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How To Use Inverted In A Sentence

  • In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits. This week's new exhibitions
  • It is an inverted fable, filled with "animalized" humans. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Press the pleats with the stitching centred over the tapes to form two inverted pleats on the right side of the blind. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Anyway, today we made a pistachio dacquoise (remember that a dacquoise is a meringue--whipped egg whites--with sugar and nut flour(s) folded into it), an apricot-passion-fruit gelee, some apricot glaze, two sablee dough shells (we didn't get to do those, as the only sablee dough left was too soft to work with, so we'll do it tomorrow), and each of us made an inverted puff pastry recipe and put four turns in the dough. Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
  • Sick prisoners in the camp were 'cared for', in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.
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  • In vital activity we see, then, that which subsists of the direct movement in the inverted movement, _a reality which is making itself in a reality which is unmaking itself_. Evolution créatrice. English
  • The opening at one end of the shrine is closed not by the paneled doors characteristic of temples but by a pair of low gates carved to represent wickerwork and surmounted by a row of inverted dentils.
  • But these tedious arguments have more to do with inverted snobbery than progressive values. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of the poetic device hyperbaton, or inverted word order, is a form of repetition that sets the mood for the rest of the section.
  • The DNA transposons resemble typical bacterial transposons, they have terminal inverted repeats which enclose the transposase gene.
  • Because it is hidden in a valley, the first time you see this inverted roller coaster ride properly is when you are about to join the queue. The Sun
  • The Bible tells us there is such a thing as the mystery of iniquity, that is to say, the mystery of the spiritual power used invertedly, used from the diabolical standpoint; and when the Bible speaks of the mystery of iniquity, it means what it says. The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
  • Sick prisoners in the camp were 'cared for', in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.
  • Balloon blind A shade or blind with deep inverted pleats which create a billowing balloon-like effect.
  • The repartitions of spacer size for direct and inverted repeats reveal that CDRs are overrepresented as compared with close inverted repeats.
  • It even sponsored theatricals, and Wilson not only directed two but, incredibly, also performed in a cross-dressing role as Tom Carberry in The Spirit of 76 -- a highly popular farce of this time, exploring what might happen if gender roles were completely inverted. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • It is a sadly inverted and trivialized world in which all that is unimportant becomes important and all that is important becomes unimportant.
  • I do hope that was safely ensconced in inverted commas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being a very feminine line, rounded shapes, inverted pleats, fringes, deconstructed cuts and chunky buttons feature in the collection.
  • Byrne does hew to the representationalist's line of supervenience (no phenomenal difference without an intentional difference), but if his argument does not rule out mental paint, an anti-representationalist may construct inversion cases such as that of Block's (1990) "Inverted Earth" (see Section 4.4 below), and argue that the paint is a nonfunctional intrinsic mental feature of the experience given in introspection, which is close enough to a "quale" in Block's special sense, even if the feature does happen to be reflexively represented by the experience itself. Representational Theories of Consciousness
  • She taps on the desk with an inverted pencil and clears her throat.
  • They are history interpreted retrospectively, reversed and inverted - my point being that history neither begins in nor relinquishes myth.
  • Exercises such as flat and incline bench press, leg press, squats, shoulder presses, rows, inverted rows and lat pulldowns should be used by ectomorphs to gain strength.
  • Thus, we see that the carry-in bit is an inverted borrow-in bit. Babbage-Boole Digital Arithmetical and Logical Mill: Part 1 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • So far there are no inverted pyramids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds like my similar experience with an equally voracious eater with a tight frenulum and one inverted nipple (me). The Boobityville Horror | Her Bad Mother
  • The only other markings besides gang tags and general vandalism were some more recent satanic markings, pentagrams, and inverted crosses.
  • In contrast, the Catholic doctrine of suffering, like the Beatitudes, inverted the oppressive world of nature: the lowly were raised up and the mighty cast down.
  • The Turian camisk is a bit like an inverted "T, " the bar of which has beveled edges. Guardsman Of Gor
  • The core module of search engines, namely indexer, is usually based on inverted file.
  • That drearily prevalent, invertedly snobbish contempt for articulacy? To speak another language isn't just cultured, it's a blow against stupidity
  • Obvious growth in the closed branch as well as in the bulb or in the inverted gas tube as well as in the bulk of the medium will indicate that it is a facultative anaerobe; whilst growth only occurring in the bulb or in the closed branch shows that it is an obligate aerobe or anaerobe respectively. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • All were of inverted crosses, pentacles and other strange symbols.
