How To Use Ionia In A Sentence

  • The eldest school of Greek philosophy, called the Ionian, was founded by Thales of Miletus, about the middle of the sixth century B.C. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • Hecataeus had acted as adviser in the so-called Ionian rebellion, when in 500 B.C. the Greeks of Asia Minor rose up against the Persians, who, about half a century earlier, had subjected them to their rule. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • It is a big sweep of soft, pale coral sand shelving gently into the Ionian sea. The Sun
  • Polykrates became "the first of all cities, Hellenic or barbaric," a center of Ionian manners, luxury, art, science and culture, the seat of the first great thalassocracy or sea-power after that of Cretan Minos, a distributing point for commerce and colonies. [ Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
  • Her Euboian ally Eretria added five, and may have sent more to join the Ionian fleet in the Levant.
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  • Sent to pacify Ionia, after several Ionian repulses, he dared not return to Susa and so departed for his Thracian project.
  • Propped up at one end by a broken-off marble Ionian capital is a long, slanting wooden board, suggesting a collapsed catafalque.
  • It is a big sweep of soft, pale coral sand shelving gently into the Ionian sea. The Sun
  • The Pocklington tyros which inspired the Percy Roaders to a 54-5 win over Hull Ionians Hawks last week will miss out for the club's final Yorkshire Two clash of the season against West Leeds.
  • Those evils of Athens then, which were found in very deed somewhat later to be the infirmity of Greece as a whole, when, though its versatile gifts of intellect might constitute it the teacher of its eventual masters, it was found too incoherent politically to hold its own against Rome: -- those evils of Athens, of Greece, came from an exaggerated assertion of the fluxional, flamboyant, centrifugal Ionian element in the Hellenic character. Plato and Platonism
  • Thus then for the second time Ionia revolted from the Persians. The History of Herodotus
  • Mr. Gladstone learned, in 1858, that the peoples of the Ionian Islands, then administered by a British protectorate,were agitating for liberty and reunion with the Greek nation. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • The family dip came at the start of a nine-day summer cruise around the Ionian Sea.
  • _Bacterium_ of the Vibrionia, I regarded them as spermatia, having frequently seen others undistinguishable from them under circumstances inconsistent with the presence of _Confervæ_, as in the interior of the immature peridia and sporangia of Fungals. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The first person we know of who might be called a scientist was Thales of Miletus, who lived in Ionia, now the west coast of Turkey, around 600 B.C. What is a scientist?
  • Smyrna -- in Ionia, a little to the north of Ephesus. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The islanders furnished seventeen ships, and were armed like Hellenes, this also being a Pelasgian race, though afterwards it came to be called Ionian by the same rule as the Ionians of the twelve cities, who came from Athens. The History of Herodotus
  • The Ionians invaded the western coast of Asia Minor, which was subsequently called Ionia, taking over the existing cities of Colophon, Miletus, Smyrna, Myus, Priene, Ephesus, Phocaea, and others. C. The Aeolian and Ionian Migrations and the Greek Renaissance
  • Macareus was a son of Crinacus the son of Zeus as Hesiod says ... and dwelt in Olenus in the country then called Ionian, but now Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Many had come, probably especially since the Persian conquest of Ionia, and had passed for citizens under the tyrants.
  • The Ionian has been the source of the Eastern scripts, Romaic, Coptic, Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • The archegonial groups in _Corsinia_ are sunk in a depression of the upper surface, while in _Targionia_ they are displaced to the lower side of the anterior end of a branch. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • _Bacterium_ of the Vibrionia, I regarded them as spermatia, having frequently seen others undistinguishable from them under circumstances inconsistent with the presence of _Confervæ_, as in the interior of the immature peridia and sporangia of Fungals. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Trimalchionian episode, and the subsequent pamphleteering would by no means eradicate this "cacoethes emendandi. Satyricon
  • The Euxine is meant in any case and the word Ionian is therefore wrong.] [Footnote 1403: Apollonius seems to have thought that the Po, the Rhone, and the Rhine are all connected together.] [Footnote 1404: i.e. like the scrapings from skin, APOSTLEGGISMATA; see The Argonautica
  • But all that kind of animal is very uninteresting, and I was glad enough to embark on a Genoese polacca which was loading for the Ionian Islands with gunpowder and munitions for Ali de Tebelen. A Start in Life
  • But all that kind of animal is very uninteresting, and I was glad enough to embark on a Genoese polacca which was loading for the Ionian Islands with gunpowder and munitions for Ali de Tebelen. A Start in Life
  • Media; the road east led to Susa and Ecbatana, where the king is said to spend summer and spring; crossing the river, the road west led to Lydia and Ionia; and the part through the mountains facing towards the Great Bear, led, they said, to the Carduchians59. Anabasis
  • The Ionian cities in Asia Minor and several of the island cities (Samos, Lesbos, and Chios) revolted from the Persians. C. The Rise of the Athenian Empire
  • By acquiring Fionia we continue our growth in Denmark and get a very strong market position in the Funen region, to the benefit of both Fionia's and Nordea's customers and our shareholders," said Peter Schutze, head of Nordic banking for Nordea. Nordea Buys Denmark's Fionia Bank
  • Ionians stood indeed against them in array, but when they joined battle they had very much the worse; and besides other persons of note whom the Persians slaughtered, there fell also Eualkides commander of the Eretrians, a man who had won wreaths in contests of the games and who was much celebrated by Simonides of Keos: and those of them who survived the battle dispersed to their various cities. The History of Herodotus
  • Because of the highly transparent nature of the waters the sublittoral algae Posidionia oceanica is found over quite a large area. Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto, France
  • The geographical mismatch in his poems perhaps reflected his lack of familiarity with the Ionian Islands, together with the fact that he was composing a poem rather than a travel guide. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The Sophists were a motley bunch - some hailed from the Athenian polis or other city-states, but the majority came from Ionia, in Asia Minor.
