How To Use Irrevocable In A Sentence
There is little in their emerging policy platform which I agree with, and there is an irrevocable divide between us on the issue of Europe.
It is an irrevocable change that needs to be accepted.
I have an aversion to displacement, scars, irrevocable changes in a familiar landscape.
The latter would start with the irrevocable fixity of the exchange rates of those currencies participating in it, to be followed by the rapid introduction of the single currency, which would thus replace national currencies.
A long-time favorite has been the grantor retained annuity trust or GRAT, which involves putting appreciating assets into a short-term irrevocable trust two years is typical and retaining the right to receive an annual income stream for the term of the trust.
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He noted her expression irrevocable in its decision of silence.
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Obviously, the existing damage, sustained over the past half century, is irrevocable but so much could be done to halt the decline and save what is left.
The buyer must get his bank to issue an irrevocable credit in favour of the seller.
Similarly, where a power of attorney is given to a purchaser for value and is expressed to be irrevocable, the authority is not revocable nor is it revoked by the death or disability of the donor.
I am not an expert in this are, but to my knowledge once a pardon is actually executed, it is irrevocable.
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We insist on payment by irrevocable sight credit.
Uh - huh. He agreed to pay by Irrevocable Letter of Credit.
That we may have full assurance of the truth and irrevocableness of the promise, God gives us the Spirit to satisfy our hearts of it; and thence is he said to seal us, by assuring our hearts of those promises and their stability.
Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
But, from that point, it will be on an informal and voluntary basis without the constraint of irrevocable commitment to some higher political entity.
Times, Sunday Times
For the second time that evening Ishmael was seized by the awful feeling of irrevocableness, of an impossible thing having happened and of it being still more impossible to undo it.
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While Dr Mullins has received irrevocable acceptances of his offer from shareholders, owning 36% of the company, it is now considered a near certainty that the buyout will fail.
He stood like an immovable obstacle against which no pressure could avail; an embodiment of what Arthur most shrank from believing in — the irrevocableness of his own wrongdoing.
Adam Bede
Take time to be clear and total before taking irrevocable decisions.
There's a strong feeling that we're populating a ship whose time has gone by, that action taken by moderators or admins will demoralize and send the site on an irrevocable downspin.
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The irrevocable wrong that must blot her life had been committed; she had brought sorrow into the lives of others, into the lives that were knit up with hers by trust and love.
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I can't afford to give away irrevocable, royalty-free licenses and sublicenses to anyone!
The couple's plan includes two irrevocable trusts that will prevent nearly $2 million in combined assets from being challenged in probate court.
It should be further considered that letters of credit may be "revocable" or "irrevocable.
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What later makes them binding, and therefore irrevocable, is the promisee's detrimental reliance on them.
Delicate ecosystems worldwide are threatened with irrevocable decline beneath the massed boots of latter-day pilgrims.
He said the decision was irrevocable.
And waited in rage and self-recrimination as the elevator began its irrevocable descent?
Uh - huh. He agreed to pay by Irrevocable Letter of Credit.
One of my clients, for example, was concerned about the dispositive provisions of an irrevocable life insurance trust he established 10 years ago.
For an industry that relies on escapism, necessary caution has already brought an irrevocable change.
One might well ask, as Al III loudly has: How can Al junior revoke — or, as he says, “disaffirm” — something that is irrevocable?
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The quiet irrevocableness of his answer shook her optimism.
The Hermit of Far End
The word rolled right out, like a marble from a jar, a single syllable, irretrievable, irrevocable.
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And waited in rage and self-recrimination as the elevator began its irrevocable descent?
City sources familiar with the underwriting agreements said that shareholders had signed irrevocable commitments to take part.
Times, Sunday Times
The resulting quarrel leads to an irrevocable separation.
The resignation that followed and the outrage provoked by the decision prompted an irrevocable split within the committee.
The French company receives irrevocable commitments from over 50 per cent of shareholders.
Such license shall be nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, royalty - free, worldwide license.
It was now as it had been eight months ago — Adam was forcing Arthur to feel more intensely the irrevocableness of his own wrong-doing.
