
How To Use Investigate In A Sentence

  • He saw something glinting in the streetlight, and went over to investigate.
  • The present study investigated how children spell words that contain silent consonants as their final letter.
  • Police may now reinvestigate her unsolved murder.
  • Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed.
  • We also investigated a possible DMSO effect on the frequency of polyploid and endo-reduplicated cells by chromosome counting.
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  • They also investigate the origins of various heraldic monsters, such as the basilisk (based on the hooded cobra).
  • Walking along the beach, he saw a tall, heavyset man throwing something into the water, and altered his course to investigate further.
  • Take time to shop around; get to know your local wine merchant or investigate your local supermarket.
  • And when the Monkeewrench crew - computer geeks who made a fortune on games, now assisting the cops with special anticrime soft-ware - are invited by the FBI to investigate a series of murder videos posted to the Web, it's not long before the group discovers the frightening link between the unlucky bride and the latest, most horrific use of the Internet yet. Shoot to Thrill by P. J. Tracy: Book summary
  • The effects of the structures of the compounds on the insect glutamate potentials were investigated by using electrophysiological intracellular microelectrode recording technique.
  • Flooding and floating affecting the appearances and the effect of latex paint and film were investigated.
  • Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
  • Half a year later, the patients were reinvestigated.
  • Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
  • A commission was scheduled to be appointed within 10 days of the end of the strike to investigate possible unwarranted dismissals since March 1.
  • Objective:To investigate the enhancing effect of some non-ionic surfactants on intestinal absorption of the main active components vitexin-2"-O- rhamnoside in Hawthorn Leaf total flavonoids.
  • He was investigated by Dr. Stevenson when he was five years old.
  • Objective To investigate the advantage of combined general anesthesia with sacral block in infant laparoscopic surgery.
  • We must investigate what produces solecisms, and not merely adduce examples.
  • Criminality, we trust, will be investigated and punished.
  • Objective: To investigate the regulation of estradiol and progesterone on leukocyte and lymphocyte of peripheral blood in ovariectomized mice.
  • In this study, we investigated the predatory behavior of the ant Azteca andreae which is associated with the myrmecophyte Cecropia obtusa. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In 1998 and 1999, a 17-year-old male held at Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center in Powhatan County was investigated by state police for sex offenses with female staff there. Female Prison Staff Offenders in Two-thirds of Sexual Assaults | Impact Lab
  • The Democrats realized the same thing, but rather than using this as leverage to get a long-term postponement to investigate the charges, the pressure really was just to have some kind of a hearing. Hill’s Sexual Harassment Charges 1 Year Ago
  • Matt visited other cities to investigate how they dealt with kerb crawlers and liaised with their community action teams on the best approach to deal with the problem.
  • They face indefinite suspension while charges of gross misconduct are investigated.
  • Recent research has investigated one more option, Johnson reported -- that of toltrazuril sulfone or ponazuril given at a loading dose along with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to improve uptake of the medications. Thoroughbred News |
  • Albertus Magnus [Alberto Magno] "To Albertus Magnus, because he investigated the natural phenomena in emulation of Aristotle, in immense volumes, as a most holy concern for posterity Federico set this up for one who deserved it well. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
  • The influences of twelve amino acids on S - adenosyl - L - methionine ( SAM ) production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated.
  • As a black man going undercover in whiteface, he investigates this secret world with laughable results.
  • Four experimental models were employed to investigate the effects of the extract: anti-ulcer, antiasthmatic (in vivo), oxytocic Chapter 7
  • Objective To investigate the curative effect of tube placement and drug irrigation in the auditory tube under nasoscope in the treatment of secretory otitis media(SOM).
  • The field emission properties of hafnium coated carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) were investigated.
  • Yet he recognized that he needed active assistants to break through the lines of bureaucratic retrenchment, and he often used plenipotentiaries to investigate, control, and bully on his behalf.
  • The police were baffled, and Sherlock Holmes was called in to investigate.
  • We laid out a third trench 3 m east of the second trench in order to further investigate the large central room of the northern series as well as to uncover its southern wall and part of the large central courtyard (tentatively identified as the palaestra of the complex). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Near the Theater Report 7
  • The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations.
  • Madison was assigned to investigate a balloon accident.
  • Legal Aid WA rookie Dragana Nuic, 22, jumped off The Gap - just days after being "berated" by a magistrate in a West Australian court, whose conduct is now being investigated by the | Top Stories
  • In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
  • To investigate further, the biologists took to subalpine forests in the foothills of Mount Fuji, where the cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of red-flanked bush robins.
  • Several desmids investigated had nuclei too large to be accommodated by the photometer aperture system and could easily have had nuclear DNA contents in excess of 4x specimens that were measured.