  • The abyss: Dante's hell is formed in the shape of an inverted cone whose point is at the center of the earth, which is the furthest place from God who is in the heavens.
  • At any rate, we were off early, the weather was perfect, and the sky was an inverted tureen of lazulite blue. The Prairie Child
  • A pyramid is not a Platonic solid because not all the sides are the same, but by sticking an inverted pyramid on the bottom you get an octahedron, which is. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • This month we've got inverted pleats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ahead, the landing consisted of trampled soil, and perhaps ten canoes had already been beached and inverted to keep rain from pooling inside. Fire The Sky
  • Jensen would fly the craft inverted into a strong headwind, resulting in a negative ground speed.
  • In one of the untitled drawings, a characteristically inverted robed figure, skirts ornamented with ink arabesques, topped with a hat, recalls the painted fables of Chagall.
  • Shrugging these lofty analogies a bunch of students compared the roof to an inverted computer.
  • Early in the project, when asked by journalists, I simply spieled off theories of excarnation and an inverted underworld.
  • The biplane came to rest inverted after the right wing dragged the ground during the attempted off-airport emergency landing.
  • A New Dictionary of Music by Arthur Jacobs says: "These two [ornaments] are sometimes called respectively inverted mordent and just mordent; and in German Mordent means only the second, the first being called Pralltriller. Mordents & Pralltrillers
  • When society is inverted and destabilized, one cannot be certain that order will be restored.
  • To form the inverted pleats, lay the fabric flat, right side up. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Sun's Cradle was an old chain of rocky, copper alps, two of which towered over the rest like protruding inverted fangs.
  • I knew if we continued to roll until we were inverted, our situation would become dire.
  • He criticized Bevin for lack of imagination - surely an inverted compliment given its implication of positive contributions in the past.
  • Again, the preference is at least in part metrical: personal pronouns are normally unaccented, so that the uninverted pattern has an alternating accent pattern on its constituents.
  • We savour it,not sadistically, but becauseit represents the ultimateescapism: seeing the rules and restrictionsof our own society wrecked, inverted andremoved. 2008 July 04 « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • The trefid pattern tea spoons are mostly inverted and we see no indication of any spoon tray, or silver sugar longs, for the page is using his fingers to dispense the lumps of sugar.
  • Flexible container including self-sealing dispensing valve to provide automatic shut-off and leak resistant inverted storage
  • Further, the products of crossovers between inverted repeats may lead to dicentric and acentric chromosomes that often cannot be transmitted to the next generation.
  • With increasing quantiles, the quadratic coefficient became more negative, implying increased concavity of the inverted parabolic function.
  • It had been known for some time that a crossover within the inverted segment in plants that are heterozygous for an inversion in one arm of a chromosome would result in a dicentric chromosome, and also an acentric fragment composed of all the chromatin from the distal breakpoint of the inversion to the end of the arm. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • The designs on the lower part of the structure are somewhat formal, but the upper part is a free-form mix of geodes, dripstone, and what appear to be inverted stalactites.
  • * But without word-for-word exactitude; hence the absence of inverted commas. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Here's all the snobbery and inverted snobbery you can think of. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The so-called cinerary urns are large vessels which have been usually discovered containing human bones; they have often been found inverted over cremated remains. The Bronze Age in Ireland
  • New is in inverted commas because its platform, engine and gearbox can all be traced directly back to the original DB9 launched a decade ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roof is essentially inverted or turned upside down compared to the standard roofing.
  • Sharp points like inverted ice cream cones pushed out of her white mohair sweater.
  • To some, this indicated a fickleness, a shallowness, an inverted snobbery, an unseemly arrested development.
  • This is a red and black buffalo plaid miniskirt with what they call flirty inverted pleats and a black scalloped lace hem. Family Storms
  • That is, the tank is split into two volumes joined by an inverted ‘U’ that clears the exhaust system or driveline.
  • Comb - like breakwater and rubble mound breakwater with pressure - relieving inverted - L breast wall are innovations of breakwater structures.
  • Trees are sheared to the shape of an inverted ice cream cone with a wide base and a uniform taper to the tip of the tree.
  • After a spiky fugue the Passacaglia theme is also inverted.
