How To Use Irresistibly In A Sentence

  • Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
  • And at every turn, driving Glyver irresistibly onward, is his deadly rival: the poet-criminal Phoebus Rainsford Daunt. The Meaning of Night: Summary and book reviews of The Meaning of Night by Michael Cox.
  • In the same way cats are irresistibly attracted to preparations of valerian because their own urine contains valerianic acid. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The four vertical tubes look irresistibly floral after the gelid Tatlin monuments and are dedicated to a master at the other end of the modernist pantheon, Henri Matisse.
  • A good trailer is a hook, designed to leave you irresistibly compelled to come back one more time.
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  • Children are irresistibly drawn to stories, and we use them to instill all the most important ideas about the human community, its daily dangers and rules, plus moral fables about how to succeed and be happy.
  • Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Robert Frost 
  • Tragedy and romance have never been so irresistibly entwined: the beautiful young queen, maddened by grief, hastening to join her dead lover, Mark Antony, through the kiss of an asp.
  • Its usual chill repellance had been changed into something inviting by the wood fire on the hearth, and on the bed where the guests had deposited their wraps lay an array of millinery which drew her irresistibly. Georgina of the Rainbows
  • Allium moly, otherwise known as Golden Garlic, is so easy to grow and its bright yellow star-shaped flowers are irresistibly cheerful.
  • So, when he opened his mouth to say "chack," a note or two would irresistibly bubble out beside it, as if he said, "You really must go away, my big friend. Little Brothers of the Air
  • Democracy is thus led quite naturally, irresistibly one may say, to exclude the competent precisely because they are competent, or if the phrase pleases better and as the popular advocate would put it, not because they are competent but because they are unequal, or, as he would probably go on to say, if he wished to excuse such action, not because they are unequal, but because being unequal they are suspected of being opponents of equality. The Cult of Incompetence
  • There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens 
  • The light that dazzled so irresistibly was doused long ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tragedy and romance have never been so irresistibly entwined: the beautiful young queen, maddened by grief, hastening to join her dead lover, Mark Antony, through the kiss of an asp.
  • The whole superintendence of the school is now in the hands of his masters; he just shows a visitor into the room, and reappears as you are going away with a look that pleads irresistibly for an obole of praise. The Life and Letters of Maria Edgeworth, Volume 1
  • If God doth immediately and irresistibly incline or move the wills of the saints to do the things which accompany perseverance, the said exhortations can be no means of effecting this perseverance; for the will, being physically and irresistibly acted and drawn by God to do such and such things, needeth no addition of moral means, such as exhortations are (if they be any), in order hereunto. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The irresistibly danceable blues-zydeco fusion music pioneered by the late accordionist Alton Rubin Sr. (aka Rockin 'Dopsie) continues to evolve in the nimble fingers of a second generation. In New Orleans, jazz fans get their groove on despite rain
  • As the epicenter of modern jazz, New York City has always been a magical lodestone, irresistibly attracting talented musicians at every stage of their development and careers. Ralph A. Miriello: Contemporary Bassist & Composer Ben Allison Plays Carnegie Hall
  • _aspergilla_, or sprinkling-brushes, their thuribula, or vessels of incense, their ever-burning lamps before the statues of their deities, are irresistibly brought before his mind, whenever he visits a Roman The Revelation Explained
  • The track boasts dynamic strings, syncopated beats, and an irresistibly anthemic chorus.
  • The irresistibly danceable blues-zydeco fusion music pioneered by the late accordionist Alton Rubin Sr. (aka Rockin 'Dopsie) continues to evolve in the nimble fingers of a second generation. In New Orleans, jazz fans get their groove on despite rain
  • They are irresistibly drawn by the detritus generated by building, gardening, housework, tailoring, or carpentry.
  • Like his best work, the songs are irresistibly hooky without being simplistic, though the first single is oddly the weakest tune of the bunch.
  • The fountain exerts a hypnotic influence on children who are irresistibly drawn to remove their shoes and socks and go paddling in the water.
