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How To Use Isotope In A Sentence

  • Edward, TMS inbox: "0312 Isotope is not the word you're looking for - you are thinking of allotrope. BBC News - Home
  • The lead found in captive condors and released condors with low levels in their blood had isotope ratios similar to lead found in dead livestock and wildlife that had not been killed by hunters.
  • We know that for a fact because we've measured the isotope ratio of deuterium and hydrogen.
  • If the government doesn't accept the recommendation to build a new reactor, the other options to secure a long-term isotope supply will have to be revisited, the report said. Music briefs
  • For example, by GIS thematic map and overlaying analysis every factor is visualized to administer to sample design of isotope investigation.
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  • This indicated that tissue stable sulfur isotope turnover in these mussels is influenced by sulfide detoxification activities.
  • radioactive isotope
  • Besides hydrogen and its isotope deuterium, researchers use the isotopes of boron, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon.
  • In fact, the elements with atomic numbers 43, 61, and 85 (technetium, promethium, and astatine, respectively) were unknown on earth until some of their radioactive isotopes had been produced synthetically.
  • The primary by-product of enrichment is depleted uranium (DU), principally the U-238 isotope, which is stored either as UF6 or U3O8. Nuclear waste management
  • In helium that occurs naturally the heavier isotope is more frequent than the lighter one by a factor of about 10 million. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 - Information for the Public
  • It is unstable, it’s even harder to separate physically than the two isotopes of uranium, and if you try to build a bomb using the easy, “gun” design of the uranium bomb, it will begin to fissle prematurely and thus the bomb will fizzle instead of going boom. Firedoglake » Of Last Throes, Enrichment and Mickey Mouse Watches
  • The isotope with 177 neutrons decays down to dubnium (atomic number 105), whereas the isotope with 176 neutrons decays down to roentgenium (atomic number 111). Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • It was also used in some of the first cancer treatment research; and was the birthplace of multigrade motor oil and the isotopes used for cardiac stress tests. The Augusta Chronicle
  • That is, there seems to be a difference in isotope ratios between capturing, say, (most of) Theia's gases directly at its impact or having (most of) them degas through (and from) minerals later by the heat of impact. Earth's Atmosphere Came from Outer Space | Universe Today
  • All isotopes of fermium are radioactive, with fermium-257 having the longest half life, 20.1 hours.
  • The region of the lesion is injected with a blue dye and radioisotope tracer.
  • They have anywhere from 13 isotopes to one isotope (e.g., hassium and meitnerium).
  • It relies on an analysis of how much of a radioactive isotope has decayed into its daughter isotope.
  • Both samples are sent away for carbon dioxide isotope analysis by mass spectrometry (laboratories usually return the results within a few days).
  • Protons, deuterons, and tritons would begin fusing with each other, releasing more energy, and initiating other fusion reactions among other hydrogen isotopes.
  • Although many nuclei can be fused, this subject normally refers to fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium or tritium to form helium.
  • The amount of radiation is so small that it is much less than natural radiation due to radon gas or that of radioactive isotopes that occur in clay, shale and brick.
  • For the next two years, they continued to copublish on the atomic weights of uranium, thorium, and ionium. 86 In addition, their research showed that ionium was not a separate element but just an isotope of thorium. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • The chemical compositions of those rocks, the relative abundances of the oxygen isotopes locked up in their molecules, their mineralogy, and their textures all betrayed their lunar heritage.
  • Although many nuclei can be fused, this subject normally refers to fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium or tritium to form helium.
  • Holocene climatic change in Swedish Lapland inferred from an oxygen-isotope record of lacustrine biogenic silica. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • A gallium scintigraphic scan showed markedly increased uptake of isotope in the lesion.
  • (Presumably, the need for a license is a matter of degree, given that our own bodies contain radioactive potassium-40, and given that the walls of most buildings contain the radioactive isotopes from the natural uranium-238 and thorium-232 decay chains). Archive 2009-04-01
  • Uranium for the first atomic bomb and for nuclear reactors was enriched in the 235 isotope, as compared to the more abundant 238 isotope, by gaseous diffusion.
  • Although oxygen data might conceivably be affected in this way, radiogenic isotopes should not and for these there is no strong correlation with any major element parameter.
