How To Use Ionic In A Sentence
The neo-classical house features a main doorway framed with Ionic pillars and topped by a balustraded balcony complete with carved stone coat of arms.
Although, the protein utilized a number of fatty acids as substrate such as propionic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid (data not shown) as is the case with many other known Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetases
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Or you reach for the accompanying booklet to have a whole lot of stuff about psionics and sigils explained.
Times, Sunday Times
Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
Experimental results show the apparent sorption rate constant decrease with increasing ionic strength added salt.

Research on surfactants and membrane solubilization showed that anionic surfactants interact more with lipid bilayers.
Again, he pours scorn on racialist mythology but, in his steadfastly conservative way, refuses to become histrionically sanctimonious on the matter, preferring studied contempt to self-promoting outrage.
Objective:To investigate the enhancing effect of some non-ionic surfactants on intestinal absorption of the main active components vitexin-2"-O- rhamnoside in Hawthorn Leaf total flavonoids.
She put on a histrionic display of grief at her ex-husband's funeral.
Ionic exchange membrane to alkali is advanced technology in the world nowadays, the craft-interlocking device occupy the important position in the production.
Eosin Y is an anionic or acid dye in spite of the fact that a solution of the sodium salt of eosin is basic in reaction.
It is called human chorionic gonadotrophin, usually abbreviated HCG.
The Human Brain
I swear Mom has bionic ears.
The attractions of molecules for each other are called intermolecular interactions to distinguish them from covalent and ionic bonding, forms of intramolecular interactions.
That it did not only reinforces his reputation as something of a bionic man.
Times, Sunday Times
The C-Cl bond is polar covalent, Na-Cl is ionic, and the C-C bond is pure covalent with each atom sharing the bonding electrons equally.
In this work a systematic study of the photophysical properties of four cationic porphyrins in liposomes is performed and results are compared with those found in homogeneous media.
Also there was Ray D' Arcy whose urgings had the crowd performing all sorts of histrionics in the name of art.
Her captivating beauty and histrionic talent add to her persona.
Ionic, and 6. corinthian, we imported for our first buildings. and altho, being for the University, we did not think duties demandable at all, yet these being of 15. p.c. only at that time, and amounting to but 305.
Letters to and from Jefferson, 1825
Peripheral neurectomy, peripheral and ganglionic alcohol blocks, and cryotherapy have not proven as efficacious as other procedures and, therefore, will not be discussed.
In the centrally focused pantheon of the original bank building, the round dome was supported by interior Ionic columns.
The temple we see today is an Ionic structure measuring 60 x 118 m, with a dipteral arrangement of two rows of columns with 21 on each side and 10 at each end.
The normal anionic charge barrier prevents protein molecules such as albumin from passing through the endothelium.
This is strictly for those who love a heavy riff, vocal histrionics and want to practice air guitar.
The Sun
We will focus on the 120, which are a representation of quaternionic fields.
The Lopsided Universe
However, rereading what I consider rather histrionic bile, and, moreover, reading it carefully, is something I can put off for days.
Uncharged polar and even ionic dyes with substantial molar weights have often been used to trace apoplastic water movement.
To electrolyze water or other non - ionic substances, an ionic substance, an electrolyte, is added to the water so that current will flow and the reaction will proceed at a relatively low voltage.
September 20, 2007 in craptastic, rants, television reviews the first 14 minutes of the Bionic Woman have been posted online, click below to watch, but be warned, you will probably want to claw your eyes out, even if there are no bionic eyes with which to replace them. it is a pretty horrible 14 minutes.
The first 14 minutes of The Bionic Woman…oy. « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier.
My Neighbour Who Knows What I Like (blogs passim) also Knows What My Son Likes, and I see him walking off with a box containing an unconstructed Lego Bionicle on his head.
Blue Skies, Cream Teas
The two extremes of molecular bonding are ionic bonds and covalent bonds.
Unlike Boyd, he thought, or Burris, the idea of psionic power didn't bother him much.
A third promising avenue of research is the emerging field of bionics: In the last two years, 26 people in the U.S. and Europe have been outfitted with new prosthetic devices designed to restore their vision.
