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How To Use Irrelevant In A Sentence

  • Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
  • No matter how anodyne, fatuous, sensible or irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dually, other irrelevant entailments are those that turn out to be valid just because the consequent is a necessary truth Impossible Worlds
  • The effect of interest arbitrage is to make it irrelevant where a person invests or borrows. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Functionalism as a linguistic approach is different from generative and cognitive approaches in that it makes no claim as to the cognitive reality of the mechanisms it proposes - that matter is irrelevant to its usefulness.
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  • Being attractive and likeable can be the small, notionally "irrelevant" factor that helps to tip the balance in our favor. The Untapped Power of Erotic Capital
  • DaeSung was on for the telerecording for SBS YaShimManMan recently where he revealed about his antics for irrelevant imagination and curiosity. BIG BANG Fansite
  • In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
  • A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
  • The fact that they were under a compliance audit at this time is largely irrelevant to the issue.
  • Venice as a city has seemed irrelevant, a storied artifact of a Romantic past that serves merely as a decorous backdrop for an event geared toward utopian futures.
  • Where the germ of the idea came from is pretty much irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • At times came robbers and thieves, at times came diseases among the beasts and shortness of food, once the country was worried by a pack of boar-hounds he helped to kill; he went through many inconsecutive, irrelevant adventures. The War in the Air
  • As one researcher writes in a study on moods and menstruation in college students, 'negative behavior exhibited premenstrually is perceived as evidence for the prevailing negative stereotype of female emotional behavior while positive behavior is ignored as something for which biology is irrelevant.' PMS
  • The offshore element is irrelevant to the issue of assessing a tax liability and enforcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.
  • Interesting in a society where the royal family is seen as increasingly irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet one would hesitate to describe these lines as irrelevant.
  • If you expect to develop as a writer you must learn to digress and be at times totally irrelevant. THE DICE MAN
  • Of course, neither fits with Mike Gene's agnostic theology, atheology or anti-theology … so they must be irrelevant and not count. Advice for the Theistic Evolutionists
  • The discourtesies extended to the collector by the newspapers were not only uncivil but also irrelevant.
  • The Women of St. Mark's thought their own life histories and productivity rendered irrelevant or moot the questions of access, representation, canonicity, and literary history that feminists raised.
  • No self-indulgent twaddle, no luvvy duvvy waffle, no tedious explaining what we're looking at, no extraneous family members self-aggrandising and hogging the airtime with totally irrelevant bullshit. Update
  • That is, for him, a propositum is "sequentially relevant" if and only if it logically follows from the positum alone; it is "incompatibly relevant" if and only if its contradictory opposite follows from the positum alone; it is "irrelevant" if and only if it is neither sequentially nor incompatibly relevant. Medieval Theories of Obligationes
  • Any negotiation has a limit. Otherwise, war is irrelevant. Toba Beta 
  • An example: If I were to rip out the music portion of Far Cry 2 and replace it with nothing or something completely irrelevant and jarring, is that not going to change the experience of the game? In reply to Clint Hocking and Michael Abbott
  • Last year's report is ancient history and totally irrelevant to the current situation.
  • On the other side, of course, the narrative falderal is just irrelevant. In Need of Recovery |
  • This ghoulish history is irrelevant to Harley riders - their aim is to be photographed by the huge sign at company HQ.
  • Soon enough, the cream will rise to the top and our elephantine popularity contest will have proven itself once again as both as defining and as completely irrelevant as freshman yearbook pictures.
  • Re-reading the draft of this report, I was tempted to excise this disquisition from the text as being irrelevant. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
  • Layer 3 uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all superfluous information (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal).
  • The amazing part of the detraction is that a lot of these are the same arguments why weblogs were unnecessary and irrelevant. Gillmor on Fire
  • The right-wing pundistas tell us at length why the burgeoning Facebook group opposed to prorogation is irrelevant. Frogs in a pot
  • This kind of cricket is totally irrelevant to that which the rest of the world plays. Times, Sunday Times
  • So I hope that we can increasingly stop talking about slaver, which is, frankly, largely irrelevant to most of us here today, and talk about how we can overcome our history, both positive and negative, in a fashion that builds a brighter future for Americans and Africans alike. Press Briefing In Kampala Uganda
  • I don't have an explanation - I'd like to have one but I don't - but in the meantime, without evidence, the odds of your position being right are so infinitesimal as to be irrelevant.
  • There are several scenes which involve abrasive personal confrontation, which I felt were irrelevant, but presumably were introduced for fear of the film becoming cloying.
  • These seem like irrelevant questions, but they aren't that far off from relevancy.
