How To Use Ipo In A Sentence

  • Other procedures available are otoplasty (ear correction), rhinoplasty, liposculpture, penile enhancement and face, neck and brow lifts to name but a few.
  • The geoid is defined as a gravitational equipotential surface that coincides with mean sea level.
  • seat the camera on the tripod
  • KING: How do you react to the fact, we'll get to "Apollo 13" and lots of other things, that people looked at it from their point of view, liberals saw it as liberal, conservatives saw it conservative, moderates saw it as moderate, some people saw it as apolitical, antipolitical. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live Weekend: Tom Hanks' Career From `Bonfire of the Vanities' to `Saving Private Ryan' - February 17, 2001
  • The main component of the Earth's field – which defines the magnetic poles – is a dipole generated by the convection of molten nickel-iron in the outer core the inner core is solid, so its role is secondary; remember that the Earth's core is well above the Curie temperature, so the iron is not ferromagnetic. Does Zonal Swishing Play a Part in Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals? | Universe Today
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  • That still eludes much of the antipoverty lobby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that I first met it as part of a pavlova didn't help: the deep clouds of snow-white sugar-cake need a fruit with a sting in its tail (the Antipodeans are bang on with their inclusion of passion fruit) if the dessert isn't to cloy. Tender delights
  • Here, human or mouse embryonic stem cells, in vitro representatives of the totipotent inner cell mass blastomeres, are placed into culture.
  • By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
  • New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters. You Being Beautiful
  • The most common is what's called a dipole antenna, a good example being those T-shaped, plastic covered wires that came with home stereo sets once upon a time. local, state, business and sports news
  • I'm still unsure about this one; it could turn out really cool, or an absolute disaster ... my main motivation is that i don't wanna spend money on a haircut. decisions, decisions purchase any of the following: Kindle, iPod Touch, or MacBook Archive 2009-02-01
  • Last year, Manganese Ore India's IPO was overbid 56 times. In India, All That IPOs Isn't Gold
  • Being a weather geek now I need to know what the antipodal weather is.
  • Antioch held Edessa and Tripoli under its sway and was ruled by Normans.
  • These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the Aether and Gravitation
  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • BBC | Solar plane flies into the night O Zephyr, protótipo de UAV da Quinetiq a versão britânica da DARPA, bateu um recorde aeronáutico, não oficialmente, ao voar mais de 54 horas continuamente. Leituras
  • In this paper, several curing agent of polyurethane were synthesized. Influences of solid content and dosage of TDI tripolymer on different PU adhesion high initial bonding strength were discussed.
  • It should be recognized that superelectrophilic reactions frequently proceed with only "electrophilic assistance" (solvation, association) by the superacids without forming distinct dipositive intermediates. George A. Olah - Autobiography
  • There were weighty arguments against this theory, in particular the fact that people with great muscular strength and a welldeveloped panniculus adiposus were often attacked by the disease; and also that European crews, on a diet containing sufficient protein and fat, were not immune, even when they were given virtually no rice at all. Christiaan Eijkman - Nobel Lecture
  • Doreen has been Haworth's lollipop lady for 11 years and she is steadily building up a family dynasty in the job.
  • What sort of music would you listen to if you did have a whizzy waterproof iPod and didn't have to concentrate and count? Rebecca Adlington | Small Talk
  • For the burgers• 1½ pounds fresh tuna steaks, cut into 1/2-inch dice• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard• 1 tablespoon chipotle pepper in adobo purée• 1 tablespoon honey• 3 tablespoons canola oil• 2 green onions, green and pale-green part, thinly sliced• Salt and freshly ground pepper• 4 kaiser rolls• 2 ounces watercress• 1 red onion, peeled, halved and thinly sliced. Bobby Flay’s tips for great burgers
  • Even after all these thousands of years of human settlement, the vastness of Majipoor was such that ample room for expansion still remained. LORD PRESTIMION
  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?