  • Stable isotope evidence for changes in dietary niche partitioning among hadrosaurian and ceratopsian dinosaurs of the Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Additionally, these methods are either unsuitable for high-throughput analyses or require the use of a radioisotope. The Scientist
  • The stable isotope of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are reinterpreted. The relationship between isotope constituent and paleoenvironment is understood.
  • The radioisotope thermoelectric generators steadily generate large amounts of power regardless of where they are in space.
  • The oxygen isotope chemistry of the corals reflects the composition and origin of the water in which they lived.
  • Remarkably, when these carbon isotopes are traced back in geologic history, the average carbon isotopic composition of seawater and of most of the kerogen was similar to today.
  • The meteoric origin of geothermal water in study area is evidenced by its environmental isotope composition.
  • A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.
  • The isotope dilution or spike approach was a major advance in measuring small amounts of parent and daughter isotope in a sample.
  • As different clay types derive from different lithologies via various weathering processes, radiogenic isotopes may also help in these studies not only to track point sources of clays, but also to quantify geochemically the proportions of mixed clays from different sources in the ceramics which may be difficult using other methods. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Isotope Archaeology Survey Report 1
  • Indeed, many isotopes spontaneously convert to other elements through radioactivity.
  • The nuclei of the hydrogen isotopes are the proton, the deuteron, and the triton.
  • Even a seemingly tiny piece of radioisotope like plutonium can be emitting many millions of alpha, beta or gamma particles per week.
  • Stable isotope ratio analysis is an effective method for the identification of fruit juice adulteration.
  • Hence the different isotopes are said to fractionate between two reservoirs reservoirs here being liquid and vapour. More Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • The technique of stable isotopes was applied because this recently developed method allows tracking species 'main dietary specializations and trophic level position along food chains. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The applicability of granular cubic antimonic acid (C-SbA) as column packing material in chromatographic lithium isotope separation was investigated.
  • · physical state (gas, liquid, solid - at room temperature) · metal state (metal, semimetal, non-metal) · isotope information (some or all natural isotopes, no natural elements) · radioactive state (radioactive, non-radioactive) · melting point Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Hyperfine spectrum; Nonlinear optics; Degenerate four waves mixing; The equivalent grating; Isotope detecting.
  • Those four iron isotopes are all radioactively stable.
  • Those four iron isotopes are all radioactively stable.
  • CBF imaging is based on the scintillation detection of the rates in which inert freely diffusible radioisotopes e.g., krypton 85, 133xenon are cleared from the brain following intracarotid injection or inhalation. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Only minor fractionation of sulphur isotopes is associated with the precipitation of most sulphate minerals, and no change in [delta] 34 S occurs during the dehydration of gypsum to anhydrite.
  • Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California saw the isotopes of rutherfordium, seaborgium, hassium, darmstadtium, and copernicium by watching the decay of the yet-to-be-named element 114, a synthetic element first produced about a decade ago. Wired Top Stories
  • The most easily attained fusion reaction involves fusing nuclei of the two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, to make nuclei of helium.
  • The oxygen isotope chemistry of the corals reflects the composition and origin of the water in which they lived.
  • A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.
  • The stable isotope composition of the first and second stages of the worm tube carbonates is similar to that of carbonates from modern petroleum seeps.
  • Along the way, these disintegration series produce radioactive isotopes of protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, francium, radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead, thallium and mercury.
  • The idea that radioactive isotopes can be used for dating purposes is almost as old as Henri Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity itself in 1896.
  • Sorry couldnt write symbol for 1st generation antilepton. but my question is, in the above radioactive decay what would be the unknown isotope. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • To date, witnesses have included antiquities dealers, museum curators, experts and professors of archaeology, history, epigraphy and chemical isotopes from leading universities and museums in Israel and around the world. Archive 2008-10-01
  • It is not pleonastic to speak of radioactive iodine because I (127), the naturally occurring isotope, is not radioactive; the term therefore refers to any of the other 23 isotopes known at present, all of which are radioactive. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 3
  • Or they may move into the area of health physics to help physicians to find new ways to use atomic isotopes to diagnose and treat disease.
  • Newly developed handheld gamma-ray spectrometers based on cadmium zinc telluride detectors are currently being used to detect and identify radioisotopes in a variety of security and defense applications.
  • Radioactive elements have different isotopes that decay at different rates.
  • Evidence of changes in moisture transport efficiency across the Scandes mountains in northern Sweden during the Holocene, inferred from oxygen isotope records of lacustrine carbonates. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • The half-life of an isotope can vary in length from nanoseconds to millions or billions of years.