  • The alternative is to make intellectual life increasingly irrelevant to human affairs, to turn intellectuals into hypocrites, and to turn everyone else into anti-intellectuals.
  • We may have our own subjective judgments about this matter, but we should at least have the honesty to recognize that they are completely irrelevant.
  • Of course, neither fits with Mike Gene's agnostic theology, atheology or anti-theology ¦ so they must be irrelevant and not count. Advice for the Theistic Evolutionists
  • Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail.
  • The simple fact that a military force can strike a massive blow is irrelevant.
  • The fact that his ideas were totally impracticable was irrelevant.
  • What you say is irrelevant to the subject.
  • Beneath this undercurrent of grumbling is the philistine assumption that it is elitist or irrelevant to consider art which does not excite the mass market.
  • Whether resentment of this is fair is irrelevant in an election contest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.
  • I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end.
  • Her loss is something all of us must feel and our politics is irrelevant. The Sun
  • However, rapid return to the nest would seem irrelevant for the majority of foraging time when nearly continuous flows of outgoing and returning traffic prevail.
  • The re-canting is irrelevant, nobody believed him from day one which was long before Bushie invaded Iraq. Think Progress » Cheney Claimed Iraq Was Providing WMD Training To Al-Qaeda Months After Source Recanted
  • But viewed from another perspective, the Swedes have written a new chapter in ignobility, presenting the world's top literary honor to an author who considers his own work irrelevant.
  • And speaking of totally irrelevant cultural artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until archaeology has a strong presence in all politicians' postbags, they will continue to feel able to treat it as irrelevant to 21st century Britain.
  • That Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, jailed 20,000 people without charges, forcibly shut down hundreds of newspapers that criticized him, and sent in federal troops to shut down state legislatures was irrelevant because he proclaimed “that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” #200 for Abe the Warmonger « Blog
  • Your hypothetical is completely irrelevant to the issue we are discussing. Matthew Yglesias » Ride the Train
  • Our ‘content’ should be at all times inept, obscure, bluff, diatribe, baloney, codswallop or at worst irrelevant.
  • You think that your ex recto pronouncements mean something but data and evidence are irrelevant. Matthew Yglesias » Far-Right European Posters
  • Costs were irrelevant. Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election.
  • The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
  • But that does not mean that all other inquiries are irrelevant on the issue of whether or not the defamation should be actionable.
  • Attention is impaired, and a delirious person is difficult to engage in conversation and easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli.
  • Why should old, irrelevant, embarrassing stuff come up on a search engine if anyone enters your name? Times, Sunday Times
  • What a woman and her doctor decide is best is no concern of others, regardless who pays for what, it is irrelevant. Abortion issue clouds health care debate
  • The external agonies, provided by everyone from a label exec (Kim Gordon) to a chatty yellow pages salesman (real life Yellow Pages salesman Thadeus A. Thomas), are largely irrelevant to the elliptical narrative, but they have an aesthetic value that's critical to Van Sant's vision. Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
  • A number of excellent suggestions to help people avoid the inadvertent expression of prejudice are offered, albeit interspersed among excoriating, castigatory comments that are entirely irrelevant to The Cause, hence diminish the impact and strength of purpose of both. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 2
  • He offered critiques that required you to read and understand old theories, not new theories that allowed you to dismiss everything prior as irrelevant.
  • The US doesn’t ratify a treaty but since a court whose jurisdiction the US also does not recognize says that the failure to ratify is irrelevant, all backed up by more cases from, of course, said court, then the international law binds theUS! The Volokh Conspiracy » An Eminently Sound Approach to (Supposed) International Human Rights Norms, from the Ninth Circuit
  • I pointed out that she could tip, hit her head, swallow water, have a heart attack/stroke .. .whatever ... being a good swimmer is irrelevant. How many registered users?
  • Under Genachowski's proposal, the FCC would apply only a small fraction of Title II's rules and exempt, or "forbear," those irrelevant to Internet access. FCC chair outlines regulatory foundation for broadband providers
  • They both seemed somehow outdated or irrelevant, passionate about causes that verged upon irrelevance in modern life. Catching Up « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In these days when we are cutting back on music education and stinting on "culture," Bach and classical music in general is viewed as elitist and irrelevant. Alan Elsner: A Documentary About Bach Gives Food for Thought
  • With the latter, the hero becomes almost irrelevant to the life of the ordinary person.
  • He's still a tosspot, but I'm forced to admit he's not a totally-irrelevant-to-police-recruitment tosspot.
  • To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
  • Whether any universally omniscient entity exists or not is, at least for now anyway, irrelevant from a scientific perspective, because it can be neither proven nor disproven experimentally. Debbie – answer your phone | My[confined]Space
  • Because the main point about Howard's rhetoric was that it has become totally irrelevant.