  • As mentioned earlier, these visceral adipocytes already have high rates of lipolysis, which is bad enough. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Excavations directed by Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the Greek Ministry of Culture and William D.E. Coulson, former director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, showed that the four buildings had been erected on the rectangular "megaron" plan typical of the Greek mainland. Cretan Shrine Discovered
  • However, Ulam did make a fundamental contribution in proposing the antipodal map theorem.
  • It's been well noted at how the Lib Dems would do just about anything to win a vote but choosing a stripogram/kissogram to stand as councillor to rein in the votes is quite something! Stripping Lib Dems
  • Now as Tera lay out with her hair coated in conditioner, Mari unbraided her own hair, listened to her iPod, and enjoyed rays. Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
  • Well, errm, not precisely, but we need to stand up to it and create a multipolar world, not to be confused with multilateralism, which is a way of using up large amounts of money to bleat with great self-satisfaction, achieving little. There is never any point to appeasement
  • The last Mariposa lily vanished from the burnt grasses as the California Indian summer dreamed itself out in purple mists on the windless air. CHAPTER XXXVI
  • Fans want efforts to be recognised She also says the honours system is unfair because she gets recognised for her work but a lollipop lady doesn't. The Sun
  • He's spraddling out the legs of his tripod to get it down to her level.
  • The man has limbs like lollipop sticks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Francisco L. Rojas, a shipowner, contrabandist, and merchant, was not so fortunate. The Philippine Islands
  • The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo - vessels.
  • And unlike unipolar depression, the depression of bipolar illness tends to be treatment-resistant.
  • Soteros epiphaneias, ton proi, hon egrapsen ho Markos eipon (ho kai meta diastoles anagnosteon) anastas de; eita hupostixantes, to hexes rheteon, proi te mia tou sabbatou ephane Maria te Magdalene, aph 'hes ekbeblhukei hepta daimonia. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • Converted cells are known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, and are considered a major alternative to using ethically charged embryonic stem cells. - Home Page
  • And at the same time, the levels of leptin that would normally be present in the body, which is primarily secreted from the cells that make adipose - which are called adipose sites - leptin decreases. Does Sleep (Or Lack Of It) Affect Weight Loss?
  • Hyperimmune responses, either at the initial immunisation challenge or in the amplification of immune response, can be observed in cellular mechanisms such as basophil degranulation, or at a molecular level, with changes in the levels of messengers such as leukotrienes; reduction of the intensity of these mechanisms are described in terms of molecular pharmacology, such as selective or nonselective inhibition of lipoxygenases. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • In 192 thrilling seconds, his side provided ample riposte to all of their scorn and suggestion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adipose tissue is not simply a depot of energy, but is an active endocrine organ.
  • The spatial proximities between labels are determined by heteronuclear dipolar couplings, which are measured by rotational-echo double resonance (Gullion and Schaefer, 1989 ab).
  • Here is the power spectrum: amount of anisotropy as a function of angular scale (really multipole moment l), with large scales on the left and smaller scales on the right. WMAP results — cosmology makes sense!
  • The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls. The Financier
  • In addition to fish, Pterois volitans feed on invertebrates such as amphipods, isopods, and other crustaceans.
  • On lui appliqua, en outre, pour sa friponnerie, une vigoureuse bastonnade. French Conversation and Composition
  • The section was removed, the SEC said in a filing on April 18, 2011, because the term investment banking could have been read as applying to "syndicate" staffers, who routinely make decisions on how to allocate IPOs to firms' clients. Rule to Prevent Abuse of IPOs Is Delayed
  • Un tripudio di tipografia che ruota attorno ai cinque sensi, e come contribuiscano a migliorare la nostra creatività. No Fat Clips!!! : Typophile Film Festival 5: Opening Titles
  • Air and ocean currents carry pesticides from industrial zones to the Arctic, where the "lipophilic" (fat-loving) substances accumulate in fatty tissues. Courthouse News Service
  • I sat back down and resumed my editing, sticking the grape lollipop back in my mouth.
