How To Use Invisible In A Sentence
The foraging bee, if alive after its visit to the beautiful white flowers of almonds, for example, laden with invisible spheres of asphyxiating gas, would be bringing back to its home pollen and nectar mixed with parathion.
Honeybees in Danger
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. Victor Hugo
The gun can fire invisible rays.
He is concerned with the existence of invisible power within the state, creating a barrier between it and the people.
Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes.

According to the pamphlet issued to midwives, fathers often feel like 'the invisible parent ... uninformed and unwelcomed'.
Times, Sunday Times
Trash and harrowingly low budgets are the point of a Versus movie, as the genre's pioneers well knew back when they were churning out Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein/The Invisible Man/The Mummy.
Cowboys & Aliens: the Versus movie without Versus in its name
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
Always , KGB officers try to remain invisible.
It seemed to be locked on to some invisible beam that was projecting from out of June's vagina.
With a flick of invisible fingers it sent a tiny, blood-red stone skittering across the table to Tamani.
Entering the village was like passing under an invisible triumphal arch, quite splendid.
Bitterns are virtually invisible as their plumage provides perfect camouflage.
Jamaerah was barefoot, wearing only a pair of ragged stonewashed jeans, playing an invisible guitar to “Put Your Lights On,” rocking out while coffee brewed, singing his heart out in perfect pitch, wings spread, eyes closed, and an expression of sheer ecstasy gracing his beautiful face.
Surrender the Dark
Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.
Thou teachest "my hands to war and my fingers to fight" [361] against the invisible enemies of my salvation and blessedness; against the enemies of holiness and of the power of Thy glory; against the subcelestial spirits of evil.
My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
Fish were abundant, to be sure, along that coast, where the invisible fruitfulness of the sea made compensation for the blank barrenness of the land; but they were swift and wary, and had to be caught, one at a time, outwitted and outspeeded in their own element.
Kings in Exile
By insisting that Aristotelian forms were spiritual substances distinct from matter, professors equally made room for the logical possibility of bodiless invisible spirits at work in the universe.
The top of the picture is a dark pall, through which the canvas shows as almost invisible gold filigree.
The Times Literary Supplement
Nature notes Birds still move about in the mist and fog if these are not too dense, and one can sometimes hear an invisible bird.
Times, Sunday Times
It has an untamed feel, having been largely unmanaged for many decades and it's littered with old wood and falling trees, a perfect habitat for these invisible workers.
Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.
This psalm is a most solemn and earnest call to all the creatures, according to their capacity, to praise their Creator, and to show forth his eternal power and Godhead, the invisible things of which are manifested in the things that are seen.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
I also recall Montesquieu argued the courts should be invisible!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
It's a powerful magical tool, a moonstone sigil named Concealer, able to render a man invisible.
Selling insurance overseas is Britain's largest invisible export .
In cities where blocks were laid out with rear access, separate houses were sometimes built behind the privies, facing the alleys and creating almost invisible low rent districts.
When she puts the pen down, a little ink drops off the nib, spreads into a blue mark on the paper and makes the word Mitzi invisible.
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You march along as if conducting an invisible orchestra because there are no paths.
Times, Sunday Times
She feels invisible both to the world and to herself.
Times, Sunday Times
A scampering noise beat across the ceiling before a little trapdoor opened with a dull thud, previously completely invisible to all in the bar.
I went to my room and calmed myself with some invisible mending.
Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.
Harry Boden There are invisible infrared security beams around the perimeter and throughout the garden.
High-Security Homes
Not work a shifty deal to remain invisible.
The Sun
Her chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.
The police found traces of blood on his jacket that were invisible to the naked eye.
The invisible components of civil society, whose extent is largely unknown, consist of those who prefer a personal rather than a ready-made set of values, people who never speak up, and people who admittedly do not want to be bothered.
And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
It means an invisible join and allows me to line up all my rows for a really neat finish.
Next-door Nepal offers a case study of vulgar tourism - Kathmandu is so choked with dark brown smog that the Everest is invisible on some days.
Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
The very colour of blue jeans has become invisible.
The Times Literary Supplement
Undesirable automatic synchronizer and hand are moved and the net is a dynamo is invisible killer.
