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isosceles triangle

  1. a triangle with two equal sides

How To Use isosceles triangle In A Sentence

  • Also, the gold point makes the three equal-length sides SP = PQ = QR in the resulting trapezium so it is trisosceles (to use Scott's phrase) and so is a special isosceles triangle.
  • First construct an isosceles triangle whose base angles are double the vertex angle.
  • Mathematicians sometimes say that A is an arbitrary isosceles triangle, but all they mean is that A could be any such triangle.
  • The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
  • On the other hand, for their own analysis Carling et al. used an attenuate isosceles triangle with a blunt snout as their model organism, rather than the profile of an eel.
  • The particular tablet which interests us here investigates how to calculate the radius of a circle through the vertices of an isosceles triangle.
  • The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
  • This is the ‘alternate’ solution to constructing the isosceles triangle with the base of the square as one side, using only a straightedge.
  • The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
  • An equilateral triangle produces one of the observed crop-circle patterns; three isosceles triangles generate the other crop-circle geometries.
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