  • The instrument is able to measure isotopes at the individual atom level and does so by generating millions of volts of electricity.
  • Dose Calculation:  No. of milligrams or millicurie in implant  Location of each source with respect to dose calculation point  Type of isotope being used  Filtration of the encapsulation Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Beta radiation is the emission of an electron from the nucleus of a radioactive isotope.
  • The deep-sea core oxygen isotope record is a framework for a relative chronology for the Pleistocene.
  • Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.
  • The proportions of these isotopes have been computed from spectrographic analysis.
  • An isotope of the rare element technetium, denoted Tc, is widely used to form images of the heart, brain, lungs, spleen, and other organs.
  • The isotope source gives off photons, usually Gamma rays, which radiate back to the meter's detectors on the bottom of the unit.
  • For that reason the isotope composition of the labelling solution was determined.
  • That contrasts with a meltdown of the cladding, which is destroyed at temperatures above 1,200 degrees Celsius and releases radioactive isotopes into the containment building. - Home Page
  • What if the gas clouds contain different relative abundances of these isotopes?
  • Iran nuclear chief Abbasi says the Fardo enrichment site will produce uranium enriched to about 20 percent, to be used in creating medical isotopes. Analysts Dispute Iran's Uranium-Enrichment Claims
  • If that methane were suddenly liberated from its enclosing clathrate prison the impact on the carbon isotope record would be immediate and severe.
  • Lasers have also revolutionized the separation of chemical isotopes, which had otherwise been extremely difficult, if not impossible.
  • This occurs in nature, although rarely; among 12,500 ordinary oxygen atoms, one oxygen isotope is found. Nobel Prize in Physics 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • A lot of this work has produced some exciting physical chemistry including the first observation of gravitational separation of isotopes and gases in a column..first predicted by Gibbs and observed many tens of decades later. Unthreaded #17 « Climate Audit
  • Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay.
  • These portable thermoelectric generators contain a sizable amount of strontium-90, a highly potent radioactive isotope.
  • Lawrence used his cyclotron to accelerate deuterons that were then crashed into sodium, producing a therapeutically useful radioisotope of sodium.
  • The origin of the vein-forming fluids - whether magmatic, meteoric, or connate - may also be determined from a study of the oxygen isotopes of the inclusions.
  • All isotopes of radium are radioactive with radium - 226 being the most stable.
  • All isotopes of neptunium are radioactive, the longest lived being neptunium - 237 with a half life of 2,140,000 years.
  • Electricity produced by radioactive isotopes, strontium 90, polonium 210, by thermoelectric energy conversion.
  • Abramanov named it 114m because it was the fourteenth isotope created from the event. FLOATING CITY
  • The isotope film becomes gradually positively charged as it loses electrons.
  • Tritium, the radioactive isotope of hydrogen that is produced in the atmosphere, is also a beta emitter.
  • I totally agree that language and language change is handled through handwavium (the invisible massless isotope, at that) more than it ought to be, in SF/F writing. Howard Hughes and the Wretched Crack of Noon
  • We three on motorcycles riding through Outpost, beside houses with shrubs and pumpkins to the Junior Community College of brick buildings, through the piney campus, past the Geology building and Stable Isotope Lab, where there is a brontosaurus, metal, life-sized, out front. Rodeo Days
  • Now chemists are even using isotopes to help the government enforce its laws.
  • So far, CARIBU has only used stable metal ions for charge breeding, but testing has just begun using the radioactive isotopes from the californium source. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data. It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation.
  • Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California saw the isotopes of rutherfordium, seaborgium, hassium, darmstadtium, and copernicium by watching the decay of the yet-to-be-named element 114, a synthetic element first produced about a decade ago. Wired Top Stories
  • Hassium does not occur in nature, and it has no isotopes that last long enough to allow significant quantities to be accumulated.
  • When uranium is bombarded with neutrons, the two isotopes have differing nuclear reactions.
  • In addition, a number of radioisotopes, both natural and man-made, have been identified as beta emitters.
  • A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.
