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How To Use Irresponsibility In A Sentence

  • Retired marine General Tony Zinni says in the lead up to the war, he witnessed what he called negligence, irresponsibility, lying, incompetence and corruption. CNN Transcript May 26, 2004
  • He will say that society is riven with irresponsibility, selfishness and a lack of responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wakefield was displeased with me for what he called my irresponsibility in disappearing for over half an hour at such a time. Dead Cert
  • The free market is a revolutionary, anti-family idea used to justify the legitimisation of abortion, drug use, pornography, sexual promiscuousness, every kind of personal irresponsibility including abandonment of marital responsibilities and even criminal behaviour. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • For that we can thank the greed and irresponsibility of bankers, chief executives and remuneration committees. Times, Sunday Times
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  • If you have a negative character, you are likely to fall victim to laziness, irresponsibility, low self- esteem, irresolution. Quitting- mindedness, recklessness, compulsion and emotional impulsiveness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Youthful irresponsibility quickly evolved into recklessness, vanity, intolerance of rivals, and drunken debauch, so, by 1827, loss of respectability was accompanied by visible physical disintegration.
  • If you want an example of long term gutless irresponsibility, consider that we've had since 1973 to get out from under petroleum. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Blame should at long last be reclaimed: it is the proper sanction for incompetence, irresponsibility or inexcusable behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Failure is the consequence of laziness, irresponsibility, recklessness and emotional stupidity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • If you are victimized by a negative character, which is characterized by laziness, irresponsibility, low self-esteem, irresolution and wavering, you will lose control of your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It's one of those juggernaut of fate stories where due to irresponsibility, stubbornness, and/or willful deafness, everything manages to turn out for the worst.
  • In the ultimate display of fatherly irresponsibility, I forsook my sons to barnstorm throughout South Central Los Angeles in the name of Crippen. Blue Rage, Black Redemption
  • They created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity and irresponsibility.
  • You'd think that type of fiscal irresponsibility would be subject to investigative reporting, but it was greeted with a big yawn from the local media. Sound Politics: The only thing temporary about a "temporary tax" is the pretense that it's temporary
  • Negative beliefs are a source of shortsightedness, irresponsibility, irresoluteness and timidity. If you do not believe that you can create and control your future, you are unlikely to win in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He is generally a posterboy for weak-charactered Republican rubber stamp irresponsibility. Firedoglake » Blue America: Two Dems in NC — Larry Kissell and Heath Shuler
  • While Pete is home and brooding over Don's situation, his indignance makes him wonder why others 'irresponsibility has to affect "honest people. Janet Turley: Mad Men Season 4, Ep 10: "Get Rid of It"
  • Second, I think the irresponsibility is heightened when the editing occurs in the last formally authorized submission before conference. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Solicitor General Lays an Egg
  • The media moralist and TV frontman has a long track record of preaching about the evils of child abuse and individual irresponsibility.
  • There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
  • Irresponsibility was his métier, and when he tries to get serious he gets boring instead.
  • My decision (based on his irresponsibility and general disorganization) has been delayed because of the holidays.
  • The truth is he did not, which further exposes his hypocrisy and irresponsibility.
  • He will say that society is riven with irresponsibility, selfishness and a lack of responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean that is - I think it's the height of irresponsibility for anybody to be insinuating themselves into this case who isn't one of the law enforcement agencies.
  • Success is the child of hard work, determination and perseverance. Failure is the consequence of laziness, irresponsibility and lack of commitment. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • My dislike of the Bachmann and Palin types stems NOT from the fact that we differ in our politcal outlook, but in their BLATANT DISPLAY OF IRRESPONSIBILITY when expressing their views. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • Success is the child of hard work, determination and perseverance. Failure is the consequence of laziness, irresponsibility and lack of commitment. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • As a people we seem determined to lend credence to the outsiders image of us as a nation of freewheeling boozers with a sizeable streak of irresponsibility in our make-up.
  • When we deny permission by being too assiduous in erecting barriers against irresponsibility, we are also erecting barriers against the exercise of responsibility.
  • Poor women with children are discussed in punitive, paternalistic terms of single motherhood and personal irresponsibility.
  • If you are victimized by a negative character, which is characterized by laziness, irresponsibility, low self-esteem, irresolution and wavering, you will lose control of your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • For this generation, moving home is a sign of responsibility, not irresponsibility.
  • It was an act of gross irresponsibility to leave someone who wasn't properly trained in charge of the machine.
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing about Enron. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • To this feverish regime of irresponsibility, is it possible that he has recently administered the first bracing douche of an overdue cold bath?
  • He said that the majority of road accidents are caused by a lack of awareness and through irresponsibility by motorists, including excessive speed, driving under the influence of intoxicants and complete disregard for traffic rules.
  • Negative beliefs are a source of shortsightedness, irresponsibility, irresoluteness and timidity. If you do not believe that you can create and control your future, you are unlikely to win in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is continuing to give no bid contracts to corporations who do shoddy work and commit fraud against the government. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is doing nothing when you are warned about a coming housing bubble. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • Though lacking beauty in any strict sense of the word, her energy and heedlessness - a sort of helplessness born of irresponsibility - drew people to her.
  • In good economic times, the country could endure this kind of irresponsibility with taxpayers' funds.