  • Also, having high-quality headphones is good too because there's less electrical resistance in the cord, meaning higher volume on a lower setting (and less power exerted by your iPod). Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks | Lifehacker Australia
  • That day, I set the camera on the tripod to take a long exposure.
  • Rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, liposuction and eye lifts can provide a psychological boost and restore youthful confidence.
  • But they are too trivial even to be called antipopes.
  • Some experts also suggested that market - oriented IPO pricing can be used Dutch auction.
  • The amphipod Gammarus tigrinus exhibits a range of feeding behaviors, including that of macrophagous grazer and shredder, and predator / cannibal.
  • He says the crossing patrol has poor visibility because of parked cars and the lollipop lady has to weave in between stationary vehicles.
  • Once each clump grew to about 500 metal atoms, the platinum catalyzed its own growth and formed large, branching sheets that spread over the surface of the liposomes.
  • The attributes of a king are a mark of the absence of the attribute signified by the word omnipotent, (or, are _evidence_ of the absence of that attribute.) A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • They each will hold enough other shares to make them billionaires, at least on paper, if the IPO is successful.
  • The censorship method… is that of handing the job over to some frail and erring mortal man, and making him omnipotent on the assumption that his official status will make him infallible and omniscient.
  • Then I opened up my bipods, stuck the barrel through, and got comfortable.
  • What tugs at Carlyon's heartstrings is the fate of the soldiers, the boys from the outback and the small towns who dreamed of glory but found only death and disaster in the barren wastes of Gallipoli.
  • Emphasis on the omnipotence of God is still more pronounced in the writings of William of Ockham.
  • In this work a systematic study of the photophysical properties of four cationic porphyrins in liposomes is performed and results are compared with those found in homogeneous media.
  • Qingdao, a letter carrier table tripod chip data sheet, hot carrier chip TCM 081.
  • Yet he recognized that he needed active assistants to break through the lines of bureaucratic retrenchment, and he often used plenipotentiaries to investigate, control, and bully on his behalf.
  • The eggs of the leipoa, or native pheasant, are found in singular – looking mounds of sand, thrown up by the bird in the midst of the scrubs, and often measuring several yards in circumference. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • Subcylindrical forms such as Stachyodes and Amphipora have been called dendroid or twiglike, and aluacerids have been called subcylindrical, cylindrical, or columnar.
  • Which is more than the average lollipop lady. Times, Sunday Times
  • The infiltrate was seen deep, involving the skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.
  • After we placed a wasp on the fruit, she typically initiated searching, which involved slow scanning of the fruit surface using her antennae, and probing with her ovipositor inside fruit wounds and punctures in search for eggs.
  • Like the temperance movement, antiporn activism mistook a symptom of male dominance for the cause.
  • He pauses at a boundary, then sets up his old-fashioned camera on its tripod, focuses and sets the exposure, and then waits.
  • In 1969, he was elected to the presidency of the Association of Chambers of Commerce in Turkey, a highly influential and semipolitical position, but his Islamist policies led to his rapid ejection from the post by Demirel, by then prime minister. The Guardian World News
  • And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
  • We passed a sidewalk photographer using a big black box camera on a tripod, his head covered with a black curtain.
  • Some of those unable to get to one of these Tweet-ups are contenting themselves with a glass of something cold at home – indeed, some of the Antipodean members have already celebrated! Online communities meeting offline « pwcom 2.0
  • Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
  • Ziggy Pawelzick, 67, who works in the gourmet meat section of a Toronto grocery store, called a harmonized tax a "ripoff. Undefined
  • A generalization to molecular crystals built up from dipolar but achiral molecules was recently presented.
  • Aim To prepare amylopectin anchored dipyridamole ( DIP ) liposome and to study its tissue distribution in mice.
  • Watch the last 2 Steve Jobs presentations for Apple New Product Releases (Motorola Itunes Phone, Black Ipod Nano, Itunes 4. 9-5.1, Harry Potter Audio Books Exclusive, Ipod Video, Skinnier Imac 20 Media Centre, Lost + Desperate Housewives on Ipod day after they are on TV for $1.99) - The Nano has barely been out a month and its a household name, at least where there is a teenager, or geek gadgeteer at heart. Disney, ABC : "I know these guys..."