  • It is not necessary for the plaintiff to prove that the discrimination was intentional; intent is irrelevant. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • For those applying for nontechnical positions, such as marketing and sales, degree subject is largely irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've recently tried to ignore the comments of this idiot because he's finished and what he says should now be irrelevant but he should not be allowed to get away with this kind of accusatory statement Archive 2007-01-01
  • The lone Surfer plays along to a backing track of cinematic sounds and irrelevant samples.
  • This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material.
  • Photographs can also point out the extraordinary or magical in the seemingly irrelevant, as in Bolucevschi Vitali's prizewinning image of ants poised like dancers in stellar form.
  • As I posted before, the unproven allegation that Mr. Padilla was "tortured" is irrelevant to his current prosecution. Balkinization
  • Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
  • If all causation is physical, then the epiphenomenal mental state (if it even exists) is irrelevant to the act of causation.
  • Worse, the invasion is actually irrelevant, or worse, to accomplishing those objectives - it has to be a purely domestic politics, “looking tough” move. Matthew Yglesias » Time Machine
  • What they do and how they behave is irrelevant, when compared to the dues they believe are owed their innate sense of self-worth. On Jane Austen « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The issue of whether it was a forearm or an elbow is irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not to say that managerial skill is irrelevant; quite the contrary. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the end of his speech Lord Hailsham dealt with two extraneous matters which he found to be irrelevant.
  • I was lamenting the current, miniscule McCain, a man who would take a passing -- and deeply irrelevant -- acquaintanceship between Barack Obama and Ayers, and try to make it a central issue in this absolutely crucial campaign, with the accompanying canard from the Embarracuda that Obama had "palled around" with terrorists. Ideologues in Extremis - Swampland -
  • A fact being irrelevant is not the same thing as a fact being untrue.
  • I think this "comeback" is totally irrelevant and disengenuous. Sound Politics: McGavick on Kerry
  • It's certainly not because I'm a skinflint, production costs and time invested are irrelevant.
  • Scientists noticed discoveries, apparently irrelevant to their work, which contained an inspiration for solving some current problems of their own.
  • You need look no further than section 56 to determine the inadmissibility of irrelevant evidence.
  • But I really think this whole distinction is irrelevant to the cloning debate, and it's used to convince us to remove our protection from those humans we deem unpersons.
  • The Manual of Reason states that an antecedent is irrelevant if its antecedence is only established along with some other entity. Analytic Philosophy in Early Modern India
  • Well, he could be right, but another scenario can be that many see the whole business as largely irrelevant.
  • The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
  • My cosmopolitanism, my ability to read ancient Tamil love poetry, my advanced degrees become irrelevant in the face of such appalling culpability.
  • You're speaking corresponding with someone who is outraged by the actions of ACORN, who wonders, when he votes, if his franchise has been made irrelevant by the fog of false data created by their "canvassers"; with someone who is outraged that his taxes go to support professional rabble rousers with no demonstrable purpose except to foment unrest. Jeffrey Rosen on the two important race cases that will be argued in the Supreme Court in the next few days.
  • Out here the question of organicity seemed laughably irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emotional plea about the rank and file is irrelevant here. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blame is irrelevant in a working partnership of equal people. Training with N.L.P.
  • Some interpreters attempt to finesse the problem, claiming that it is irrelevant.
  • His argument ran that the fact is irrelevant to the series ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • They got three of their own, but they were largely irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Players also deny any bad faith in decertifying, saying that (1) the only bad faith here is from the NFL "lockout insurance" television case, and (2) the intent in decertifying is legally irrelevant. Andrew Brandt: A Layman's Guide to the Players' Brief in Brady v. NFL
  • I myself am fascinated with doll-specific impossibilities, and while the majority of my video collection is probably quite irrelevant, I offer up Philips' shaving gynoid as a faintly similar breadcrumb. Real Life inspires: Doll Face
  • The idea that play of any stripe is always an irrelevant diversion is a misconception. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Anyway, two things actually make most of this irrelevant…first up, I only drink tea and won’t pay more than fifty pence for it under most circumstances its a social habit..tea is for sitting around other peoples houses with…that’s my opinion. therefore my personal boycott is entirely irrelevant and not even vaguely threatening to Starbuck’s. Still not dead « raincoaster
  • Instead we can only hope that the odd fleeting moment of inspiration surfaces on what is destined to be an increasingly irrelevant continuance.