Mild cleansing compositions - Mild cleansing compositions comprising anionic, nonionic and / or amphoteric surfactants, one or more dyes having a total color, and one or more encapsulated dyes, including microencapsulated dyes, in microcapsules prepared by coacervation, precipitation, polycondensation or other reaction of anionic and cationic components, which encapsulated dyes have a total color different from ... Notable Patent Applications - 05/07/2009
Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors.
The left-hand wing houses an oval entrance porch that leads to a fine reception hall decorated in pink with Ionic columns, a marble fireplace and a lantern-style window high in the central apex of the ceiling.
Some were histrionic tragic performances dripping with sensibility.
PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
The program includes new avionics and propulsion and new structural elements including the wings.
This form of art provides ample scope for the actor to excel in histrionics.
So when Ms. Winslet won two awards last night, her histrionics were a little too much for us to take.
The Golden Globes: Too Much Kate, Not Enough Ricky and an Actual Oscar Race
In sodium chloride, a typical ionic compound, there is an equal number of sodium ions and chlorine ions.
This nonspecific binding is similar to the behavior displayed by other cationic DNA-binding ligands such as cationic oligopeptides and polyamines.
Difference of cationic FDY filament quote while stationary, but the actual transaction discount allowance.
The emulsifier used can be anionic, cationic, or non-ionic.
We previously observed the same rate of scavenging of solvated electrons by protons in ultrafast experiments on indole under conditions of comparable ionic strength.
This difference is expressed in the notation of oxidation state versus ionic charge.
Their melodramatic arrangements, cascading strings and faintly histrionic vocal performances reflected the films' camp excesses.
Litonite is a zeolite, that is, a special gravel that absorbs mineral salts and then gradually releases them to plant roots via an ionic interchange.
Orchids of Mexico
The talented actor, Jeremy Irons, rarely gets an opportunity to express his true histrionic skills in the tumults movie.
So I guess what I am getting to is that I really love the idea of "bionics" and the ability to rebuild people and make them better. News
Slowly, pushed by their shoulder ionics, Gimp, Ramos and Frank Nelsen drifted over to see what they could do for Lester.
The Planet Strappers
Well this is probably serendipity, so I attach a description of a new approach to thermionics.
Radionics is concerned with healing of the whole man, with the health pattern or entelechy of the individual.
‘No,’ said Rilar Cray, for the third time, and felt the autonomic systems in her bionic left side kick in and administer a dose of calming endorphins.
Despite their creativity - whether in modifying Egyptian and Near Eastern forms, or inventing the Doric and Ionic orders of architecture - Greek artists worked in established genres.
Furthermore, the crystal structure, surface characters of quartz and clinochlore, and the solution chemistry of oleic acid as the anionic collector were analyzed.
Instead, Costa's histrionics merely inflamed the situation and, after an unsightly stand-off between the two sets of players, there was a hostile undercurrent to the rest of the game.
A fine sentiment, but the doom-laden rock histrionics leave a bad taste in the mouth.
In 1916, Lewis proposed that non-ionic, or covalent, bonds are formed by the sharing of electrons between the atoms which are held together by such a bond.
In elegant experiments directed towards the question of the localization of the release of Ac.Ch. in the ganglion, Feldberg and Vartiainen24 were recently able to prove that it was released neither by the preganglionic fibres nor by the ganglion cells themselves, the only direct effector organ.
Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
Scientists with the ability to develop bionic dogs and digital noses are beginning experiments to create K9-the world's first robot sniffer dog.
There are two main types of bonds that hold those atoms together, covalent and electrovalent / ionic bonds.
These forms, which we may call form G, are exemplified in literature by the forms of the sonnet or of tragedy with the “three unities” (place, time, and action); in music, the forms of the fugue or sonata; in architecture, the peripteros (“array of columns”) or the Ionic order; the bosquet form in Italian and French gardening; the zwiebelmuster (“onion pattern”) design in Saxon por - celain.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Next day, thanks to his histrionic powers and his ingratiating address, he was promoted to the rank of "supernumerary captain's servant" -- a "post which," I give his words, "I flatter myself, was created for me alone, and furnished me with opportunities unequalled for a task in which one word malapropos would have been my destruction.
Traffics and Discoveries
Negatively charged (anionic) analytes move to the positively charged electrode (anode), and uncharged species do not migrate.
The Scientist
He said he has spent hundreds of pounds on equipment, including a bionic ear that amplifies sound by 36 times, a two-way radio with a radius of three miles, a night vision monocular and a searchlight.
