
How To Use Ishmael In A Sentence

  • Ishmael would speak for them at midcentury in Moby Dick, as he dismissed learned commentary on cetology, called on Jonah and seamen with callused hands for support and declared the whale a spouting fish with a horizontal tail. Thar She Blows! 19th-Century Court Case Harpoons a Whale of a Story
  • Up to this point Ishmael has told us a good deal about the great sperm whale.
  • Initially, Ishmael is completely optimistic about this endless journey, affirming both the motion and the endless uncertainty associated with it.
  • In the Islamic version the would-be victim is Ishmael or Isma il, Abraham's son with the bondwoman Hagar, who lived to become ancestor of the Arabs.
  • November 26, 2009 8:08 PM ishmael bin necker said... BSNYC Pre-Holiday Fun Quiz!
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  • Initially, Ishmael is completely optimistic about this endless journey, affirming both the motion and the endless uncertainty associated with it.
  • Michael Winter might be tempted to use the name Ishmael for a character in his next novel. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Ishmael reports that ‘the whale can never be known completely, for the man in the whaleboat is never in a position to see the entire shape of his massive prey.’
  • Ishmael then subsequently married Egyptian (Hamitic) women, who gave birth to children who were only 1/4 Semitic. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
  • What's never questioned here, though it might have been, is the biddable character of Ishmael.
  • In his discourse on cetology, Ishmael describes himself in passing as ‘an American whaleman’.
  • Ishmaelites coming from Gilead; and their camels were loaded with spices, gum, and ladanum on their way to carry it down to Egypt. The Children's Bible
  • This suggests to Ishmael that the entire universe is more closely interrelated than man has yet admitted.
  • The tail of the whale is a thing of beauty, grace and enormous power, Ishmael says.
  • Ishmael sat upon the dry grass, where the tiny yellow stars of the creeping potentilla gleamed up at him through the soft dusk, and lay almost too idle for thought. Secret Bread
  • Now whether Hannah was really deceived by the benevolent diplomacy of the good professor or not, I do not know; but at any rate her sensitive pride was hushed by the prospect held out of Ishmael's labor paying for the provisions, and -- as she had not tasted meat for three weeks and her very soul longed for a savory "rasher," she replied: Ishmael In the Depths
  • November 28, 2009 10:38 AM ishmael bin necker said... BSNYC Pre-Holiday Fun Quiz!
  • This suggests to Ishmael that the entire universe is more closely interrelated than man has yet admitted.
  • Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
  • The ANC, through its spokesperson Ishmael Mnisi, said on Sunday it would "analyse" the advert before commenting. Tonight
  • Ah, what a life it is we lead in the tents of Ishmael, the cast-away! through what tortuous pathways wander the nomad tribes who call Hagar, the abandoned, their mother! what lies, what evasions, what prevarications! Birds of Prey
  • Inside a tent on the quarterdeck, Ishmael meets Captain Peleg, an elderly gruff man, who is one of the two owners of the ship.
  • I reckon thee'll do, lad," was all he said; but Ishmael felt his heart give an upleap of triumph; he knew he had made his first conquest. Secret Bread
  • Queequeg is seen to be more delicate and civilized than most of the Christians that Ishmael has known.
  • A veritable witness have you hitherto been, Ishmael; but have a care how you seize the privilege of Jonah alone; the privilege of discoursing upon the joists and beams; the rafters, ridge-pole, sleepers, and under-pinnings, making up the frame-work of leviathan; and belike of the tallow-vats, dairy-rooms, butteries, and cheeseries in his bowels. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • My—" began Ishmael, and the word dropped off into that white void, leaving him silent. Ishmael
  • Furthermore, Ishmael is alive because he alone did not assign specific meanings to events.
  • I think about Ahab on his ship, pacing the quarterdeck, possessed by and obsessed with the white whale; I think of Ishmael, in chapter forty-one, the white whale lurking in the depths, as he attempts to understand his complicated captain and his quest. History of a Suicide
  • Here the two words were hyphenated, signifying a wordplay on the name of Ishmael, Abraham's first son and Isaac's half-brother.
  • As with Ahab and Ishmael, we encounter John Brown through the entranced observations of Owen, and, like Ishmael, Owen is essentially the last man standing (in Ishmael's case, swimming), surviving the raid on Harper's Ferry to, eventually, tell us the tale of what led up to this singular event. A Force of Nature
  • For the twins they are sometimes supposed to be, Ishmael and Ahab have only very rare moments of contiguity or overlapping.
  • Ishmael took himself severely to task for what he called the blindness, the weakness, and the folly with which he had permitted himself to fall into a hopeless, mad, and nearly fatal passion for one placed so high above him that indeed he might as well have loved some "bright particular star," and hoped to win it. Ishmael In the Depths
  • * It is important to note that some of this genealogical material in Genesis, such as the list of the sons of Ishmael, belongs to the P source, which is dated, in the main, to postexilic times. The Bible Unearthed
  • Fourth, Ishmael makes it clear that an enraged sperm whale will charge and sink a large sailing vessel like the Pequod.
  • Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
  • Ishmael is still not satisfied that he has bestowed enough dignity on the profession of whaling.
  • That was Ishmael's job, but he had that wild-eyed look fishermen get in the presence of slimy dead animals with gaping mouths.
