How To Use Irredeemable In A Sentence
Golub describes them as his ‘most austere, irredeemable, and existentially fatalistic works’.
Cheney found the arguments for the combat troop carrier unpersuasive and its problems irredeemable.
But Ambler's cynics are irredeemable, whereas Furst's are usually amenable to a little persuasion.
The Constitution still prohibits the use of irredeemable currency and synthetic credit.
In auctioning off monetary gold the managers of irredeemable currency are trying, in vain, to buy time to save their tottering regime.

The managers of the regime of irredeemable currency are either unaware of or tend to ignore the bias they have themselves introduced into speculation.
The Hyatt is a tour-guided pilgrim's hotel of irredeemable ghastliness.
However, it is important to note that the discount on irredeemable currency, although obviously going to 100 percent, is never doing it along a straight line.
She knew the way of him and that it was as ancient as sin and as irredeemable.
There are irredeemable flaws in the logic of the argument.
Dark, menacing, confusing, oppressive - I won't go on - it's irredeemable in my book.
This ensured that the majority of children got a decent education; the flip side was that it left the irredeemable to pursue a murderous path through their neighbourhood
But then again, maybe I'm just an irredeemable optimist.
For the latter, the act is unforgivable and the perpetrator irredeemable.
My other reaction to the post is how quick we are as Christians to write someone off as irredeemable, as if we make that decision.
Director Yelena Demikovsky attempts to a tell a story of innocence lost and the fleeting nature of youthful affection, but winds up getting bogged down in leaden dialogue and cheesy music, both of which conspire to drag her film even deeper into the depths of irredeemable melodrama.
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It's all a pity, because Elvis' reputation might be irredeemable by now.
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He can drop back down to Austin and tap one of the truly irredeemable die-hards on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
Eastman's depiction certainly seeks to contradict one prominent strain of thought at the end of the nineteenth century regarding the irredeemable savagery of American Indians, including, notably, Indian children.
There are irredeemable flaws in the logic of the argument.
Henceforth he could but assent to a truce which implied mutual toleration; and yet he understood that his presence was not without its influence even on these irredeemables.
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Naturally Tchitcherine gravitates into this crew of irredeemables.
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For the latter, the act is unforgivable and the perpetrator irredeemable.
Memo to Right Wing blowhard pundits: when your parody habitually outmans you in every department, admits his persona is an irredeemable narcissist,
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He explained that he was in fact on indefinite exile from the Parish for committing the unforgivable and irredeemable sins of garrulity, irreverent laughter, vile thoughts and oversleeping.
He remains curiously aloof and is one of the writer's greatest challenges - a man who can't be reached: unconvinced, irredeemable.
The winner of their meeting at Templeville Road tomorrow evening will enhance their own position and deal an irredeemable blow to the losers.
Though he might be tarnished slightly in his home state, this is far from irredeemable, and he is well liked and respected nationally.
Edward was not an irredeemable highbrow, and he insisted that one of the most significant moments of his life was getting to meet Cyd Charisse.
Gollum is ugly, scrawny, cunning, sneaky - and, by the time The Return of the King starts, completely irredeemable.
It is feared that soldiers will become insubordinate and uncontrollable to an irredeemable extent.
It is a fiat standard, unbacked and irredeemable, which can be inflated and depreciated at will.
In reality, pathologically murderous tyrants are fairly irredeemable.
Partly, this was because she was a genius, and her work made irredeemable confetti of a lot of little worldviews.
Sadly for the whole decade white American pop/rock was pretty much the aforementioned irredeemable disaster.
But guitar lessons weren't much better than my irredeemable attempts to learn the recorder.
So how do you distinguish the redeemable from the irredeemable?
Maybe instead produce an interminable, twanging, overlong, repetitive, inaccessible and frankly irredeemable apology for a solo album.
Banks expanded their issues, and writers began praising the flexibility, expansibility, and wealth-creating power of an irredeemable paper currency.
It started with the U.S. Treasury defaulting on its gold obligation to foreigners in 1971, thereby foisting a regime of irredeemable currency upon the world.
More often than not, tribute albums are irredeemable junk.
Then came the Vietnam War, and the old, reformist Left, defensive about its anticommunism as a source of catastrophic blundering in Southeast Asia, was challenged by a New Left now convinced that "reformism" was a cop out and a delusion, certain to fail in a "nation conceived in sin, irredeemable.
Robert F. Bauer: Richard Rorty and the Riches of Progressive Argument
If you continue to labour under the delusion that your subfusc sniping constitutes debate then of course I would have no wish to disabuse you of this irredeemable condition, thank you.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...