  • Stable isotope analyses have shown that ants can range from 'herbivorous' species, feeding primarily on exudates produced by plants and sap-feeding insects, to 'carnivorous' species feeding primarily on insect prey or scavenged arthropods. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He'd been able to create a transuranic isotope that was stable. FLOATING CITY
  • Let it suffice to call to mind how it proved possible to produce from certain thorium minerals lead with precisely the same chemical properties as ordinary lead, but with considerably higher atomic weight - that is to say, an isotope to lead. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921 - Presentation Speech
  • Alpha voltaic batteries use a radioisotope such as Americium, the substance commonly used in smoke detectors, coupled with a semiconductor device that acts like a solar cell to convert alpha energy into usable electricity.
  • The isotopes are measured by counting their alpha emissions; each isotope emits alpha radiation of a characteristic frequency.
  • The samples will be analyzed petrographically and geochemically (stable isotopes) to evaluate this area as a possible source area for the stones used at Sagalassos. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 16: Geological
  • We also know their half-lives and can thus determine their relative abundances at the present day, assuming that the isotopes have not been depleted in some way.
  • The daughter isotope, rutherfordium - 259 (an isotope of element 104), recoiled into an opposing detector.
  • The nuclei of heavy isotopes are rich in neutrons, which dominate their nuclear surface.
  • The instrument is able to measure isotopes at the individual atom level and does so by generating millions of volts of electricity.
  • Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.
  • Some of these neutrons react with nitrogen atoms in air, converting them into a radioactive isotope of carbon: carbon - 14 or radiocarbon, with eight neutrons in each nucleus.
  • They could also tolerate a high-protein meat diet, as indicated by stable isotope analysis of Neanderthal bones.
  • DU is less radioactive than other isotopes and is officially considered to be more of a toxic than a radiological hazard.
  • Zircons separated from the rock samples were mounted in epoxy resin, sectioned, imaged by cathodoluminescence, and dated using the SHRIMP-II ion microprobe at the Isotope Science Research Centre, Curtin University, Perth.
  • The mission was possible because it drew its power from two long-lasting radioisotope thermoelectric generators provided by the Department of Energy.
  • Normally the proportion of the two isotopes of carbon is simply controlled by the rate of photosynthesis in plant tissues.
  • The observed carbon isotope excursions can be traced throughout different localities with different depositional environments and histories.
  • Isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission in a fast neutron environment are said to be "fissionable", as distinct from fissile. Plutonium
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The Voyagers were equipped with three radioisotope thermoelectric generators to produce electrical power for the spacecrafts' systems and instruments.
  • Using what they call stable isotope analysis, bioarchaeologists can directly determine the dietary sources of carbon and nitrogen by measuring the ratios of carbon 12 and carbon 13 atoms, on the one hand, and of nitrogen 14 and nitrogen 15 atoms on the other. The Goddess and the Bull
  • The carbon isotope ratio test tells you whether the source of the testosterone is the body — a natural source — or pharmaceuticals. - Q&A: Sports doping expert explains cycling's drug-testing process
  • And the principal fuel, a heavy isotope of hydrogen called deuterium, is present in ordinary water, of which there is no shortage. Wasting Money on Fusion | Impact Lab
  • Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.
  • All isotopes of francium are radioactive, with francium - 223 being the most stable with a half life of 22 minutes.
  • The work has involved the use of such advanced techniques as electron microscopy, autoradiography, radioisotope and immunofluorescence labelling of specific proteins, plus the full armoury of modern cell biology. Chapter 6
  • This is the only isotope of francium occurring in nature, but at most there is only 20-30 g of the element present in the earth's crust at any one time.
  • Am I completely wrong when I say that “The relative concentrations of the heavier isotopes in the condensate phase indicate the temperature of vaporisation” in the zones where this happens? Unthreaded #8 « Climate Audit
  • Plutonium and highly enriched uranium and other heavy fissionable isotopes fall into this category, but tritium does not.
  • In the European Arctic, combined evidence from oxygen isotope and pollen-inferred precipitation records, cladoceran-inferred lake levels, diatom-inferred lake-water ionic strength, and elemental flux records of erosion intensity into lakes, all suggest more oceanic conditions in the region during the early part of the Holocene than today, with a shift towards drier conditions between approximately 6,000 and 4,500 years BP [34]. Historical changes in freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • Tritium was discovered by physicists Ernest Rutherford, M.L. Oliphant, and Paul Harteck, in 1934, when they bombarded deuterium (a hydrogen isotope with mass number 2) with high-energy deuterons (nuclei of deuterium atoms).
