How To Use Invitation In A Sentence

  • Hawaii's golf-perfect weather is an appropriate location for the invitational Eat It 2001 Golf Tournament at the scenic Ko Olina course.
  • Every protestation that she should go on this outing was clearly a plea for her to stay and resist the invitation.
  • We'd be only too happy to accept your invitation.
  • Mr. Robert Jackson (Wantage) (Labour): Will my right honourable friend accept an invitation to visit the Rutherford Appleton laboratory in my constituency to see the new Diamond synchrotron, which is nearing completion there? PRIME SINISTER'S QUESTIONS
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
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  • Like the invitation to run together, he blurted out such things as if he were completely unaware of how they might be interpreted, with a guileless innocence that couldn't help but put me at ease.
  • It was typical of Mishcon that he declined an invitation to attend the signing of the treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • After glittering premieres in London and Leeds, this was a much more low-key affair as the cinema only seats 250 people, so invitations were strictly limited.
  • So here's an open invitation for him to enjoy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the prophets' messages were invitations, such as when Haggai called the people to rebuild God's temple.
  • It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation.
  • If you are more concerned about the quality of the food and drink than about socializing with your friends, decline the invitation and go out to a restaurant instead.
  • Outside the masochism of the Maul Invitational, Michigan State will play just two nonleague games against big-name opponents.
  • We have an open invitation to use their holiday cottage whenever we like.
  • Apparently, one anxious publisher phoned on behalf of a distinguished philosopher who'd misread the invitation letter and thought he was required to pay to take part.
  • I've declined the invitation to the Royal Garden Party; I'd just to be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people.
  • A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor.
  • As one partook in the invitation to ‘push buttons to rock out,’ even the most unmusical of people could become genius music makers.
  • The embossed invitations to my birthday party ran out. Times, Sunday Times
  • We received another invitation to a wedding this morning.
  • I was brought in at the invitation of the Marr brothers and given a place on the board in return for restructuring the company.
  • I remembered Father Dmitri's invitation to call at his church and took the bus there during the Sunday midday break.
  • Have your invitations printed in black ink which is already included in the cost.
  • Julie left the invitation to confess all hanging in the air like a tripwire. FALLEN WOMEN
  • Charging based on traffic to different (uncontrolled by the customer!) endpoints is just an invitation to both rent seeking and monetary denial of service attacks by third parties. The Volokh Conspiracy » The FCC and the Internet:
  • _The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_ The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • Valleys and sweet plains, waterfalls and rivers, glades where lovers would have walked and confluences where towns could have been built, the lovely island had all these accouter-ments, these alluring invitations to civilization. Hawaii
  • Boxed cards, paper, party invitations, gifts and gift-wrap -- get an early, stylish start on your preparations! Faith Hope Consolo: The Faithful Shopper: Christmas in October
  • The Carter team feared that the remark and the attitude it conveyed would be an open invitation to execute Kim.
  • Passi was on a three-day official visit to Denmark at the invitation of his colleague Moeller.
  • ” Of all forms of indiscriminate almsgiving, that is the most offensive and most worthless, and they knew it, or they would not have sent me a wheedling invitation to come and inspect their “relief work, ” offering to have a carriage take me around. Roosevelt comes—Mulberry Street’s Golden Age
  • It is also an invitation to all those bothersome insect pests, which bite and annoy us, to join in on the activities.
  • The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation.
  • Show your manners!" called Emil; and the boys pranced up to the ladies, old and young; with polite invitations to "tread the mazy," as dear Dick Little Men
  • The firefighters were thrilled to accept the invitation - especially when we told them they could be the judges for the pie bake-off.
  • This is a great time for laying the foundations for winter, reconditioning your skin after months of switching between sun and fierce air-con and generally getting ready to glow when the Christmas invitations start rolling in from November onwards. Indulge your skin this winter
  • The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. 
  • Why did he turn down the invitation?
  • And headliner Nadeem Siddique has welcomed the invitation to attract more female fans.
  • Mrs Armstrong regrets that she cannot accept your kind invitation.
  • As he declined the invitation it is unnecessary to consider further what would have been the effect of such a joinder.
  • He gets regular invitations to hook up with fellow ex-pat bluenoses and take in TV games, invitations he is happy to accept.
  • The invitation was written in beautiful italic script.
  • It was an invitation to his beleaguered opponent, but Hewitt might as well have been meaning the delivery of the championship.
  • Once Shamir had rejected this invitation, Peres entered into intensive negotiations in an attempt to achieve a majority.