  • Quando sono ben freddi, si spalma sulla base una confettura a scelta (io preferisco quella di rosa canina perchè ha una consistenza che adoro, tipo una gelatina liquida, in più non è dolce), si appiccica la parte superiore precedentemente spolverizzata di zucchero a velo. Ovis Mollis « Baking History
  • They found that less than half of those with bipolar disorder -- also known as manic-depressive illness -- received mental health treatment during their lifetimes.
  • If it finds them, it downloads them - and iTunes syncs them onto your iPod.
  • Of course, we went to Gallipoli, and may I tell you one short story of an occurrence in Gallipoli -- a true story. The Outlook of Empire
  • Getting Pregnant While Taking Celexa of 300 mg/kg/day corrupted to lollipops for one fibrinolysis did persoally chlorpromazine in hexokinase formation or any sappy adverse gugulipid effects. Wii-volution
  • As is also the case with the opus sectile floor of the Roman Baths, also the marble wall veneer from this building originates mostly from Dokimeion, while cipollino is the second most frequent stone type used for marble wall veneer in the Frigidarium II, the Apodyterium and the room to the south of the Apodyterium. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Stone
  • Shipowners and salvors, as hereinafter defined, may limit their liability in accordance with the rules of this Convention for claims set out in Article 2.
  • The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.
  • C. Kay Song and Tim Bartness of Georgia State, along with Gary J. Schwartz of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, found that during the process of burning fat - called lipolysis Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • The surgeon who provided free consultations on the various procedures available said that liposculpture, breast enhancement, breast reduction and facelifts generated the most interest.
  • The vessel was placed in a Petri dish in phosphate-buffered saline kept on ice and carefully cleaned of adventitial, adipose and connective tissue. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He is regenerating mahoe, karaka (called kopi in the Chathams), ribbonwood, matipo, karamu, nikau palms, lancewoods, and kowhai.
  • When lipolysis outraces lipogenesis and releases fatty acids into the blood, they diffuse into all cells of the body to be used as fuel.
  • These were substantially built of timber and talipots, thatched with cadjans and bamboo leaves, and festooned and decorated as the Singhalese only can decorate - leaves, flowers and fruit being entwined together with so much delicacy and airy tastefulness as to impart an almost fairy-like form to the pavilion.
  • Small round conidia were attached to short simple conidiophores, resembling lollipops.
  • “Rumors of a magic iPod and seven years of agelessness?” Brush of Darkness
  • And Westfeldt unloads her fake neuroses in too many dull ripoffs of good Woody Allen.
  • For the first few divisions, up to at least the 8-cell stage, all the cells of the tiny embryo are totipotent stem cells.
  • Ocean fertilization is like the climate equivalent to liposuction. Rebecca Anderson: Climate Science Round-Up: Ocean Fertilization (or Climate Liposuction)
  • Apple's iPod has largely been responsible for the problems now faced by Sirius and XM -- problems which have been acerbated by the irresponsible over-spending on programming by Sirius's CEO Karmazin, who should not be bailed out by the FCC by allowing the merger. Charles Warner: My Hyperbole Was Wrong
  • Sections were made at distances of 200 mm, 100 mm and 40 mm from tips of an adventitious root and stained with Sudan Red 7B. Lipophilic substances such as suberin lamellae, were stained bright red.
  • The fluctuations didn't seem to get worse, but, when we descended into the heliport, I saw the fluctuations corresponded to power inputs.
  • It is, furthermore, the case that the embryo sac itself also exhibits polar organization, with the egg cell and synergids adjacent to the micropyle, while the antipodal cells are found at the opposite chalazal end.
  • Those Antipodeans had the same understanding of rhythmic lyrics, chord progressions and harmonising melodies as Ezio.
  • Picky Penny proceeded to order the chipotle chicken wrap with no onions, no peppers, light on the shredded spinach, cheddar instead of pepper jack, and the chipolte dressing on the side.
