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How To Use Irregularly In A Sentence

  • However, he is best known for his irregularly scrawled phrases on road signs.
  • The physical examination revealed a 42 mm erythematous and violaceous, irregularly bordered plaque with intermittent atrophy, hypopigmentation, and scarring.
  • _ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • I breathed irregularly, occasionally hiccuping in my attempts to stop crying.
  • Strike the ends of the fingers irregularly on the desk (to imitate the rain pattering on the roof of a building.) 2. The Golden Book of Favorite Songs
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Master English with Ease
  • Astigmatism is caused when the cornea is shaped irregularly like a football.
  • Its curiously and irregularly pinnate fronds are borne on slender stalks, terete toward the base, and covered with reddish brown, downy scales, instead of being produced loosely, as in most other Nephrolepises; these are densily crowded, and the outcome of closely clustered crowns. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
  • Sutural bones are usually small, irregularly shaped ossicles, often found in the sutures of the cranium, especially in the parietal bones.
  • But within the regular outline, it is divided obliquely into two irregularly shaped parts of unequal size that descending in height towards the centre are dovetailed together.
  • a dark brown black and white. the black is that which most predominates, and wh [i] te feathers are irregularly intermixed with those of the black and dark brown on every part, but in greater proportion about the neck breast and belley. this mixture gives it very much the appearance of that kind of dunghill fowl which the hen-wives of our country call dommanicker Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • When ripe, the pease are of medium size, often much indented and irregularly compressed, and of a light, dunnish, or brown color. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • The patient is breathing irregularly.
  • These sumi and ballpoint-ink drawings on irregularly shaped sheets of heavy paper are elaborate, whatever their size, and marked by a balance between detailed description and graphical shorthand.
  • Erythematous eczema (_eczema erythematosum_) begins as one or more small or large, irregularly outlined hyperæmic macules or patches, with or without slight or marked swelling, and with more or less itching or burning. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The awareness of component sounds is arguably a more critical aspect of early literacy development in orthographies such as English where these segments are less explicitly and irregularly marked in the written language.
  • While oral griseofulvin was sometimes used, it was irregularly absorbed, and prolonged therapy of up to 24 months was sometimes required.
  • That side of the head had crystallized irregularly, revealing the cranial cavity, from which the semitranslucent light seemed to pour. Crossed
  • In some specimens the anterior edge of the base is serrated or irregularly denticulated.
  • The indistinct noise of the city floated in, the dolorous, snuffling air of an accordeon, the mooing of cows could be heard; somebody's soles were scraping dryly and a ferruled cane rapped resoundingly on the flags of the pavement; lazily and irregularly the wheels of a cabman's victoria, rolling at a pace through Yama, would rumble by, and all these sounds mingled with a beauty and softness in the pensive drowsiness of the evening. Yama: the pit
  • Venous ulcers are typically shallow, irregularly shaped, and contain fibrous slough.
  • The thinnest possible roof-slab on thin steel and concrete columns, again irregularly placed, oversails the glass walls for shade.
  • Slices of black bread like placemats irregularly bespeckle the dining room floor.
  • Right now I make money irregularly by working on and off as a kind of typist, I suppose, from home. The misogyny post (updated)
  • Intensity modulated radiotherapy is a developing new technology which can produce an even distribution of radiation dose within a target volume which follows the contours of an irregularly shaped tumour.
  • I wouldn't exactly say that I am an avid reader of poetry, but I do read it, irregularly.
  • Carrie is a stay-at-home mother with a husband whose career pays irregularly, meaning they tackle a very uneven rate of pay along with many opportunities for saving money.
  • In his "dramatic journal,"kept irregularly from his sixteenth year, he dramatized scenes from Scott and burlesqued portions of Shakespeare. Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
  • For women who ovulate irregularly, infrequently or not at all, fertility drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene) can certainly help them achieve pregnancy. Health For Life M.D.: Our Doctor's Advice
  • They ‘live in Concubinage - swopping their Wivesas Cattle, and living in a State of Nature, more irregularly and unchastely than the Indians,’ wrote an observer in the South nearly 200 years ago.