  • Ishmael now argues with himself about the biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by the whale.
  • As far as the Bible is concerned, Ishmael was the son of a Semite (Abraham) and a Hamite (Hagar was an Egyptian). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There are some, Ishmael tells us, who, like Stubb, find whale meat a great delicacy.
  • So, Ishmael argues, if you really wish to know what a great whale looks like you should go whaling.
  • And Ishmael grew to feel that he belonged to his liege lady; that they were forever inseparate and inseparable. Ishmael In the Depths
  • Ishmael paused for a moment, remembering very clearly what a fluctuating geon field was and how one set up the circuitry to make one, yet how or where he had acquired this knowledge he did not recall. Ishmael
  • She tried herself with it and without, then debated as to whether it looked better to give the impression of being one of the family by appearing bonnetless, or whether, on the other hand, it would not be more interesting to Ishmael if he got the impression of a visitor ... of someone who was not always about the house, who was to be seen outside. Secret Bread
  • Years pass, and the wild, reckless Ishmael is seen ridiculing Isaac, his puny brother and coheir. Is Slavery Sanctioned by the Bible?
  • Meanwhile the Arabs were the sons of Ishmael, who was the son Abraham fathered with Hagar. A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES
  • Furthermore, Ishmael is alive because he alone did not assign specific meanings to events.
  • Living for a year in New Bedford, MA-- the port Ishmael ships out of in Moby Dick--while bink teaches illustration; I spend my time after my shift as a janitor at the YW working out to the soundtrack of Dirty Dancing 1987, and for the first time in my life am in great physical shape. Fresca, 7-Up
  • Call me Ishmael is so well known I did not go with that one. Who was the sole survivor of the Pequod in Moby Dick? For extra pat on the back how did he survive?
  • I left the cabin and picked up my fishing rod, which Ishmael had festooned with some very sexy lures, including a neon-green pinwheel.
  • Eleven-year-old Ishmael is living in the small village of Mogbwemo, Sierra Leone, as the story begins. A Long Way Gone (copy)
  • As a result, Abraham emancipates Hagar and Ishmael and sends them away as freed slaves. Sarah/Sarai: Bible.
  • And Abraham had another son Ishmael that he gat upon Hagar his chamberer. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Ishmael the character is an objectified self, a projection of the self image and frame of mind of the narrator hero.
  • And whats even sadder is that Abraham fathered both Isaac and Ishmael who were half brothers. A ‘Day’ of Intel « Blog
  • As described in v. 16, after Hagar had placed Ishmael under the bush, she sat down “at a distance, a bowshot [ki-mtahavei, literally, bowshots] away.” Hagar: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • Over by the bar a good-looking boy in the dusty clothes of a trailhand just in from Virginia City and his oxlike older brother had gotten into a vociferous argument over a girl with a dark-haired gambler, their voices rising higher and higher over Ishmael's quiet instructions to Jason. Ishmael
  • Ishmael was struck by the man's austere expression.
  • November 26, 2009 1:51 AM ishmael bin necker said... BSNYC Pre-Holiday Fun Quiz!
  • Ishmael glanced up from his own silent brooding over a pageful of mathematical calculations that he'd made while observing the Wheel of Fortune. Ishmael
  • Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
  • Ishmael is still not satisfied that he has bestowed enough dignity on the profession of whaling.
  • Ishmael's reply was in that very formal tone that masked what in anyone else might have been termed impishness. Ishmael
  • Although beautifully shot, the film is crippled by its sluggish pace, and it is difficult to muster much sympathy for the petulant, sulky Ishmael.
  • Ishmael ends the discussion of cetology by saying that his classification system can't easily be perfected, like all great works, it will remain unfinished.
  • Ishmael ponders the brow of the sperm whale.
  • Eid al-Adha, which celebrates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael, is about more than family gatherings and holy introspection. Instability makes holiday treats a little less sweet
  • It is dangerous to approach the thing too closely, but Ishmael hypothesizes that the spout is nothing but mist, the effect of a whale thinking about Eternity.
  • The tail of the whale is a thing of beauty, grace and enormous power, Ishmael says.
  • For the second time that evening Ishmael was seized by the awful feeling of irrevocableness, of an impossible thing having happened and of it being still more impossible to undo it. Secret Bread
  • R. Ishmael understands “he may defile himself” as granting the kohen permission, if he so chooses, while “R. Akiva says, It is obligatory” (BT Sotah 3a). Akiva, Rabbi.
  • Please, Mr. Ishmael, please do not speak so -- so irreligiously," said Mr. Dove in an irritated but nervous voice. The Ghost Kings
  • Ishmael is the only survivor of the final confrontation with Moby Dick.
  • Nevertheless Ishmael noticed that the ship's captain looked anxious and gave his orders in short, peremptory tones. Self-Raised
  • Furthermore, Ishmael is alive because he alone did not assign specific meanings to events.
  • Rather than a cacogenic clan or a marginalized crypto-Muslim community," he writes, "the Ishmaels on the Web site appeared to be comfortable, middle-class Americans who got together for annual family picnics. Call Them the Ishmaels
  • There are some parts of the whale Ishmael can Stomach, but these are rare.
  • Abraham obeyed God and circumcised his son Ishmael and all other males in his household.

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