  • Objective: To investigate the pulmonary function characteristics and rehabilitation strategy for Becker muscular dystrophy(BMD).
  • Objective To investigate the hemostatic effects of iodoform mixture bandage ( IMB ) on liver trauma.
  • Objective To investigate the morphology of normal parotid gland of the miniature pig ( mining ).
  • Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire. Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • Pulsed corona discharge plasma was used to treat ethanethiol in the air. The influences of gas flow rate (or residence time) and moisture of gas flow on removal efficiency were investigated.
  • Objective To investigate the effects of anaesthesia receiving laparoscopic cholecystotomy.
  • If she's not a person covered by the law then there's nothing even to investigate.
  • The judge also barred provisions that would have allowed state agencies to investigate and report alleged illegal immigrants.
  • Objective To investigate the demographic characteristics of patients with cypridopathy , risk factors for epidemic, and occurence, development and distribution of STDs in population.
  • The roasting kinetics of copper sulfide concentrate is investigated with the differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-gravimetry (TG) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
  • Oeppen has continued to investigate the structure of projection models as applied to long runs of data from the past.
  • The inquiry also investigated whether any of the Prince's staff have received improper payments or other benefits.
  • In this study on lek-breeding topi antelopes, I investigate whether female mating preferences have consequences for male investment in harassment and whether harassing males are more likely to succeed in mating.
  • Humberside Area Health Authority was to investigate the possibility of introducing fluoride into all water supplies in the county.
  • This study used the troponin T assay to investigate the frequency of unsuspected cardiac damage among patients presenting with an ischaemic stroke
  • This insulin hexamer corresponds with the unit cell in the rhombohedral crystals first investigated and is the asymmetric unit in the monoclinic form which appears in the presence of phenol. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • The displacement equation of a point on the disk cutter of a full-section rock tunneler has been created and its apPlication is investigated.
  • I thus set up an independent program to investigate chemical and spectroscopic properties of compounds of atmospheric importance, focusing on those that are unstable and difficult to handle in the laboratory, such as hypochlorous acid, chlorine nitrite, chlorine nitrate, peroxynitric acid, etc. Mario Molina - Autobiography
  • I though about how to get revenge on him for about a week, and investigated his background.
  • The aqueous-phase chemistry of deliquescent sea-salt aerosols in the remote marine boundary layer is investigated with a steady state box model.
  • Delayed photohemolysis of bovine red blood cells were investigated in this laboratory for sodium hypericin (HY-Na) and benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring A.
  • We heard a lot of shouting and went to investigate.
  • Even native, isolated pigment proteins like bacteriorhodopsin have been investigated for their applicability as optical switches.
  • The police had sealed off only part of the city centre while the bomb squad investigated.
  • Anyway the bogginess of the field had been remarked on before and I wasn't going over the wire to investigate further as it had been raining hard.
  • Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization(TDR) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine.
  • It is also appropriate to investigate for metastatic infection or distant sources of hematogenous dissemination of infection such as infected aneurysm, skin lesions, septic phlebitis, and osteomyelitis.
  • Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics, and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy.
  • The A allele was the dominant allele in the most domestic pig populations investigated, while the B allele was the dominant allele in Meis-han pigs, Wuzhishan pigs, Tibetan pigs and Rongehang pigs.
  • American troops spread out across the area yesterday to investigate what had happened and question witnesses.
  • If they do suspect some one or know some one fitting the description, speak to us in confidence and we will investigate it.
  • We are aware of the potential issue identified and are working proactively to investigate it.
  • Perhaps he smelt gas from his cell and when he came through to investigate he created a spark which ignited the trapped gas. CODE BREAKER
  • Police investigated the allegation but found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
  • The rheological properties of soy proteins were investigated respectively using a capillary rheometry and a Brabender torque rheometry.
  • Only in this way can opportunities for vertical integration and strategic cooperation between organisations be investigated.
  • the police investigated an incident at the bus station
  • The research aims to investigate the contribution to pupils' understanding and tolerance made by language teaching.
  • Back tomorrow once I'm fully recovered from the road trip to Stone Mountain, Georgia, the return part of which included six solid hours of heavy rain and the witnessing of a Georgia sheriff deputy hydroplane off the interstate as he sped by us to investigate a wreck up ahead. July 2008
  • The application of the homogenizer A78 in the tread compound of industrial tire was experimentally investigated.
  • The latest case of miscreance is his refusal to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the rendition of a Canadian man who was taken ast JFK from a flight to his home and instead sent to Syria where he was kept in prison and tortured for a year. OpEdNews - Diary: America Back on Track... for Friday, July 25th
  • ObjectiveTo investigate CT and MRI features of cryptical cerebral vascular malformations.