  • Locally there are ‘hints’ of a parallel fibrous, possibly spicular, structure in the normally irregularly crystalline microstructure of the trabeculae.
  • Liposomes encapsulating G-actin assumed mostly thin disk shapes and some large irregularly shaped aggregates.
  • Their petioles are almost white; leaf blades are irregularly decorated with green, yellow-green, and white spots.
  • But within the regular outline, it is divided obliquely into two irregularly shaped parts of unequal size that descending in height towards the centre are dovetailed together.
  • Meanwhile on the churchly front, he served as canonical counselor and defender of the first Episcopal women priests irregularly ordained.
  • The sporogonium when nearly mature bursts the calyptra irregularly. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Another type of skin mole is called dysplastic nevi, is usually larger than the average, and has an irregularly shaped appearance to them. Search for "anxiety"
  • They gave as their reasons for this aloofness the facts that delegates from the Central powers, with whom the United States was still at war, were in attendance; that the meeting was held "for the purpose of arranging socialist procedure of an international character"; and that the convention was irregularly called, for it had been announced as an interallied conference but had been surreptitiously converted into an international pacifist gathering, conniving with German and Austrian socialists. The Armies of Labor A chronicle of the organized wage-earners
  • the stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened
  • This walk follows a circular route around an irregularly shaped tarn, through broadleaf woodland and shady conifers and across grassy knolls nibbled by sheep.
  • Phobos and Deimos are small, irregularly shaped bodies, generally similar to carbonaceous asteroids in color, reflectivity, and density.
  • They stood close together, leaning over the rustic balustrading which bounded the arbour on the outward side, and formed the crest of a steep slope beneath Elfride constrainedly pointed out some features of the distant uplands rising irregularly opposite. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • The first sample is collected at generation and the last sample at generation T. Any samples drawn at intervening generations may be evenly or irregularly spaced in time.
  • He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.
  • The lake, irregularly shaped and nearly ninety feet deep in some spots, was formerly a gravel pit.
  • The bumps in Leeds Road are irregularly placed, not symmetrical across the carriageway, and in one place it is possible to drive between two bumps.
  • In noun compounds in English, the modifying noun may be singular (mouse-eater) or an irregularly inflected plural (mice-eater), but regularly inflected plurals are dispreferred (* rats-eater).
  • These bands are framed by an allover layer of another color that is irregularly edged, the color beneath visible, reminiscent of Rothko's floating islands of color.
  • The latter two works have an irregularly repeated fringelike pattern that anchors the composition.
  • He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.
  • The variable condition in this one species _A. phalloides_, now splitting at the apex, now tearing up irregularly, now splitting in a definitely circumscissile manner, seems to bid defiance to any attempt to separate the species of _Amanita_ into groups based on the manner in which the volva ruptures. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The ridges form irregularly situated protuberances that house hollow spines usually 0.05-0.06 mm wide and up to 0.12 mm long.
  • Pillages, desolations, and murders, were the inevitable consequence of these disorders; and that is so true, that in a road of six hundred leagues, during which the Greeks always marched irregularly, being neither escorted nor pursued by any great body of Persian troops, they lost four thousand men, either killed by peasants or by sickness. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • For example in the panicle of _Eragrostis Willdenoviana_, the branches are irregularly disposed, whereas in _Sporobolus coromandelianus_ the branches are verticillate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The minute branchlets of the yellow thallus produce the irregularly radiated and crinite appearance of the margins of the fruit.
  • The plants creep over the bark substrate and sometimes have elongate irregularly branched pendent branches.
  • Clusters range from limited moniliform series of beadlike chambers to irregularly intergrown or adnate chambers with long exaulos tubes.