  • The farmer-general gave our three artists a hearty invitation to visit him, promising them all the horses they could ride, all the wine they could drink, and all the maccaroni they could eat. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 6, June, 1862 Devoted To Literature and National Policy
  • Stuffy" -- though one was tempted to think that he shared his fruit not so much from choice but rather because he disliked the hard work that was sure to follow a refusal of the pressing invitation to "go halvers. Their Yesterdays
  • Can attend propositional invitational tournament, this is a challenge, also be an opportunity!
  • I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
  • I wrote back to them immediately, thanking them for their kind invitation.
  • Why doesn't a polite and deferential invitation to talk do the trick any more?
  • That said, I would like to extend invitations to any of my colleagues in climatology or meteorology to join this discussion by posting a blog on this site or even coming on The Climate Code. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • JACKSON: Well, the DLC appoints by invitation -- invites its constituency, and labor is not in the DNC -- DLC, and this -- 40 percent of this convention -- only a smathering of blacks in the DLC or Hispanics in the DLC, and so it's in some sense a privatized version of Democrats that they sought to suburbanize the party. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Democratic National Convention: Democratic Party's Liberal Wing Gets a Chance to Speak Out - August 15, 2000
  • The truly free man is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse. Jules Renard 
  • I incurred his displeasure by refusing the invitation.
  • Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.
  • His title on her lips, the Rs heavily rolled, was a blatant invitation. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. 
  • The privilege of writing this column is the regular invitations to book launches. Times, Sunday Times
  • He grinned, taking that as an invitation to enter and pulled a chair over to her bed.
  • Why do invitations come in your name and not mine? Times, Sunday Times
  • We which le dank you to owe kind invitation tonight.
  • Then came an invitation to Martinique , an island in the French Caribbean. It was chance of a lifetime.
  • His last years, lived by invitation in cottages in Sussex and Kent, fed and wined by beneficent admirers, provided a sort of rural coda of tranquillity.
  • I wrote back immediately to thank them for the invitation.
  • The invitation to become deputy Lieutenant came in June this year, he still doesn't know why.
  • Anjali not only endorsed Annika's decision to enter the forbidden PGA territory but supports creation of more invitational sporting events featuring women and men wherever possible to attract more public and media exposure for sport.
  • Not all Hyderabad cousins can watch their show for it is on invitation only.
  • she declined the invitation undiplomatically
  • A stationer can print more than just wedding invitations.
  • So when the invitation to become president of BitC arrived shortly afterwards, Charles accepted with alacrity.
  • But this Christmas an invitation had come to celebrate with the Bradfords, and he had found her.
  • Public hearing participation was clearly limited by the timetable and invitation list adopted by city staff.
  • The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. 
  • She says she won't come back to California, nor will she go to France despite a pressing invitation.
  • She was mocked for expecting that an invitation that had been accepted would be honoured. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dropping a loaded firearm is not so much a gross violation of gun etiquette as it is an invitation to a lawsuit.
  • I cannot accept your invitation
  • Doors and windows left open during the warm summer weather are an invitation to the opportunist thief.
  • Neither authority can be unaware that dark streets are an invitation for potential housebreakers and thugs to call round.
  • An invitation to appear before the committee again looks likely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miss Margland, who came but for two days, sought with much adulation to obtain an invitation for a longer stay; but Mrs. Berlinton, though all courtesy and grace, incommoded herself with no society that she did not find pleasing. Camilla
  • I would love to have a squad of tough cops who would go around and roust people who don't answer invitations and write thank-you notes.
  • He readily accepted her invitation .
  • A quick knock on the door roused him from his deliberations, and he called out an invitation without checking the identity of the visitor.
  • The invitation of five internationally prominent male ballet stars showed that the Kirov's ballerinas were equal to the skills of their partners.
  • This year a handbag containing an invitation to the royal wedding was handed in. Times, Sunday Times
  • she threw the invitation away
  • Instead, the effect is to prettify the whole thing, something for which designer William Dudley needs no second invitation.
  • An invitation to lunch on board followed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
  • Sometimes it carries an invitation for a state dinner as well, or the showing of a movie in the family theater.
  • From Bactria Alexander moved into India at the invitation of the local dynasts of the Kabul valley and Punjab.
  • Neil Kinnock has again declined an invitation to brief the media's industry hacks at the Labour party conference.
  • The privilege of writing this column is the regular invitations to book launches. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was kind of you to extend an invitation to us.
  • Attendance at the seminars is by invitation only .
  • In 1921 Kandinsky received the mission to go to Germany to attend the Bauhaus of Weimar , on the invitation of its founder, the architect Walter Gropius .
  • Gymnasts can then participate in invitational competitions with their clubs.