  • The radioactive tracer evaluated for this study, known by the brand name Zemiva, links a fatty acid to a radioisotope which is injected in the patient.
  • There are differences between natural and adulterated juices in stable isotope ratio.
  • Based on laboratory measurements of the relative abundances of the three isotopes, researchers infer the contribution of each.
  • When they do, they produce neon - 21, a stable isotope of that noble gas.
  • The radioisotope laboratory he set up there evolved into an important clinical resource. Times, Sunday Times
  • The novel isotopes produced by the nuclear industry often mimic natural substances in the body.
  • Some characteristics such as accumulation, transference of HTO in simulated marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique.
  • It is composed mostly of isotopes of hydrogen and helium and includes 60 other elements including neon, argon carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron.
  • The development of isotopic tracers during the war was a by-product of the preparation of radioactive and stable isotopes in connection with work on the atomic bomb.
  • High Voltage High frequency will create the magnetic pinch to slam the isotopes of hydrogen together which is bound in water - helium and oxygen are the outgassed products recaptured by expansion tanks-it is absolutely perfect! THE ROAD TO SAFE CLEAN NUCLEAR FUSION?
  • 13C and 15N isotopes at both the scissile +1 amide bond (labeled b) and the amide connecting Phe194 and Val195 (labeled a). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • An initial negative carbon-isotope excursion occurred during the earliest phases of relative sea-level rise in SW Britain.
  • Unlike other carbon-dating methods that monitor scintillations produced by radioactive decay, the TAMS method counts the actual number of carbon isotope atoms in a sample.
  • For the first time we find lavas that have the high helium 3-to-helium 4 ratio, the right neodymium based on this discovery in 2005, and they plot on the geochron," Jackson says, referring to a geochronological dating scheme based on lead isotope ratios. Scientific American
  • It was created by crashing a heavy isotope of lead with nickel-62, which created four atoms of darmstadtium. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Hevesy from Stockholm received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers, involving studies in inorganic chemistry and geochemistry as well as on the metabolism in living organisms. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • A huge radioactive plume was spreading outward from the exploded reactor core, threatening to contaminate everything in its path with potentially fatal isotopes.
  • Along the way, these disintegration series produce radioactive isotopes of protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, francium, radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead, thallium and mercury.
  • All isotopes of protactinium are radioactive.
  • Radon abundance is measured in terms of its radioactivity in becquerels per cubic metre of radon in air, written Bq m 3. 222 Rn, commonly referred to simply as radon, is the most discussed isotope.
  • For example, the harm from ingested radioisotope is likely to be higher than that from an equivalent external exposure. The Scientist
  • Even Francium's most stable isotope, Francium - 223 only has a half - life of 22 minutes.
  • The radiation emitted by these isotopes consists of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.
  • The team produced six atoms of the element by smashing together isotopes of calcium and a radioactive element called berkelium in a particle accelerator about 75 miles north of Moscow on the Volga River, according to a paper that has been accepted for publication at the journal NYT > Home Page
  • Nine isotopes of Dubnium are now recognized.
  • The radioactive isotopes must be made in a cyclotron, and because of the short half-lives, the cyclotron must be located at the imaging facility site.
  • Or they may move into the area of health physics to help physicians to find new ways to use atomic isotopes to diagnose and treat disease.
  • To determine the stable isotope composition of authigenic cements with a high spatial resolution, samples for stable isotope analyses were taken from polished slabs using a hand-held microdrill.
  • Both isotopes act the same in most chemical reactions, but reactions in the atmosphere in which sulfur dioxide gas molecules are split by ultraviolet light (UV) rays cause the isotopes to be sorted or "fractionated" into different reaction products, creating isotopic anomalies. Innovations-report
  • The melting and boiling points of parahydrogen are about 0. 1°C lower than those of normal hydrogen. isotope of hydrogen, H, is known as Protium, the other two isotopes are Deuterium (a proton and a neutron) and Tritium (a protron and two neutrons). Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • In 1999 atoms of an extremely heavy isotope of carbon, known as “buckminsterfullerene” were shown to be capable of entanglement: they proved to have wave properties as well as corpuscular properties. Ervin Laszlo : EARTH, LIFE, AND MIND : THE PROMISE OF THE NEW HOLISM IN THE SCIENCES
  • The elements of which water is composed, hydrogen and oxygen, both have stable isotopes.