  • In rejecting democracy Fascism rejects the absurd conventional lie of political equalitarianism, the habit of collective irresponsibility, the myth of felicity and indefinite progress. Things One Should Not Forget « Whatever
  • Failure is the consequence of laziness, irresponsibility, recklessness and emotional stupidity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I wondered what they were thinking, then pondered on the fineness of the dividing line between exhilarating adventure and irresponsibility.
  • If you have a negative character, you are likely to fall victim to laziness, irresponsibility, low self- esteem, irresolution. Quitting- mindedness, recklessness, compulsion and emotional impulsiveness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Responsibility for the crisis was diffused; there was a passing reference to "greed and irresponsibility on the part of some" (who remain unnamed), but the emphasis was put on "our collective inability to make hard choices. Jerome Karabel: The Democratic Debacle of 2010: A Premature Postmortem
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is giving tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans during a time of war. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • It is seen as the result of individual irresponsibility, of people wantonly sleeping around and neglecting to practise safe sex.
  • Ms. Jarrett told the crowd that this economic crisis did not occur by "happenstance" but is the result of our "profound irresponsibility. Capitol Hill Blue - The oldest political news site on the Internet
  • They're conducive, instead, to lassitude, resentment, and political irresponsibility.
  • Not only are the potentialities of existing law fully extended, but the irresponsibility or unwisdom of the weaker, or the head-strong, judges are held in.
  • All of them are presented as taking place in an environment of such reckless irresponsibility and callous disregard of the value of human life as to strain credulity.
  • With robber barons in charge, incompetence and irresponsibility is becoming the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • And thus does the major theme emerge: the seductive lure and dangerous irresponsibility of suppression.
  • In his inaugural address, Obama appealed for "a new era of responsibility," bemoaned "greed and irresponsibility" and "failure to make hard choices. Pro-Life Headlines
  • The film closes with the end of the affair - a summer of self-indulgence and irresponsibility has transformed into autumnal reflection, mirroring the changes in wider society at the turn of the decade.
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is deregulating everything and allowing greed to run rampant. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • A rally has been organized in protest against the ad campaign, with parents accusing the studio of irresponsibility for marketing the film in high-crime areas.
  • They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
  • Amidst the "arabesque" of richly drawn characters, Suskind reveals a few bombshell discoveries regarding the Bush Administration's irresponsibility and outright lies. Dan Brown: George W. Bush Blew the Biggest British Terror Investigation Ever to Score Pre-Midterm Election Political Points... McCain '08!
  • We would also like to see the real culprits forced to face up to their irresponsibility.
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is your secretary of defense admitting that $2.3 trillion is missing from the Pentagon. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • If you have a negative character, you are likely to fall victim to laziness, irresponsibility, low self- esteem, irresolution. Quitting- mindedness, recklessness, compulsion and emotional impulsiveness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
  • The promise of apokatastasis, the restoration of all things, does not license moral irresponsibility. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Inefficient use of resources was a form of moral irresponsibility.
  • Everyone seems to have a story about environmental harm caused by business's irresponsibility.
  • Better to try and fail than not to try at all, was his response to those who accused him of rashness and irresponsibility.
  • Fiscal irresponsibility is allowing billions of dollars to go unaccounted for in Iraq. Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
  • They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
  • It has components such as irresponsibility (no honouring of obligations or commitments), impulsivity, sloppiness, distractability and risk-taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be fair, the irresponsibility of this government is perfectly in tune with the irresponsibility of governments everywhere.
  • Since a seagull never speaks back to the council flock, Jonathan's voice was raised in exhortation: Irresponsibility, my brothers? The End of the Work Ethic
  • Negative beliefs are a source of shortsightedness, irresponsibility, irresoluteness and timidity. If you do not believe that you can create and control your future, you are unlikely to win in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A touch of irresponsibility isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • The media has displayed utmost irresponsibility by overplaying the story.
  • Success is the child of hard work, determination and perseverance. Failure is the consequence of laziness, irresponsibility and lack of commitment. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His lifestyle was too threatening, his irresponsibility too damning to make him sympathetic.
  • What a godsend to infantilizing irresponsibility that era was.
  • Honoring the mystery may bring dishonor to the externals of a relationship and it may elicit the charge of irresponsibility, yet at a deeper level the action may be entirely responsible.
  • There can be surely not a scintilla of doubt that the whole grisly situation is the very quintessence of irresponsibility.
  • From time immemorial, war has gone along with fiscal irresponsibility.
  • Church leaders condemn what they call the irresponsibility of officials at the state-run company that imported the food, calling the scandal "a sin that Heaven is crying over. Inform - Politics
  • Negative beliefs are a source of shortsightedness, irresponsibility, irresoluteness and timidity. If you do not believe that you can create and control your future, you are unlikely to win in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I would drink a few doses of irresponsibility, position myself less as a problem-solving machine and give myself permission to relax, to think about the abstract, to reflect on the mysteries that surround me. Dreamseller: The Calling
  • May not this breed an irresponsibility of cleverness, a wantonness, an irreverence -- what is vulgarly termed a "larkiness" -- on the part of the youthful genius who has, as it were, all his fortune in his pocket? Picture and Text 1893
  • This was not only gross discourtesy - it verged on criminal irresponsibility.
  • An even more recent example of FDA's irresponsibility has received prominent emphasis in the prestigious May 6, 2010 President's Cancer Panel (PCP) Report, with illustrative regard to an ingredient known as bisphenol-A (BPA). Samuel S. Epstein: The FDA, Toxins and Your Body

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