  • In 5 days novices learn enough to skipper a yacht safely on an Ionian flotilla.
  • I was in the Ionian Islands when I read Paul Krugman's column about how we're engaging "in human sacrifices to appease the anger of invisible gods" -- allowing the obsession with deficit reduction to trump job creation. Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
  • In 1826, he had made a major botanical trip to the Ionian Islands off the west coast of Greece - to Corfu, Zante and Cefalonia - setting up a herbarium of Ionian plants, which are now held at Kew.
  • (M450) While these great events were transpiring in Bœotia, the fleet of the Greeks, after the battle of Salamis, undertook to rescue Samos from the Persians, and secure the independence of the Ionian cities in Asia. Ancient States and Empires
  • The mother of the young Greek accused of murdering a British holidaymaker on the Ionian island of Zante Zakynthos said she was driven by only one desire – to comfort the murdered teenager's mother. I share grief for stabbed Briton, says suspect's mother
  • A guide along the Danube: From Vienna to Constantinople, Smyrna, Athens, the Morea, the Ionian Islands, and Venice: from the notes of a journey made in the year 1836 by R. OpEdNews - Diary: The progressive route to compromise
  • The Ionian Isles have since then formed the three nomarchies, or departments, of Corfu, Cephalonia, and Zante. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • While these wild but ingenious speculators conducted the career of that philosophy called the Ionian, to the later time of the serene and lofty spiritualism of Anaxagoras, two new schools arose, both founded by Ionians, but distinguished by separate names -- the Eleatic and the Italic. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • The Euxine is meant in any case and the word Ionian is therefore wrong.] The Argonautica
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • It was then a coastal city, on a gulf now filled in by silt, in a region known as Ionia. Euclid’s Window
  • Fionia, a regional bank in Denmark's Funen and Triangle region of Jutland with more than 90,000 customers, was hit by mounting losses on bad loans to property developers. Denmark Seizes Bank in Bid to Revamp, Sell It
  • His speaking tours took him to Athens, Corinth, and Ionia, where he contracted a bitter feud with his fellow sophist Polemon.
  • Billionaire Greek shipping mogul Aristotle Onassis is credited for kicking off the private-island trend in 1968 when he married Jackie Kennedy on Skorpios, his paradise in the Ionian Sea.
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Ionian exiles and the Lesbians with the expedition began to urge him, since this seemed too dangerous, to seize one of the Ionian cities or the Aeolic town of Cyme, to use as a base for effecting the revolt of Ionia. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • A philhellene, he obtained appointments in the Ionian Islands, including, in 1854, secretary to the Lord High Commissioner.
  • In Ionia, Pausanias' arrogance and lust for gold and women aroused widespread anger.
  • He was a powerful monarch, -- so powerful that the Greeks, who had built cities all along the coast of Asia Minor, in the country called Ionia, never spoke of him except as "The Great King. The Story of the Greeks
  • He was encouragingly hotel trombonist as one of the inapt daily toilsomeness, and his poeciliid were favism ionia from nester to reviewer. Rational Review
  • It is a big sweep of soft, pale coral sand shelving gently into the Ionian sea. The Sun
  • He preserves the peculiarity of the Ionians for the preterite tenses of verbs the aphaeresis, as where he says [Greek omitted] for [Greek omitted]. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The recovery of the Trimalchionian episode, and the subsequent pamphleteering would by no means eradicate this "cacoethes emendandi. The Satyricon — Complete
  • STOCKHOLM -- Sweden's Nordea Bank AB said Monday it is acquiring part of Denmark's Fionia Bank for €121 million ($173 million) in a move that will double its market share in the country's Funen region and increase its Danish loan portfolio by about 1%. Nordea Buys Denmark's Fionia Bank
  • The Athenians believed that the Ionians had originated in Athens and had spread from there by an early colonization to what came to be called Ionia on the central coast of Asia Minor; there they founded and formed a loose league of cities. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Fragment #52 -- Diodorus [1737] v. 81: Macareus was a son of Crinacus the son of Zeus as Hesiod says ... and dwelt in Olenus in the country then called Ionian, but now Achaean. Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Let us first trace the origins in the philosophers, particularly in the group known as the Ionian Physiologists, whether at home or as colonists in the south of Italy, in whose work the beginnings of scientific medicine may be found. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • Parmenides was a great philosophical pioneer, who turned away from the tradition of Ionian cosmogony to attempt something fundamentally different: a deduction of the character of what is from the requirements of thought and language.
  • This is another expression of Dorian contempt for Ionian prowess; see Appendix H, Dialects and Ethnic Groups, ©8. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • The family dip came at the start of a nine-day summer cruise around the Ionian Sea.
  • IONIA - A 25-year-old Ionia man led police on a high-speed chase Wednesday night that reached speeds in excess of 100 mph, authorities said. - News
  • Javan," distinctly related to the Greek ` iwuan, are the Ionians, which name, after Alexander the Great, was applied to all Greeks. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • a tree called the carob or kharub-tree, which is common in Ionia, Barnes New Testament Notes
  • The mountainous islet of Meganisi is one of the loveliest hideaways in the Ionian Sea.
  • Of that which we call mortal race Polycrates was the first; and he had great expectation of becoming ruler of Ionia and of the islands. The history of Herodotus — Volume 1
  • Another, the Ionia, was swept by high seas and for many hours barely maintained steerage way.

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