The air is full of millions of invisible germs.
The folklore of the ancient Dogon tribe of West Africa dates back thousands of years and speaks of the star Sirius B, which was invisible to the naked eye.
Supernatural - Paranormal, ESP, Occult
For three whole days, during which time did not exist for him, he struggled in that black sack into which he was being thrust by an invisible, resistless force.
But he has become invisible since being hounded out of office two years ago.
The Sun
The invisible force in society that nobody wants to mention.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a risk for Invisible Theatre to choose a work whose success depends on the skill of teenaged actors.
And technology is most celebrated when it is most invisible—when the machinery is completely hidden, combining godlike effortlessness with blissful ignorance about the mechanisms that deliver our disburdened lives.
The Secular Prophet
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Essentially you do indeed undergo a metamorphosis on reaching 35. You become invisible.
Times, Sunday Times
From the point view of a firm customer value includes the countable value and invisible value.
Invisible from the road, its hills and woods and ponds are overlooked by a big house in which dwells a princess.
Times, Sunday Times
I said I didn't think it would be a big deal, everyone has that fine downy, near-invisible hair.
Also, brads from a nail gun become almost invisible when nailed.
Unfortunately it has not been possible before this to remove all diseased portions, no matter what method was applied, because often tiny lupous tubercles spring up which are almost invisible to the naked eye.
Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated
Apparently, the region was full f nebulosity which is normally invisible to us.
Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
It was a quiet process, invisible to those beyond the borders of East Harlem.
His sword weaved an invisible circle around Sojan's guard and the newcomer soon had him at his mercy.
Elric At The End of Time
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Failure that is so mortifying and so devastating that it makes you try to become invisible.
Rich in PA: Or we could let invisible handymen rebuild the country.
Matthew Yglesias » Context in Haiti
Inside him beat the heart of a daredevil barnstormer, who in 1922 had walked on the wings of an airplane as it looped through the air in the Midwest, secured by invisible wire cables.
Helen Davey: Pan Am: A Dream Takes Flight (Part III)
The class of organisms known as the filterable viruses or the ultra-microscopic or the invisible organisms have a special interest in many ways.
Disease and Its Causes
I knew my athetoid cerebral palsy would kick into high gear and my head control would vanish, leaving me bobbing for invisible apples.
Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
The police found traces of blood on his jacket that were invisible to the naked eye.
The uncertain flicker of the flames and sparks from our beacon (which, though itself invisible, darkened and lightened like sheet lightning), the dismal umbery glimmer of the waning moon, and the pale approach of day over the mountains to the east, made the face appear almost ghastly.
The Dew of Their Youth
Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure. George Carlin
The problem with working in fashion is that you are invariably running a ticker tape of references in your head, invisible to most other people.
Times, Sunday Times
The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain.
Times, Sunday Times
As for the latter, it seems to be nothing else but the saying Amen to the Presage, uttered in his accustomary form of Speech, as if he should say, you of the invisible Kingdom of Spirits, have given the Token of my sudden Departure, and you say true, I shall be with you by and by.
The Iron Chest of Durley
It's hard to take being treated like invisible people, or people who simply don't count.
Extragalactic nebula is invisible to the naked eye.
By six o'clock they were invisible, both from the road and anywhere else, protected by layers of brushwood.
Let me emphasize, straight away, that he isn't what I would call a friend, but I know him enough to say that he did purposely design himself: single, modest dresser in receding colours, mathematics teacher, sponsor of the chess club, mild-mannered acquaintance to all rather than a friend to any, a person anxious to become invisible.
Excerpt: Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland
The transparent bisulphide, which is highly pervious to invisible heat, exercises on it the same absorption as the perfectly opaque solution.
Fragments of science, V. 1-2
An onionskin -like structure of concentric dust shells surround a central, aging star. Twin beams of light radiate from the star and illuminate the usually invisible dust.
She repeatedly invokes the ocean's radical non-humanity, asking readers to imagine underwater 'tides so vast they are invisible and uncomprehended by the senses of man', or lights traveling over the water 'that flash and fade away, lights that come and go for reasons meaningless to man', though 'man, in his vanity, subconsciously attributes a human origin' to them.
Rachel Carson's environmental ethics
The only people politicizing the use of embryonic stem cells are those who claim that a blastula, which is an invisible to the naked eye group of cells an embryo is not the same thing as a fetus, is a human.
Think Progress » Michael J. Fox: ‘I Could Give a Damn About Rush Limbaugh’s Pity…I’m Not A Victim’
The streets themselves have a newly minted look as if an invisible army of cleaners had been at work all night.
Her eyes were invisible in the puffy purpling of bruised flesh.
The cloud clearly isn't steam in the strict sense, nor vapour (these are both invisible) but a fog of small ice crystals.
It's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.
The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
Part of the reason commercials are effective is that they are, in a sense, invisible.
It does not only password protect your data but also let you choose security levels for your data, so that you can choose making your files inaccessible, invisible, delete-proof or write-protected.
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Most digital cameras offer a unique feature called "geotagging" which marks every picture with an invisible time and date stamp.
Virtually inventing methods of composite mattes in film made the invisible man truly come alive and real.
The opposite defence is to sit dead still and try to be invisible.
Unglamorous, usually unexciting and normally invisible , the world's financial plumbing is gummed up.
She turned the Zodiac and headed at a sedate speed for the invisible piece of flotsam that was Kyle Donovan.
In the midst of winter, I find within me the invisible summer... Leo Tolstoy
Prothero's genius had liberated itself for the time being in his last poem; it was detached from him; it wandered free, like a blessed spirit invisible, while Prothero's brain agonized and journalized as Laura said.
The Creators A Comedy
What, at this high level of gadgety sophistication, is the point of an invisible car?
The substantial pledge has been refined into the invisible rights of a mortgage or hypotheca; and the agreement of sale, for a certain price, imputes, from that moment, the chances of gain or loss to the account of the purchaser.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
She just moved off, climbing the air as though ascending a flight of invisible stairs.
They call upon arcane strikes, power words, and spells to unleash raging torrents of cold, fire, or lighting, confuse and enthrall the weak-minded , or even turn invisible or walk through walls.
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
We talk about the invisible man.
Times, Sunday Times
Many works are connected to the wall by wires or electrical cords, which generate an invisible but dynamic source of energy in her work.
He wished that he could make himself invisible.
Battles occur without screen transitions, thank goodness, and enemies are always visible, wandering MMO-like (aka 'aimlessly') in their invisible stables.
He also describes a new goal: to see and tell of things invisible to mortal sight.
The problems of the poor are largely invisible.
I glanced back at the man, who was thirty yards away and almost invisible through the park's Sunday strollers.
The system works due to hundreds of tiny microchips - invisible to the naked eye - which are contained in a solution painted on the back of a mobile.
Well, after Mr. Invisible's dynamic campaign, the grand total of NONE were saved, oh yes, and one extra one was shut to make up for the ones saved in Powys!
Well done Williamses
The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.
This is a friendship with visible shallows and invisible depths.
Times, Sunday Times
Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export.
The goosefish is practically invisible lying flattened, with its darkly marbled skin matching the bottom color and the outline of its body obliterated by a fringe of branched skin flaps.
Nkosi explained that Sisulu was the invisible power behind Mandela's successful defiance of the oppressive apartheid regime.
A small dapper gentleman two seats away knocked back a shot of something and exhaled an invisible sweet cloud.
In practice, the invisible foot is sometimes a very imperfect incentive structure.
The invisible hand of Allah has given OPEC most of the world's oil.
Like the black woman in a slave narrative, the Chicana remains here an abiding if sometimes invisible medium of exchange.
My house is not contained within an invisible force field.
Some of the additions are invisible, such as the minilab in a former coat closet and the metal conduit tubing placed over electrical wires to meet code requirements.
Trade in goods is known as visible exports and trade in services is known as invisible exports.
Business Studies Basic Facts
I think Los Amigos Invisibles encapsule perfectly what the Latino immigrant experience should be.
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The Dictionary of Islam by Thomas Patrick Hughes states: “They become invisible at please (by a rapid extension or rarefaction of the particles which compose them), or suddenly disappear in the earth or air, or through a solid wall.”
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1065
The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain.
Times, Sunday Times
The very colour of blue jeans has become invisible.
The Times Literary Supplement
A fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.
The basic unit of classical space is the room, and we should think of it not as a void but as an expansive, albeit insubstantial and invisible, mass.
Millions of invisible bits of data were being transmitted through underground cable wires and satellite networks, and I was their sole subject and object of concern.
We've been remastering movies like Radar Men From the Moon, Invisible Ghost with Bela Lugosi… lots of classics.
These types of socks are as low as they come and are made to be invisible in any kind of sneakers.
These spirits have astral bodies only, and are invisible.
This is offset, however, by invisible earnings, to which the main contributor is tourism.
I run my fingers over this invisible object, and little by little curiosity gets the better of me.
The pockets of the farmers, on the other hand, will reluctantly yield but scanty supplies, in the unwelcome shape of impositions on their houses and lands; and personal property is too precarious and invisible a fund to be laid hold of in any other way than by the imperceptible agency of taxes on consumption.
Delicious fragrance came to them, as if little invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass.
Practically invisible or blatantly obvious, these so-called slipups made centuries ago survive today beneath vitrified coats of clear overglaze and provide snapshots of the innovative and ingenious decorative techniques employed.
I stood on deck in the burning sun, searching for that invisible equatorial line.
The first rays of the new day's sun are shinning through the small cracks in the ceiling and small dust particles are moving through the sunbeams on invisible currents.
Houses like this can either feel like they've never been occupied - full of treasures polished by an invisible army of servants - or appear all too lived in, suggesting a handful of ghosts and a madwoman or two in the attic.
Their pores were more magnified than their qualms; their scruples were invisible.
I will compound a medicine, out of their two heads, stronger than garlic, deadlier than stibium: the cantharides, which are scarce seen to stick upon the flesh, when they work to the heart, shall not do it with more silence or invisible cunning.
The White Devil
Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings.
But to acclimate to life here, they often blend into the mainstream, becoming invisible.
I measured the hat, went out and got ribbon and silver trim, came home and figured out that the silver trim was just not powerful enough to overcome the gold trim, took the gold trim off, found out that the danged gold trim had also been helping to keep the wire in the edge of the brim, resewed that with invisible thread, and now
Kauri's Katharsis
The invisible rays sliced and diced my entrails in search of metal.
The style was bound up with a very unclear theory of invisible rays, in some ways analogous to the ‘lines of force’ that were postulated by the Futurists.
Let the invisible flame burn out cool.
The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth.
Cosmic Consciousness
It seems that HSUKFF's institutional investor base, low-key private interventions in companies, a number of changes to the fund name over the years, and often hard-to-spot disclosable holdings (the wider Hermes Group or even the BT Pension Scheme Trustees are sometimes recorded as the 'notifier') have all probably contributed to the fund being largely invisible to private investors. - Headlines
Tonal mists begird the senses like thick, expanding fog, as the sparse calls of exotic birds and invisible creatures enhances the presence of this tenebrous abode of tranquility.
But for me, good old reliable David, door opener extraordinaire, will always be the invisible man and the person I like to call my role model.
Covering less than one-thousandth of the page, along with their colour combination of yellow on white, makes them invisible to the naked eye, Crean says.
So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.
Belief is an invisible power emanating from the mind and the heart. Dr T.P.Chia
Motoko can make herself and others invisible, inaudible, insubstantial… you get the idea.
Now, I'm sure some of you with a more sceptical nature might find my tales of invisible derring-do a little hard to believe.
In fact, WordPerfect uses invisible codes for many of its functions.
The three had been lying motionless in the rough grass, curled in foetal positions, hoping to be invisible.
Times, Sunday Times
Jerry L. Thompson Smith's pieces, far from being dispassionate arrangements of geometric elements, retain an eerie sense of presentness, as if they have us fixed in their invisible gaze.
The Artist in All His Dimensions
They work by forming an invisible barrier to prevent water loss.
Radon is an invisible gas found in certain types of rock and soil, which can cause cancer if it seeps into houses and is breathed in over prolonged periods.
The gun can fire invisible rays.
But, aiming to arm themselves with terrific and overwhelming strength, by invoking the cooperation of forces from the spiritual, invisible, and diabolical world, with rash "precipitancy," they hurried on the witchcraft prosecutions.
Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
When he wiped a few invisible specks of dust from the cantle, Isabella knew he was simply stalling for words, turning the situation over in his mind.
His victims are invisible, unlikely to be missed: prostitutes, drifters, bottom-feeders.
They can become all but invisible, and pass through solid objects, but they react to stimuli which would not affect us.
In the height of his prosperity, the victorious monarch, who had chastised the rashness of Gallus, and suppressed the revolt of Sylvanus, who had taken the diadem from the head of Vetranio, and vanquished in the field the legions of Magnentius, received from an invisible hand a wound, which he could neither heal nor revenge; and the son of
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
III. i.35 (64,1) love's invisible soul] _love's_ visible _soul_.]
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
It's a secret message written in invisible ink.
They wanted something discreet, invisible if possible.
Times, Sunday Times
When the creature I now watched hovered before the blossom of a convolvulus whose calyx it tapped with a tongue shaped like a glass probe, it was almost invisible.
The problems of the poor are largely invisible.
Perhaps its grandeur renders it effectively invisible.
The Times Literary Supplement
The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth.
Cosmic Consciousness
`The Red Priests affix it to their own with an invisible ink.
Another man erupts into a lengthy solo of being battered about by something invisible.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps its grandeur renders it effectively invisible.
The Times Literary Supplement
Just pick off the little round jobbies, and give yourself invisible gold stars for going with the flow.
Does Shanghai city foreigner salary invisible income individual income tax collect the starting point number?
Many stars overhead are invisible to the naked eye.
They have already made major breakthroughs in the study of dark matter - the invisible material which scientists believe makes up most of the universe.
In other families, relationships that may have seemed untroubled in the past sometimes splinter completely due to some invisible fracture that has long lain hidden beneath an otherwise placid surface.
Fatal Error
Surrounded by tall buildings and skyscrapers leading up to the show-stealing MetLife building, it's nearly invisible to passersby, which is too bad because how often is there a wizard at work just above your head?
Nick Carr: The Wizard of Park Avenue
The silver bodies of predatory fish like congers make them virtually invisible head-on.
His spin doctors have been so assiduous in building images of him that the real man has remained invisible behind them.
The ultra-violet rays, and other high-velocity and invisible rays from the upper end of the spectrum, rip and tear through their tissues, just as the X-ray ripped and tore through the tissues of so many experimenters before they learned the danger.
Chapter 32
Whereas I had felt naked and exposed crossing the open field, here in the woods I felt relatively secure and almost invisible.
Natural essential oil components and special invisible membrane-forming technique join together. It has a good property and an elegant package.
There's a wonderful cover shot to the 1958 album Legrand Jazz, with pianist-composer Michel Legrand wearing an expression of insouciant expectation, Gauloise at the corner of his mouth, indolently summoning invisible sidemen to action.
This week's new live music
We have a chow/shepherd mix, and the invisible fence doesn't work for her as the shock doesn't reach her skin through the mass of fur.
Yet all such speed was invisible, as the wind vanishes when a swift xebec scuds before a tempest on the Ocean of Urth. We drifted so lazily that if I had not had faith in Apheta and the Hierarchs, I would have feared we would never reach the ship at all and be lost forever in that endless night.
The Urth of the New Sun
Many Muslims believe in jinns, spirits who can change shape and be either visible or invisible.
They have already made major breakthroughs in the study of dark matter - the invisible material which scientists believe makes up most of the universe.
The Stealth bomber is meant to be invisible to radar.
I don't know the other girls, and they treat me like I'm invisible.
Can be trachoma used invisible glasses?
The troupe's signature use of satire, vaudeville, mime and spoken word dramatizes the voices of the socially invisible and the New Americans, offering a fresh examination of cultures in flux. : News
Its magnitude is officially given as below 9, so that it should be invisible with binoculars.
The regulars triangulate their positions using landmarks invisible to the casual anglers: a certain forked tree, a faded white sign that once warned of dangerous currents, a particular stone on the Virginia side known as the Lowell Rock.
Fletcher's Boathouse