  • It even sponsored theatricals, and Wilson not only directed two but, incredibly, also performed in a cross-dressing role as Tom Carberry in The Spirit of 76 -- a highly popular farce of this time, exploring what might happen if gender roles were completely inverted. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • Unless the crew had the presence of mind to close both throttles at the instant of autorotation, an asymmetric thrust condition would have made an inverted spin even more unstable.
  • An inverted glass is symbolic of the fact that those missing are unable to raise their glasses in a toast.
  • Both in the description of her dead children and in her charms, images of procreation are inverted: dried beans and seeds, the dried entrails of a rat, an unhatched egg with a chick inside, and a poisonous snake left to rot and dry in the sun.
  • Following the line of the inverted roof hips, they support its outer corners to the east.
  • It is obvious that, in their hunger for the immediate, astonishing and ugly, her square photographs wildly inverted the polished, denaturalized forms prized by the industry she had worked in with her husband.
  • Alternatively the violation can be inverted; like a black comedy, or the assertion of a stark revenge or retribution.
  • Other details of Time's style, including strung-out attributive adjectives (bahuvrihi, to linguists), puns (paronomasia), and inverted word order (anastrophe) are also described in the Introduction, which one could only wish were more detailed. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1
  • A row of inverted catenaries is the kind of surface on which you ride a bicycle vehicle with square wheels. Archive 2007-06-01
  • A eudiometer tube is filled with mercury and inverted in a vessel of the same liquid. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • It was that old newspaper trick of using single inverted commas, safe in the knowledge that most readers wouldn't know this meant it was a paraphrase.
  • 'Lonely' in inverted comma because i made myself feel that way. Pantsbomber psyche laid bare in messageboard archives (corrected) Boing Boing
  • Being a very feminine line, rounded shapes, inverted pleats, fringes, deconstructed cuts and chunky buttons feature in the collection.
  • He's also said to have created the Baphomet sigil, based on the inverted pentagram.
  • There are several variations of this rainwear classic, for men and for women, including those with an inverted back pleat. Finding the Right Raincoat
  • There's no health risk in having an inverted nipple.
  • We inverted the algorithm to generate afterpulse-modified histograms from ideal histograms.
  • The front sight is an inverted ‘V’ dovetailed into an integral base at the muzzle and is adjustable for windage.
  • The suspended person is not allowed to be inverted (head below horizontal) or to rotate on the dismount.
  • Released from his pressure, the table flew up upon two legs with remarkable swiftness, and then turned over upon Mr. DIBBLE.and Mr.E. DROOD; bringing the two latter and their chairs to the floor under a shower of plates and crackers, and resting invertedly upon their prostrate forms, like some species of four-pillared monumental temple without a roof. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870
  • However curious it may seem for an oil-ship to be borrowing oil on the whale-ground, and however much it may invertedly contradict the old proverb about carrying coals to Newcastle, yet sometimes such a thing really happens; and in the present case Captain Derick Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Note the inverted hearts, the tree, the anchor, and the sand glass or hourglass.
  • In my last post on the subject, I admitted that I could accept subject-drop in a noninverted declarative, but not in a noninverted interrogative.
  • They have two inverted pleats at each side, folded over a row of Austrian blind tape. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • That egged us on; we became festival promoters, in inverted commas. My greatest mistake: Pete Lawrence
  • Its frame of coconut trees on either side, a title at the top and denomination at the base, is inverted, making it a highly prized specimen.
  • He is a presenter whose entire oeuvre comes with the invisible inverted commas of self-ordained irony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now fit the whole pipe, bowl inverted, on to the under one, luting the edges of both well with clay. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • It is well preserved, especially in that it has an intact finial which consists of an inverted bowl, a wheel and a bijou on a bronze staff, resembling those of Tibetan style pagodas found in Yuan, China.
  • This labouring together month upon month may lend testimony to the ethos of messianic intensity (albeit inverted backwards) oozing from ‘Taming of the Wasps’.
  • His skin blackens until it begins to feel away, turning to dust, leaving just the burned black bone underneath, the inverted pentagram burning red on the skull.
  • Short stories whose characters had turned to wood, essays which had refused to come to a point, poems in which laboured craftsmanship had numbed and weakened the original impact of beauty – all these presented themselves to my inverted brain in their finished form, masterly, unsmutched and point-device. Try Anything Twice
  • It is pretty certain, however, that nitrogen is set free, for if gelatine imbued with primuline be immersed in water after insulation, nitrogen is set free and can be collected as usual in a tub filled with water and inverted on the substance. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • For this reason it is not often possible to achieve a reduction in space requirement by using an inverted file.
