasphemy. British architecture: Georgian
  • Pure neoclassicism now lost ground to Italian Renaissance styles, more adaptable to modern uses.
  • Clearly, the Italian Renaissance continues to exert a powerful hold on historical imagination.
  • Nietzsche's "Birth of Tragedy" argued that the Greeks 'reputed Apollonian harmony was achieved only by suppressing Dionysiac impulses, while Burckhardt maintained that the Italian Renaissance was born from and sustained by "competitive individualism. Book review of Hugh Trevor-Roper's "History and the Enlightenment"
  • From the dawning of Greek Classicism to well beyond the Italian Renaissance, artists learned to faithfully master contrapposto, linear perspective, and the like in order to achieve the great, mythic aspiration of beauty. Rebecca Taylor: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Baldessari
  • George likes figurative artists in the tradition of Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish and the Italian Renaissance," Rinzler said.
  • The modern territorial state upon which it was based was a derivative of the Italian Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation.
  • The rise of maiolica during the Italian Renaissance signaled a change in the perception and purpose of ceramic wares.
  • The quote above is from an entry about the considerable Arab influence on the Italian Renaissance, thanks in no small measure the efforts of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, who ruled the domain later known as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Arab Influence on the Italian Renaissance « Far Outliers
  • Italian Renaissance poet Petrarch; by the eighteenth century, the form was again revived and revised, this time serving as Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
  • But the dreamlike quality conveyed by Metaphysical painters differed from that of the Surrealists because of their concern with pictorial structure and a strongly architectural sense of repose deriving from Italian Renaissance art.
  • Worls Works Raphael diplay in painter deeply influenced painters of the Italian Renaissance.
  • A few large blocks had arcaded courtyards like Italian Renaissance palaces; for these blocks housed both rich and poor.
  • This interest gathered serious strength during the Italian Renaissance, inspiring travellers such as Pietro della Valle in 1626, to bring back what proved to be Coptic grammars and dictionaries from the Middle East.
  • The objects he purchased included a Henri II boiserie, an iron gate from the Chateau de Versailles, and Italian Renaissance furniture.
  • One of the most apt approaches for all of us, and one that elegantly combines the highest Taurus and Gemini energies, can be found in a type of Italian Renaissance painting called the sacra conversazione. Sacred Conversation
  • Landscape design is taking elegant modern style and keeping on Italian renaissance architectural design flavor.
  • Apparently the average club thought nothing of disposing of the works of the Victorian poets in one afternoon; the Italian Renaissance was “fully treated and most ably discussed, ” according to one programme, at a single meeting; Rembrandt and his school were likewise disposed of in one afternoon, and German literature was “adequately treated” at one session “in able papers. Women’s Clubs and Woman Suffrage
  • Wolcott is referring to Niccolò Machiavelli, a philosopher and writer in the Italian Renaissance, who inspired the political term Machiavellianism, defined as "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct," according to the Oxford English Dictionary. | news

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