Adam Bede
City sources familiar with the underwriting agreements said that shareholders had signed irrevocable commitments to take part.
Times, Sunday Times
First, DROP was "irrevocable" - get the money, retire.
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Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L sight draft against presentation of shipping documents.
After eliminating the impossibilities, the master of deduction explained, he had been left with one simple irrevocable conclusion, as plain as the nose on one's face.
A GRAT involves putting appreciating assets into a short-term irrevocable trust two years is typical and retaining the right to receive an annual income stream for the term of the trust. News
I am sorry to say term of payment we can accept is 100 % irrevocable documentary of credit.
You made your choice, and - as I assumed when I left home at the age of twenty - it was irrevocable.
It suddenly struck her that having a baby was an irrevocable step.
That's sport, and it has its own internal and irrevocable logic.
These are the qualifications on which, it seems, God grafts his gifts and graces, and whoso abode in the persons in whom they are is the condition whereon the irrevocableness of those gifts and graces does depend.
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The Buyer provides within 3 working days a Non-Operative, Irrevocable, Non-transferable Usance 90-days After Sight DLC (Documentary Letter of Credit) for the Seller's bank approval.
A standard, commercial letter of credit is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.
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Recent studies had suggested that these children possessed a kind of frailty, that their genetic vulnerability meant that certain triggers during early childhood development could cause irrevocable harm and lead them to certain ‘inevitable’ fates like a life of depression and anti-social behaviors.
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Delicate ecosystems worldwide are threatened with irrevocable decline beneath the massed boots of latter-day pilgrims.
Suddenly, we are on the verge of something irrevocable.
Times, Sunday Times
Citizenship should be available after five years and be irrevocable.
It crosses the night sky like the moon; or else, like an actor, it crosses the stage, moving in an irrevocable pattern from origin to end.
Debate raged around the dinner tables of the nation, causing irrevocable family feuds and superficial cutlery wounds.
Then such a wave of despair and anguish overwhelmed him, the irrevocableness and implacability of fate so smote him, that he lifted up his head and howled aloud.
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But he ‘stepped back from the brink of radical or irrevocable acts against members of his ruling circle’.
She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling.
Chapter X
It is the usual practice for a bank to confirm only an Irrevocable L / C.
The Web is already jam-packed with media retailers, from Amazon to eBay, and elements of that business, like CD sales, appear to be in irrevocable decline.
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The irrevocable dissolution of the magical Tumble Room gives it a psychological weight beyond its filmic illusion and flights of fancy.
You made your choice, and - as I assumed when I left home at the age of twenty - it was irrevocable.
Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation.
A standard, commercial letter of credit is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.
Perhaps it was the finality of death, the irrevocableness of it.
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Violence by contrast represented an irrevocable gesture and was transformative.
A taxpayer may make an irrevocable election to treat all property in one of the classes under the straight-line method.
A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to that effect.
The word 'irrevocable' doesn't always resonate until they suddenly want the money," she said.
The Seattle Times
And thus the final bond is achieved, an irrevocable connection that can never be broken.
Each new exhibition of the irrevocableness of the break between Jesus and the leaders was a severe test of their loyalty.
The Life of Jesus of Nazareth
While many view the death penalty as a harsh and irrevocable step, they also hold that a life sentence would do the needful: it would protect society from the consequences of the criminal's destructive acts.
PAYMENT TERMS: Irrevocable, Transferable Documentary Credit 100 % against documents from loading port the release of CIQ.
Multiple factors have contributed to this seemingly irrevocable reversal of fortunes.
It covers harm which will be suffered by a permanent market loss or irrevocable damage to the applicant's business reputation.
Faced by the irrevocableness of her action, Nan was overtaken by dismay.
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But, from that point, it will be on an informal and voluntary basis without the constraint of irrevocable commitment to some higher political entity.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time Katherine R. Tsiang visited the temple caves of Xiangtangshan in 1990, the sixth-century complex bore witness to both the Northern Qi's glorious sculpture and its irrevocable despoliation by looters and traders.
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Suddenly, we are on the verge of something irrevocable.
Times, Sunday Times
They are spending a fortune preparing for this irrevocable step.