  • Rocky Mountains watered by the Columbia River. at least we did not See them untill we reached the waters of that river, nor Since we have left those mountains. they are about the Size of a well grown hen. the contour of the bird is much that of the redish brown Pheasant common to our country. the tail is proportionably as long and is composed of 18 feathers of equal length, of a uniform dark brown tiped with black. the feathers of the body are of a dark brown black and white. the black is that which most prodomonates, and white feathers are irregularly intermixed with those of the black and dark brown on every part but in greater perpotion about the neck breast and belly. this mixture gives it very much the appearance of that kind of dunghill fowl, which the henwives of our Countrey Call dommanicker. in the brest of Some of those birds the white prodominates most. they are not furnished with tufts of long feathers on the neck as other Pheasants are, but have a The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • The margin is often wavy or repand, and in irregular forms it is only produced at one side, or more at one side than at the other, or the cap is irregularly lobed. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Apparently if one's pupil is irregularly shaped it could be due to simply just a genetic variation (which is normal) or more serious things such as iritis, multiple sclerosis, coloboma, previous cataract surgery, and/or neurosyphilis. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Phobos and Deimos are small, irregularly shaped bodies, generally similar to carbonaceous asteroids in color, reflectivity, and density.
  • For some microbes, initial encrustation involved the growth of small spheroids scattered irregularly along the length of the microbe.
  • The ventricles respond irregularly to the dysrhythmic bombardment from the atria.
  • Meanwhile on the churchly front, he served as canonical counselor and defender of the first Episcopal women priests irregularly ordained.
  • The fritillaria has five or six linear, obtuse leaves, put on irregularly near the bottom of the stem, which is usually terminated by one large bell-shaped flower; but its more beautiful companion, the erythronium, has two radical leaves only, which are large and oval, and shine like glass. Steep Trails
  • The very large, thin-walled spores escape on the decay of the capsule, which ruptures the archegonial wall irregularly. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • On the remiges the markings are quite regularly hexagonal in shape; and on the upper coverts of the tail and on the rectrices they are accompanied with numerous ferruginous blotches, some of which are irregularly scattered over the whole surface of the vane, while others, marked in the center with a blackish spot, are disposed in series along the shaft and resemble ocelli. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • In two of the works, Beware the Lady and Love Is a Gentle Whip, the surface has been irregularly gridded into a Mondrian-like architectonic structure.
  • The brighter stars clustered into well known groups upon a background formed of an enlacement of streams and convoluted windings and intertwined spirals of fainter stars, which became richer and more intricate in the irregularly rifted zone of the Milky Way. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • The puzzle shapes fill about half the canvas; they are opposed by an irregularly edged area of olive green populated by vertical bands.
  • Sutural bones are usually small, irregularly shaped ossicles, often found in the sutures of the cranium, especially in the parietal bones.
  • The = pileus = varies from a regular wedge-shape to spathulate, or more or less irregularly petaloid, or conchoid forms, the extremes of size and form being shown in Figs. 112, 113. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The subterranean portion of the plant is a compound structure consisting of a large, more or less cylindrical rootstock, indistinctly marked with a number of horizontal nodose rings, and with a coarse central core: from this root stock 6-10 irregularly spindle-shaped secondary tubers arise as off-shoots. Chapter 8
  • On the remiges the markings are quite regularly hexagonal in shape; and on the upper coverts of the tail and on the rectrices they are accompanied with numerous ferruginous blotches, some of which are irregularly scattered over the whole surface of the vane, while others, marked in the center with a blackish spot, are disposed in series along the shaft and resemble ocelli. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • The company claimed Radio 5 Live's coverage of sports outside of football, cricket, rugby, Formula 1, golf and tennis was "fleetingly and irregularly scheduled and poorly signposted". BBC should do more for minority sports, says rival
  • Between the Cyclades and Asia Minor lie the Sporades, which islands, as the name implies, are sown irregularly over that portion of the Aegean. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • Chert layers and nodules are relatively abundant and it is striking that many limestone beds display, in their middle part, a 2-8 cm thick, irregularly bedded chert layer.
  • As a last-ditch effort they initiate very unpredictable movements, fluttering their wings irregularly so that they tumble around in the sky, making them a difficult target to catch.
  • The only preventative measure one can take is to live irregularly. Adolf Hitler 
  • The chalk marl composition had eroded irregularly but the general dimensions of the cavities were satisfactory. CORMORANT
  • It is analyzed that electrode surface sticks dirty spot unevenly and electric field varies irregularly during welding the phosphorized weldment by 3-phase DC projection welder secondary rectification.
