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How To Use Irremediable In A Sentence

  • That is not the dialect of thy language; thou hast given a remedy against the deepest water by water; against the inundation of sin by baptism; and the first life that thou gavest to any creatures was in waters: therefore thou dost not threaten us with an irremediableness when our affliction is a sea. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • I'm not overly keen to have patent remedies for the patently irremediable suggested to me.
  • Coppe's sandals were no more durable than the fleeting rose, and whenever a fair dame came to show her torn cothurnus to the great Coppe he replied sadly, "The evil is irremediable: madame has been walking! Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • Of acquisitions, mergers, blunt and irremediable disappearances. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • The flanks of the Austrian host began to advance so as to enclose the small peasant force, and involve it in irremediable destruction. A Book of Golden Deeds
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  • If they doubt that, their doubt is irremediable.
  • “Were it possible,” cried he, “for fate to reconcile contradictions, and recall the irremediable current of events, I would now believe that there was happiness still in reserve for the forlorn Zelos, now that I tread the land of freedom and humanity, now that I find myself befriended by the most generous of men. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Its a sort of irremediable layer of anti-US attitudes that come with the superpower territory and that we cannot do anything about.
  • I do not believe that irremediable math-related learning disabilities are as prevalent as people who were taught math very, very badly, often by people who did not themselves know how to do math. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • The unachievable and irremediable task of writing takes the form of an endless repetition, where the same is posed in the dizziness of redoubling, where there is no cognition but only recognition.
  • In the circumstances, it is necessary to assess whether the delay has caused irremediable prejudice to the defendant.
  • They are addressing a real concern, however clumsily, and are aware (even if they aren't aware) of what may be an irremediable weakness in electronic security.
  • C'est que me levant tous les jours a 8h00 je commence a etre fatigué a 10H00 et enfin apres avoir usé de toutes les techniques possibles pour me tenir eveillé je tombe irremediablement dans les bras de Morphee a 14h00 jusqu'a 19h00. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • There was nothing she so dreaded for him as that any one should take a light view of his act: should turn its irremediableness into an excuse. Sanctuary
  • The merits of this plan outweighed several obvious flaws in it, which were irremediable.
  • The danger is that of irremediable harm to life.
  • He fell into the common fault of incorrigible offenders; lamenting that he had not subdued the first cravings of desire, and wishing to recall the irremediable past, while to reform the present was too vast a labour. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • The irremediableness of the breach that sin makes in the soul had been preached in “The Scarlet Letter;” here is the other half of the truth, as Hawthorne saw it, the irremediableness of the injury done to others. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Although some of the demos featuring Ilene Woods suffer from irremediable damage, in most respects this selection is a pleasurable listening experience.
  • The death of even an indifferent acquaintance often may seem to desolate the earth from its simple irremediableness, and much more does the removal of one near to us make the world appear half a void. The Pagans
  • To look upon the ruins and relics of our ancestors does not so much resurrect their world as call to mind its irremediable loss.
  • Though Magdalen is still alive, the novel's prophetic gloom seems to have been realized in the irremediable loss of her character.
  • It was another warning of impending and irremediable judgment.
  • And while cameras don't tear the flesh off the victims' bones, the damage to their lives is often exorbitant and irremediable. Carlo Strenger: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Media Circus and the Roman Arena
  • Baron Stoerck first brought the plant into repute (1760) as a medicine of extraordinary efficacy for curing inveterate scirrhus, cancer, and ulcers, such as were hitherto deemed irremediable. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The irremediableness of the breach that sin makes in the soul had been preached in "The Scarlet Letter;" here is the other half of the truth, as Hawthorne saw it, the irremediableness of the injury done to others. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Wednesday was pushing it, but it would force him to dig -himself out of the irremediable gloom into which he had sunk. AMAGANSETT
  • The harm caused by homicide is absolutely irremediable, whereas the harm caused by many other crimes is remediable to a degree.
  • The consequence is that the claim is irremediable, and in the event no amendment has been sought.
  • And there are real, bitter and irremediable losses that come with the loss of language traditions.
  • Ten years ago I would have said that this sad state of affairs was irremediable, at least for the immediate future.
  • The irremediableness of marriage, as it is at present constituted, undoubtedly deters many from entering into that state. An Essay on the Principle of Population
  • Wednesday was pushing it, but it would force him to dig -himself out of the irremediable gloom into which he had sunk. AMAGANSETT
  • Incompatibility of temperament has cause the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.
  • For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
  • irremediable errors in judgment.
  • You stuff the little rosy foot of a Chinese young lady of fashion into a slipper that is about the size of a salt-cruet, and keep the poor little toes there imprisoned and twisted up so long that the dwarfishness becomes irremediable. The Book of Snobs
  • The collapse of the Democrats' Southern base was now obvious and irremediable.
  • irremediable defects of character
  • The mood changed as Robert Trevino mounted the podium, threw his body around, and grabbed the orchestra's attention with the opening of the Mozart, another of the great challenges at the beginning of big pieces that create a violent, irremediable pivot. Laurence Vittes: Have Baton, Will Travel: Classical Music Combine in New Orleans
  • an irremediable error
  • Reply Obj. 2: Fitness for assumption is wanting to the angelic spirits, not from any lack of dignity, but because of the irremediableness of their fall, which cannot be said of the human spirit, as is clear from what has been said above (I, Q. 62, A. 8; Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • It takes genius, however, to cook _bouillabaisse_; and, to parody what De Banville says about his own recipe for making a mechanical "ballade," "en employment ce moyen, on est sur de faire une mauvaise, irremediablement mauvaise Essays in Little
  • There are few subjects on which human ingenuity has been more generally exerted, and as few, in which it has more generally failed: whether this has proceeded from the want of invention or the irremediableness of the subject, I shall proceed in the duty assigned me, stimulated by the maxim "Ex cohesione scintillum ex citat. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. I
  • For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
  • Along with the formal consideration of the nature and powers of the different parts of the soul, there remains some concern with man's position in the universe, but this is regarded essentially in static, hieratic terms rather than as a dynamic, operative potential for restoration of the divine image, or for irremediable bestialization. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
  • Recall, for example, his reaction to his father's death, an event which represented irremediable evil to Lisbeth.
  • By converting irremediable loss, heartbreak, physical or spiritual despair into something beautiful, good poems about bad things make us feel less helpless in the face of what we can't control.
  • The rationale for finding no preemption, the court thought, was “nicely underscored” by the facts here, because the primary claims of copyright infringement were “largely irremediable.” Archive 2009-04-01
  • the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
  • The conflict between the two decisions is irremediable.
  • The extinction of animals and plant species and the depletion of non-renewable resources are irremediable crimes.
  • They´ll all be roving the land looking for chances to make the rich poor, to remedy the irremediable, to succor the unsuccorable, to unscramble the unscrambleable, to dephlogisticate the undephlogisticable, "because they understand that" votes are collared under democracy, not by talking sense but by talking nonsense. American Chronicle
  • Their afflictions were of long standing, and they felt them to be irremediable.
  • The harm caused by homicide is absolutely irremediable, whereas the harm caused by many other crimes is remediable to a degree.
  • Of acquisitions, mergers, blunt and irremediable disappearances. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • They'll all be roving the land looking for chances to make the rich poor, to remedy the irremediable, to succor the unsuccorable, to unscramble the unscrambleable, to dephlogisticate the undephlogisticable, "because they understand that" votes are collared under democracy, not by talking sense but by talking nonsense. Latest Articles

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