  • Further, the US never "appeased" Iraq, so the Chamberlain/Churchill reference is irrelevant. "President Bush got the world's attention this fall when he warned that a nuclear-armed Iran might lead to World War III."
  • If you've ever kvetched about the way your state's late primary ends up being largely irrelevant year in and year out, and have suspected that the media had a large hand in that, congratulations! An Insider's Guide To 'How The Presidential Primary Process Actually Works'
  • But if all your data says there was no tree in the road, then the swerve is irrelevant, unless there is some reason to think your data wouldn’t pick up a tree in the road. Matthew Yglesias » Earnings Dropping, Energy Prices Rising
  • With hot water heating systems, the diameter of the piping remains constant, the slope is irrelevant, and all lines are insulated to prevent heat loss.
  • Rothbard meant to be understood and he did not mean to be trapped in irrelevant verbiage.
  • The abstruse, irrelevant nature of the research you've done these last several years. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • The chances of turning up an irrelevant but worrying abnormality are fairly high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dreams entertained by some Party leaders of large-scale steelworks and munition factories and large-scale collective agriculture were irrelevant and dangerous.
  • Before the departure for Paris, Mrs Maugham fortunately forfeited her position by various gratuitous and irrelevant remarks about the expense.
  • However, that's so not the point, I am the queen of subject changes and irrelevant tangents, but tangents are what make life interesting right?
  • And in any case it is increasingly irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so, should current findings be deemed irrelevant for purposes of policy and law?
  • The paralysingly short time frame, the brutality of it all, renders coaching expertise almost irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.
  • What the rationalist calls nonentity is the substrate and locus of all ideas, having the obstinate reality of matter, the crushing irrationality of existence itself; and one who attempts to override it becomes to that extent an irrelevant rhapsodist, dealing with thin after-images of being. The Life of Reason
  • Today, such a claim would be considered frivolous under the Firm Resettlement Law, which renders claims of asylum irrelevant for aliens who resettle in a third country.
  • I use the word "instrumented" very directly here - the last thing I want is a bunch of spam results - pointless, irrelevant come ons for brands or models in which I most likely have no interest. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • Its easy to believe that photos would dispell the myth because HBs will often ask, "why are there no photos", but they are being dishonest; everyone knows that photos are irrelevant to them. Apollo LEMS on The Moon - NASA Watch
  • I mean, people have become fixated on this December 12th date, which is really irrelevant.
  • And then, irrelevantly, he realized that they would both be beauties. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The purpose is to prevent our education from becoming obsolete and irrelevant within new global practices in education.
  • The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
  • Unfortunately, this battle had become irrelevant, since Guderian was already pushing north-westwards into France.
  • the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues
  • The offshore element is irrelevant to the issue of assessing a tax liability and enforcement. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you expect to develop as a writer you must learn to digress and be at times totally irrelevant. THE DICE MAN
  • The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case.
  • Briefly speaking the term padding, as applied to a piece of literature, denotes the presence of irrelevant matter. Short Story Writing A Practical Treatise on the Art of The Short Story
  • Do you think these irrelevant standards are applied any where other than in "holier than thou" America? Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself'
  • The issue of whether it was a forearm or an elbow is irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Checking the facts seems irrelevant, even confrontational or counter therapeutic.
  • It retreats into the ghetto and dismisses the work of the historian as irrelevant to its needs.
  • However, as the demographics of the U.S. change, the Republicans will dominate is so few states that they will be irrelevant. Matthew Yglesias » America’s Next Bush
  • As in the case of the story of Severo in Garcilaso's second eclogue, critics have generally found this section largely irrelevant and insignificant.
  • I find this truth self-evident, that while all men may have been created equal, there's still something just a little bit extra-snazzy about Kapranos, who, in an era where the notion of the wildly charismatic, omnisexually intriguing rock n 'roll frontman has become increasingly antiquated and irrelevant - "frontmen" are so last century - has nevertheless managed to create a viable and compelling model of this waning art form in his own image. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Her poor memory was altogether irrelevant to her status as an alien.
  • The journalist, Gemma Soames, seems to be arguing that the recent Miss University London beauty pageant is a microcosmic example of a change in the focus of feminist activism by cis women away from a ‘retro’ (and, by implication, outmoded and irrelevant) feminism: Ohz noez! Not *another* 2008 roundup…
  • Things are too slow at the moment to really test things out properly (so this question might be irrelevant); but what I have been wondering from the start is: FlickChart Makes Movie Ranking Fun | Lifehacker Australia
  • Justice Tobias said he had not been able to "unearth" any evidence to support Dr Gorman's claims in the largely "argumentative, discursive and irrelevant" material the unrepresented doctor presented to the court, and found in favour of the tribunal. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • It hardly takes a brilliant operatic dramaturge to see through this brainless travesty, loaded with irrelevant inventions and non sequiturs.
  • That is irrelevant; we must keep the main purpose of this meeting in sight.
  • To the rest of us, the concept of class is irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • That does not mean that slavery was irrelevant or insignificant, but without an understanding of the sectional power relationships at stake we can be led to overstate its importance.
  • It is irrelevant which party proposed which initiative; what matters is the common underlying approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
  • And speaking of totally irrelevant cultural artefacts. Times, Sunday Times
  • An aborigine looking at a musket is interesting but irrelevant. A Sociological Phenomenon
  • Whether resentment of this is fair is irrelevant in an election contest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their activities could be caricatured as ‘do-gooding’, which is irrelevant to the real business objective of making a profit.
  • It seems to me that the typical human gait is irrelevant in discussions of TAS's gait, since if it is a human, the human is likely specifically trying to show a different gait. Frame 352, and all that
  • But it does not follow that Aristotle was not at bottom a systematic thinker; and the theory of science expounded in the Posterior Analytics cannot be dismissed as an irrelevant archaism, a genuflection to Plato's ghost.
  • It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in midflow.
  • They ask questions of stories that are almost irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shakespeare suppresses matters irrelevant to his dramatic purpose, inverts the order of events, creates important roles for individuals of no historical importance, and telescopes lifetimes into single scenes.
  • Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.
  • To this Marylander, the choice of a governor is largely irrelevant because our state faces budget woes that no one could possibly fix in four years. My endorsement: Pitching for the Orioles
  • An irrelevant monoclonal antibody, J13, to human small intestinal brush border membranes served as a negative control.
  • Jon Perlman , a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, suspended his AdWords account last year after he found out he was charged for what he called irrelevant search terms such as "oliva newton john photo" and "tattoo removal studio city. The Price of Unwanted Ad Clicks
  • What puzzles a philosopher and taxes his mind to distraction may look completely irrelevant or quite obvious to a businessman.
  • And they will not be dealt with by pointless, unorganised and ill thought out demonstrations that no serve other purpose than to provide another irrelevant sound byte.
  • Where the nuisance causes physical damage to property, however, the nature of the locality is irrelevant.
  • Clearly, a strict attempt to unify traditionalism with dietary practice is increasingly irrelevant and impossible.
  • The guidance model feeds project- specific architectural decision models in a tailoring step that might involve deleting irrelevant issues, enhancing relevant ones, or adding new issues.
  • Milk is about a small businessman who goes into politics and takes a stand against firing people for actions irrelevant to their job; the implicit subtheme is that couples who love each other should get married. Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Bizarre Readings of Gran Torino
  • Face it, he is stinking rich and irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her personal feelings about the doctors should be completely irrelevant to her decision.
  • I have a feeling that Phillip wants to be oppressed by the government - it would be less painful to him as his current state: uninfluential and wholly irrelevant.
  • Not to quibble, but perhaps it would be better to say that retribution as the traditional justification for capital punishment has been "sidestepped" or rendered in effect irrelevant, rather than that it has been rejected. Capital Punishment Vs. Abortion
  • She envisaged a future where borders between the two countries would become irrelevant.
  • In all of the above cases the question of relative rank was irrelevant to the question of a legal marriage, but both parties did admit a disparity.
  • I think your question is completely irrelevant unless we define some terms and desist from universalising the experiences of ‘us’ ‘here’ as something important or even philosophically interesting.
  • But the facts of the case were irrelevant. Total Customer Service (The Ultimate Weapon)
  • The good news is that existing health conditions are irrelevant so will not hinder his application. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pool is largely irrelevant for us. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "available financial accounting information" may be irrelevant to actual speculative market behavior.
  • The fact she outspent him, overall, by about two to one was irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Front-loading is not a philosophical position so your analogy is irrelevant. Blast From the Past
  • Vocals are somewhat irrelevant though because it's the music that really seeks for the soul, and the human element inside rhythms as catchy as these cannot help but uplift people.
  • Whether the individual is British or any nationality is irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
  • It's more accurate to say he obscured the important substance of his speech by needlessly raising an irrelevant and neuralgic subject. The 1967 Line of Fire
  • The status of Massachusetts health care, while debatable, is irrelevant to another in a long list of episodes where Crazy Shelly has simply lied. Think Progress » Bachmann claims Romney doesn’t believe RomneyCare was ‘a good thing for’ Massachusetts.
  • Blocs are being seen as increasingly irrelevant today largely because the global capitalist system is perceived as increasingly salient.

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