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  1. be iridescent
    The corals iridesced under the surface of the clear water

How To Use iridesce In A Sentence

  • And yet while teachers' strikes may have been popular with chatterers and some politicians, the iridescence has caused untold suffering among pupils whose school calendar has been dislocated.
  • Without iridescent blue eye shadow, an effulgent outfit or a hair-sprayed coif, she looks normal.
  • It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • Down the spiral path of the pit they bore him, encircling the sheening, glowing Red One that seemed ever imminent to iridesce from colour and light into sweet singing and thunder. THE RED ONE
  • The red cloth was then edged with rows of iridescent mother-of-pearl buttons.
  • Under the crystal bright light of a full moon their blue marble shined, iridescent.
  • The fresher your mackerel the better - look for glassy eyes and bright, iridescent skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her glazed porcelain wings billow in a gossamer sweep of iridescence.
  • Her iridescently colored eyes flickered in the direction of the voice, soon followed by a warm smile as she looked to Raek.
  • Forging a symbiosis with the force that rules their world, some are viridescent, mimicking the foliage that surrounds them.
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