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.
  • I mean, how could a record be so irresistibly slinky and seductive?
  • He had removed his coat and starched collar preparatory to playing with the boy, and his disheveled appearance irresistibly recalled the unkempt individual who had first captured my heart. The Curse of the Pharaohs
  • The combination of irresistibly muscular riffage and spectacular vocal melodies sounds even better live than on record, especially given a sensationally tight and clear sound mix.
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.
  • The light that dazzled so irresistibly was doused long ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had a gamine charm which men found irresistibly attractive.
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • Chatterton's earliest idea seems to have been how to deceive; and, were it possible to laugh at youthful fraud, there would be something irresistibly ludicrous in the lad bewildering the old pewterer, Burgum. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • Like his best work, the songs are irresistibly hooky without being simplistic, though the first single is oddly the weakest tune of the bunch.
  • Actress Frances O'Connor brings a refreshing candour to the most insufferably priggish of all Austen's heroines, Fanny Price, and Alessandro Nivola is irresistibly rakish as her potential beau.
  • They tell their own story, simply -- sometimes ungrammatically and illiterately, but nevertheless irresistibly. Woman and the New Race
  • The ladybirds were being irresistibly drawn to the iridescence of the white material and by the time he was standing, smartly leaning on his cane, with his toes amid the washed up dead ladybirds.
  • He felt some dark presence moving irresistibly upon him from the darkness, a presence subtle and murmurous as a flood filling him wholly with itself.
  • Jeopardy was selfish and self-centred, but irresistibly compelling.
  • The fountain exerts a hypnotic influence on children who are irresistibly drawn to remove their shoes and socks and go paddling in the water.
  • She had a gamine charm which men found irresistibly attractive.
  • It is because of, rather than in spite of, this stoniness that Bella finds him irresistibly attractive. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Audrey doesn't really lisp, she just knows it makes her irresistibly adorable.
  • Entering through the dense hedges is irresistibly romantic, as are the thatched barn, granite tower, and blousy herbaceous planting, at its peak in July with sidalceas, astilbes and dioramas, to draw you onward.
  • They tell their own story, simply; sometimes ungrammatically and illiterately, but nevertheless irresistibly.
  • In 1093 the Moors of the Almoravide dynasty, under the Caliph Yusuf, swept irresistibly upwards into the Iberian Peninsula, recapturing The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • The magnificent grounds are irresistibly perfect a peaceful stroll, hand in hand with a loved one.
  • She is the movie's sexpot, a siren that irresistibly attracts men.
  • There's the moist, sticky sensation on the tongue, as the gooey melting thickness cloys one's mouth irresistibly.
  • On the contrary, I was constantly hearing tales of silly fooleries, of overbearing behaviour, of deliberate rudeness, such as irresistibly recalled, in spirit if not in form, the conduct of the common barrator in the guise of a king, who, if The Drama Of Three Hundred & Sixty-Five Days Scenes In The Great War
  • The eyes were full of beseechment, and irresistibly lovely. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • On the other side of this token division, which reminded Ruiz%Sanchez irresistibly of the Encke division in the Saturnian rings, a thin circlet of Lithians took and passed out messages steadily and without a moment's break, handling the total load faultlessly-if one were to judge by the way the outer band was kept in motion-and without apparent effort, by memory alone. A Case Of Conscience
  • No one would take it amiss if he found the Minoan Palace irresistibly romantic. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Some may consider it all irresistibly smart, rather than merely preposterous and precocious in equal measure.
  • They tell their own story, simply—sometimes ungrammatically and illiterately, but nevertheless irresistibly. Cries of Despair and Society’s Problems
  • Here we have self-obsessed careerist Lindsey, falling in love with the irresistibly sweet school teacher Ben (Fallon).
  • We got the first in a downpour of irresistibly tuneful songs from the classic film.
  • The irresistibly danceable blues-zydeco fusion music pioneered by the late accordionist Alton Rubin Sr. (aka Rockin 'Dopsie) continues to evolve in the nimble fingers of a second generation. In New Orleans, jazz fans get their groove on despite rain
  • All men -- man and woman -- are created equal, -- equal in _attributes of body and mind_; (for _that_ is the only sense in which they could be _created_ equal;) _therefore_ they are endowed with right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, unalienable, except in their consent; _consequently_ such consent is essential to all rightful government; and, _finally_ and _irresistibly_, the people have supreme right to alter or abolish it, &c. Slavery Ordained of God
  • If she do not gravitate too irresistibly towards that class of New-Era people (which includes whatsoever we have of prurient, esurient, morbid, flimsy, and in fact pitiable and unprofitable, and is at a sad discount among men of sense), she may get into good tracks of inquiry and connection here, and be very useful to herself and others. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II
  • When it comes to free trade, as Adam Smith once opined, ‘Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it.’
  • It quickly succumbed to all kinds of influences, theatrical (commedia dell'arte, for example) and musical (the exotic harmonies and instrumentation of Eastern music, say); with the rise of professional singers, composers were irresistibly drawn to an exploration of the extreme possibilities of the human voice. 'Opera has never been more alive' | Simon Callow
  • His dilemma provides a sombre and topical close to this irresistibly engaging book. Times, Sunday Times
  • NBC, understandably, stayed glued Sunday to Woods, whose gimpy knee made him even more irresistibly media-genic than usual, while noting Mediate's progress. Woods brings out top ratings for U.S. Open
  • It's 84 minutes of heteros being irresistibly adorable.
  • Macque choux is an irresistibly rich, creamy, spicy corn dish, and this was textbook-perfect. Candy Sagon on Mokomandy: Unusual partners make a nice team
  • He was irresistibly attracted by her charm.
  • Now kesil signifies in Hebrew "impious", adjectives expressive of the stupid criminality which belongs to the legendary character of giants; and the stars of Orion irresistibly suggest a huge figure striding across the sky. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Comparing the Idylls of the King with Malory's book, we are irresistibly reminded of certain Catholic books of devotion "expurgated" or "adapted" for members of the Church of Studies from Court and Cloister: being essays, historical and literary dealing mainly with subjects relating to the XVIth and XVIIth centuries
  • But then, for vast periods of this game, their opponents were irresistibly confident, buoyed by their clear superiority.
  • Food, I discover, is sensual, exciting and irresistibly connected with sex.
  • There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens 
  • The groom was in the utmost alarm, both on his own account and on mine, but, in spite of this, so irresistibly had the sense of the ludicrous in this unhappy contretemps taken possession of his fancy, that he sang out a long, loud, and canorous peal of laughter, that might have wakened the Seven Sleepers. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • His dilemma provides a sombre and topical close to this irresistibly engaging book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other threads appeared out of nowhere, forming, with epicycles and Celtic knotting, a mesh bag that pulled him irresistibly toward the bleak globe that was the Inquisitor.
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • Republican midterm stumble, or amid the rifts and rage of a sharply divided government if they prevail or sweep this November, the party may be irresistibly drawn to a recycled idea. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • For Kumar and his ilk, Mohammad Asif and Terry Alderman being two supreme exponents of the art, it's a fine line between mesmerising batsmen with movement, luring them to destruction with the siren song of apparently irresistibly hittable pace, and being cannon fodder if the ball refuses to bend or a batsman throws caution to the wind and links you inextricably for all eternity with a Leeds confectionery stall. Praveen Kumar's rare style of swing bowling is as bold as it is old | Rob Bagchi
  • Then his eyes slid over to Damien's discarded weapon, drawn irresistibly by an invisible pull.
  • Before that we were mesmerised by mystic barcarolles, and a world in which laguna irresistibly and constantly rhymed with luna. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hero, Thomas Irwin Morrison, square-jawed, straight-backed, irresistibly perfect, trespassing in their profession, threatening the ambition they had schemed and sacrificed all their adult lives to achieve. O: A Presidential Novel

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