  • Such isotopes, he pointed out, could have come only from a nearby nuclear reactor or a nuclear bomb.
  • Total gamma-ray relates to the natural gamma radioactivity of a sample as determined by the concentration of radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium.
  • Fajans and Göhring were analyzing the mixture of substances found when isotopes of uranium undergo radioactive decay.
  • Scientists can compare the number of breakdowns in any given time and the intensity of the radioactivity among elements and isotopes.
  • A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.
  • The treatment at issue is called radioimmunotherapy (RIT), which uses a radioactive isotope to give standard anticancer agents an extra charge. How Washington Is Nixing a Cancer Cure
  • Long-term ci/ca response of trees in western North America to atmospheric CO2 concentration derived from carbon isotope chronologies, Oecologia 1998 117:19±25 8b. Bristlecone dC13 « Climate Audit
  • Synthesis of the heavier transuranic elements, as well as of radioisotopes of the natural elements, is sometimes included under the broader umbrella of chemical synthesis.
  • Uranium 235 is the isotope that fissions, but it is an extremely small part of natural uranium; only 7 atoms in 1, 000.
  • Early attempts applying the Sm-Nd isotope system to garnet and clinopyroxene were encouraging and often yielded dates considered as representing near-peak P-T conditions.
  • The prize in 1960 was given to Willard F. Libby of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), for his method to determine the age of various objects (of geological or archeological origin) by measurements of the radioactive isotope carbon-14. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The longest-lived isotope of the element, mendelevium - 258, has a half life of 56 days.
  • It takes the masses from CE-MS and compares to an in-house metabolite database, and of course takes into account common adduct products and isotopes. My PhD Thesis: in color and grayscale
  • Using measurements of isotope exchange rates we were led to conclude that the accumulation of triose-P intermediates in human red cells that were incubated with high levels of orthophoshate was due to equilibrium and not Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • As we have said, during the irradiation of heavy elements by neutrons, the neutrons are captured and incorporated in the nucleus, and an isotope is thus formed of the primary substance, and this isotope is radioactive. Nobel Prize in Physics 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • The dynamics of transportation of HTO (tritium water) in a simulated tea soil ecosystem were studied on simulated pollutants using isotope tracer technique.
  • Technetium-99m, where "m" stands for "metastable" -, one resorts to another isotope, Molybdenum-99. Backreaction
  • Many other pairs of isotopes linked by decay processes with long half-lives are used for geological dating of rocks, including samarium - 147 neodymium - 143, rubidium - 87 strontium - 87, and potassium - 40 argon - 40.
  • Hyperfine spectrum; Nonlinear optics; Degenerate four waves mixing; The equivalent grating; Isotope detecting.
  • We plan, therefore, to analyze the representative rock and ore types available on the territory for at least Sr, Pb and Nd isotopes to provide a comparative, local database for future archaeometric research. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Isotope Archaeology Survey Report 1
  • Objective:To develop a method for determining the metabolites of nitrofuran antibiotics in aquatic products by HPLC-MS/MS using isotope internal standard dilution technique.
  • Similar damage is caused by the alpha recoil, which is a trace of the energy released during the alpha decay of uranium and thorium isotopes.
  • AECL is already "nationalized," of course, and has a monopoly on isotope production, as reader Mike Brock points out. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The experiment was to study the properties beams of radioactive isotopes created at the Bevatron.
  • The basic principles are relatively simple to lay out: a high energy laser is used to heat and compress a small amount of deuterium, a stable isotope of hydrogen.
  • A tokamak is a doughnut-shaped vessel in which researchers use powerful magnet fields to squeeze and heat a plasma of hydrogen isotopes until the nuclei fuse together forming helium and releasing large amounts of heat. News
  • Carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes, that is, atoms of the same atomic number but different atomic weights.
  • All isotopes of einsteinium are radioactive, the most stable being einsteinium - 252 with a half life of 20.47 days.
  • An orthopedic doctor diagnosed the injury as osteitis pubis, an inflamed pubic bone, and sent him for a bone scan that involved him taking radioactive isotopes. Archive 2009-07-01
  • As such, for any characteristic of PYP, in which exchangeable protons play a significant role, it might be possible to observe a deuterium isotope effect upon deuteration of the exchangeable protons.
  • In rare cases where a quantum mechanical effect called tunneling occurs in the reaction, deuterium isotope effects of 20 or more have been observed.

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