  • And since they're placed irregularly on an oblong shape, one researcher compared tracking the comet to trying to hit a knuckleball.
  • The Stary Kon End Table: Made from an unfinished oak beam, this 27'' high, rectangular joint's peppered with irregularly placed, piston-like, cylindrical drawers of white oak, sapele, and walnut, providing your goods with ample shell-ter. Thrillist: Stefan Rurak Woodworking: Sit On This
  • Locally there are ‘hints’ of a parallel fibrous, possibly spicular, structure in the normally irregularly crystalline microstructure of the trabeculae.
  • After hatch, nests were checked irregularly after feeding observations to minimize disturbance.
  • This inherited defect causes the muscular wall of the heart often the middle wall called the septum to be asymmetrically or irregularly enlarged. Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Kills Too Many Young Athletes
  • The grant-in-aid promised to the special schools is paid irregularly making life more difficult for them.
  • In two of the works the surface has been irregularly gridded into a Mondrian-like architectonic structure.
  • Many are attractive, irregularly shaped masses of well-developed crystals that exhibit a very dark shade of grass-green and a moderate to almost brilliant luster.
  • He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.
  • For women who ovulate irregularly, infrequently or not at all, fertility drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene) can certainly help them achieve pregnancy. Health For Life M.D.: Our Doctor's Advice
  • the patient is breathing irregularly
  • She enclosed a poem of her own composition on the same theme in irregularly rhyming pentameters.
  • The teeth of the two large crocodile species known to live then were too blunt and too irregularly spaced to have produced the narrow grooves found on the Majungatholus bones.
  • Shell lenticular, thin, diaphanous, imperforate; carina acute and armed with minute spines; whirls six; spire nearly planular; aperture linear, being guarded by a long tooth on the columella; outer lip irregularly thick, angulated near the supe - rior termination ...., Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Creaky voice also called laryngealisation, pulse phonation or, in singing, vocal fry or glottal fry, is a special kind of phonation in which the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together; as a result, the vocal folds are compressed rather tightly, becoming relatively slack and compact, and forming a large, irregularly vibrating mass. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Patients with trichotillomania usually present with poorly defined, irregularly shaped, or linear patches of partial alopecia, frequently on the scalp.
  • The chalk marl composition had eroded irregularly but the general dimensions of the cavities were satisfactory. CORMORANT
  • This latter consisted of a few membranes irregularly distributed in the stroma or tightly pressed to form very electron-dense stacks.
  • Abdomen: the first segment with a transverse carina at its base, in front of which is an irregularly cut deep transverse channel forming a second carina in front of the groove; the segments finely punctured, the first and second segments with a yellow posterior border, the fourth and following segments rufo-piceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The trunk, shaggy in old trees, rises with nearly uniform diameter to the point of furcation, throwing out rather small branches of unequal length and irregularly disposed, forming an oblong or rounded head with frequent gaps in the continuity of the foliage. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • Symptoms included irregularly shaped nuclei and nucleoli, and an increased number of nuclear pores and other changes. Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
  • FLG2 labels were dispersed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm in the SC, while in the SG, FLG2 was localized to irregularly-shaped keratohyalin granules of various sizes ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Supported on four feet modeled as shells (mussel, scallop, oyster, and clam), it has irregularly crenate ends that are encrusted with sand and various types of aquatic life, and other marine-related elements adorn the lower sides.
  • The destruction of the foster-mother takes place by the mutual interlacement of the roots, which descending irregularly, form at first a strong net-work, subsequently becoming a cylindric binding, in the strongest possible way to the trunk, and preventing all lateral distinction. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • In the higher Articulata, the process of gemmation goes on to a considerable extent in the egg, and even afterwards in some cases, but more or less irregularly.