  • Similarly, in the European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, dominant males invested most in ejaculations before oviposition if only one competitor was present.
  • We derive an accurate and analytical expression for electromagnetic fields of a vertical magnetic dipole over an anisotropic uniaxial medium half-space.
  • CRS-1 diposisikan sbg Core router di network, jadi ketika berhasil maka sangat masuk akal untuk mulai menggunakan teknologi yg telah diriset untuk membuat produk-produk baru untuk segmen market yg berbeda atau posisi yg berbeda di network. Living In The Fast Lane
  • To my mind this is the biggest ripoff of our time yet no one is highlighting the details. The Sun
  • After oviposition, the parent females were screened for the presence of virus by fluorescent antibody technique as mentioned below.
  • 'I brought my iPod, do you want to have a listen?' 'Mmm, okay.'
  • He had been due to appear before the Consistory Court of the diocese of Ripon and Leeds, opening in Leeds on Monday.
  • No wonder therefore, since glory itself is able thus to stretch a man to a kind of omnipresence, if the desire of glory has over his life and actions a kind of omnipotence. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • The deaths reviewed in the new study all involved variations on "tumescent" liposuction, a popular technique developed by dermatologists in the late 1980s. Lowdown On Liposuction
  • In witness whereof we the undersigned, their ministers plenipotentiary, have in their name and in virtue of our full powers, signed with our hands the present definitive treaty and caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto. Your History Moment: The Treaty of Paris « Third Point of Singularity
  • The forty-five-year-old, who owns his own hair salon in Glasgow, had liposculpture done to his stomach and hips.
  • The battle of the sexes, (c. 1918 – c. 2007), the colorful dialects, the familiar supernatural characters in newish situations, the punishments meted out by omnipotent powers, these all are equally interesting. bc Says: A GOTHIC ADVENTURE • by Paul A. Freeman
  • The surface of these bacteria house the lipopolysaccharide, which is a three-part molecular structure embedded into the cell membrane. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Since it shares the same sound circuitry as the regular iPod, sound quality is what you would expect.
  • I pass overexercised and neglected wives and girlfriends as they speed-walk in pairs or jog alone with only their iPods for company. Good-Bye To All That
  • Beyond the group of shirted enlisted men, I could see the wooden legs of a map tripod through the tent door.
  • This schism was an internal dispute within the Catholic Church resulting in French cardinals electing an "antipope" (Clement VII) in order to dispute the authority of recently elected Pope Urban VI. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Carter has composed several large-scale works for choir, soloists and orchestra, including the Benedicite, which has been widely performed on both sides of the Atlantic and in the Antipodes.
  • The Labradoodle, Yorkipoo, cockapoo, and schnoodle are the latest designer hybrid dogs to hit the catwalk.
  • I too have tried lipo but it has never worked. The Sun
  • Una primera va de anlisis podra descansar en las ideas clsicas de Durkheim, cuya concepcin sobre la funcin amicable de la religin sugiere ver en este tipo de prcticas un hecho social, donde la sociedad es una especie de ser higher criminal el que sus miembros establecen relaciones de dependencia y subordinacin. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Thus, the two senior commanders on the spot decided on a land campaign to capture the Gallipoli peninsula.
  • The main difference between a cemita and a torta is the roll, but also the chipotle peppers and the papalo. How to make a cemita | Homesick Texan
  • Dairy-based dips have also become more flavor-diverse, incorporating ingredients such as roasted garlic and chipotle peppers.
  • As the majority of commercially available bronchoscopes are not electrically grounded, the bronchoscopist risks becoming the grounding electrode should the unipolar probe tip touch the scope while the current is on.
  • Supposing, just for a second, that we take these metaphors literally; what we would basically be saying is that God -- that Supreme Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient -- is the real evil, while Lucifer and Christ were both good guys, both trying but failing to wake humanity up to its daimonic -- which is to say divine -- potential. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART ONE
  • If you have both excess skin and fat one can combine tummy tuck with liposuction, but it has to be moderate liposuction to preserve the blood supply to the skin.
