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iron heel

  1. an instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and leg

How To Use iron heel In A Sentence

  • Their singular talents die indecorous deaths; their individuality is silently squelched under the rigid and coercive iron heel of authority.
  • Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind.
  • The Iron Heel by Jack London (1907) has been described as a forerunner to the “soft” science fiction of the 1960s and 70s. The History of Science Fiction: 1900 - 1909 | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • A creature of the Iron Heel, he had successfully masqueraded as a revolutionist and penetrated deep into the secrets of our organization. Chapter 19: Transformation
  • NOTES: "Asgard" is the mythical "wonder city" mentioned in a footnote in Chapter 21 of The Iron Heel. “Malicious chance was having its laugh at him.”
  • You talk verbosely in antiquated terminology of your love of liberty, and all the while you wear the scarlet livery of the Iron Heel. ' Chapter 17: The Scarlet Livery
  • They are "The Iron Heel" and "The Cruise of the Snark.
  • Ultimately, Arthas murdered his own father, King Terenas, and crushed Lordaeron under the Lich King's iron heel.
  • We mined the organization of the Iron Heel with our secret agents, and the Iron Heel countermined with its secret agents inside its own organization. Chapter 16: The End
  • It dealt with tyranny and oppression and other blessed words dear to the heart of the revolutionary; it concerned millions of men and hundreds of millions of men and women in chains, under iron heels, and the like; and Mr. Bim grew more and more hazy, for he was not used to the parabole, the allegory, or the metaphor. The Book of All-Power
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