How To Use Irish people In A Sentence

  • They survived the unknown hardships of war, only to perish while travelling to a job most Irish people would now turn their noses up at.
  • He belonged to a unique generation of Irish people whose strength and assurance lay in their ability to think for themselves.
  • Given her record of altruism and unselfish service to the Irish people we can be sure that is what she would wish.
  • I was years out of university before I discovered that most non-Irish people don't say "amn't", and years more before I found any Irish people who don't. On aren't I
  • She highlighted her concerns at how the Irish people were never consulted about signing up to an EU constitution.
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  • Yet, as the survey itself reveals, most Irish people are relatively relaxed about these issues, believing that there's a time and a place for all three in broadcasting - after the 9pm watershed.
  • Not surprisingly, given our growing national devotion to mystical malarkey, Irish people are flocking to this supernatural health centre.
  • It offers an advice service to older Irish people who are living abroad and repatriates those who are anxious to return home.
  • The positive identification of the body means the bodies of all four Irish people lost in the disaster have been recovered.
  • In fact, Irish people are very nice, friendly and special people, affectioned towards their traditions and culture, and eager for conveying all this to the students in visit to their country. Study English in Ireland « Esl Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips , beets or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-O-Lantern.
  • This all happened long ago, when priests held sway over the majority of the Irish people.
  • They are so long-suffering that we are going to lose patience with them; we are going to accuse them of cowardice; the Irish people believe they are cowards; their very leniency is put down to cowardice. The Irish Problem
  • It found that Irish people like most sorts of music, with middle-of-the-road music having the greatest appeal.
  • This twelve hour journey was filled with fun, frolics and 16 young Irish people trying to grasp on to the fact that they were chosen for this trip of a lifetime.
  • The sovereign right of the Irish people to decide their own future is unchallengeable.
  • I think hard work is an essential part of life for all the Irish people who had to move to live in England.
  • Thousands of Irish people are expected to fly to Rome next year for the canonisations of an Italian stigmatist, a South American Indian and the founder of Opus Dei.
  • This figure clashes with that of the Office of Tobacco Control, as the State agency says just under 25% of Irish people smoke.
  • He was rather sceptical about being an Irish patriot — he suspected that being Irish was being somewhat common — but Monsignor assured him that Ireland was a romantic lost cause and Irish people quite charming, and that it should, by all means, be one of his principal biasses. This Side of Paradise
  • Eighty years ago the Irish people fought a revolution to banish foreign soldiers from our country.
  • As well as being tempted by the exotica of far flung destinations, there are also dozens of stands designed to encourage Irish people to holiday at home.
  • This line was initiated in Ireland also by the Gaelic language movement at the end of the 19th century, but by that time the Irish people themselves had abandoned the language and have not subsequently been persuaded to readopt it.
  • It is only natural especially seeing as Argentina was kind enough to accept as many Irish people as possible in the 19th century.
  • In 1932 De Valera was elected as Prime Minister, and was acknowledged as leader of the Irish people.
  • He said it was a scandal that at a time when the Beladd Park houses were being built the Irish people had to cough up three times the average price to build the houses.
  • I am not a rabid republican but a middle-of-the-road Irish person who is proud of her Irish history and does not like to see it rewritten by anti-Irish journalists with a unionist agenda offensive to ordinary Irish people.
  • Well, he got worse and worse, and sometimes when I went there he didn't know me, being out of his head or kind of dopy with the doctor's stuff, the shadow being over him, as Irish people say. Love, the Fiddler
  • He accused these ‘tyrants’ of having robbed the Irish people for centuries by confiscating their lands, destroying their homesteads, and sentencing millions to emigration or death by starvation.
  • The second rate fustian squeezes out what is interesting in Saxons, Vikings, and Celts, namely, the evidence concerning the ancestry of the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish people. Britain
  • The interesting thing to reflect on is the manner in which a strange alliance of forces failed to sway the Irish people.
  • Young Irish people are being scapegoated as binge drinkers and should not be blamed for the national increase in alcohol consumption, the president of the National Youth Council said yesterday.
  • He's always offended by jokes aimed at Irish people.
  • According to a recent survey, fewer Irish people are emigrating to America than at any time for more than 200 years.
  • She had vowed to go out of her way to engage with the Irish people at local community level.
  • The great majority of the Irish people have always abhorred violence.
  • Irish people, North and South, guzzled their way through £600m worth of soft drinks last year, quaffing 729m litres of their favourite non-alcoholic tipples in the process.