But he's just a bionic man.
Times, Sunday Times
But living animal was produced only if the sheep blastomer was taken from trophoblast, the structure giving rise to placenta and extraembryonic fetal membranes, and goat cells from inner mass of embrionic stem cells.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The non-ionic form barely fluoresced under UV-A excitation.
The core symptom of histrionic personality disorder is attracting other's attention.
The key factor in managing pregnancies complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome is early referral to a tertiary fetal medicine unit experienced in the care of monochorionic pregnancies.
If political parties want to use their histrionic talents, why not?
From recent developments in molecular biology, it is becoming clear that cationic chemical species, such as histone octamer, protamine, spermidine, etc. play an essential role in the packing of long DNA chains into the nucleus.
In regard to speech a man may study all that which may make him suasive, but if he go beyond that he will trench on those histrionic efforts, which he will know to be wrong because he will be ashamed to acknowledge them.
The Duke's Children
Quill has already identified several ionic liquids in which a wide range of inorganic, organic and polymeric materials are highly soluble, making them prime candidates for small reactor volumes.
The polymer moieties have a valence orbital bond to the carbonaceous particulate, such as an ionic or covalent bond.
In supersymmetric theories all bosons have a fermionic superpartner and vice versa.
Lester's blastoff drums were still in the freight compartment, but the ionics and air-restorers had been similarly rendered unworkable.
The Planet Strappers
DID you see that programme about the bionic man?
The Sun
The principal ganglionic neurons receive the synaptic output of the preganglionic motor fibers in the splanchnic nerves, which originate in the anterior horn cells.
According to the bionic principle, a wireless fish-like swimming micro robot using GMF actuator as a caudal fin has been developed.
These include uterine tone, the shape of the uterus, and the presence and size of the small sac containing the foetus, called the amnionic vesicle. Headlines
In 1818, Schinkel erected the State Theatre that, apart from the Greek Ionic portico, displayed the most memorable feature of the frequent use of the functionalist pilaster stripe.
Evans MI, Klinger KW, Isada NB, Shook D, Holzgreve W, McGuire N, Johnson MP: Rapid prenatal diagnosis by fluorescent in situ hybridization of chorionic villi: an adjunct to long term culture and karyotype.
Prenatal Diagnosis
The first seven books are devoted to the Ionic philosophers; the last three treat of the Italic school.
The greater and lesser splanchnic nerves (preganglionic sympathetic) are found.
Results: It was found that basic ionic water acted to emulsify cholesterol and triglycerides clearly.
D. Keynes joined them a year later and there was soon a small group interested in ionic mechanisms in living cells.
Alan L. Hodgkin - Biography
Accordingly, the I-V characteristics of N and P type DBRs due to three kinds of current mechanisms:the drift-diffusion, pure drift and thermionic emission currents, have been analyzed theoretically.
But by virtue of the last principle — the retardation of acceleration of time — we have the proceleusmatic foot u u u u, and the _dispondæus_ ----, not to mention the _choriambus_, the ionics, pæons, and epitrites.
Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
Alberti was particularly interested in Vitruvius' use of columns (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) and arches to express social status and power.
More than a decade of research into nonviral gene delivery has yielded a number of synthetic cationic lipids and polymers with transfection activity.
The BLACK HAWK helicopter is equipped with advanced avionics and electronics systems and is part of the Army’s long-term effort to modernize its medium-lift helicopter fleet.
Consideration of the most common of those variations, the spondaic (two stressed) and the pyrrhic (two unstressed), which are often found together forming what some have called the ionic foot, completes the chapter walking us into consideration of the line.
I also feel that humans will advance there bodies by biological means and not the artificial, and that even at first if we do use artificial means such as bionics and A.I. tech, we will finally use the biological option.
Extend Limits News
There are four types of detergents: anionic, nonionic, cationic, and amphoteric.
Scientists have been unable to explain the exact mechanisms by which rock powders work, just as they are unable to explain how biodynamic preparations or radionics influence crops.
After a period of time, a building is not all of one age but a bionic composite of different eras, as are the rockery, the water features, the flora, and the architecture of a garden.
The Ionic order is more elegant and matronly – think Boticelli's Venus – with often unfluted columns, scrolled capitals, friezes that are sometimes adorned with elaborately sculpted bas-relief and dentils – a row of small blocks – below the cornices.
