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How To Use Irrationality In A Sentence

  • Like Mazur, Pesic starts at the beginning with the irrationality of square roots and proceeds to the solution of cubic and quartic equations.
  • Love is often a victim of its stubbornness, sentimentality, irrationality and absurdity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • When I read about all the so-called progressives lionizing someone who in a fit of juvenile irrationality assaults our president, I remember how Saddam's son Uday 'lionized' a young man back in 2000, according Saddam's executioner, by having the young man taken to the Uday Huessin's private zoo and put into the lion's cage. Muntadar al-Zaidi Did What We Journalists Should Have Done Long Ago
  • With a "cold" marketplace filled with anonymous entities, the irrationality of nationalism and tribalism is replaced by the peaceful, harmonic, and natural rationality of individualism. Hostility Toward Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The correct use of the term requires the elements of obstinacy and irrationality toward those of differing opinion, especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. Whittier Daily News Most Viewed
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  • I stand four-square for reason, and object to what seems to me to be irrationality, whatever the source.
  • In antiracist analyses the irrationality of popular or working-class racism is conceptualized primarily as a form of false consciousness.
  • But sometimes, usually at night, the president became someone else -- call him "Mr. Bill" -- a doughy, needy mass of uncurbed appetites and fits of irrationality. The Two Mr. Clintons
  • To that end, seek greater awareness of your depravity and the heinousness and irrationality of sin.
  • The correct use of the term requires the elements of intolerance, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • It is not such a large step from that mainstream irrationality and hatred to fascism.
  • Like most approaches grounded in irrationality, this one hasn't worked either.
  • The state's intelligence mechanisms are constrained by a larger structural and ideological environment and by the inherent irrationality of a foreign policy which foredooms any effort to base action on informed insight to a chimera.
  • Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
  • Fascism came to be led by the brutal, the ignorant and the criminal - men who were clever at exploiting the irrationality of the masses.
  • Thus in Britain the grounds for review are summarized as illegality, irrationality or procedural impropriety by the public agency being challenged.
  • The sheer irrationality of continuing to expand a policy doomed to failure begs an explanation.
  • Caught in a web of feeling and confusion, Joe is drawn into ever deeper wells of irrationality as the aftermath of the incident unfolds.
  • The judicial review procedure in the High Court is based on three tests: illegality; irrationality; and/or procedural impropriety.
  • My pet dog," said Olly in seeming irrationality, as she climbed down to the road. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • They are continuing with a deeply dishonourable and undemocratic tradition of tightening the reins on what is presumed to be the fickleness and irrationality of democratic politics.
  • Mozart's operas to librettos by Da Ponte examine attempts to constrain the irrationality of desire within the artificial boundaries of class and society.
  • And some courts have taken judicial notice of the irrationality of certain pseudosciences, including phrenology and astrology.
  • Rationality vs irrationality is the spiritual and emotional features with its main expressive skills being direct statement and change.
  • However, the sheer irrationality of continuing to expand a policy doomed to failure begs an explanation.
  • The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it. Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • You guys just keep on serving up the irrationality softballs and we'll keep parkin ''em Ortiz-style. WH: Obama to get more directly involved in health care talks
  • The irrationality of rationality appears wherever quality management focuses on increasing efficiency, and this is then measured by quantifiable, calculable outputs of the drug care system.
  • Unable to accept this reality, Kinsley, like many of the president's other critics, continues to spiral downward into irrationality.
  • The book has its tedious and turgid passages, but the work is held together by a genuine sense of protest, first of all, against the brutality and irrationality of the penal system.
  • It is the irrationality, the unacceptability, the incredibility of our faith that is its chief attraction and our chief asset, and to embrace that is to turn our critics on their heads, because they cannot accept those terms.
  • The thought remains imminent - just below perception, and bubbles up in strangely symbolic dreams and eruptions of irrationality in your everyday life like cryptic, confusing posts on a weblog.
  • What would be accepted as evidence if not disease, madness, misery, irrationality, frustration, criminality and sickness, that a tragic disparateness now exists between the needs of human beings and the imperatives of society. Rogue Of Gor
  • What interests us here is not so much the completely irrationality of Carr's ravings, but the underlying reason for it.
  • Only idolatrous devotion could keep such brilliant minds from acknowledging the irrationality of crediting the blind force of nature with such teleological precision.
  • He railed against the creation of artificial dichotomies, such as head versus heart, reason versus irrationality.
  • The devotee's irrationality springs from a thousand inexplicable demonstrations of God's instancy in trouble. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • What the rationalist calls nonentity is the substrate and locus of all ideas, having the obstinate reality of matter, the crushing irrationality of existence itself; and one who attempts to override it becomes to that extent an irrelevant rhapsodist, dealing with thin after-images of being. The Life of Reason
  • Otherwise Ministers stand the risk of having their decision quashed by the courts on a number od potential grounds, such as immateriality or irrationality. Odyssey’s Never Ending Quest for Treasure
  • On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.
  • There has been a lot of discussions about irrationality of the relative rules of Criminal Law.
  • In my opinion, this ultimate irrationality undermined the movement, its impact and its otherwise noble causes.
  • As antagonism deepens between themes which are the expression of reality, there is a tendency for the themes and for reality to be mythicized, establishing a climate of irrationality and sectarianism ... Address at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs
  • The irrationality focuses mainly the indication, the doses, therapeutic course and the frequence of drug change.
  • It's true that poor behavior can cause people to start questioning religion and that this might eventually lead them to atheism, but otherwise this strikes me as more an attempt to "psychologize" atheism - to treat it as nothing more than a psychological reaction to human beings rather than a reasoned rejection of irrationality or unfounded ideology. Agnosticism / Atheism
  • Men are the slaves of their characters, and they are often victimized by their negative or defective characters, mental irrationality or emotional impulsivity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The author shows how gaslight gave the night walker the experience of poetry and irrationality.
  • In their wild and alien nature, these animals were the embodiment of all that was uncivilized and, therefore, of barbarian irrationality and evil.
  • His Lordship articulated three grounds for judicial review: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
  • We were merely two bodies consumed by irrationality as we grabbed and clawed and heaved and sweated our way towards a steamy satisfaction. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Robin Donaldson: "This idea of misregistration is another form of irrationality or unreasonableness. Fast Company
  • NinerFan says: gault: “I have a speech I will soon share with you about the irrationality of collectivism and offering my own philosophy as an alternative.” Think Progress » Far-Right Radio Host Savages Palin: It’s ‘Suicide’ For Republicans To Choose Palin As Our 2012 Nominee

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