  • He was rather sceptical about being an Irish patriot -- he suspected that being Irish was being somewhat common -- but Monsignor assured him that Ireland was a romantic lost cause and Irish people quite charming, and that it should, by all means, be one of his principal biasses. This Side of Paradise
  • I was years out of university before I discovered that most non-Irish people don't say "amn't", and years more before I found any Irish people who don't. On aren't I
  • Irish people and in particular Westport people have been so very generous in their support for us.
  • The fact that many Irish theme bars are run by Irish people discounts that theory.
  • Jim had a special rapport with Irish people and his popularity has remained incredibly strong over the years.
  • This blunder means that we have miseducated a whole generation of young Irish people into having underage sex.
  • Somewhere between 432 and 460 a second visionary dream, in which the Irish people beseeched him to return, ignited his missionary zeal.
  • Since the advent of internet radio, the world really has become a small place and, as we have discovered, Irish people have made their way to the four corners of the globe.
  • He was rather sceptical about being an Irish patriot—he suspected that being Irish was being somewhat common—but Monsignor assured him that Ireland was a romantic lost cause and Irish people quite charming, and that it should, by all means, be one of his principal biasses. Book 1, Chapter 1. Amory, Son of Beatrice.
  • An international firm that compiles information and analysis for the business sector is claiming that Irish people have the highest quality of life in the world.
  • The Irish government has a particular duty to defend the rights and entitlements of Irish people.
  • Her generation of Irish people knew all about sacrifice and were a noble people with a fine sense of community and idealism.
  • Sixteen Irish people would be brought to an uninhabited island in the South Pacific and left there to survive on the food they could gather or kill for themselves.
  • The fact that a substantial amount of Irish people do not actually have a bank account, however, is a major obstacle, as Laser cards work by debiting a person's account for the appropriate amount when they make a purchase.
  • Its functions relate principally to the monitoring of radioactivity in the environment and of radiation doses received by Irish people in the course of their work.
  • Patrick never, like the Pied Piper, charmed actual snakes into mass suicide so the Irish people wouldn't ever have to worry about them again -- but he did "rid" the island of the snake-tattooed Druids, in a way. Chris Weigant: Saint Patrick and the Snakes
  • The ceremony is held annually to commemorate the lives of all Irish people who have died in past wars or while on service with the United Nations.
  • Given the fact that many Irish people are infrequent users of shower or bath, there are grounds for fearing that an unclean security area can become a breeding ground for nasty microbes.
  • At this date 'the general sense of the Irish people' was, to Mr. Gladstone's mind, the policy formulated by the Irish Episcopacy, the scheme which at a later stage of the campaign in the following year he described as the lopping off the three branches of the Upas tree of The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • The boss went on to say that one of the ways to avoid Irish boardrooms becoming ‘too cosy’ was to draw from the pool of Irish people who were working in senior positions overseas.
  • In many ways it reminded me of how Irish people responded to the great tragedy of famine in my own country of Ethiopia 20 years ago when so many of you came to our aid at a time of such need and difficulty.
  • Yes, dear reader, ice cream and mineral waters, or soda and pop as they are called today, was indeed a luxury for many Irish people in times past.
  • The Taoiseach flouted his constitutional duty and lined-up with other Governments against the Irish people order to overthrow last year's democratic referendum result.
  • This may cause some concern to Irish people who have invested money in residential property in Britain, but most economic commentators are confident that the market is not set to collapse.
  • Irish people speak English with an accent known as a brogue.
  • His comments were an unconscious insult to Irish people.
  • Many Irish people went over to America during the famine.
  • To a generation of Irish people, the name Bruce Lee conjures up images of young men in denim throwing high kicks at each other outside the local chipper at closing time.
  • the term jerry rigged's been addressed, but as to paddy wagon, somehow most people don't realize it refers to irish people, I only know cuz I live in Boston with tons of irish folk. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #139 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Now, Irishness seems to include fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, nth generations of so-called ‘Irish people’ - and it is these ‘lost Irish’ who are being targeted to tick the box in the census.
  • It matters little what decisions or directions this groupuscule takes, the lives of Irish people are not affected in any manner by their fringe existence. Back to the future
  • However, three Irish people were among those still unaccounted for.
  • Helen, like so many Irish girls of the era, was all so generous and charitable to visitors and fellow Irish people during the ‘golden era’.
  • No doubt, these differences will be patched up, and then, perhaps in a year's time, we the Irish people will be asked to vote on this Constitution.
  • The Irish people voted 'no' in a referendum on divorce in 1986.

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