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  1. (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of gametes of the same size and structure

How To Use isogamy In A Sentence

  • Why can't you just get over your misogamy and marry Alex?
  • Gametes and fertilization are at least as old as animals, with many different types of external and internal fertilization and anisogamy is almost as old. Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water again ... - The Panda's Thumb
  • Some green algae produce gametes that differ from vegetative cells, and in some species, the male gamete differs in size or morphology from the female gamete anisogamy Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Meiosis produces 4 gametes, ie. isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy, which through mitosis develops into mature gametes.
  • Since anisogamy (gametes of different sizes: eggs and sperm) is what defines the sexes it is thus a prerequisite for sexual dimorphism.
  • A popular theory has proposed that anisogamy originated through disruptive selection acting on an ancestral isogamous population.
  • The absence of a concluding discussion leaves the reader without a clear perspective on the literary treatment accorded to the themes of misogyny and misogamy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
  • Moll's misogamy provides a powerful alternative to the veneration of marriage and procreation that informs the epithalamic ending.
  • Isogamy and anisogamy, and sometimes oogamy, may occur.
  • From isogamy where both “egg” and “sperm” are one and the same, to anisogamy where the egg hecomes the larger and the sperm the smaller one to oogamy where the sperm is now flagellated and fertilizes an egg with no flagella. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
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