  • I put the word in inverted commas to highlight a mystique about parenthood.
  • The advanced AGM technology also makes these batteries non-spillable under normal operating conditions and capable of being installed in almost any orientation (inverted not recommended). News
  • The form of this glass is characterized by an inverted perfect squat cone with ornamental glasswork where the cone meets the stem and the stem meets the base.
  • A clod of earth flew upwards, as if gravity had been inverted.
  • Some are flipped, inverted, and just plain dyslexic.
  • Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.
  • Inverted retina" is part of visual system that works very well in humans and birds, so on what basis does Johnson call this "bad design". Critic in the Matrix
  • The chyle, which is seen among the materials thrown up by violent vomiting, or in purging stools, can only come thither by its having been poured into the bowels by the inverted motions of the lacteals: for our aliment is not converted into chyle in the stomach or intestines by a chemical process, but is made in the very mouths of the lacteals; or in the mesenteric glands; in the same manner as other secreted fluids are made by an animal process in their adapted glands. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The cortical area is clearly defined from the inverted conical or pyramid-shaped medulla.
  • Made of lightweight rip-proof nylon, the sturdy design is claimed to be resistant to strong winds, but can be easily righted if inverted.
  • Because he had come down at Ilitu's head, he saw the face inverted, a chiaroscuro behind the hyalon, lights and shadows aflicker as his lamps moved. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • Suspended by a network of tensile wires from a central mast, this inverted catenary roof consists of five planes moored to two smaller secondary masts at each end.
  • Its stout ribs, curving outwards and downwards from this magnificent balk, supported the carvel-built roof, so that the upper half of the building appeared -- and indeed was -- a large inverted hull, decorated with dormer windows, brick chimneys, and a round pigeon-house surmounted by a gilded vane. Wandering Heath
  • A Camera Obscura is when an inverted image is created by rays of light passing through a pinhole into a dark space.
  • Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.
  • Far down the inverted telescope he saw the faint white figure of May Welland-in New York.
  • They have two inverted pleats at each side, folded over a row of Austrian blind tape. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • It recalls invertedly, perhaps, the end of The Third Man, which is a similarly lenghty shot & poignant idea of parting & leaving. newsfeed
  • BARJOT is invariable since it's already a verlan (inverted syllables) - So, ladies & gentlemen, you all may be BARJO!!! nadine Barjot - French Word-A-Day
  • The points are found, explains Sara, by imagining a baby in an inverted foetal position, with the earlobe representing the head, the concha the internal organs and so on.
  • An inverted cycloid is the brachistochrone, that is the curve between two points in a vertical plane, along which a bead needs the shortest time to travel.
  • B Fashionable trousers with inverted front pleats, belt loops and turn-ups.
  • These small copper alloy balances had an inverted T-shaped beam supported from its centre by a suspension arm.
  • Where have all the inverted commas gone? Times, Sunday Times
  • One scribe will probably make something like an inverted cornucopia, or wiredrawn extinguisher; and one will cross it with a dash, and another with a loop; while another will make Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
  • When your team is behind late in the game, ball players turn their hats inside out and balance a baseball on the inverted bill of the cap.
  • As by stimulating one branch of lymphatics into inverted motion, another branch is liable to absorb its fluid more hastily; suppose strong errhines, as common tobacco snuff to children, or one grain of turpeth mineral, (Hydrargyrus vitriolatus), mixed with ten or fifteen grains of sugar, was gradually blown up the nostrils? Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • I see no objection to its being old," the Princess answered dryly, "but whatever else it is it's not euphonious," she went on, isolating the word euphonious as though between inverted commas, a little affectation to which the Guermantes set were addicted. Swann's Way
  • So far there are no inverted pyramids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have ready 3 clean inverted small tumblers with smooth, round bottoms; custard cups; or a teacup with a very small handle.
  • Lieutenant "Cush" Jones determined to run the gauntlet for escape, and as he darted away the point of his scabbard struck a stone, and throwing it inverted above his head, lost out his handsome sword. The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson
  • The results showed that heavy metal appeared inverted "W" on longitudinal distribution characteristics in the trunk stream .
  • An underpowered helicopter will rapidly decelerate as soon as you apply any control input and the model will come to a dead stop-probably inverted.
  • Our freestyle pilots eagerly accepted the extra airtime and continued to slice up the sky with their inventive inverted flight maneuvers.
  • Recent experiments suggest that sulphuring an inverted barrel but not bunging up results in a much lower level of volatile acids since bunging up creates a humid environment, ideal for the growth of bacteria.
  • Empedocles, the matrix of the mule is so small, so depressed, so narrow, so invertedly growing to the belly, that the sperm cannot be regularly ejaculated into it, and if it could, there would be no capacity to receive it. Essays and Miscellanies
  • He has inverted the traditional precepts governing the photographic image, demonstrating the value of visual contradiction.
  • The banking system remains as unreconstructed as before the crisis, and still teeters on an inverted pyramid of financial derivatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spt6-140 mutation alters transcription and chromatin in our inverted repeats, as determined by Northern and micrococcal nuclease sensitivity analyses, respectively.
  • There is no value in inverted snobbery in Tehran today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Immediately, she began to roam, examining the stalactites that hung from the ceiling, still forming, still dripping with water, each drop leaving a minute quantity of calcium which would harden and lithify, gradually growing the inverted steeple of mineral deposits longer and longer. Mosaic
  • The roof is an inverted gable, a reference to all the gabled houses in the neighborhood.
  • In my last post on the subject, I admitted that I could accept subject-drop in a noninverted declarative, but not in a noninverted interrogative.
  • What an amoralist expresses when she makes a moral claim that she is disinclined to honor involves using the moral predicate in an “inverted commas sense” ” a sense which alludes to the value judgments of others without itself expressing such a judgment (Hare 1952, 145 “ 6). Boys in White Suits
  • To form the inverted pleats, lay the fabric flat, right side up. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Stratigraphic relationships show that the Mata nappe follows a recumbent fold structure characterized by a normal and an inverted fold limb.
  • The template rule itself is inverted (compiled into a co-routine, in the sense of Jackson Structured Programming): that is, the compiled code does not issue a subroutine call in response to an apply-template instruction (or other instructions that recurse down the tree, like xsl: copy-of and xsl: value-of); instead, it saves its state on an application stack, and yields control to its caller (the StreamingDespatcher), being called again to finish its work when the SAX parser notifies the matching end tag. Planet XML
  • This fusion event pinches off the water sheets, trapping the water in cylindrical pores, which are the hallmark of inverted phases.
  • I use inverted commas advisedly, because there is nothing less real than a TV reality show.
  • It is unjustified arrogance and inverted elitism to think otherwise.
  • Now bring the ball closer to your hands by bending at the waist until you achieve an inverted pike position.
  • For book titles, phrases et cetera, put the words in double inverted commas, as with other Google searches.
  • Judge, then, the wicked zest with which the Highlander's crew now shuffled and dealt the pack; and how the interest curiously and invertedly increased, as the stakes necessarily became less and less; and finally resolved themselves into "chaws. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • The airplane impacted a swampy area inverted, abeam of the departure end of Runway 20 and about 120 south of the runway.
  • For this reason it is not often possible to achieve a reduction in space requirement by using an inverted file.
  • BARJOT is invariable since it's already a verlan inverted syllables- So, ladies & gentlemen, you all may be BARJO ! Barjot - French Word-A-Day
  • The strokes swum on the back include back stroke or back crawl, elementary backstroke, inverted breaststroke, inverted butterfly, back double trudgen, flutter back finning and feet first swimming.
  • He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
  • V. iii.22 (518,6) my way of life/Is fall'n into the sear] As there is no relation between the _way of life_, and _fallen into the sear_, I am inclined to think that the W is only an M inverted, and that it was originally written, Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • The results suggest that long inverted repeats can form hairpins or cruciforms when they are located within a region of the helix backbone that is intrinsically curved, leading to large mobility anomalies in polyacrylamide gels.
  • The sub-woofer is an inverted glass dome, and a fresnel lens from a rail-car. Boing Boing: August 28, 2005 - September 3, 2005 Archives
  • Halperin wants to make Greek paederasty an inverted form of our inversion: paederasty makes Greek men more manly. The Uses and Abuses of Historicism: Halperin and Shelley on the Otherness of Ancient Greek Sexuality
  • Alternatively, the aerosol container may be inverted allowing direct access to the propellant via the dip tube.