  • Theoretically, the stemfinal *bʰ would devoice to *p in original *skerbʰ- once speakers of Indo-European no longer were consciously aware of the historical connection with *gʰrebʰ-, and this would especially occur after *s- came to be irregularly omitted and phonotactic "stop voicing harmony" pressures took over. PIE "look-alike stems" - *(s)kerp- vs. *gʰrebʰ-
  • Creaky voice also called laryngealisation, pulse phonation or, in singing, vocal fry or glottal fry, is a special kind of phonation in which the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together; as a result, the vocal folds are compressed rather tightly, becoming relatively slack and compact, and forming a large, irregularly vibrating mass. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Branches are effuse, fine, capillary (more so than in S. coromandelianus), obliquely ascending, never stiff and horizontal, verticillate or irregularly subverticillate, the lowest whorl of five to twelve and the others three to seven branches; the rachis of the branches is obscurely scaberulous, slightly swollen at the point of insertion; branchlets are never appressed to the branch, always drooping and spreading on all sides, and bearing two to four spikelets. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • An irregularly folded cloth, or one with the folds bunched, reduces the contact area and thus efficiency.
  • The chalk marl composition had eroded irregularly but the general dimensions of the cavities were satisfactory. CORMORANT
  • For the most part, the colors of the skeins are irregularly spaced, offering a kind of overall abstract composition.
  • But the great masses of timber -- not yet firmly lashed together -- lay loose and loggish upon the water, and moved very slowly and irregularly under such ill-assorted propulsion: and, notwithstanding that the raft had obtained a hundred yards the start of the swimmers, its occupants began seriously to dread being overtaken. Ran Away to Sea
  • Khuggur it rises gradually, and beyond Gundamuck loses all characters of tabularity, it consists of sand, overlying which is a bed of blocks or often of boulders; in this sand, which is here and there easily pulverised, (in other places it is pressed as it were into slabs of no great thickness;) layers or beds of conglomerate frequently occur, either regularly or irregularly; in one case two conglomerated beds approached at an angle and then united. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • In reply to a question, Dr. Riggs stated that whenever absorption goes on irregularly, unless the inflammatory action is extreme, it will sometimes absorb one or two bone-cells, and then skip one or two, and these last, being isolated, naturally die, or become necrosed to some extent. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • And even patients whose hearts beat irregularly all the time can be cured about 75 percent of the time.
  • Given that the office had been ‘zoned’ by the party to the northwest, complaints about irregularly in his biodata were brushed aside at this stage.
  • Many are attractive, irregularly shaped masses of well-developed crystals that exhibit a very dark shade of grass-green and a moderate to almost brilliant luster.
  • This is also true of the other work in the show, Drawing Machine, in which a computer-programmed flatbed moves a tube that periodically drips ink onto thick paper that absorbs it irregularly.
  • irregularly shaped solids
  • The = stem = is clavate, pale cream buff in color, solid, becoming irregularly fistulose in age, bulbous or somewhat ventricose below, the bulb often large and abrupt, 1.5 -- 3 cm. in diameter. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The flesh is white, and very spongy, especially in age, when it is apt to be irregularly fistulose. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • In general, the innermost layer of the seed coat of legumes consists of irregularly shaped cells with large intracellular spaces.
  • In general, the innermost layer of the seed coat of legumes consists of irregularly shaped cells with large intracellular spaces.
  • A friend of mine asked his invert prof. one that works int he Paleozoic what it might be and he thinks it is a nautiloid cephalopod irregularly sectioned, similar to Gonioceras occidentale. Any ideas?
  • her letters arrived irregularly
  • Thereafter, his form fluctuated as irregularly as his training and his domestic affairs.
  • Blast II is a cluster of elongated diamond shapes in two colors of painted softwood that fan out irregularly from a point on the wall.
  • They also cause fruits to be irregularly pitted and dimpled.
  • A. Braun describes a singular case in a leaf of _Irina glabra_ wherein the blade of the leaf on one side was deeply and irregularly laciniated, the other side remaining entire. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Silk doupioni is a type of silk fabric that is riddled with irregularly spaced slubs, which give it a certain charm.
  • On each side, the gyrus rectus of the frontal lobe is well developed and the orbital gyri are arranged irregularly around the H-shaped orbital sulci.

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