  • The samisen player leaves, too, but not before she removes the screen in the corner to reveal a futon, the top quilt folded back in invitation. Ukiyo
  • We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area.
  • When she initially rejected the invitation, he seemed to want her all the more. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invitation is open to all, irrespective of party affiliation.
  • Too much occupied with the acquaintances which they would be able to form and the invitations it might perhaps be possible to secure, they knew absolutely nothing, even in after-years, of what there was in this priceless museum of the archives of the Monarchy, and could only recall confusedly that it was decorated with cacti and giant palms which gave this centre of social elegance a look of the palmarium in the Jardin d’Acclimatation. The Guermantes Way
  • This psalm is an invitation but also shows the practical aspect of how going to any other source is very limited in terms of actual help and value, and both now and in the moments and days ahead, it will be the superseding and presiding help of the Lord that rules and overrules all situations and surrounding circumstances. Grande Illusions | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Invitation slips will be sent out shortly and those planning to attend are asked to send back the reply slips as soon as possible.
  • Breakfast is at the invitation of our attendants - pita bread, olives, hummus, hot tea.
  • I extend an invitation to the minister to visit this area.
  • Yevtushenko was no longer the cult figure he had been when he came to Britain at the association's invitation in 1962.
  • The stylistics are invitations to readerly involvement.
  • She had wangled an invitation to the opening night.
  • The Wingti government also claimed that the army's advance was largely unresisted and had been in response to the invitation of local chiefs.
  • Data also showed that if an invitee came in with no desire to use condoms, they were more likely to enroll when offered the second more neutral invitation.
  • The drawers were chock-full of invitations to dinner parties and benefits. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
  • In a nod to the ailing economy, the invitation from the first lady had recommended that guests eat beforehand. Times, Sunday Times
  • she was an invitation to trouble
  • Of course, some people who say they're straight really do want it (because they're not really straight), and some hets are willing to be led for a walk on the wild side if the invitation comes from the right person at the right moment.
  • Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.
  • A revolution in typeface design has led to everything from more-legible newspapers and cell-phone displays to extra-tacky wedding invitations. What's in a Font?
  • To be fair, this exhortation is not simply an invitation to be greedy.
  • He will take it amiss if you refuse his invitation.
  • Tours end with an invitation to taste samples of the various sugars produced. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were persuaded that we would accept the invitation.
  • The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation.
  • Sometimes it is by invitation and sometimes by people coming forward.
  • I am unfortunately unable to accept your kind invitation.
  • Seen through 9-year-old eyes, that's as good as an invitation.
  • An open invitation has been issued to Catholics of all ages, both practising and lapsed, to take part in the consultation forum in the Woodland's Hotel next Wednesday night, March 10.
  • Words that once were treasured and saved for moments of extreme emotion now spring from the tongue at the mildest invitation.
  • He made a schoolboy error by accepting a lunch invitation from a journalist. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
  • One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations.
  • They may not be authentic anything, but they might still hold their own at the Jack Daniels invitational.
  • The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. 
  • Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister.
  • Have you received your invitation to the exhibition?
  • But you didn't accept father's invitation," she chided. Chapter 45
  • • Deliver the Invitation to Change -- Invite your loved one to grab the preserver, that is, take actions necessary for change to begin Brad Lamm: You Can Change Someone You Love
  • Ticket prices, including the concessions, include an invitation to supper in the old school opposite the church after the concert.
  • His right calf affected his ankle to the point that he withdrew from the Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone the first week of August and spent six weeks of rest and rehabilitation. Lee Westwood Set To Overtake Tiger Woods In Golf Rankings
  • Socialites decked out in their finest Chanel tweeds fanned themselves with their invitation cards as temperatures climbed inside the venue, a stone's throw from the Louvre museum.
  • Griffin wouldn't have dared to make that comment in front of Mark Roberts, or any other knowledgeable debunker of his malarkey, which is why he's never accepted an invitation to appear with him publicly. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • ‘I would trace the gothic typeface of The New York Times banner head, [and] practice the copperplate script that adorns wedding invitations with felt markers and ballpoint pens,’ he recalls.
  • It may be a rare privilege to do the honours in a marriage ceremony, but invitations to the USPGA aren't exactly distributed like confetti.
  • At the invitation of the FMCS, and with the agreement of both parties, the ongoing negotiations will now be conducted under my auspices in Washington, D.C., commencing Friday, February 18. NFL, union agree to federal mediation
  • Thank you for your kind invitation.
  • Admission to the exhibition will be by invitation only.
  • Local and state legislatures eagerly read the Court's decision as an invitation to transfer other people's property to private developers.
  • He accepted the invitation to stay with us.
  • With such numberless callers as I have daily received from all parts of the United States, the frequent courtesies from the families of congressional members, and the occasionally accepted invitations to the theatre, the opera, or other public entertainments (many of which invitations, while appreciating the kindly spirit, I was obliged to decline), my leisure moments were much occupied. Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • The unnecessary use of any of the following words -- 'subliminable,' 'snippy' or 'recount' -- will result in an invitation not to return," she said. Leader Of The Pack
  • What a liberty, to refuse the invitation on your behalf, without even asking you!
  • I decline all invitations of society that are declinable: a London rout is one of the maddest things under the moon; a London dinner makes me sicker for a week, and I say often, The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • There is currently an open invitation for composers to write pieces for the bells.
  • Three consecutive knock-ons, all on the first tackle, handed Halifax the initiative and the home team didn't need a second invitation.
  • Invitations to meditate, his vast colour-soaked canvases are memorable for the sensations evoked in the viewer rather than for their imagery.
  • The only sticky part is that when an invitation is sent very close to the event, then the recipient knows he was not on the original list, but most people roll with that.
  • Membership of the club is by invitation only.
  • Needless to say, I politely declined their invitations.
  • Thanks for the invitation, but...
  • Having laws you're not going to enforce is an invitation for capricious and arbitrary prosecution.
  • Shayne, disconcerted by the sudden invitation, answered quickly, "That would take a bit of negotiation with my husband."
  • I've been keeping track of what I call my invitation stream for a few weeks now and am impressed with just how many social networks there are. Mashable!
  • There is nothing wrong in seeking an invitation to go and look around a neighbouring school to explore possibilities of working together.
  • Every other department that issued invitations offered sherry and nibbles to graduands and parents.
  • The shows are very festive with invitations going out to clients and prospects all over Japan.
  • Mel isn't easily scared off by that and accepts the invitation to fight the man.
  • He is here to give a concert at the invitation of the British Council.
  • Why did she turn down your invitation?
  • Have you received the notice for the invitational tournament?
  • In spurning the invitation by Government to discuss the matter, the union leaders have lost an opportunity to find an answer to their grievances without causing disruption to the system.
  • The quintessence of luxury, based upon a range of cashmere and guanashina, the main collection for this winter is an irresistible invitation to enjoy the ultimate in refined elegance.
  • I declined with much regret your kind invitation.
  • A few weeks later I received an invitation to compete at an international meeting in Gateshead, the Amoco Games.
  • Positioned on the other side of the argument is the Association of National Advertisers, which has asked the commission to "disavow" any effort to add commercials to the content ratings menu, saying that Congress 'instruction to the FCC to conduct a study was not be treated as an "invitation to regulate. Multichannel News: Breaking News
  • True to his word, Matt accepted some invitation for us to attend some awards show and somehow I was suckered into presenting an award.
  • Maybe it is time that invitation was again extended to the town councillors.
  • By invitation he was there, a perplexed bystander.
  • Public hearing participation was clearly limited by the timetable and invitation list adopted by city staff.
  • `You never know when the next invitation for a week's snorkelling in the Bahamas may land on the doormat. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Tender invitations were issued, and the railway was hopeful of awarding a contract by the end of last year.
  • We'd love to take up your invitation to visit you some time.
  • Entering the Kingdom is by invitation only, and that invitation must be given top priority.
  • One afternoon he had shared a pot of coffee with Dorothy, at her invitation.
  • She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.
  • Then came an invitation to Martinique , an island in the French Caribbean. It was chance of a lifetime.
  • ‘I thought it was a wind-up when I got the invitation,’ said Oscar.
  • She'd felt quite frightened and hadn't accepted the invitation.
  • I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation.
  • She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
  • She snubbed them by not replying to their invitation.
  • She bade them adieu blithely; but the thoughts engendered by the invitation stood before her as sorrowful and rayless ghosts which could not be laid. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • A fortnight after she had made this earth-shattering discovery she was amazed when he stuttered out an invitation to the cinema.
  • The field of this year's invitational will be made up of the top 10 finishers in the 2004 Top Sportsman points from the Southeast, North Central, and South Central divisions.
  • The invitation from Kim was sent to the Kremlin early this month, Itar-Tass news agency said Wednesday in a report datelined Pyongyang.
  • I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation
  • It's time we returned their invitation .
  • Invitation to wake up either covered in bumps or wondering how many bugs you accidentally ate during the night. Skittledog: April, come she will
  • Sebastian and Veronica flip through a book of wedding invitations.

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