  • The deeper stretches of the steep drop-off show foliose or plate-like forms of Pachyseris, Leptoseris and Montipora at 20-30 m depth. Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, Philippines
  • [11] But in this instance, perhaps, distance of space, combined with the unrivalled grandeur of the war, was felt to equiponderate the distance of time, Susa, the Persian capital, being fourteen hundred miles from Athens. Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • It's tough at the top," he said. "It's tougher at the bottom," riposted the billionaire.
  • Here, the Orgone Beam converts pure levorotation into dextrorotation, or vice versa, until bipolarity is achieved.
  • The total energy that the patient absorbs everyday (include food and dialytic fluid) , 50% come from carbohydrate, 30% come from adipose, 20% come from protein.
  • And, while I'm at it, I think that it's ridiculous to believe in transubstantiation, that considering the Bible to be the literal word of God reduces that supposedly omnipotent being to a muddle-headed maniac and that the Hindu caste system and Roman Catholic rules against contraception could have been invented by Satan. If Britain decides to ban the burqa I might just start wearing one
  • The reference to an ice-cream shop excursion has been edited out, and math word problems have been revised so that items like lollipops and candy bars are not included to teach kids arithmetic.
  • (I am not joking) is what I call a bipolar structure of government. SA Latest News
  • Next to him, on a tall tripod, three telescopes point through a window at a tree in the distance. Smithsonian Mag
  • And, of course, mania usually alternates with depression, to form a bipolar disorder.
  • In an undesigned world, plague, pestilence, famine, diphtheria, cancer, tuberculosis, and other natural ills no longer had to be reconciled with the sovereignty of an omnipotent and benevolent deity.
  • Picture Yourself is a 4-inch tripod with its own timer that straps onto most single-use cameras.
  • Ingredients: water, almond, xyitol, emulsifier, sodium tripolyph - osphate, thickening agent, ace - k, flavouring essence.
  • I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch. The Days Before Yesterday
  • The White Knight turbojet aircraft climbs over the Mojave desert with SpaceShipOne attached to its underbelly.
  • The rotation depends on the scalar product of the electric dipole and magnetic dipole transition moments.
  • He advised against lipo as she had barely any fat. The Sun
  • We are all familiar with rod-shaped magnets: they are described as 'dipolar', with a north pole and a south pole, and the tendency to attract each other's opposite poles and repel similar poles. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The perkiness of her French-Canadian accent resonates in Seripop's vibrant work.
  • He says female cicadas use a sword-like organ, called an ovipositor, to slice into small tree branches and insert their eggs. Cicadas Swarm Wide Portions of US
  • When we then shared carnitas, described as braised pork shanks with chipotle wine sauce, he added, "I can't remember a meal this bad. Evening Standard - Home
  • The game grants you omnipotence over an assortment of medieval soldiers, serfs and craftsmen, who are your humble pawns as you bid to establish your reign.
  • We can also protect against hull breeches and heat,’ Dann ripostes.
  • The tumor was about four or five inches across and tests at another doctor's office said it was a benign tumor called a lipoma. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Green Veterinary Medicine: Veggies for Pets
  • The other 80 percent are corrected with liposculpture alone.
  • It comprises a webcam with a built-in microphone and tripod. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plastic surgeons currently use facelifts or liposuction to try to tackle these signs of aging.
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • Pity I didn't bring a tripod: I've had to hand-hold the camera and use ISO 1600 so the photos are a little grainy.
  • I guess its obvious that if anything attracted the lightning to him, it must be the tiny little iPod and not the huge hunk of metal called a lawnmower he was holding onto. Boing Boing
  • If successful, the IPO would be the world's biggest so far this year, according to Dealogic, surpassing the $127 million offering by Chinese health-care company Xizang Haisco Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd. in Shenzhen. Sunshine Oilsands Cleared for Hong Kong IPO
  • The majority of jawbone intra-osseous lipomas are found in adults, and of uncertain origin and etiology but are usually associated with molar teeth.
  • Stein called shipowners an easy target for environmentalists who think of shippers "as the big bad dirty shipping industry. All Today's News - Sightline Daily
  • I have given a recipe for them, but the chipotles in adobo, with the brown sugar and vinegar used here, are a wonderful replacement for theÂchipocludos. Chicken salad with chipotle vinaigrette: Salpicon de pollo
  • When they started working on the case, not only did they find clear-cut Batson violations—a former prosecutor who worked in the DA’s office around the time of Bo’s trial would later testify that the philosophy of his office was, in his own words, “that prospective black jurors at that time were antipolice, antiestablishment, and should not be left on juries”—but they also turned up significant evidence that Bo was innocent of murder. Living Justice
  • Visit us and find out more about Liposuction Surgery, rhinoplastic and nose surgery, Article Source
  • In this paper a new equivalent circuit model is constructed within a multi-MOS model for simulation of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) current sensors.
  • As God's omniscience is engaged for the finding of them all out, so is his omnipotence for the bringing of them all in. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • But since her body had been converted into the wax-like adipocere, the stab marks were clearly visible.
  • If one has a history of hypercoagulability such as deep venous thrombosis or phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) then inner thigh liposuction can be a dangerous for him. Webmaster Forum
  • Liposuction, tummy tuck or abdominoplasty are the types of abdominal plastic surgeries.
  • Microscopically, the tumor of the lower pole was found to be an angiomyolipoma, whereas the mid-portion tumor was an oncocytoma. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Of the genes cited as similar in insect wings and crustacean epipods, only the expression of nub is restricted to the future wing region of the wing disc.
  • But at least one site, where the more than 30 victims might be Gaddafi fighters or supporters, suggests that both sides may have been guilty of brutal conduct in the battle for Tripoli.
  • More Facebook Readies IPO Filing Lawrence Friend , a former SEC chief accountant, says that in an open-end fund, either the buyers or the sellers will suffer: "You're hurting the purchasers if your price is too high, or the redeemer if it's too low. What Is Facebook Worth?
  • There was first the bipolar world order, followed by its negation and the emergence of a unipolar world order.
  • Contradiction frequently breeds creativity, and the Deng model has launched a massive program to erase the bipolarity between city and countryside.
  • -- In this solemn and impressive prayer, in which they make public confession of their sins, and deprecate the judgments due to the transgressions of their fathers, they begin with a profound adoration of God, whose supreme majesty and omnipotence is acknowledged in the creation, preservation, and government of all. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But it was the Libyans themselves, young Libyans who were mocked and insulted for their so-called indiscipline, it was they who took Tripoli last night ... Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The music on your iPod? Times, Sunday Times
  • the bipolar world of the postwar period.
  • I suspect that your character and extensive graphic abilities have overcome the ipod's digitality. Museum Blogs
  • During winter, pull out the dead ipomoea shoots and prune the rose to a framework, removing the oldest shoots every two to three years. Gardens: Climbing companions
  • A canine Arylsulfatase G (ARSG) mutation leading to a sulfatase deficiency is associated with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Innovations-report
  • On the Gallipoli peninsula, seaborne landings were made in 1915, despite the fact that no specially designed craft were available, troops transferring from seagoing vessels to lighters to be ferried ashore.
  • Or if you are disproportioned a size 4 upper body and size 10 lower body, liposuction might match the parts better. You: On a Diet
  • It is also often comorbid with other mental illnesses such as bipolar, major depression, anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, OCD, OCPD, to name a few.
  • En el sentido antropolgico, tal perspectiva implicara considerar las formas religiosas ms all de la idea tradicional de unidades de observacin y de anlisis aislables, autocontenidas, para ms bien considerarlas en una contextualizacin histrica, poltica, econmica y tecnolgica cambiante, lo cul conduce the un encuadre respecto the la forma en que este tipo de prcticas religiosas constituyen el objeto para pensar las diferencias culturales, la subjetividad, la intersubjetividad y la sociabilidad. Archive 2009-12-01

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