Renaissance architecture: how to identify the Roman orders
The west front, in our Engraving, is occupied by an hexastyle portico of the Ionic order, with fluted columns.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 386, August 22, 1829
It is the sheer ordinariness, the lack of histrionics that makes it so engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
There are also non-ionic detergents that have no charge when placed in a water solution.
You may have heard radionic energy called by another name, manna - and it is the one secret accomplished magicians and sorcerers absolutely refuse to tell anyone.
Drugs against anxiety act for instance on certain inhibitory ionic channels in the brain.
Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
histrionic gestures
And once Wonder Woman and Bionic Woman--and I actually just saw Linday Wagner in Palm Springs and we used to be really great friends and we kind of rekindled our friendship when she came to hear me sing in Palm Springs.
Fabio Periera: Ten Minutes with: Lynda Carter
This spectral shift possibly reflects increased hydrogen bonding and/or specific iterations with cationic species.
Molecular electronic technique is a newly developed bionic technology on the basis of molecular electronics in 1970's.
In the present work we investigate the polyelectrolyte properties of solutions of isolated nucleosome core particles over the range of ionic conditions maintaining the stability of the nucleoprotein complexes.
Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
This diurnal variation in melatonin synthesis is brought about by norepinephrine secreted by the postganglionic sympathetic nerves that innervate the pineal gland.
They tested the power on the shaky ionics, and got
The Planet Strappers
Another important non-ionic hydride is also basic in water.
Appa the comrade was one such character, which really put to test his histrionic prowess.
Gimp Hines and David Lester were waiting inside the stellene reception dome when Nelsen and Ramos landed lightly at the port on their own feet, with no more braking assistance than their own shoulder-ionics.
The Planet Strappers
A high domed roof and Ionic-Corinthian pillars give the General Post Office in Kolkata an imposing appearance.
We have evidence, then, that both the reserve of acetylcholine, and the esterase required for its destruction, are in fact associated with the preganglionic nerve endings, as our hypothesis demands.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
The alkalies react with acids in the hard water and help the anionic detergents clean better, and, in the case of soap, also reduce scum formation.
Bioniche Pharma is a global manufacturer of injectable pharmaceutical products serving a variety of niche markets, including anaesthesiology, orthopedics, rheumatology, urology, and dermatology.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Even Daffy Duck's avaricious histrionics are amusing in a buffoonish way.
Soaps are anionic surfacants, and one bath bar generally works as well as another.
99 and 44/100 Percent Pure ...
Feldberg and Gaddum17, though unable to reproduce effects obtained by Kibjakow with pure Locke's solution, found that, when eserine was added to the fluid perfusing the ganglion, stimulation of the preganglionic fibres regularly caused the appearance of acetycholine in the venous effluent.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
One of the simplest is an ionic crystal like sodium chloride, the first mineral analyzed after the discovery of x-ray diffraction.
Bealer JF, Natuzzi ES, Buscher C, Ursell PC, Flake AW, Adzick NS, Harrison MR: Nitric oxide synthase is deficient in the aganglionic colon of patients with Hirschsprung's disease.
CHOP pediatric surgery publications
Directly below the avionics is the power quadrant with its pairs of throttles, pitch and mixture levers.
They encored with England Made Me, and a brilliantly dispassionate version of one of Bowie's more histrionic moments.
In both cases, the phenomenon had the appearance of a direct, unbroken conduction, to ganglion cell or muscle fibre, of the same propagated wave of physico-chemical disturbance as had constituted the preganglionic or the motor nerve impulse, with only a slight, almost negligible retardation in its passage across the ganglionic synapse or the neuromuscular junction.
Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
Induced polarization method uses the two modes of electrical conduction that occur in mineralized rocks, ionic in pore fluids and electronic in metallic minerals.
Clarissa's quiet apotheosis is offered as an alternative to histrionic theatrics.
The avionics electronic system of new generation is a high integrated system.
However, it may nevertheless still have an ionic conductance that is by a factor [gamma] different from the basic state.
Work out for yourself the differences between Corinthian, Ionic and Doric orders.
Far be it from me to say that this was a bad exam, suffice to say it was an exam in which fast writers were rewarded, at the expense of those without bionic hands.
This may be explained by the difference in interaction of the tip with the polar zwitterionic PC headgroups and the anionic oligosaccharide headgroups of the ganglioside.
