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[ UK /ˈa‍ɪ‍ənwɜːkɐ/ ]
  1. a person who makes articles of iron

How To Use ironworker In A Sentence

  • Often treated as a separate craft in the open shop, welders are supplied by several unions in the organized sector, such as the boilermakers, plumbers and pipefitters' and ironworkers' unions.
  • Couple of months ago we had this ironworker falls off a girder, Finch has to break the news to the wife. TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE
  • I am amused by the farcical notion that the greatest nation needs to be educated and saved by a meathead ironworker … We live in a fantasy SamJoe the wannabe plumber world … Think Progress » WellPoint Failed To Deliver Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Promised To Help Uninsured Americans
  • Skilled ironworkers (‘puddlers’) could ‘stir’ molten pig iron in a large vat, raking off refined iron for further processing.
  • Pipe fitters, electrical and sheet metal workers, brick masons and ironworkers were reported to have honored picket lines at the stadium worksite.
  • The steel erector says the frame went together better than expected, but says the success of the job hinged on the ironworkers' dedication and six to eight months of planning.
  • Borza, a retired ironworker, and Mann, a retired steamfitter, met years ago when the luminarias were being distributed. Quailwood, in La Plata, Md., is serene after the storm
  • Ironworkers and bootmakers converged from the factories and lanes to cheer Fitzroy against their hated neighbors from Collingwood and Carlton.
  • Among the Fur group, ironworkers formed the lowest rung of the social ladder and were not allowed to intermarry with those of other classes.
  • The metal workers are demanding that negotiations begin this month over wages in the machine-producing and electrical sector, among ironworkers and in foundries.
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