  • These discourses were commonly of great length; twice, or sometimes thrice, the pulpit hour-glass was silently inverted while the orator pursued his theme even unto "fourteenthly. Initial Studies in American Letters
  • The transmitter attaches to your camera, A snoot is a cone-shaped device that looks like an inverted funnel. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The condition of inverted nipples occurs in about two percent of women.
  • The most classic yardang shape is that of the inverted boat hull; each of these streamlined hills provides a near-textbook example.
  • As a speccy lankey streak of p*ss is it ok for other speccy lankey streaks of p*ss to call me that or should I be offended as it is both disableism inverted obesityism? on January 30, 2009 at 9: 05 am | Reply R/T If It Looks Crazy And It Sounds Crazy………….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Typically, plates are inverted during incubation to prevent condensation droplets from falling onto the surface of the agar.
  • He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
  • Passing an altitude of 6000 feet the aircraft again commenced a series of uncontrolled aileron rolls, and then stabilized in the inverted position descending in a 10-15 degree dive. Estocin, Michael J.
  • Wingtips have an inverted "W" as the toecap, like with the Paul Smith "Stanley". What the well-dressed foot is wearing
  • Inverted repeats are marked with a solid line arrow and stemloops are marked with a dashed line arrow.
  • Where have all the inverted commas gone? Times, Sunday Times
  • The following are the embellishments most commonly found: Trill (or shake), mordent, inverted mordent (or prall trill), turn (gruppetto), inverted turn, appoggiatura and acciaccatura. Music Notation and Terminology
  • His head was covered with a scarlet cap, faced with fur -- - of that kind which the French call mortier, from its resemblance to the shape of an inverted mortar. Ivanhoe. A Romance
  • The strange characteristic about an inverted spin, according to one pilot, is that yaw is opposite to roll and can be quite disorienting.
  • The social worker is at the sharp end of an inverted pyramid of pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 the title inverted the last two digits of 1948, the year when it was published, he imagined a world divided into three despotic superstates—Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia—permanently at war with one another. The Great Experiment
  • Among its wealth of neoclassical details are the legs in the shape of inverted obelisks, the torsos of draped and winged caryatids and atlantes, and the allegorical figure (possibly Summer).
  • Britain's political system increasingly resembles an inverted pyramid, with a large elite supported by a tiny base. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strata deposited at various times about their flanks have been infolded by later crumplings with the original mountain mass, and have been repeatedly crushed, inverted, faulted, intruded with igneous rocks, and denuded. The Elements of Geology
  • I as if see the level of the lake two person's happy inverted images.
  • ��Bob Smith�� puts the words ��indigenous�� in inverted commas, but the British Establishment supports the rights of plenty of other indigenous people without the need to use inverted commas. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The outer casing's inverted curve is skillfully worked into the afterdecks to round off the ship's hindquarters in a flattering tribute to the lamented cruiser sterns of yesteryear.
  • The social worker is at the sharp end of an inverted pyramid of pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the pink inverted triangles on the sides of the table could also be seen as pieces of suspended cloth. Times, Sunday Times
  • That drearily prevalent, invertedly snobbish contempt for articulacy? To speak another language isn't just cultured, it's a blow against stupidity
  • Inverters can reduce overall crosstalk by counteracting the effects of switching, as long as the victim trace runs alongside both the native signal and its inverted form.
  • He is now reviving the and says that it is time for the to end its inverted snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.
  • It is probable, that when mild emetics are given, as ipecacuanha, or antimonium tartarizatum, or infusion of chamomile, they are rejected by an inverted motion of the stomach and oesophagus in consequence of disagreeable sensation, as dust is excluded from the eye; and these actions having by previous habit been found effectual, and that hence there is no exhaustion of the sensorial power of irritation. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Soon it becomes clear that the task of digging the pit is unending — almost by definition, since it must accommodate the whole (no pun intended) of the future: the pit is a inverted tower of A Different Stripe:
  • Also, the path shape may change within the range of time scales used in the study; this will appear as a U- or inverted U-shaped pattern in a plot of residuals vs. expected values.
  • The only visible sun seemed to be divided into two halves of orange, like an inverted hyperbola.
  • In this inverted Field of Dreams, if you unbuild it, they (the developers) will come. Scott Page: Welcome to the 2016 Chicago Summer Olympic Games
  • His head was covered with a scarlet cap, faced with fur — of that kind which the French call “mortier”, from its resemblance to the shape of an inverted mortar. Ivanhoe

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