

  1. a highly conspicuous bract or bract pair or ring of bracts at the base of an inflorescence

How To Use involucre In A Sentence

  • Basal leaves and flowers initiate from a tuberous rhizome and three green cauline leaves arranged in a whorl form an involucre around the developing flower.
  • The cupules are simple involucres of bracts which are spirally arranged (according to a Fibonacci pattern) on the floral axis preceding the flower.
  • All flowers are enclosed within an involucre with four marginal glands.
  • In these the involucre is little altered, and the receptacle is attacked by larva. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • We used to help my grandmother gather the flowers, remove the green involucre from beneath the flowerhead and separate the rays, or florets.
  • Filbert" is a corruption of "full beard," and refers to the involucre extending beyond the nut. Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915
  • Sporangia clustered around the slender bristle, which is the prolongation of a vein, and surrounded by a vase-like, slightly two-lipped involucre. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • The Hermaphrodite cyathium shows the characteristics measured (length and width of the cyathium involucre and the nectary).
  • Basal leaves and flowers initiate from a tuberous rhizome and three green cauline leaves arranged in a whorl form an involucre around the developing flower.
  • The pistil was unaffected in some cases, while in some others it was entirely wanting, the gynophore being surmounted by a cup-like involucre, divided into three acutely pointed lobes, each with a midrib; these encircled a series of stalked involucels, as before, and among which were scattered Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
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