While the Greeks had used the Corinthian capital with an Ionic entablature, the Romans invented a distinct cornice for the Corinthian order, characterized by large projecting modillions embellished with acanthus leaves.
He is remembered by colleagues as being unflappable in theatre with a calm demeanour that soothed any histrionics.
Times, Sunday Times
During field stimulation of isolated cardiac myocytes, depolarization is achieved either by charge displacement or by net ionic current flow between the two electrodes.
Emulsions are obtained by dispersing bitumen in water with the help of an emulsifier, which is either of an anionic or a cationic kind.
Chapter 10
Uncharged polar and even ionic dyes with substantial molar weights have often been used to trace apoplastic water movement.
Earth scientists encounter elements mainly in their ionic forms, where they carry a positive or a negative charge.
I used to greatly respect Steve Quayle, but in light of his histrionical rants of late (including his "orange alert"), his credibility has been severely devalued in my book (and AJ's to a great extent as well).
It also works because of Don Cheadle's subdued yet intense performance which sidesteps every histrionic outburst that his part invites.
Some were histrionic tragic performances dripping with sensibility.
PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
Any genetic vectors suitable for transformation of the cells of interest may be employed, including but not limited to adenoviral vectors, plasmids, and non-viral vectors, such as cationic lipids. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
The fuel system equipment will handle multiple functions for the aircraft's fuel system and includes engine feed, auxiliary power unit feed, refuel and defuel, venting, scavenge, fuel quantity gauging, and integrated modular avionics fuel gauging and management software.
At least concerning medial positions, Bailey notes in Essays on time-based linguistic analysis (1996), p. 302, fn.4 (see link): "The [tšː] that one might expect in Attic comes from *tw (τϝ) as well as from *ky [cy]; this is found in Attic, Boeotian, Cretan, and some Euboean lects, while other lects (especially Ionic and Doric) had already moved on to σσ [šː].
Fat porkers get sacrificed
The tone of imminent threat is crucial to the book but too often feels histrionic.
Times, Sunday Times
Contemporary practitioners claim to have ‘successfully treated’ thousands of customers with radionics and a medicine bag full of similar energy cures.
If we can detect N = 4 SUSY quaternionic or 16 supersymmetries in the Clifford algebra CL_16, most likely in a broken symmetry phase, we would be in great shape!
First Collisions for the LHC | Universe Today
MZB was still writing what was being published as SF... the situation that exists today of low-overhead publishing on line and print on demand and self-publication with the web for promotion and publicity and ordering, didn't exist way back when... swords and psionics space and planetary fantasy is rife today with ebooks and paranormal/furistic romances and some science fiction romance.
Making Light: Scholarly works to avoid citing at all costs
The building looks like a library or similar public building with its classical portico and columns with Ionic capitals.
Polio and tetanus vaccines were claimed to contain a protein common in pregnancy, called human chorionic gonadotrophin or hCG.
Global Immunization: Vaccine Coverage is Variable
More radical methods include the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone associated with pregnancy.
Times, Sunday Times
In the present analysis, we seek to develop a method suitable for a broader range of chemical environments ranging from ionic to covalent.
The ever-present bacteria in the stomach are thus permitted to attack the protein and putrefaction commences, rendering nutrients in the protein food largely useless to you and producing toxic wastes and foul gases, including such poisons as indol, skatol, phenol, hydrogen sulphide, phenylpropionic acid, and others.
The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
Estuarine and coastal zone marine pollution by the nonionic alkylphenol ethoxylates endocrine disrupters: Is there a potential ecotoxicological problem?
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Experts: Endocrine Disruptor BPA Found in Bottles Worrisome
Unfortunately, the electrogravitational implications of Whittaker's profound work were not recognized and followed up, and their connection to Maxwell's quaternionic EM theory was not noticed nor examined.
Chapter 4
He called the psionic safe, spoke to it, and removed the C-4.
Black Magic
The tone of imminent threat is crucial to the book but too often feels histrionic.
Times, Sunday Times
● Piron's result: from elementary questions recover the geometry of the Hilbert space (over the reals, complex, and quaternionic numbers).
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This ionicity leads to unusual for an element phenomena in dielectric properties, lattice dynamics, and anomalous electronic properties.
They have an unfair disadvantage when it comes to appreciating what you do, because they know all about you and your histrionic outbursts.
