- a volcanic island (part of Campania) in the Tyrrhenian Sea at the north end of the Bay of Naples
How To Use Ischia In A Sentence
- In adolescent patients with a history of proximal hamstring injury and current ischial tenderness, a radiograph of the pelvis should be performed.
- Look at the flat, narrow haunch bones — the long and narrow passage — the coarse, outwardly curved, ischiatic prominences on which the Gibbon habitually rests, and which are coated by the so-called “callosities,” dense patches of skin, wholly absent in the Gorilla, in the Chimpanzee, and in the Essays
- The ischiadic artery was the embryonic important axial artery of the lower limb arising originally from the umbilical artery.
- Digital preparation of a probable neoceratopsian preserved within an egg, with comments on microstructural anatomy of ornithischian eggshells. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
- Fossils from this site include both early ornithischians, such as Pisanosaurus, and putative early saurischians, the two major lineages of dinosaurs.
- The pelvic diaphragm is a sheet of muscles that run from the anterior pelvis at the posterior surface of the symphysis pubis to the ischial spine and coccyx.
- Statistical comparisons were made among osteichthyans using ganoid scales, caudates using vertebrae, ornithischians using teeth, and testudinates using shell fragments. CONGRATS LAURA!!!
- Thus a "primitive" dislocation upon the ischiatic notch may become a "consecutive" dislocation upon the dorsum-ilii or vice versa. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
- -- There are four principal dislocations of the femur which should be thoroughly studied and understood by the Surgeon, viz: upwards and backwards upon the dorsum ilii; upwards and backwards into the ischiatic notch; downwards and forwards into the thyroid foramen; and upwards and forwards on the pubes. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
- It was the spectacular array of ornithischians that made the Cretaceous such an interesting time - strangely named beasts like ‘duckbills’ and ‘boneheads’, and various types of armoured and horned dinosaurs.