  • Recently, the layered cobalt oxides have been extensively investigated as a promising candidate for a thermoelectric material because of their excellent thermoelectric properties.
  • By developing suitable tests with embryonic stem cells as they differentiate to germ cells we can investigate the action of these chemicals in the laboratory.
  • To investigate this possibility, a simple system can be designed to generate drip trajectories where the degree of chaos can be tuned.
  • In this paper, authors have used relationship analysis to investigate relations between microclimatic factors and the yield of wheat interplanted under forests with different densities.
  • The end pressure loss of LLDPE melt in short die extrusion and factors affecting the pressure loss were investigated by using a capillary rheometer.
  • The offender, the Xinjiang Daily net will investigate its corresponding legal liability.
  • Manchester city council says it will investigate every beep - and says the police could be called in the last resort because it's illegal to toot unless it's an emergency.
  • Blair's Deputy PM to be investigated for corruptio... 07/09/2006
  • (SCC9) and immortalized prostate basaloid epithelial cells (iPrEC) were utilized to investigate the molecular pathways that mediate p63 function in epithelial cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Another issue is the recommendation of the board that investigated the 2003 disintegration of Columbia that NASA put the orbiters through an expensive "recertification" inspection if they were to fly past 2010. SplicedFeed
  • The girls investigated agriculture and the best practice to control the nitrate levels in the soil.
  • We investigate the adaptive value of cannibalism in this orb-web spider, where 60 percent of males do not survive copulation.
  • Joe Gentile of the Metropolitan Police Department said that police investigate diplomatic crime fully, and they do issue citations to diplomats.
  • You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.
  • They reportedthat clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate.
  • The changes of oxidant and anti-oxidant system of alveolar macrophage (AM ) of rats exposing to coal-quartz mixed dust were investigated in the developmental process of experimental anthracosilicosis.
  • Doctors failed to properly investigate a woman with a family history of heart disease who died within a year of showing classic symptoms of a heart condition, it was alleged yesterday.
  • The reluctance by our present government to investigate thoroughly and put closure on this matter is shameful.
  • The business owner is able to investigate, identify the cause of the problem, and take mitigating action.
  • (They know their references — one of the addresses they investigate is on Plissken Circle.) The Middleman: The Complete Series » DVDs Worth Watching
  • In fact, it sounded so good that it seemed as though someone with an ear for classical music was at the helm of this company and so we decided to investigate.
  • Scientists have begun to investigate and to identify some of the possible causes, which may differ from species to species.
  • The next phase of Fox's green plan, Cotter says, is to investigate ground-source heat pumps to replace the school's boilers, the thermostat for which, incidentally, is placed in the school's stairwell, one of the draughtiest spots in the building. Latest education news, including the university guide 2010, RAE results, higher and schools news, schools tables and further education |
  • Objective This subject sought to investigate the relationship of hepatic venous flow ( HVF ) and central venous pressure ( CVP ).
  • We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
  • Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of combined treatment of and western medicine on acute leukemia.
  • The bureau can obtain authority for wiretaps to investigate gun and explosives violations but not threats against its own agents.
  • Objective To investigate the mechanism of brain injury caused by thrombin and the intervention effect of hirudin and nimodipine.
  • I will investigate the links and come back with yet more half-baked questions, I imagine… cheers chaps!
  • Grieve suggests that brave good-faith have-a-go heroes will not face arrest, and then in disconcerting non sequitor that once arrested, investigated and passed to the CPS good intentions will be a factor in deciding what next. Con-Watch: Have-a-Go-Hero Dominic Grieve
  • The effect of long-termed social dancing on the health of the middle-age and aged women is investigated with experiment method and questionnaire investigation method.
  • ‘All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and dealt with without leniency,’ he said.
  • The prevention and treatment with the extracts on colibacillosis and pullorosis artificially infected in 1-day old chickens were also investigated.
  • ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of glucose and insulin on the synthesis and secretion of adrenomedullin (ADM) by rat aortas in vitro.
  • She said it was the very happiness and stability of her upbringing that spurred her to investigate her personal history.
  • She visited Ethiopia and East Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya) in 1970, mainly in the search for plants used as herbal medicines and foods, in order to investigate the role of hepatotoxic plants in liver disorders. Regina Schoental.
  • McGehee advocates the creation of an independent Office of Ethics Counsel to interpret the rules, investigate complaints and recommend sanctions.
  • A committee was appointed to investigate the question, and a legislative agitation was thus begun which was destained to last for many years and to produce a series of laws which have gradually taken most of the conditions of employment in large establishments under the control of the government. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • Objective To investigate the mental health of breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery and modified radical mastectomy respectively.
  • The Canadian Judicial Council has the power to establish seminars and investigate complaints.
  • The microstructural evolution of semisolid AZ 91 magnesium alloy by SIMA process was investigated.
  • We used cross-tabulations and rank correlation coefficients to investigate bivariate association.
  • A river mage is called upon to investigate the water ghosts seen in London and surmises that the Queen's rival, the fairy of the under-hill, is mounting an attack. REVIEW: Other Earths edited by Nick Gevers and Jay Lake
  • In the present study, we investigated the technical feasibility of using the nephelometer to measure breath-by-breath particle deposition and to monitor exposure environments in field studies.
  • In addition, the researchers investigated the relationship of suggestibility with social desirability, self-esteem, focus of control, and visual vividness of imagery in this situation.
  • Objective:To investigate the changes and clinical implication of plasma angiotensinogen (ATG) concentration in the patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction (ACI).
  • In fact the identity of these ‘planners’ is never sufficiently investigated.
  • An immediate independent inquiry must be established to investigate Robb's allegations.
  • To the non-theistic scientist, the objective universe is what it is, and the question of how it got that way is just one more thing to investigate.
  • The roles of protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP 2 in breast cancer(MCF 7) cell adhesion and migration were investigated.
  • Using a bioreactor, a device commonly used in laboratories on Earth but specially adapted for use in space, the team wants to investigate the factors that make human cells grow in three dimensions.
  • Objective To investigate the coagulation promoting mechanism of a new type of organism coagulation promoting tube with tissue thromboplastin extracted from rabbit brain.
  • Scattered across the asphalt like murderer's footprints, puddles of water turn bloody with sunset"), it vanishes when Stewart settles in to show us freelance detective Diane Fletcher using her ability as a "shaper" (someone who can read and experience the emotions of others) to help policeman Rolly French investigate the death of Jonathan Mask. AvaxHome RSS:
  • The composition and viscosity properties of biodegradable two gasoline engine oils were investigated.
  • Investigated the math graphic representation in junior high school first time.
  • Following an earlier argument for an apophatic approach to theologizing about judgment, this essay investigates some theological resources for imagining judgment.
  • It took nine months before enough information leaked out that council brought in a former judge to investigate the bidding.
  • Mutual allelopathy between Vallisneria spiralis Linn. and Microcystis aeruginosa was investigated through co-culture and separate culture, excluding the effects of bacteria and nutrient.
  • Method:215 schizophrenic patients with homicidal behaviors were investigated with self-developed criminological questionnaire and then the data were analyzed.
  • The distribution of singletons, doubletons (low frequency variants), and other (high frequency) variants among the continents was investigated.
  • The condition of fatigue periostitis of college track men from different university NanJing was investigated.
  • Objective : To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of hyperlipidemia in air force fighter pilots.
  • MHC genes are extensively investigated as candidate genes for disease resistance in many domestic animal species, which is a hot topic in molecule immunogenetics.
  • And finally, the theory and method of computing the SST of Chinese coastal water are investigated using spheric harmonic model. With the comparisons of the different methods, some us...
  • Objective To investigate the possibility of total hip replacement for ankylosed hip joint.
  • The research employed the methods of in-depth interview, literature studies, questionnaire to investigate the anxious level and coping style of the school leaver in Macao.
  • The list of things that a capital defense attorney must, in all situations and no matter what he thinks will actually be useful, investigate is getting longer and longer. The Volokh Conspiracy » Summary Reversal Watch in Jefferson v. Upton
  • Objective To investigate the application and the effect of stereotactic radiotherapy combined with conventional radiotherapy in the pineal germ-cell tumor.
  • Will violate the above enunciator, the Meizhou newspaper office will investigate its related legal liability.Sentencedict
  • Labor hygiene of a brown alundum grinding material workshop ofTaiyuan emery wheel factory was investigated.
  • To investigate allegations of offences against trading standards legislation.
  • Here we use in situ Raman spectroscopy and a new theoretical model to investigate the high-pressure behaviour of stishovite.
  • We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
  • BBC News with Mary Small. The United States Attorney General Eric Holder has picked a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged CIA mistreatment of terror suspects.
  • The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
  • In October Museveni announced the appointment of a commission to investigate ways of ending the rebellion in the east.
  • The bill would ensure nonjudicial majorities of members on the JCB, which is supposed to investigate complaints against judges, and on the Court of Judicial Discipline, which adjudicates cases forwarded by the JCB. Gas Drilling
  • This phylogenetic hypothesis had been held valid until it was recently reinvestigated.
  • Objective To investigate the Clinical significance and the changes of serum parathormone (PTH) in the platelet donors with long-term donation.
  • Objective To investigate the surgical treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis ( FAP ).
  • Toyota Motor spokesman Brian Lyons said the automaker is sending three of its own technicians to investigate. Brandy At Fault In Fatal December Car Crash
  • An official commission will investigate the case.
  • Objective To investigate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of high-power Potassium titanyl phosphate(KTP) laser vaporization of bladder neck for treatment of bladder outlet obstruction in women.
  • Consumer complaints will be investigated by a complaints officer, who will mediate between the consumer and the supplier to try and reach resolution.
  • It doesn't mean he can't, or shouldn't, be investigated for the totality of his behavior.
  • Objective:To investigate the interaction effect of parathyroid hormone(PTH) gene polymorphism with calcium intake on bone mass accretion in Chinese adolescent girls.
  • Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
  • The subtle interactions between magnetohydrodynamics and high-frequency plasma waves involving transverse and longitudinal modes are investigated.
  • Work by Kelly Gorman, an American mixed media artist who investigates issues of gender, race and cultural stereotype through visual disciplines such as photomontage and sculpture WalesOnline - Home
  • Mdladla said about 15 cases of police misconducted had been investigated in the province by the ICD and some had been referred to KwaZulu-Natal Attorney-General Tim McNally for prosecution. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Objective To investigate the coagulation promoting mechanism of a new type of organism coagulation promoting tube with tissue thromboplastin extracted from rabbit brain.
  • The validity of this assumption was investigated by Podolry.
  • In 1967, a parliamentary commissioner was established to investigate complaints passed on by Members of Parliament about maladministration in government departments.
  • Thus together they amount to a concerted attempt to investigate whether or not any form of vertical behaviour is to be allowed.
  • Fermat also investigated maxima and minima by considering when the tangent to the curve was parallel to the x-axis.
  • When I came to investigate the validity of these predictions, as I did shortly after the introduction of antipyrin, phenacetin, and the other members of the same group of compounds, I found my predictions verified, and, indeed, exceeded. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • To select 12 coals with different coal rank were investigated experimentally, according to their metamorphosing extents, oxygen contents, ash yields and coal granularities.
  • Mercury Energy says it regrets what it calls the tragic circumstances surrounding the death and will investigate further. CNN Transcript May 30, 2007
  • Perhaps it was telepathy or telekinesis or one of those strange things they investigated at Duke University in 1946. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • He has often been accused of collaboration, though he was investigated and officially cleared after the war.
  • The second is that if these problems arose, the companies activated a response plan to halt the suspected violation immediately, to investigate the circumstances thoroughly and in an unbiased manner and to penalize guilty perpetrators according to preestablished guidelines. How Companies Should Handle Office Romance
  • The United States is seeking an ironclad guarantee that no US national will ever be investigated or prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.
  • (Last night on TV, they mentioned that the Maharashtra state government has gotten complaints that the film is promoting "ragging" - hazing of incoming freshmen as depicted in the movie - and will investigate. 3 Idiots: Bollywood blockbuster is equal parts cautionary tale, maker manifesto, portrait of India Boing Boing
  • The lengthy detention of scores of people without trial as well as hundreds of cases of torture and forced confessions on sedition charges could also be investigated.
  • Police, travelling in the northbound lane noticed the fight and went to investigate.
  • Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of the autologous serum skin test ( ASST ) in chronic idiopathic ur ticaria ( CIU ).
  • Reports that Scotland Yard are also to investigate Mr Brown with regard to a charge of 'Impersonating a Competent Politician', and the lesser charge of 'Impersonating a Human Being' remain unconfirmed. Gordon Brown in Further Financial Scandal
  • Shouldn't one of the parliament's committees investigate this total waste of money?
  • The phenomena of progressive failure leading to collapse in mined - out area were numerically investigated.
  • First, let me point out that the Detroit Free Press and other mainstream corporate media outlets did not bother to investigate this potential problem; they "mooched" off this particular online news outlet (which you refer to as a blog) and merely counter-reported the same story, leading with the rebuttal by the Republican Party. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Objective:To investigate the testicular blood flow in patients with testicular microlithiasis(TM)and its correlation with the seminal profile in infertile men.
  • Just let some of my friends from the police department come here and investigate. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • After that we investigate the relation of Investigation Department' Performance Evaluation Mechanism and Confession by Torture not only from history to reality but from possibility to necessity.
  • We have now investigated the selection pressures acting on tail morphology in a variety of hirundine species, and obtained highly consistent results.

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