So the deflection leads to a change in the ionic current that, in turn, alters the cell potential.
But mana's video becomes an surroundings and lets her histrionics be the focal attracter, ~ eulogy to tom wicks in you calendar year for pickup an internship at bmw
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Spell - Like Psionic Abilities: As the name implies, spell - like abilities resemble spells.
Thankfully, studentsresponded to this editorial, disputing its characterization of the Women's Center as histrionic and taking issue with the weasel words that seem to absolve the DKE brothers of culpability ( 'boisterous''provocateurs').
Leah Anthony Libresco: Yale Daily News Wrong to Condemn Outrage in Response to Sexism
Other bionic devices on the horizon include implantable monitors that will track pressure in the brains of spina bifida patients who require fluid-draining shunts.
An anionic diet fed to steers did not alter plasma or muscle calcium concentrations or striploin steak tenderness.
The roll control system will receive commands from computers, electronics and other equipment, called the avionics system, to help steer it during flight. - latest science and technology news stories
Ionic columns of the portico and walked to the box, remained for a moment in serious and expectorative contemplation of the boot, and then returned to his column.
The luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches
His abilities are great, surpassing even our most renowned intellects in the ways of electropsionics and magnopsionics.
The efferent sympathetic fibers which leave the central nervous system in connection with certain of the cranial and spinal nerves all end in sympathetic ganglia and are known as preganglionic fibers.
IX. Neurology. 7. The Sympathetic Nerves
Resistance is due to electrons in a conductor colliding with the ionic lattice of the conductor meaning that electrical energy is converted into heat.
In general, I'm all for athletes playing as long as they want to or can - bionic Rickey Henderson being the poster child - without concern for their legacy.
And you risk being labeled as having a narcissistic or histrionic personality disorder.
Fast-forward a mere three decades and bionics is a reality.
Bionic acicular nano hydroxyapatite(n HA) was used to make composites with medical grade polyamide (Poly hexamethylene adipamide) by solution blend.
He divides all the Greek philosophers into two classes: those of the Ionic and those of the Italic school.
This is strictly for those who love a heavy riff, vocal histrionics and want to practice air guitar.
The Sun
If you were being menaced by a bug-eyed monster but lacked a phaser or psionic powers, your last hope might be a shuttle-craft to get you off-world.
Correspondence chess games, while often brilliant, have seemed kind of like the equivalent of the bionic man - strong play sure, but is it really human?
The histrionics can get a bit tiresome and you wonder why they put themselves up for it.
The Sun
Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.
Scientists also call ionic bonds electrovalent bonds.
In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier.
The website says Welcome to Rochester Avionic Archives - a large collection of avionic hardware items together with an archive of films, documents, videos,brochures and newspapers.
Computer manufacture in Greenwich
He's tasked with playing a man who has embellished his life with dramatic flourishes and histrionics, and he does so without being hammy himself.
Experimental results show the apparent sorption rate constant decrease with increasing ionic strength added salt.
Hence, a psionic boy with telepathic powers due to his mutation is a science fiction character; but a prophet who reads the unspoken thoughts in the hearts of men due to a blessing from the elf-queen, is a fantasy character.
INTERVIEW: John C. Wright
As Godard declares, in his own histrionic manner, the end of cinema is nigh.
There have been no confrontations or histrionics, but there's plenty of time and I'm sure they'll happen.
As the sloppiness compounded both benches grew increasingly exercised by the unordered mess in front of them, Jefferies and Bill Brown in particular creating thermals with their physical histrionics.
If your airplane needs complete cosmetic refurbishment, new avionics and a new engine, chances are, you'll pass that point if you go ahead with the upgrade.
The solvent capacity of ionic liquid for alkane is important to he separation of the alkylate and the catalyst.
Bored of her histrionics, bad attitude and sulky face.
The Sun
Similarly, there is a trio of panels atop the cowling and just aft of the firewall that provide access to avionics.
Ani ons The anionic padding releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced PH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating bacteria, treating inflammation, eradicating odour, removing fatigue and etc. ns Anio Location No. of Anions / cm3
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But by virtue of the last principle — the retardation of acceleration of time — we have the proceleusmatic foot u u u u, and the _dispondæus_ ----, not to mention the _choriambus_, the ionics, pæons, and epitrites.
Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher